ANTIVENOM (Infinite Vampire Book 4)

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ANTIVENOM (Infinite Vampire Book 4) Page 35

by M. Lorrox

  “Mix them with the rest of the proteins. Let me know when they’re ready.”


  “Hector out.”

  Anne stares at the intercom for a moment in disbelief, then she checks the time. Need coffee. Gonna be another long night.

  Dr. Kazumi Oshiro finishes the design for the last piece of her invention, saves the file, then alerts The Foundry that they can start working on it. She pushes away from her desk and leans back in her chair. She shakes her head. “I impress myself sometimes.” She snorts a laugh, then she takes the tie from her hair and shakes her long, thin, black hair out. If the whip works—and it should as long as the nylon doesn’t bind up too much—I won’t just win a Nobel...err, an Oshiro. Her eyes glow. I’ll make history...

  She pulls herself up to the desk and opens a schematic of her invention—the whip device. At one side is a half-circle. Extending from the middle of the round edge is a long, thin, curving protrusion. The farther from the half-circle, the thinner the device, until at the far, opposite end, a diamond-shaped tip.

  She rests her elbows on the desk and her chin on her hands. The screen reflects in her eyes while she sighs longingly. “It’ll work... Oh shit.” I forgot we need to tweak the battery module... Better go talk to Ytarra. She stands, steals one last glance at her screen, then leaves.

  Andre Cojocaru has a pounding headache. He’s stretched out in a chair in a briefing room with his feet up on the table. Out the window, the sun is setting behind the mountains to the west. Tomorrow it begins. Just get through tomorrow, then our work is done. He closes his eyes and sighs. “Just one more day. You can do it. Just calm…the fuck…down.”

  His phone buzzes, he jolts, and his heart rate spikes. He checks the message from Hector, and his pulse only quickens.

  @Andre, I want every available drone equipped and ready to deploy. EVERY SINGLE ONE. ASAP.

  Andre tosses the phone, and it skids on the table. “Just one…more…minute... That’s all I’ll need…one…goddamned…fucking minute.”

  When the sun rises in Northern Virginia, Sadie is up before her alarm. There’s no turning back.

  She gives Minnie a gentle hug, then starts executing her plan.

  With only a half-day’s notice, all vampires still in the DC area—not only knights and elders—were informed of an unheard of open session of a High Council meeting where attendance is required. A bulletin on the secret Infinite Vampire website informed everyone upon login, and push notifications were sent to all verified phones that have the Infinite Vampire app installed. High Councilor Philip Simonsen sent out the notifications last night, and this morning—less than twelve hours from the deadline—the meeting is about to begin.

  The banquets area of the small hotel is used as the meeting’s location, and upon entry, everyone is greeted by the high councilors themselves, acting as guards.

  When Sadie sees Katlyn pushing Skip in a wheelchair—and Minnie walking with them—she groans. Skip, you’re not supposed to be here! She moves to intercept them, and as soon as Minnie is within arm’s reach, Sadie scoops her up. “Katlyn, Skip.”

  Skip gives her a curt nod then motions into the room. “Is this about the mission? I know I wasn’t invited, and you asked me to do some homeschooling with Minnie, but my daughter’s down there and—”

  Sadie nods. “It is related to that, yes.” She turns to Katlyn. “As a member of the Order, your presence is required inside, but Skip—” She turns to him while patting Minnie’s back. “I think you and Minnie should stay out of the meeting.”

  Skip scowls. “Look, my fourteen-year-old daughter is a vampire and is there with Charlie and the others, and if this meeting has anything to do with the situation, I’m going to be in it. I mean, why wouldn’t I be allowed in?”

  Sadie bites her lip and thinks quick. Luckily, Minnie gives her another moment.

  “Mommy, if he goes in, can I go in too? I don’t want to be all alone…”

  “Don’t worry, dear.” Sadie sighs, then she gives Skip a sad smile as she rubs Minnie’s back. Sadie glances at Katlyn, who also wears a sad smile. She could be the mole. Skip’s certainly told her everything. She has to be inside, but I can’t clue her in to the plan by telling Skip anything… Sadie swallows and looks straight into Skip’s eyes. “You know, you’re right. You have every right to be in there too. I’m sorry, I guess I just got overwhelmed with all the details and didn’t think it through.” She rolls her eyes and chuckles. “You know me, always getting wrapped up in things and being all forgetful.”

  Skip squints. Umm, you’re the opposite of forgetful…

  Sadie takes a step to lead them down the hall and chuckles. “Remember when June was sick with the flu, and Minnie and I brought over soup for her?”


  “Minnie, what kind of soup was it, do you remember?”

  “Chicken soup!”

  Sadie nods as she walks while Katlyn pushes Skip in the wheelchair by their side. “Exactly, and I forgot that June was trying to be a vegetarian that month.” She glances at Skip, whose confusion is written across his face, and locks gaze with him. She shakes her head. “Anyway, sorry again for not being more thoughtful about you and this meeting.” She glances at Katlyn. “Being the prime minister is more stressful than I imagined.”

  Katlyn nods, and her blonde hair bobs. “Oh, I can only imagine! Please don’t worry so much about it, I’m sure you’re doing a wonderful job.”

  You have no idea. Sadie smiles, and they stop at the main door to the hotel’s banquets area. She bends down and places Minnie down beside Skip, then places her hand on his shoulder.

  He looks up at her. Sadie, what in the world is going on?

  She sighs, letting him and everyone else that is watching her know that she’s feeling burdened. “Be strong in there.”

  He frowns and nods.

  High Councilor Bruce Tittensor stands behind Sadie, guarding the entrance. “Madam Prime Minister? Is uh, he coming in? And your daughter?”

  Sadie looks at him and swallows. She takes a deep breath and nods slowly, then turns to Skip and Katlyn. “I’ll see you inside, I need to find someone.” She walks past them back down the hallway.

  Bruce flashes his eyebrows up in disbelief. That’s dedication… “Okay.” He turns to Skip and frowns. “I’m very sorry, sir, but you won’t be able to enter with the chair.”

  Skip’s frown deepens. “Well I can’t fly, I’m not supposed to put weight on my leg, and I’m going in there.”

  “Hmm.” Bruce swallows, then glances at Katlyn. “Can you support him in, then situate him into a chair inside?”

  She furrows her brow but nods.

  Bruce sighs. “Thank you. Okay, so you cannot use any electronic devices inside. I need to see you turn off your phones now, and if anyone is seen using phones inside, they’ll be detained.”

  Skip nods. “Standard secrecy procedures, right? Well, here you go.” He pulls out his phone and turns it off. Katlyn does the same.

  Bruce looks down at Minnie and forces a smile. “You don’t have any electronic devices on you, do you?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Okay, very good. You can all go in now.”

  Katlyn lifts Skip out of the wheelchair, he uses her as a crutch, and they enter. Minnie grabs the side of Skip’s shirt.

  Inside, other high councilors stand sentinel and watch everyone. Katlyn and Skip are only a few feet inside when they stop and look all around. There are no tables and no chairs they can see, only standing vampires. Oh come on.

  Skip sighs. “If you lean me against the wall, I’ll be okay.”

  Katlyn grits her teeth and shakes her head. Her blonde hair bobs jovially, ignorant of her face’s frown. “I can’t believe them. How dare they? Don’t they remember what you did for those kids?”

  Skip points t
o the side. “Easy there, somebody’s coming over.”

  Elder Gerard Dziedzic approaches with a chair. “This was set aside for High Councilor Villablino, but he’s not using it, and I believe your leg is much worse off than his.”

  Skip smiles, until he sees an old man on crutches on the other side of the room. “Maybe you should get him another one?”

  Gerard shakes his head and helps Skip into the chair. “He can ask for one if he wants.” He looks at Katlyn. “I’m sure you’re aware, but my grandson Tommy is expected to make a full recovery.” He extends his hand to her, and she takes it. “Thank you, so much.” Then he turns to Skip and drops down onto a knee beside him. “And I will never forget your bravery. I’ll have a ceremony later, but I wanted to let you know that I’m beginning arrangements to allow you into my house—the House of Dziedzic.”

  Skip smiles, not really sure what to say or what that even means. “That’s too kind, uh, I really appreciate it.”

  Gerard laughs. “You don’t understand what my family means to me, and what my house means to you. For one thing, it means you have access to all of the family estates, around the world, any time, free of charge, along with hereditary entitlement.”

  Skip can’t help but glow and smile. “I see, thank you so much!”

  “You’ve earned it.” He stands. “We’ll talk later. I believe we’ll be starting...whatever this is soon.”

  Skip looks at Katlyn and raises his eyebrows with a smile.

  She beams and nods on repeat. Members of Dziedzic! Well, you will be anyway!

  Sadie walks into the room, finally finding who she was looking for. He must have come in from the other entrance. She bows. “Tatsu...”

  He turns to her and bows lower. “Mrs. Costanza.”

  Sadie holds her bow.

  Tatsu holds his, waiting for Sadie to end hers first.

  She clears her throat. “Thank you for coming.” She stands and forces a pleasant demeanor. She slow blinks and looks at the wakizashi and tanto that hang from his waist.

  He stands and frowns, confused by her behavior. “Should I have left my weapons?”

  Sadie finds his eyes and slowly shakes her head. “My family has always trusted your blades.”

  “They will always be at your family’s service.”

  “I am comforted by your readiness.” She nods, then turns and walks away.

  At the far side of the room is a small, parquet dance floor that the hotel uses for about eight different things, and Sadie stands in the middle of it. “Attention! We’re going to begin. Remember, if we see a phone, you—and your phone—will immediately be detained. I’ve asked you all here because we face an unprecedented threat. The Væir group’s video has the world’s attention, but world leaders have no evidence to support the group’s threats, and as such, they are refusing to act preemptively.”

  Flying Eagle, Enrique, and Deina all stand together. Enrique pokes his dad and whispers, “I’ve got a feeling something big’s gonna happen.”

  Flying Eagle pokes him back, whispering, “Quiet.”

  Deina swallows.

  “I feel we have a responsibility to act. We have a team on the ground in New Zealand working to thwart this Væir group, but I’m afraid we cannot place all our trust on their shoulders—not when the world is in danger.” She sighs and wipes her eye. “My husband and son are on the ground there.” She finds Skip’s eyes. “Along with other loved ones, but what I’m about to do will put them in danger.”

  She swallows and glances around the room as she speaks. “We have a high-ranking vampire aboard a U.S. naval vessel off the coast of Australia who is willing to sacrifice their life to carry out a decisive strike against our enemy. They stand ready and waiting to launch cruise missiles at the target. Although one should do the job, we’ve instructed them to launch five. Once they’re launched, the missiles will be nearly impossible to shoot down, and they should reach their target in minutes.”

  The room is silent and breathless while all eyes are locked on Sadie’s. Skip’s heart beats so fast it nearly vibrates him out of his chair, and Katlyn squeezes his shoulder.

  “Our vampire hero will be court-martialed for unauthorized engagement and will likely be convicted of murder and sentenced to death, but they will launch the missiles for us. I call for a vote by the High Council to approve this military action. All in favor of this strike, raise your hand.”

  With the exception of Raúl Lucas and Penelope Peeters, all high councilors immediately raise their hands. Then, the two newest high councilors also raise their hands.

  Sadie nods. “Excellent, I will now approve the operation, and we’ll stay here until it’s completed.” She pulls out her phone and swipes to make a call.

  When Jambavan and Madeline finally arrive in Rome, they’re in good spirits and happy to be free from cramped airplanes. As they walk out of the secured gate area to where family members wait to greet their loved ones, Jambavan reads the signs held up by professional drivers. At first, his eyes go to all the men in suits, but none of the signs could possibly be for them. Could be my name, Madeline’s, or Qilin’s...

  Madeline’s face is a mix of confusion and amazement as she jabs Jambavan in the ribs.

  He turns and looks where she’s pointing, then he does a doubletake.

  Holding a sign that says “Mustang” is a nerdy looking Slavic man, with thick dark hair under a comically large, white cowboy hat. He wears aviator glasses, a leather vest, a plaid shirt, and faded blue jeans. He’s drinking from a milk-carton, and when he sees them looking his way, he smiles and nods at them. “Howdy, there, you parteners.”

  Madeline shakes her head and blinks. “Is this real life?”

  Jambavan steps forward and extends his hand. “I’m Jambavan, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “Hello, Mr. J, and lovely friend, who?”


  “Yes, yes. Come, people.” He turns and leads them out.

  Jambavan glances at Madeline. “After you.”

  When they get to the parking lot, Mustang leads them to an old, small pickup truck. He slaps the side. “Ford tough!”

  Inside the cab, Jambavan decides it’s time to check in on the plan. “Mustang, where’s Qilin? Are you taking us to her?”

  He shakes his head. “Primo bottega...uh... You shop! Dopo—” He holds his fingers like he was holding chopsticks and draws little circles with his hand. “—Qilin.”

  Madeline leans close to Jambavan and whispers, “Is he saying we’re meeting her for Chinese food?”

  Jambavan shakes his head. “I have no idea.”

  She pulls out her phone—it doesn’t show a signal. Must not use the same networks or something... Hope you’re alright, Steve.

  Mustang takes them to a small department store, and he leads them to the cosmetics section. He picks up a box of hair dye and points to Madeline.

  She shakes her head. “NO WAY. I could never do blonde... Are you frickin’ kidding me?”

  He smiles. “Travestimento.” He tosses the box to her, and instead of being rude, she catches it. Then he walks around to the next aisle and holds up a set of hair clippers.

  In the small and lackluster banquets area, forty vampires stand and watch Sadie—the interim prime minister of the Vampire Order—make a phone call.

  Skip watches too, but from a chair. What the fuck is she doing! She’s acting crazy, she could kill them all! Why isn’t she trusting Charlie? She must know what she’s doing… He reaches up and grabs Katlyn’s hand. Minnie squeezes Skip’s other arm so hard she cuts off the circulation.

  Standing on crutches on one side of Sadie is Vincent. He shakes his head, telling everyone familiar with his role as the chair of the War and Defense Cabinet that this truly is a dark day. Eliza, chair of Foreign Affairs, sighs and looks forlorn. She avoids eye contact with anyone
, and she shrinks her tall stature, apparently defeated.

  FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! ...Just leave. Deina takes a step backward, then another, then she turns and starts to walk toward the door.

  Sadie lowers her phone. “Guardsman Deina, where are you going?”

  She turns, sweating and smiling. “The bathroom. I’m not feeling well.”

  Sadie shakes her head. “No one is allowed to leave.” She raises the phone. “Captain, is everything ready? Good. We’ve taken the vote—”

  In a flash, Deina dashes for the door and pushes past those in her way, but she doesn’t see Skip seated in the chair, and she blasts straight into him.

  “Hey!” Skip tips backward, Minnie flies with him, and Katlyn, who was behind the chair, dives to the side.

  Deina falls too, tumbling over Skip and the chair. She looks up and sees the eyes of the vampires around her staring at her in confusion. Flying Eagle grimaces and walks toward her. “Deina, what’s going on?”

  Skip starts to get up from beside her. Deina swallows, pulls a thin, serrated knife from a sheath alongside her calf, and grabs the most valuable hostage she can—the person who happens to be right in front of her—Minnie.

  The young girl screams and flails her arms as Deina lifts her up, but Minnie stops when she feels the knife pressed to her neck. The serrations along the blade cut into her soft, pale skin, and deep-red blood trickles down the shiny metal.

  Deina squeezes the girl in her powerful arms and snarls, “Cancel the attack or I’ll kill her!”

  For an instant that feels like minutes, no one moves. Deina doesn’t blink, Minnie is paralyzed by fear, and all the vampires in the room stare in bewilderment. Besides being a Knight of the Order, Deina is a well-known junior officer of the Council Guard—the most elite group of knights in the Vampire Order. One quarter of the vampires present are knights or guards themselves, and they all clench their fists and prepare for an assault: one of their own has betrayed them and has taken the prime minister’s innocent and defenseless child hostage.


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