by Esther Hicks
as your desires.
There is never a reason for
you to be without something
that you desire. Nor is there ever a
reason for you to experience something
that you do not desire—for you hold absolute
control of your experiences. We want
you to know that you always hold the power
and control of your own life experience. The
only reason why you could ever experience
something other than what you desire is
because you are giving the majority of
your attention to something other
than what you desire.
The Law of
Attraction always yields to
you the essence of the balance of
your thoughts. No exceptions. You
get what you think about—whether you
want it or not. And, in time, and with
practice, you will come to remember that
the Law of Attraction is always consistent.
It never tricks you; it never deceives you;
it never confuses you, for the Law
of Attraction responds precisely to
the vibration that you
are offering.
The basis of
your world is one of Well-
Being. You can allow it or not,
but the basis is Well-Being. The Law
of Attraction says: That which is like
unto itself, is drawn. And so, the essence
of whatever you give your attention
to is unfolding in your experience.
Therefore, there is nothing that
you cannot be, do, or have.
This is Law.
Consider this
question: If I am in Phoenix,
Arizona, and it is my desire to
be in San Diego, California, how would I
go about getting to San Diego? The answer
to this question is easy to hear: No matter
what your mode of transportation—by air,
by car, or even on foot—if you will face in
the direction of San Diego, and continue
to move in the direction of San Diego,
then you must reach
San Diego.
Once you
understand the clarity that
your emotions provide, you will
never again not know what you are
doing with your current thought. You
will always be aware of whether you are, in
this moment, moving toward or away from
your intended goal or desire. Your awareness
of the way you feel will give you the clarity
you have been seeking. Once you have
the knowledge that you are moving in
the direction of your desires, you
may begin to relax a little bit
and enjoy your fantastic
You are a perfect yet
expanding Being, in a perfect yet
expanding world. Your expansion is a
given, the expansion of your time-space
reality is a given, and the expansion of
this Universe is a given—it is just ever so
much more satisfying for you to consciously
and deliberately participate
in your own expansion.
If you have the ability
to imagine it, or even to think
about it, this Universe has the
ability and the resources to deliver
it fully unto you, for this Universe
is like a well-stocked kitchen with
every ingredient imaginable
at your disposal.
Without the ability
to know what you do not
want, you could not know what
you do want. And so, it is through your
exposure to life experience that your natural
preferences are born. In fact, these preferences
are exuding from you in all moments
of every day, at many levels of your Being.
Even the cells of your well-tended-to body are
having their own experience and are emanating
their own preferences—and every
preference is recognized by Source and
immediately answered, with
no exceptions.
This is an
expanding Universe, and
all things must be allowed. In
other words, for you to understand
and experience what you desire, you
must understand that which you do
not desire, for in order to be able to
choose and focus, both must be
present and understood.
Every physical Being on your
Planet is your partner in
co-creation, and if you would accept
that and appreciate the diversity of
beliefs and desires—all of you would
have more expansive, satisfying,
and fulfilling experiences.
Imagine yourself
as a chef in an extremely
well-stocked kitchen that contains
every imaginable ingredient,
and as you proceed, there are many
ingredients that are not appropriate for
your creation, so you do not utilize them,
but you also feel no discomfort about their
existence. You simply utilize the ingredients
that will enhance your creation—
and you leave the ingredients that
are not appropriate for your
creation out of your pie.
From your Non-
Physical perspective, you
understood that there is room
enough in this expansive Universe
for all manner of thought and experience.
You had every intention of
being deliberate about your own
creative control of your own life experience
and your own creations—but
you had no intention of trying
to control the creations
of others.
From the variety,
or contrast, your preferences
or desires are born. And in the
moment that your preference begins to
exist, it begins to draw to itself—through
the Law of Attraction—the essence of that
which matches it … and it then begins an
immediate expansion. This is how the Universe
expands, and this is why you are on the Leading
Edge of the expansion. The valuable contrast
continues to provide the birthing of endless
new desires, and as each desire is born,
Source responds to the desire—it is a
never-ending, always-flowing, pure,
positive Energy expansion.
You cannot
ever get it done because
you cannot ever cease to be,
and neither can you ever halt your
awareness. Yet, out of your awareness
will always be born another asking,
and each asking always summons
another answering. Your Eternal
nature is one of expansion—and in
that expansion is the potential
for unspeakable joy.
The contrast
causes a new desire to be
born within you; the new desire
radiates from you
, and as you offer the
vibration of your new desire, that desire is
answered—every time. When you ask, it is
given. Now think about the perfection of this
process: Continuing new ideas for the improvement
of your experience emanate from you constantly, and
are answered constantly. Feel the balance and
perfection of your environment: Every point of
Consciousness, even the Consciousness of a
cell in your body, can request an improved
state of being—and get it.
Each point of view matters;
every request is granted; and as this
amazing Universe unerringly expands,
there is no end to the Universal resources
that fulfill these requests. And there is no
end to the answers to the never-ending
stream of questions—and, for that
reason, there is no competition.
All desires are answered; all
requests are granted; and no one is
left unanswered, unloved, or unfulfilled.
When you stay aligned with your Energy
Stream, you always win—and somebody
else does not have to lose for you to
win—there is always enough.
If someone is
not receiving what they are
asking for, it is not because there
is a shortage of resources; it can only
be that the person holding the desire is
out of alignment with their own request.
There is no shortage; there is no lack;
there is no competition for resources—
there is only the allowing or the
disallowing of that which you
are asking for.
It is extremely
important that you know
where you are in relationship
to where you want to be in order to
effectively move closer to where you
want to be. An understanding of both
where you are and where you want to
be is essential if you are to make
any deliberate decisions about
your journey.
Often you are
pulled this way and that
in an attempt to please another,
only to discover that no matter how
hard you try, you cannot consistently
move in any pleasing direction; and so,
you not only do not please them, but
you also do not please yourself. And
because you are being pulled in so
many different directions, your path
to where you want to be usually
gets lost in the process.
The greatest gift
that you could ever give to
another is your own happiness,
for when you are in a state of joy or
happiness or appreciation, you are fully
connected to the Stream of pure, positive
Source Energy that is truly who-you-are.
And when you are in that state of connection,
anything or anyone that you
are holding as your object of
attention benefits from
your attention.
happiness does
not depend on what
others do, but only upon your
own vibrational balance. And the
happiness of others does not depend
on you, but only upon their own vibrational
balance, for the way anyone feels,
in any moment, is only about their own
mix of Energies. The way you feel is simply,
clearly, and always the indicator of
the vibrational balance between your
desires and your vibrational offering,
which, from your vantage
point, you have
Once you understand
your own Emotional
Guidance System, you will never
again be confused about where you
are in relationship to where you want to
be. Also, you will feel, with each thought
that you offer, whether you are moving
closer to, or further from, your desired outcome.
If you are using any other influence
as your source of guidance, you will get
lost and go off track, for no others
understand, as you do, the distance
between where you are and
where you want to be.
When you give
your attention to something
that you desire and you
say yes to it, you are including it in
your vibration. But when you look at
something you do not want and you say
no to it, you are also including it in your
vibration. When you give no attention to
it, you do not include it—but you cannot
exclude anything that you are giving
your attention to, because your
attention to it includes it in your
vibration, every time, without
There is no
thought that you cannot
eventually have—just as there is
no place that you cannot eventually
reach from wherever you are—but you
cannot instantly jump to a thought
that has a vibrational frequency very
different from the thoughts you
are usually thinking.
Decide to reach
for the best-feeling thought
that you have access to. A good
way to feel your way up this
Vibrational Emotional Scale is to always
be reaching for the feeling of relief that
comes when you release a more resistant
thought and replace it with a more allowing
thought. The Stream of Well-Being is
always flowing through you; and the
more you allow it, the better you
feel. The more you resist it,
the worse you feel.
There is no condition
so severe that you
cannot reverse it by choosing
different thoughts. However, choosing
different thoughts requires focus
and practice. If you continue to focus
as you have been, to think as you have
been, and to believe as you have
been, then nothing in your
experience will change.
It is not possible
to stand still, or be stuck,
because Energy, and therefore,
life, is always in motion. Things are
always changing. But the reason it may
feel to you as if you are stuck is because
while you are continuing to think the same
thoughts, things are changing—but they
are changing to the same thing, over and
over. If you want things to change to different
things, you must think different
thoughts. And that simply requires
finding unfamiliar ways of
approaching familiar
Others cannot
understand the vibrational
content of your desires,
and they cannot understand the
vibrational content of where you are,
so they are not in
any way equipped to
guide you. Even when they have the very
best of intentions and want your absolute
Well-Being, they do not know. And
even though many of them attempt to
be unselfish, it is never possible for
them to separate their desire for
you from their own desire
for themselves.
When you
remember that everyone
who asks is given, then how
wonderful and appropriate it is for
you to make the choices for you—
for the Universe operates much more
efficiently without a middleman interceding
on your behalf. No one else
knows what is appropriate for you—
but you do. You always know,
in the moment, what is
best for you.
When you know
that you want something
and you notice that you do not
have it, you assume that there is
something outside of yourself that is
keeping it from you, but that is never
true. The only thing that ever prevents
your receiving something that
you desire is that your habit of
thought is different from
your desire.
You were taught
to face reality before you
knew you were creating reality.
Do not face reality unless it is a reality
you want to create—for any “reality”
only exists because someone has focused
it into being…. All those statistics that
are gathered about your own experiences
and about others are only about how
somebody has already flowed
Energy—they are not about any
hard-and-fast now reality.
Even the smallest