by Esther Hicks
way you feel, you will enjoy it all:
You will revel in the conscious awareness
that you have deliberately molded
your desires into being in as real a way
as if you had created a statue with
the clay in your own hands.
Once you are in control of the way you
feel, you will enjoy it all: You will adore
the sensations you feel as you align,
again and again, with the fruits of
your own experience.
The entire Universe exists to
produce new life-giving desire within
you; and when you go with the flow of
your own desires, you will feel truly
alive—and you will truly live.
Now that you
have made it this far into
these teachings, you have been
reminded of many things that you
have always known: You now remember
that you are an extension of Source Energy
and that you have come into your physical
body, into this Leading Edge time-space
reality, for the purpose of joyously
taking thought beyond that which
it has been before.
You now remember that you have
an Emotional Guidance System within
you that helps you to know, in every
moment, how much of your connection to
your Source you are allowing right now.
You now remember that the
better you feel, the more you are
in alignment with who-you-really-are;
and the worse you feel, the more you
are disallowing that important
You now remember that there is
nothing that you cannot be, do, or
have; and you remember that if your
dominant intention is to feel good—and
that if you try to make the best of where
you are—you must reach your
natural state of joy.
You now remember that you are
free (in fact, you are so free that you
could choose bondage), and that everything
that comes to you is in response
to the thoughts you are thinking.
You now remember that whether
you are thinking about your past,
present, or future, you are offering a
vibration that equals your
point of attraction.
You now remember that the Law
of Attraction is always fair, and there
is no injustice. For whatever is coming
to you is doing so in response to the
vibrations that you are offering due
to the thoughts you are thinking.
And, most
important, you now remember
that Well-Being is the basis of
your world, and that unless you are
doing something that is disallowing it,
then Well-Being is your experience. You
may allow it or resist it, but only a Stream
of wellness, abundance, clarity,
and all good things that you
desirexs … flows.
There is no Source of “evil” or
Source of sickness or lack. You may
allow or you may resist Well-Being—
but everything that happens to you
is all your own doing.
If there is something
about your life that you wish to
improve—perhaps something missing
that you would like to include, or
something unwanted that you would
like to release—these Teachings of
Abraham will be of immense
value to you.
Your habit of resistant
thought is the only thing that
ever keeps you from allowing the
things you desire. And although you
certainly did not intentionally develop
these resistant patterns of thought, you
did pick them up along your physical trail,
bit by bit, and experience by experience.
But one thing is very clear: If you do not
do something that causes a different
vibrational offering, then nothing in
your experience can change.
In the same way that
you did not develop your
resistant patterns all at once, you
will not release them all at once—but
you will release them. Process by Process,
game by game (we use the word game
interchangeably with process), and day
by day, you will gradually but steadily
yreturn to being a person who allows
your own natural Well-Being to
flow to you.
Those who observe you
will be amazed by the things
they begin to see happening in your
experience and by the joy that you will
obviously be radiating. And you will explain,
with the confidence and certainty
that you were born with, “I have found a
way to allow the Well-Being flow that
is natural to me. I have learned to
practice the Art of Allowing.“
The processes presented in these
Teachings of Abraham are designed to
help you remove the resistance from your
path, for there is nothing more delicious
sthan moving at the speed of life that you
are accustomed to—with no trees
in the way.
The most important
thing for you to acknowledge
before you apply any of these
processes is how you are feeling right
now—and how you would like to feel. At
the beginning of each process, we indicate
an emotional range that we suggest for
each one. Any of the processes that fall
within the emotional range that you
believe you are feeling right now
is a perfect place to begin.
It is our absolute
promise to you that your
life will improve with the
application of these teachings, for
you cannot apply them without improving
the way you feel. And you cannot
improve the way you feel without releasing
resistance and thereby improving your point
of attraction. And when you improve your
point of attraction, the Law of Attraction
must bring you circumstances, events,
relationships, experiences, sensations,
and powerful evidence of
your shift in vibration.
It is Law!
These teachings have been
designed for the powerful reason
of helping you realign with the Energy
that is really You. And in that process,
you will return to your natural joy. Oh,
and, yes, there will be the added side
benefit of helping you achieve
anything you have ever desired.
Just as you would
not deaden your fingertips to
desensitize them to heat, or cover
your fuel-gauge indicator on yourr />
vehicle with a “Happy Face” sticker
because you do not like seeing that you are
out of fuel, you would not want to mask your
own feelings, pretending to feel different from
how you really feel. For pretending in this way
does nothing to change your vibrational point
of attraction. The only way you can do so is
to change your vibrational offering, and
when you do change your vibrational
offering, the way you feel
changes, too.
you remember an
incident from a past experience,
you are focusing Energy.
When you are imagining something
that may occur in your future, you are
also focusing Energy. And, of course, when
you are observing something in your now,
you are focusing Energy. It makes no difference
whether you are focusing on the past,
present, or future … you are still focusing
Energy—and your point of attention,
or focus, is causing you to offer a
vibration that is your point of
There are two
surefire ways to understand
what your vibrational offering
is: Notice what is happening in your
experience (for what you are focused
upon and what is manifesting are always
a vibrational match), and notice how you
feel (because your emotions are giving
you constant feedback about your
vibrational offering and your
point of attraction).
The most satisfying
aspect of Deliberate
Creation comes from being sensitive
to the way the thoughts you
are thinking feel, for then it is possible
to modify a bad-feeling thought to one
that feels better, and to thereby improve
your point of attraction before something
unwanted manifests. It is far easier—before
an unwanted physical manifestation
appears—to deliberately change the
direction of your thought to something
that feels better.
Without making the correlation
between your thoughts and feelings and
the manifestations that are occurring,
you have no conscious control of what
happens in your experience.
You have no creative power
within the lives of others, for
they are offering their own vibrations,
which equal their own point of
attraction, just as you are offering your
own vibrations, which equal your
own point of attraction.
Deliberate Creation is not
about the condition changing
and then your finding a better feeling
in response to the changed condition.
Deliberate Creation is about choosing
a thought that feels good when
you choose it—which then causes
the condition to change.
love is really about wanting
so much to remain in connection
with your Source of love that you deliberately
choose thoughts that allow your
connection (no matter what manifestations
may be happening nearby). And when you
are able to control your point of attraction
by deliberately choosing better-feeling
thoughts, the conditions that surround
you have to change. The Law
of Attraction says that
they must.
Remember that the Law of
Attraction is a powerful Law, and
that it is not possible for you to find
and hold a thought if your current vibrational
set-point is very different from that
thought. You only have access to thoughts
whose vibrations are somewhere in your
current vibrational range.
There are times
when friends can prod or
tease you into a better-feeling
thought, but at other times their
prodding or teasing just makes you feel
worse. Any success they may have had in
helping you feel better has been, for the most
part, about how far out of alignment you
already were, because while it is easy to
make small vibrational jumps, it is
difficult, or even impossible,
to make large ones.
Through observing,
remembering, pondering, and
discussing, you have practiced
thoughts that have become more powerful
thoughts or beliefs, which now
dominate your point of attraction. And
each thought you consider, or focus upon,
causes you to feel an emotional response.
And so, over time, you have come to
feel certain ways about certain
things. We call that your
Emotional Set-Point.
It does not matter
how good you feel or how
fast you feel it—the only thing
that matters is that you consciously
discover some relief, no matter how slight
it is, and that you understand that your
relief has come in response to some deliberate
effort that you have offered. For when you
are able to consciously find relief, then you
have regained creative control of your
own experience, and then you are
on your way to wherever you
wish to go.
You are the creator of
your own experience whether
you know that you are or not. Your
life experience is unfolding in precise
response to the vibrations that radiate
as a result of your thoughts—whether
you know that it is or not.
The Rampage of
Appreciation Process is not
about finding something troubling
and fixing it; this is a process of
practicing the higher vibrations. The longer
you focus upon things that feel good to
you, the easier it is for you to maintain those
vibrational frequencies that feel good. Make it
your objective to choose objects of attention
that easily evoke your appreciation, and the
more you maintain those good-feeling frequencies,
the more the Law of Attraction
will deliver to you other thoughts,
experiences, people, and things
that match your practiced
Once it is your
primary intention, as you
move through your day, to find
things to appreciate, you are practicing
a vibration of less resistance, and
you are making your connection to your
own Source Energy stronger. Because the
vibration of appreciation is the most powerful
connection between the physical you
and the Non-Physical You, this process
will also put you in a position to
receive even clearer guidance
from yo
ur Inner Being.
The more you
practice appreciation, the
less resistance you will have in
your own vibrational frequencies;
and the less resistance you have, the
better your life will be. Also, by practicing
a Rampage of Appreciation, you will
become accustomed to the feeling of
higher vibrations, so that if you ever
revert to an old pattern of conversation
that causes resistance in your vibration,
you will notice it early on,
before the vibration gets
too strong.
The more you
find something to appreciate,
the better it feels; the better
it feels, the more you want to do it;
the more you do it, the better it feels;
the better it feels … the more you want
to do it. The Law of Attraction assists with
the powerful momentum of these positive
thoughts and feelings until—with
very little time and effort—you will
find your heart singing in your
joyous alignment with
In the wonderful feeling
of the vibration of appreciation,
where no resistance exists, you will
be in an exaggerated state of allowing;
you will be in the vibrational state
where the things that you desire can
flow easily into your experience.
The better it gets,
the better it gets!
In the Rampage
of Appreciation Process, you
actually set your vibrational frequency