Be Mine: A Valentine’s Collection of Sexy Short Stories by Six NYT Bestselling Authors

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Be Mine: A Valentine’s Collection of Sexy Short Stories by Six NYT Bestselling Authors Page 8

by A Collection of Valentine Themed Sexy Short Stories (epub)

  She scoffed and grabbed his shirt, using his chest for leverage as she went up on her toes to try to reach the phone. “No. I can’t sing in front of people. I just do it for myself.”

  He tightened his arm around her, holding her gaze. Her voice was miraculous. It was inspiring and stunning, just like her. He couldn’t let this go. “How about you do it for me?”

  Her lips parted, and she gazed at him from beneath long dark lashes. Her fingers fisted in his shirt. Sexual tension billowed as thick as the silence between them. Whether she’d sing for him or not, he knew he’d never forget the emotions he’d heard in her voice as she sang about feeling lost and found at once or the way every word sounded as though it was ripped from her soul. He wanted to be part of those emotions, to ease her longing and help her get found.

  Headlights swept past the front windows, cutting through the heat. Her eyes turned apologetic, regretful even, and his gut ached.

  “I have to go,” she said, but her hand was fisted in his shirt.

  “I need to hear you sing, sweetheart.” He lowered his arm, but when he set the phone in her hand he didn’t let go. “Say you’ll come tomorrow night.”

  She swallowed hard, her eyes darting between him and the door. She unfurled her fingers from his shirt, pressing her hand firmly to his chest for a single hot second before saying, “I’ll try,” grabbing her things, and running for the door.


  DANCE CLASS WAS just what Cree needed to work off her stress after doing everything she could to avoid Brock at work today. Luckily, Thursdays were Brock’s busiest day, and he’d been tied up with training sessions every hour from the moment she’d arrived until the moment she’d left for the day. But that hadn’t stopped him from leaving a note on the front desk that said, Undercover. Eight o’clock. Be there or I might have to swipe your phone again.

  She’d been mortified last night when they were at the speed bag and her mouth had decided to spill her secrets before her brain could catch up and then again when her stupid earbuds came out. She’d wanted to click her heels and disappear. Brock was unlike any other man she’d ever met. He was rough and masculine, but he was also always a gentleman, and that was a unique combination. Most guys used sexual innuendos as conversation starters, like, Hey, babe, you look hungry. I’ve got a flesh Popsicle you’ll love, or something equally retch-worthy. Even Justin, who thought he was her protector, would make quippy sexual innuendos, though she knew he didn’t mean them. He was like the older brother she’d never had, and she loved him for it. But last night’s brain-scrambling session was the first time Brock had ever used a sexual innuendo toward her, and just like that it had turned her mind to dust.

  If Brock had cornered her at work today, she would have put her foot in her mouth again, because every time she saw him, her body vibrated with desire, remembering how incredible he’d felt pressed against her back. And oh, how she’d loved hearing those steamy innuendos coming out of his sexy mouth. Brock Garner was too all-consumingly hot for just dreams. The bastard had starred in her erotic fantasies. She’d imagined his perfectly manicured scruff between her thighs, her fingers fisted in his dark-blond hair as he made her come with his mouth. And his big hands covering her breasts as he took her from behind. And those eyes? Good Lord, his eyes were like sexual beings. They said I’m going to fuck you hard, then love you good. And boy did she want that and so much more.

  “Great job, girls,” Jana said, clapping her hands at the end of their hip-hop class, snapping Cree from her fantasies. “Y’all were hotter than Hades tonight!”

  You have no idea, Cree thought as she realized her panties were damp, and not from sweat. There was probably some sin wrapped up in fantasizing about Jana’s brother. She looked around to see if anyone else had noticed her zoning out during the class, but her friends Bella and Jenna were busy guzzling water. Bella and Jenna loved to give her advice, like older sisters. They were both married to great guys, and they had the most adorable little girls.

  “Thanks for a great class,” Cree said to Jana. She really liked Jana, who was tough but sweet and an incredible dancer. She used to box competitively, though she’d stopped when she got married. It was always fun when she came to the club to work out with Brock. He got all overprotective, and Jana just rolled her eyes. Cree knew all about overprotective guys. Her father was part of the Dark Knights motorcycle club in Maryland. She’d grown up around hard-core, protective bikers, which was why she didn’t get too upset at Justin’s overprotectiveness. She expected it. He was a member of the Cape Cod chapter of the Dark Knights.

  “Thanks for coming. I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Jana said. As she spoke Bella and Jenna joined them, and the other girls in the class waved on their way out the door. “You looked a little sidetracked at the end of class. Thinking about your big Valentine’s Day plans?”

  Oh, that? I was just mentally molesting your brother.

  “I bet she’s planning to take her hot biker for a ride.” Bella waggled her blond brows.

  Bella and Jenna had grown up together, and they both owned summer cottages in the Seaside community. Bella was tall and strong, with a little extra fluff around the middle, and she was the biggest prankster Cree had ever met, while Jenna was just under five feet, with curves that could make an impotent man hard. Jenna was OCD about everything from matching lingerie, socks, and earrings to alphabetizing her pantry. Cree adored them both, and she fit right in with her own quirks.

  “I told you Justin and I are only friends,” Cree said for the millionth time. “I grew up with his cousins, and he thinks it’s his job to watch over me. That’s what—”

  “The Dark Knights do,” the three of them said at the same time as Cree.

  “I still think it’s more than just that,” Bella said.

  Cree sighed. “You guys really need to stop with the Justin nonsense.”

  “Or maybe you should admit to the hot tryst we all hope you’re enjoying,” Jana said. “My brother said Justin drives you to and from work a lot.”

  “Yeah, whenever my car is on the rag.” Her ancient Tercel was on its last legs. “Okay, you want to hear just how not into Justin I am? All of my single friends had plans for Valentine’s Day, so I had to ask Justin to go out with me so I don’t look like a loser walking into a bar alone tonight.”

  “Oh, that’s serious like. It sounds a lot like me and Pete,” Jenna said. “I was in love with him for years before we finally got together. So there’s hope for you and Justin!”

  “Oh my God, Jenna!” Cree swatted Jenna’s arm. “Listen to me. Justin is not the focus of my fantasies, okay? I’ve been trying to catch this other guy’s attention, who is not Justin, and I think I finally have. But I could use your help. I really want to turn up the heat, you know?” And hopefully wow him enough that he’ll forget about my singing. Although she was hoping he might get up and sing. Until recently she’d waitressed most nights, and she’d never been able to go see him sing. She’d finally quit that job, and now she wouldn’t miss seeing him sing for anything in the world. “I want to look irresistible, so I stand out among the crowd. But my entire wardrobe is anything but sexy. Do you know where I can get something at the last minute?”

  “Oh, you’re sexing it up tonight? Fun!” Jana motioned in the direction of the people coming through the door and said, “I have to get ready for my last class, but here’s my best sexy advice: low cut, high heels, high hem. It gets Hunter every time. Now, get your butts out of here so I’m not running late for my man tonight.” She blew them kisses and went to greet her students.

  “How long have you known this guy?” Bella asked as they put on their coats.

  “A long time. He’s my friend’s brother.” And my other friend’s brother-in-law. “But I’ve only gotten to know him better over the past few months, and I really like him. The get-flustered-every-time-he’s-around and lay-my-heart-on-the-table type of like. You know, the kind that makes you say shit you shouldn’t?”

“I love that new-relationship feeling,” Bella said on the way outside.

  “Well, the feeling isn’t new, and we’re definitely not in a relationship, so I could be way off base. I never believed in love at first sight or anything, but I swear the first time I saw him, I was like whoa. He’s got these perfectly plump, kissable lips, eyes that make me want to do all sorts of dirty things, and his hands. They’re so big and strong, I imagine all sorts of things I probably shouldn’t. When we finally talked, like, really talked, not just a passing hello when I’d see him around town, I realized he was different from other guys. He’s got no pretense. No bullshit facade to work through. He’s kind and funny and so smart and business minded. I love that about him.” She could go on for hours, but she closed her mouth before she said something that could lead them back to Brock. She wanted to keep his identity to herself, just in case tonight’s plan went ass over teakettle. “Anyway, I need something cute to wear.”

  “Yes, you do,” Bella agreed. “But no place is open around here in the winter. Do you have time to go to Hyannis?”

  Hyannis was forty minutes away. “Ugh, no. I only have about two hours to get ready, and I still have to shower and do my hair.”

  “Don’t worry,” Jenna said. “You’re only a few inches taller than me, and you’re boobilicious like me, so I’m sure I have something that’ll fit. Can you swing by my place?”

  “Great idea. I’ll meet you guys there,” Bella said.

  “You sure you don’t mind?” Cree asked. “Will it mess up your schedule with your girls?”

  “Are you kidding?” Jenna rubbed her hands together and said, “Seaside Sex-Up Girls at your service! Besides, Pete and Caden have dates with their little princesses tonight.” Pete and Caden were Jenna’s and Bella’s husbands.

  “And dates with their big princesses tomorrow night,” Bella added with a wink.

  Cree squealed. “Thank you! I’ll go home and shower really fast, and then I’ll head over.”

  AN HOUR LATER Cree stood in Jenna’s bedroom feeling like a stuffed sausage in one of Jenna’s clingy dresses. The bed was covered in dresses, skirts, and blouses. Cree had tried on six outfits already, and she felt like an imposter in every one of them. She wasn’t like her sister, Isla, who worked in their parents’ flower shop and loved all things girlie. But now Cree wondered if she’d just never had the right motivation to explore that side of herself, because she wanted to find the perfect mix of feminine and sexy for Brock. And what she had on felt like she was trying too hard. Even for a girl who was trying extra hard, it was a little much.

  “Justin won’t let me leave my house dressed like this,” she said, tugging at the hemline that barely covered her ass. “I don’t think I can do this. Maybe it was a stupid idea.”

  “Whoa, Nelly,” Bella said. “You’ve got a body that could stop a clock, and we’re not going to let you spend the rest of your life afraid to own that.”

  “I own it,” she said as she sat on the edge of the bed. “I just don’t flaunt it. These outfits are gorgeous, but they don’t feel like me.”

  “Because they’re not yours. Don’t worry. Jenna owns more clothes than anyone I know. We’ll find the right dress.”

  Jenna went to her closet and said, “Do you have blue heels?”

  “No. Just black.” She didn’t love wearing heels, but she had no problem pulling up her big-girl panties and going all out tonight. Except for singing. She couldn’t sing in front of anyone else. But the way Brock had said I need to hear you sing, sweetheart. Say you’ll come tomorrow night made her want to sing for him and come for him. Heat spread up her chest, and she fanned her face, pushing to her feet and wiggling out of the dress.

  Bella laughed. “What was that hot flash from?”

  “You don’t want to know,” Cree said, and she headed into the closet. “Am I being too picky? I just want to seduce the hell out of him once and for all, so he can’t stop himself from taking everything he wants.”

  “Then hell no, you’re not being too picky,” Jenna said as she whipped through dresses, which were separated by color and season. “We need to go in for the kill. Shimmery, short, and sinful.”

  “Why don’t you just say, ‘Hey, dude. I’m totally into you. Wanna get down and dirty?’” Bella suggested.

  Jenna laughed, a cackle of a sound. “Listen to you. Like you’d ever have said that to Caden before you were going out?”

  “Hey, cut me a break. I was stuck in a window with my ass hanging out the first time he saw me. That’s as good as offering myself up on a silver platter.” Bella stepped into the closet with them and said, “What’s that black sleeveless dress?”

  “It’s not shimmery,” Jenna said.

  “But it’s sexy without being over the top. Isn’t that the one with the choker?” Bella pushed past them and grabbed a hanger. She held up a black sleeveless dress. The top was fitted, but the skirt was flared. She lifted up another piece of black material and turned the dress around. “This choker is attached to the back. See? It hides the zipper.”

  “Wow, that’s really cute!” Cree snagged the hanger.

  The girls were miracle workers. Not only did Cree adore the dress, but Jenna had matching sparkly black and silver earrings and bangles. They also gave her a makeover, with smoky eyes and reddish-pink lipstick that made her look so hot she barely recognized herself.

  An hour later Cree was walking up to the entrance of Undercover with Justin as he harassed her about looking too sexy, which confirmed how great she felt in the outfit. Now, if she could only get rid of the freaking butterflies swarming in her stomach.

  “You’d better keep that jacket on,” Justin said.

  She’d worn her short leather jacket over the dress, which was nowhere near warm enough for the cold breeze sweeping up the dunes. But it went with the dress and made her feel more like herself. Besides, even though Undercover was located on a bluff overlooking the bay, it wasn’t like she would be outside all night.

  “No, and if you don’t stop, I’m going to tear a slit in the side of this thing just to piss you off.”

  Justin glared at her with his ice-blue eyes as he pulled the door open. “What did you say this dude’s name was?”

  “I didn’t,” she said teasingly as they walked into the dimly lit bar. She looped her arm through his and said, “But I really appreciate you coming with me. I couldn’t have come on my own.”

  The crowded bar was decorated with sparkly red hearts hanging from the ceiling for Valentine’s Day. Music played from the speakers, and on the stage were three microphones for open-mic night. A tickle of excitement skated through her as she pictured Brock onstage.

  “You could have, Cree,” Justin said. “You’re not used to stepping out of your comfort zone, but there’s nothing you can’t do.”

  “See why I love you? You pester me to keep me in line, and then you build me up so I can’t get too irritated with you.” She embraced him and whispered, “I’m so nervous. I really like this guy.”

  He hugged her tighter and said, “You’re gorgeous, smart, and interesting. Stop worrying and just be yourself.”

  “No lecture about keeping my clothes on or remembering that you can kick any guy’s ass if I need you to?”

  Justin smiled and said, “Sounds like you know my spiel. You’re a big girl. If this guy has drawn you out of your hidey-hole, there’s a reason. I’m here if you need me, but I trust your gut, so you should, too.”

  He hugged her again, and as he kissed her cheek, she saw Brock walking toward the bar. Her pulse raced. She couldn’t believe she was really doing this! Brock turned, his eyes sweeping over the entrance. In the next breath, those piercing blue eyes locked on her.

  BROCK FELT LIKE he’d been punched in the gut. He’d been watching the door all night, hoping Cree would show up. He’d talked himself into believing she’d show up without Justin, that she’d felt the connection between them and it wasn’t just in his head. He wanted to haul Cree out of
Justin’s arms and show her that she belonged with him, but that would make him the type of asshole he hated.

  He clenched his jaw and made a beeline for the bar.

  Of course she’d come with Justin. He was an idiot to hope for anything else. She’d been with him for years, and regardless of what Brock wanted, he needed to accept that it was time for him to move the hell on.

  If only it were that easy.

  Some women were unremarkable. Cree Redmond was unforgettable.

  And her voice...

  Sweet Jesus, her voice. He’d never heard anything like it. Even if he couldn’t be with her, he needed to hear her sing again. Hell, the world needed to hear her sing.

  Ignoring the women eyeing him as he leaned across the bar, he flagged down Colton. He was used to women checking him out, and yeah, he could have used it to his advantage all these years and fucked anyone he wanted. But that wasn’t who he was. He wanted forever love like his parents had. He wanted to be with a woman who made him as happy as she did horny. A partner in life who was funny and enlightening and could hold a conversation beyond, Hey, let’s hook up, or Hi, you’re hot. A woman who respected herself enough not to sleep with every guy in town. And damn it, every iota of his being told him that woman was Cree. He’d caught her reading the The Week magazine as often as he’d caught her surfing silly memes on Pinterest, and regardless of which one she was looking at, she’d blink those gorgeous eyes up at him and say, A girl’s gotta keep up with current events.

  “Why do you look like you want to kill someone?” Colton asked. His white-blond hair was slicked back from his face, making his chiseled features even more prominent.

  “Because I’m a fucking idiot. Pour me a whiskey, will ya?”

  Colton’s eyes narrowed. He lowered his voice and said, “Want to talk about it? I can get Britt to take over up here.”

  He was more thoughtful and less opinionated than Brock or their sisters, and they’d leaned on each other many times. But tonight wasn’t going to be one of those times. “Just the whiskey, but thanks.”


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