Manifest Your Desires
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reflect this higher
The benefits
of your Book of Positive
Aspects Process will be many:
You will feel wonderful during
the process. Your point of attraction
will continue to improve, no matter
how good it is now. Your relationship
with each subject that you write about
will become richer and more
satisfying—and the Law of Attraction
will deliver even more wonderful
people, places, experiences,
and things for you
to enjoy.
If, when you
focus upon what you
want, you would feel good; and
if, when you feel good, you would
be in the positive mode of attraction,
then would not your most important
work be to look for the positive aspects
of all things, to look for the parts
of all things that are uplifting to
you—and to get your attention
off of any potholes in
the streets?
We want to encourage
you to give more of your
attention to what makes you feel
good—not something so radical that
you must control every thought—just
make a decision that you will look for what
you want to see. It is not a difficult decision
to make, but it can make a big
difference in what you bring
into your experience.
If we were
standing in your physical
shoes, we would not let
the reality of something be our
basis for attention; we would let the
feeling-vibration of it be our basis. So we
would start saying, to anyone who was
interested in knowing what we were
about, “If it feels good, I give it my full
attention; if it doesn’t, I don’t look at
it at all.” You can and will create the
essence of anything that you are
giving your attention to.
You can look
at this in two different
ways: If I do such and such, these
good things will happen, or If I don’t
do such and such, these bad things will
happen. The first inspires you to action
from a positive place. The second motivates
you to action from a negative place.
Your Book of Positive Aspects will put
you more and more in the position of
attracting—by virtue of your
inspired positive feeling—whatever
you desire.
This is how the Scripting
Process works: Pretend that you are
a writer and that whatever you write
will be performed exactly as you write
it. Your only job is to describe, in
detail, everything, exactly as you
want it to be.
The Scripting Process
will help you be more
specific about your desires, and,
with that greater clarity about exactly
what you do desire, you will feel the
power of this specific focus. The longer you
concentrate on a subject, and the more detail
you give to it, the faster the Energy moves.
And, with practice, you can actually feel the
momentum of your desire; you can feel the
Universal Forces converging. Often, you
will be able to know when you are on
the brink of a breakthrough or a
manifestation just by virtue
of the way you feel.
You are the
vibrational writer of the
script of your life—and everyone
else in the Universe is playing
the part that you have assigned to
them. You can literally script any life
that you desire, and the Universe will
deliver to you the essence of the people,
places, and events just as you decide
them to be. For you are the creator
of your own experience—you
have only to decide it and
allow it to be.
Scripting is one of those processes
that we offer to assist you in
telling the Universe the way you want
it to be. Scripting will help you break your
habit of talking about things as they are,
and will help you begin talking about
how you would like things to be.
Scripting will help you offer your
vibration deliberately.
If you regurgitate your script
often enough, you begin to accept
it as reality; and when you are accepting
it in the way you accept reality, the
Universe believes it and responds
in the same way.
In the moment
that you say “I prefer”
or “I like” or “I appreciate” or
“I want,” the heavens part for you,
and the Non-Physical Energies, in that
instant, begin orchestrating the manifestation
of your desire. In that instant! Faster
than you can speak it, the Energy begins to
flow, and circumstances and events (in an
orchestration that we cannot begin to
describe) begin to fall into place in order
to give you exactly what you want—
and if it were not for your resistance,
things would happen
really fast.
You do not have to
continue to tell the Universe
what you want; you only have to
tell the Universe once. But the advantage
of continuing to talk about it is that
you get clearer about it. Once you are clear
about what you want … once you have
zeroed in on it and you know what you
want—it is on its way to you. It is done.
The manifestation of it will probably
follow later, however, because, most
often, there is enough resistance
that you will not receive it
If you are experiencing
a physical condition
that has your attention, you are,
through your attention to your current
condition, projecting it on into your future
experience. But, by focusing on a different
future experience, you are now activating
that different experience; and as you
project that changed experience into
your future, you leave your current
experience behind.
You are
actually prepaving your
future experiences constantly
without even knowing you are doing
so. You are continually projecting your
expectations into your future experiences,
and so a process of Segment Intending
will help you to consciously consider
what you are projecting—and it will
help to give you control of your
future Segments.
You enter a new
Segment anytime your
intentions cha
nge: If you are
washing dishes and the telephone
rings, you enter a new Segment. When
you get into your vehicle, you enter a new
Segment. When another person walks into
the room, you enter a new Segment. If you will
take the time to get your thought of expectation
started even before you are inside your
new Segment, you will be able to set the
tone of the Segment more specifically
than if you walk into the Segment
and begin to observe it as
it already is.
For some, you
may find it more efficient
and effective to carry a small notebook
and physically stop and identify
the Segment while you write a list of your
intentions in your notebook—for as you are
writing, you will find yourself at your strongest
point of clarity and at your strongest
point of focus—and so, in the beginning
of your deliberate Segment Intending,
you may find a notebook a very
great and valuable asset.
If you want many
things all at the same time,
it adds confusion. But when you
only focus upon the specifics of what
you want in any particular moment, you
bring to your creation clarity and power—
and therefore, speed. And that is the point of
Segment Intending: to stop, as you are entering
a new Segment, and to identify what it is you
most want so that you may give your attention
to (and therefore draw power unto)
that. Segment Intending will put you in the
position of being a deliberate, magnetic
attractor, or creator, in each of
your Segments throughout
your day.
We encourage
an application of the
Segment Intending Process
when you are already feeling good. If you
are feeling bad, in this moment, do
something else in order to improve
your current mood and point of attraction.
And then, once you are feeling
better, you could return to this
powerful Segment Intending
The value of the
Segment Intending Process is
to encourage you to pause many
times during the day to say, “This
is what I want from this period of my
life experience. I want it and I expect
it.” And as you set forth those powerful
words, you become what we call
a Selective Sifter—you attract into
your experience what
you want.
As you are Segment Intending
throughout a day, you will feel the
power and the momentum of your intentions
building; you will find yourself
feeling gloriously invincible; you will feel
as if there is nothing that you cannot be,
do, or have as you are seeing yourself
again and again in creative control
of your own life experience.
you say, “I want
this thing to happen that
hasn’t happened yet,” you are
not only activating the vibration of
your desire, but you are also activating
a vibration of the absence of your
desire—so nothing changes for you.
And often, even when you do not speak
the second part of the sentence, and you
say only, “I want this to happen,” there
is an unspoken vibration within you
that continues to hold you in a
state of not allowing
your desire.
When you say,
“Wouldn’t it be nice if this
desire would come to me?” you
achieve an expectation that is much
less resistant in nature. Your question to
yourself naturally elicits from you a more
positive, expectant response. And so, this
simple but powerful game will cause a raising
of your vibration and an improvement in your
point of attraction because it naturally orients
you toward the things that you want. The
Wouldn’t It Be Nice If … ? Process will
help you let in the things that you
have been asking for, on
all subjects.
Whatever the subject of your
desire, there is an orchestration that
is being taken care of in response to the
Wouldn’t It Be Nice If … ? game that you
are playing. So whenever you play this
game and you trust that everything else
will come into alignment—it will.
Every subject is
really two subjects: something
that you desire, and the
absence of something that you desire.
If you do not understand that these are
very different vibrational frequencies, then
you may believe that you are focused on
something that you desire, when you
may, in fact, be focused in the
opposite direction.
Often, when you are
interacting with others, you may
be confused about whether the thought
actually feels better to you, or whether
you are offering it because you think it is
the choice someone else would want you to
make. It is important to leave everyone else’s
ideas, desires, opinions, and beliefs aside
while you identify, for yourself,
how you feel.
Your thoughts
change the behavior of
everyone and everything who
has anything to do with you. For your
thoughts absolutely equal your point of
attraction, and the better you feel, the more
everything and everyone around you
improves. In the moment that you find an
improved feeling, conditions and circumstances
change to match your feeling….
Playing the Which Thought Feels Better?
game will help you begin to realize
the power that your own thoughts
have to influence everything
around you.
Which thought feels
better? To go into debt or to
wait until later? To wait until later.
Which thought feels better? To say that
you have settled for less, or to say that this
is part of your future experience? To say that
this is part of my future experience.
Which thought feels better?
Which feels better, to appreciate or to condemn?
Which feels better, to applaud what you have
done, or to feel critical that you did
not do enough?
Think about it: Which
thought feels better?
Because everything carries its own
vibration, and because you develop a
vibrational relationship with everything
in your life, your personal belongings do
have an impact on the way you feel and
on your point of attraction.<
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Sometimes people will tell
us that they are not bothered by
clutter, so we tell them that the Clearing
Clutter Process is, then, unnecessary for
them. However, since every piece of
everything does carry a vibration, almost
everyone really does feel better
in an uncluttered environment.
Discard everything
from your experience that
is not essential to your now. If you
could release those things you are not
wearing, release those things you are not
using—release them and leave your experience
in a clearer place—then the things that
are more in harmony with who you are now
will more easily flow into your experience. You
all have a capacity for attraction, and when your
process is clogged with stuff that you no longer
want, the new attraction is slower—and
then you end up with a feeling of
frustration or overwhelment.
You do not have to actually
be abundant in order to attract
abundance, but you do have to feel
abundant—any feeling of lack of abundance
causes a resistance that
does not allow abundance.
An advantage of
using the Wallet Process is
that by holding a $100 bill and not
spending it right away, you receive the
vibrational advantage of it every time you
even think about spending it. In other words,
if you were to remember the hundred dollars
in your wallet or your purse and spend it on the
first thing that you noticed, you would receive
the benefit of really feeling your financial Well-Being
only once. But if you mentally spent that
hundred dollars 20 or 30 times in that day,