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It Adds Up for Mary [Hardwick Bay 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Morgan Henry

  Logan smiled back. Derek had been pretty concerned about the little girl. He had seen her yesterday and realized the condition affecting her eye was critical and she needed surgery right away. He had spent a lot of time arranging an immediate consult with an ophthalmologic surgeon and helping the mom arrange transport for her and her two-year-old to London.

  Logan was pretty proud of his big brother.

  “Good job. What was the problem again?”

  “Congenital glaucoma. If not treated, she would have gone blind. I’m so glad her mom brought her in so quickly.”

  “Well, now you can enjoy the evening without worrying,” Logan pointed out to his brother. Derek did tend to obsess a little over his patients.

  Derek tilted his head and gave Logan a smile that said, “Yeah, I get your point.”

  “Okay. So what was Mary wearing?”

  “Nice dress with golds and reds. Short but tasteful and a V-neck that shows her cleavage just a bit. She didn’t have any shoes on, but I’m hoping for stilettos,” Logan answered as he quickly dressed. “I’m ready.”

  Derek knocked lightly on the bathroom door. “You ready, Mary?”

  “Yes,” she opened the door. “I just need to put on my necklace.”

  “Here,” offered Logan. He stepped behind her and held up his hands for Mary to hand him the ends of her necklace. He tried to smile as though he was being gallant, but he knew he just wanted to touch her.

  With a wary look, Mary allowed him to fasten the chain.

  “You look amazing,” Derek complimented her.

  She did. Logan took the opportunity to look at her in the mirror as he stood behind her. The dress flattered her, and the necklace with its chunky stones looked exactly right with the outfit. Her thick black hair was done in some sort of bun thing in the back that looked more complicated and elegant than most hair had the right to. A few tendrils had escaped and curled down her neck.

  She had put on some makeup, and it made her brown eyes look even larger and prettier than usual. Her lips were shiny with a muted pink tone and whatever was on there made him want to kiss them.

  “We should head downstairs,” Mary observed. “Hanna texted me, and they should be here shortly.”

  They headed out to the back patio. Logan noted that Mary had indeed put on stilettos, which made her legs look even more enticing than usual.

  They heard the crunch of tires in the drive, and Mary motioned to all the guests to be silent. Allan and Zander led a blindfolded Karen back to the raised part of the patio in front of the guests.

  Logan watched the scene unfold in front of him in silence with the rest of the guests.

  “Okay, take your blindfold off now.” At Zander’s words, Karen’s hands flew to the scarf, and she snatched it off.

  With her mouth hanging open, Karen’s wide eyes flicked around the space they’d spent all afternoon decorating. “What?” was all she could come out with.

  “Karen, we love you and wanted your wedding to be special, not just a few words in the town office,” began Allan.

  “And we also knew you didn’t want a huge fuss or to have to plan a big gathering, so we thought we would do it for you,” continued Zander.

  “So, will you do us the honor of becoming our wife?” Allan asked.

  “Right now, tonight?” added Zander.

  “This is our wedding?” whispered Karen in wonder.

  “Yes, if you’ll agree,” said Zander.

  “Please, sweetness, agree,” pleaded Allan.


  Zander leapt to his feet. “She said yes!” he shouted enthusiastically to the crowd.

  As they cheered, Allan put the pendant that was her engagement “ring” around her neck. She hugged him fiercely, and then Zander gave her a wicked kiss before handing her off to Mary, who hauled her upstairs to get changed for the ceremony.

  Chapter 8

  Mary watched the guests enjoy themselves at her sister’s wedding. The ceremony had been beautiful and threaded with happiness and laughter. Karen was now legally wed to one of her men and bound by her heart to the other. At Allan and Zander’s wishes the Justice of the Peace who performed the ceremony kept it secret who Karen was legally bound to, so to all those who attended it was as though she was equally married to both. She said the vows required by law to both and only the paperwork would tell who the “legal” groom was.

  She stood on the patio near one of the propane heaters looking into the canopied area where couples and trios were dancing, drinking wine, and enjoying the buffet of finger foods. The hundreds of twinkling lights and candles made for a beautifully romantic setting. Karen had been so happy to have exquisite yet informal nuptials.

  Her sister and her two husbands had retired for the night and would take off in the morning for a short honeymoon.

  Mary was glad for the black shawl against the nippy October evening. There would be a heavy frost on the ground tomorrow morning, she was sure.

  Allan’s parents and sister approached her.

  “We’re heading back to the B and B now,” Allan’s mom informed her. “It was lovely to meet you. I hope we’ll see you at Christmas.”

  “I hope so too,” Mary returned warmly. They made their hugs goodbye, promising to keep in touch.

  They were the only family that attended the wedding. Zander had no idea where his parents were, and obviously, Mary and Karen’s parents hadn’t shown up.

  “You look amazing.” The smooth tenor voice that wrapped itself around her came from Derek Murray.

  Mary gave a little laugh. “Just because you’re a smooth talker and Karen’s going away doesn’t mean I’ll give you the key to the ice cream freezer.”

  His strong arm slipped around her waist, and when he spoke, she could feel his breath on her neck. “I’m not interested in ice cream right now.”

  Mary was sorely tempted. Derek and his brother, Logan, were two very handsome men. And because she was in Hardwick Bay, the kinky capital of Ontario, they were a package deal.

  “The chocolate cooler then.” She wasn’t going to make it easy for them.

  “He’s more of a jelly bean kind of guy. He also likes the sherbet lemons and limes, in case you wanted to know,” Logan informed her in his slightly deeper voice. Mary watched him walk up the couple of stairs to where she was standing. There were little wrinkles of laughter at the corners of his pale blue eyes. Mary knew without looking around that Derek’s eyes were exactly the same blue.

  They had certainly cleaned up well for the wedding. Earlier in the day, the two had been in jeans and T-shirts like everyone else setting up.

  Logan had on crisply creased black pants and shoes with a white shirt and black vest. The vest had a swirly black-on-black pattern. His tie was an abstract black and gray.

  Mary didn’t have to turn around to know what Derek was wearing. He, too, had on black dress pants, but he had on a shirt striped with purple and a tie to match.

  “Well, regardless, you’ll have to stop by during business hours like anyone else. Though I think there’s some jelly beans on the buffet.” Mary tried not to let the warm presence of Derek’s body against her affect her voice.

  Both men chuckled. Logan had come to stand in front of her. She definitely wasn’t chilly now, and the propane heater had nothing to do with it.

  “Dance with us, Mary.” Derek’s warm breath ghosted over the nape of her neck and made her shiver.

  Mary couldn’t think of a witty reply.

  She had flirted with Derek and Logan a little when they were helping to clean and repair her sister’s shop. She hadn’t intended it to go anywhere, and she thought she had made it plain that she wasn’t looking for a relationship.

  Derek began to sway to the beat of the music. Mary had to follow along, as she was pressed against him by that arm around her middle.

  “I really should—”

  “Dance with us,” finished Logan.

  Oh, what could it hurt to dance?

>   “Okay,” she answered.

  The three moved onto the dance floor as a new song started. It was a slow ballad, and the two men caged her as they moved to the beat and the woman sang of lost love.

  No one spoke.

  Mary had one hand on Logan’s shoulder and the other overtop of Derek’s hand. Their bodies brushed randomly against hers. The fabric of her dress should have felt soft against her skin, but instead, it was a barrier that her traitorous body wanted to be rid of, as though she were wearing sandpaper.

  It was much better on her neck where Logan’s lips brushed against her collarbone when he tilted his head down and Derek’s cheek roughed hers with his stubble. She could feel them smile as they felt her shiver, damn it.

  Their cologne insinuated itself into her nostrils, slowly and gently, as though it, too, was bent on seduction. The men wore slightly different scents, or maybe they were the same but just smelled a little different on each body. It didn’t matter. She’d never smell that slightly sweet, smoky, woodsy odor again without thinking of this moment.

  Derek turned her body around so that Logan’s front was now to Mary’s back. Logan snugged her against his body and entwined his hand in hers. He was tall enough to place his lips against the side of her temple when Derek came in to nibble at her neck. His hair that was several shades darker than Logan’s tickled her as its artfully untidy locks brushed her skin.

  Their bodies were close enough that Mary had been able to feel the men’s erections the entire time. It had been so damn long since anyone had tried to seduce her like this. Or had anyone ever tried like this?

  Mary was so tempted.

  It had been seven months since she’d had sex. Call it years since she’d had good sex.

  A one-night stand wouldn’t be so bad, would it?

  But if she stayed in this community, she’d have to face these two on a regular basis.

  The song ended, and Mary’s body sagged a little. Relief and disappointment swirled around in her chest fighting for dominance as the two men stepped back.

  There was a collective sigh from the partiers. Apparently that was the last dance, though Mary had completely missed that announcement.

  The friends and well-wishers still present started to head out.

  “I’d better make the rounds.” Mary smiled politely at the Murray brothers and hurried to say goodbyes and thank-yous on behalf of her sister and now brothers-in-law.

  When everything was tucked away until clean up the next day, Mary grabbed her purse, overnight bag with her jeans in it, and wrap and headed around the side of the house. Her apartment at Karen’s store was just down the road.

  She was surprised to find a pickup truck still in front of the house with Derek and Logan leaning on it.

  “Did you need something?” asked Mary. She knew they had been among the last to go.

  Logan stepped up and gently gripped her upper arms with his strong hands. “You. Come home with us, Mary.”

  And with those few words, she was back on that dance floor.

  Derek stepped closer. “I know we haven’t known each other long, but we…just fit somehow. Give this a chance, Mary.”

  Mary was wavering, and she knew it.

  She knew she was vulnerable having just seen her sister so happily married. She was vulnerable having just dumped that ass Bob a few months ago. She was vulnerable from the harsh words of her parents.

  Screw vulnerable.

  She was horny, and there were two sexy men in front of her. Why shouldn’t she take advantage of the situation? Other women did and didn’t look back.

  Mary put on her corporate cocktail party false bravado and hoped they bought it.

  “Look, you’re both great guys, but I’m not looking for forever here. I’m happy to go home with you two, but this is just for one night. We enjoy each other’s company then part friends, okay?”

  * * * *

  Derek didn’t buy Mary’s act.

  It was good, quite good.

  He would bet she even believed that a one-nighter would be fine.

  But Mary just wasn’t a casual-sex kind of person.

  Derek could see she was normally too controlled to indulge in casual sex. She wouldn’t put herself in the position to be vulnerable to what might be judgment or rejection the next morning. And, from what he surmised from what Karen had told Allan and Zander, and they in turn had passed on to the brothers, she was too wrapped up in being “the good girl” for her parents to engage in casual encounters.

  He didn’t have a problem with that. He wouldn’t have had a problem if she were into casual sex. It wouldn’t change the fact that they wanted something more permanent with Mary. And yet she was denying her true nature.

  “If that’s what you really want,” Derek said in a low voice, “we’ll abide by that.”

  Logan shot him a look that clearly said, “What the fuck?”

  Derek frowned back at his brother then directed his attention to Mary once more. “Is that what you really want?”

  “That’s what I said.” She straightened and tilted her chin up a little. She fussed with one of her sleeves.

  Nice bravado.

  Logan narrowed his eyes at Mary. Clearly he now saw the little dance she was doing to deceive herself.

  “Okay.” Logan stepped up behind Mary and put his hands on her hips. He obviously decided two could play her game. “If that’s what you really want.” He kissed the side of her neck.

  Derek’s dick throbbed at the sight. Mary’s eyes slid closed as she leaned into Logan slightly, and her face softened.

  Logan pulled his lips from her soft skin and said, “Get in the truck, Mary. You’re coming home with us.”

  Derek opened the door and put her bag behind the seats. Logan helped Mary slide in. Unlike earlier in the day, the cab of the truck practically steamed with sexual tension. Derek was surprised the windows didn’t fog.

  As Derek drove, he watched Mary stop herself from fidgeting at least half a dozen times. Logan had his hand on the back of her neck, playing with the hair that had escaped the knot.

  “Have you ever been with two men, Mary?” Logan whispered in her ear.

  “Sure. Plenty of times.” Mary had a defiant smile on her face as she told the obvious lie.

  Derek couldn’t help but chuckle. “Nice try, sunshine. But I’m not buying it.”

  “Well, of course I haven’t been with two men. Really, outside of Hardwick Bay and kinky sex clubs, who has?”

  “I guess you’d be surprised. We started in university, and there seemed to be enough willing women,” Derek replied. He and Logan hadn’t been complete man-sluts, but they had enjoyed a few partners, together and separately.

  “Really?” Mary sounded doubtful.

  “Really,” Logan assured her. He obviously felt the sexual tension heading down, so he started to caress Mary’s leg, sliding her dress up her thigh a little.

  “What do we have here?” Logan’s startled question made Derek look down, and he caught a glimpse of lace.

  Derek’s cock pulsed again to the point of pain. “Are you wearing garters, Mary?”

  “No, just thigh-high stockings,” she murmured. Derek loved the deep blush in her face and across her chest.

  “Are we almost there yet?” Logan asked. “Because I really need to see these in more detail.”

  Mary tried to pull her skirt down.

  “No way, Mary.” Derek reached down with one hand to bat hers away. “Be merciful and let us enjoy the view.”

  “Are we almost there yet?” Mary’s voice wavered, and she still attempted to cover the stocking tops.

  “Yeah,” Derek answered, amused by the suddenly shy Mary. “We’re here now.”

  Chapter 9

  Mary kept a firm hold on the hem of her dress as they turned down a gravel drive. She thought there were a lot of trees on either side but couldn’t see much in the dark.

  The drive made a turn, and they were facing a beautiful home on t
he bay. She got the impression of browns and greens with warm yellow lights illuminating the doors and over the garage. And windows, there were lots of windows.

  The truck pulled into the garage attached to the house, and Logan was pulling Mary out. He spun her around and pressed her back against the door into the house, pinning her with his body. His short, spiky hair filled the foreground of her vision. “I’ve wanted this forever,” he whispered in her ear and put his lips on hers.

  Mary was a little shocked at the intensity at which Logan captured her mouth. He didn’t stop at kissing. No, he invaded her senses. She felt his mouth on hers, his lips and tongue plundering what they wanted, his taste in her mouth and his scent in her nose., and she could hear a moan of rumbling satisfaction coming from him.

  It was dizzying.

  It was desire for her on a level that she had never experienced.

  Bob had certainly not made her feel so wanted.

  Mary quickly shut down that voice in her head. She wanted nothing of Bob in the here and now with the Murray brothers.

  A shadow loomed in the background, and Derek came into view. He smiled his easy smile, yet his pupils were dilated and his breathing a little fast.

  “As hot as this scene is, I think we might want to head to the bedroom,” he said, surreptitiously adjusting his pants.

  Logan tore his mouth from hers, and his hand gripped her chin, gently forcing her to look at him. “Bedroom. Yes.”

  It wasn’t a question, but Mary nodded anyway.

  Logan pulled her against him and opened the door.

  She was ushered through the house, all the while Logan peppering her with kisses. A mudroom, down a hall, past the kitchen, and down another hall, in such haste that she had no idea of the decor, just a fleeting impression of the rooms. Narrow—must be hall, stove—must be kitchen, couch—must be living room was all her brain could process.

  Softness under her and hard male body on top.

  Must be bedroom.

  Logan kissed her again, this time slow and deep, and Mary closed her eyes. She let her body soak up the tenderness, bones softening with the heat of his body.


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