Married to the Royal_An Accidental Marriage Romance

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Married to the Royal_An Accidental Marriage Romance Page 5

by Ashlee Price

  In the next instant, I see Steff emerge behind her wearing a dark gray cardigan over a white shirt and faded denims.

  I gasp and get on my feet.

  "Steff, what are you doing here?"

  And why do I feel like this is deja vu?

  "I came to watch you play," he answers as he walks down the steps.

  I exhale. "Didn't I tell you not to come to my workplace?"

  "I thought you only meant the cafe."

  I roll my eyes.

  Damn it. He's toying with me again.

  "Who's this?" Kay asks as she stands up and steps forward.

  Here we go again.

  "This is Steff," I reluctantly introduce him to Kay. "He's... a friend of mine."

  "Oh." Kay places her arm around me. "Well, that's a surprise. Jess doesn't have many friends."

  "Then it's an honor for me to be one of the few," Steff answers.

  I glance at him.

  What? He's acting all mature and gentlemanly now?

  Kay pulls me closer. "And I don't think you've mentioned him before."

  "Oh, he and I just met recently at the cafe," I tell Kay. "He's not from around here."

  Kay rubs her chin. "He does look foreign."

  She whispers in my ear.

  "Not to mention he looks hot."

  My eyebrows arch. Is Kay allowed to say that when she has a serious boyfriend?

  Speaking of serious boyfriend, Riley comes out of the back door.

  "Whoa." He does a double take when he sees Steff. "Who's this?"

  "A friend of Jess," Kay answers for me. "His name is Steff."

  Steff extends his hand and Riley warily shakes it.

  "I'm Riley."

  "Nice to meet you, Riley," Steff says.

  Riley walks over to me and lowers his voice. "Sure he's not your boyfriend?"

  "No," I assure him.

  He frowns, seemingly displeased by my answer. Then he stands beside Kay and puts an arm around her.

  "Josh still isn't here," he says, loud enough for me to hear.

  I throw him a look of disbelief. "He's not?"

  I glance at my watch again.

  Only eleven minutes left until the show starts. Where can Josh be?

  Kay checks her phone. "Oh, he sent me a message."

  I lean towards her to read it.

  Sorry. Can't make it tonight. Marianne keeps throwing up and I can't leave her. Sorry.

  I let out a groan. "What are we going to do?"

  Kay puts her phone away and looks at me. "Well, at least we still have one guitarist."

  "But all our songs are written for two," I whine.

  "True," Riley agrees.

  Steff raises his hand. "I can play."

  "What?" Riley and I both say at the same time.

  Steff puts his hand down. "I know how to play the guitar, so if you need another guitarist and you have another guitar, I can play."

  My eyebrows shoot sky high.

  Steff can play the guitar?

  "You're joking," I tell him.

  He turns to me. "What? I didn't tell you?"

  He damn well knows he didn't. Then again, I should have known it from the way he looked at the guitars at the music store when we were shopping for a new one.

  "I think Benny has an old guitar upstairs," Kay says. "I'll borrow it."

  I look at her in disbelief. "You're taking his word for it?"

  "Yup," she nods. But then she turns back to Steff before going inside. "If you're lying, I'll punch your pretty face."

  From the corner of my eye, I catch Riley grinning.

  "Okay," Steff agrees.

  "But he doesn't know our songs," I argue with Kay.

  "We'll just have to do covers tonight," Kay says. "Talk it over with him. Ask him what he knows."

  She disappears through the door.

  I sigh.

  Riley pats my shoulder. "I'll leave the two of you."

  He, too, disappears inside.

  I throw Steff a warning glare. "This better not be a joke."

  He shrugs. "Are you also going to punch me if it is?"

  "I have enough reasons to punch you already," I tell him.

  He chuckles.

  I go up the steps with my guitar. "Come on. The list of songs we usually perform is in my purse."


  I pause at the doorway to turn to him. "You better be as good as you think you are."

  "Don't worry," Steff assures me with a confident grin that I want to wipe off his face. "I won't let you down."


  And he didn't.

  Steff played every note he was supposed to in every song with an unbelievable combination of poise and exuberance. Benny's guitar was like putty in his hands. He gave our music life and molded it into a dozen different masterpieces.

  As much as I hate to admit it, he even plays better than me.

  The crowd loved him. How could they not?

  He was hot. He was cool.

  Even I was enthralled by the way he played. I could not take my eyes off his face, which seemed to become more radiant beneath the spotlight as it glistened with sweat, or off his fingers as they commanded his instrument. Commanded? No. That's not the right word. He was in control, yes, but there was nothing forceful about the way he plucked at the strings. Instead, one could sense his passion flowing into the guitar and entwining with it. They were one.

  I watch as the members of my band greet Steff jubilantly. Kay looks particularly ecstatic, Riley seems to have warmed up to him, and even Alice has a rare smile on her lips.

  I stare at Steff, suddenly feeling as if I know him even less than before.

  What kind of man do I have for a roommate, exactly?

  "Whew." Kay wipes the sweat from her forehead as she walks over to me. "That was probably the most sizzling performance we've ever given."

  "It was intense," I agree as I put my guitar away.

  "Intense?" Kay chuckles. She leans over to me and whispers in my ear. "Don't tell Riley, but I swear I nearly had an orgasm at one point back there."

  I look at her in surprise. "O-orgasm?"

  She places a hand on my shoulder. "You do know what I'm talking about, don't you?"

  A blush creeps under my already red cheeks. "Of course I do!"

  What am I saying? I've only ever had two kisses in my life.

  Kay grins like a little girl who's just played a prank on a boy.

  I narrow my eyes at her. "Shouldn't you be more... well, behaved?"

  She pats my shoulder. "Now, now, don't look at me like that. Didn't you feel the same way?"

  I don't answer.

  "How could you not?" She looks in Steff's direction. "The guy was practically making love to his guitar in front of everybody."


  "Just look at him." Kay crosses her arms over her chest. "Every woman in this bar wants to go to bed with him."

  He is surrounded by a number of women now, all of whom seem to be gushing over him with wide smiles and googly eyes. And he seems to be enjoying their attention, flashing them smiles of his own.

  Somehow, the sight makes my chest ache and my temper boil.

  How can Steff be having fun with girls like this after he kissed me last night, after he teased me this morning, after he showed up supposedly to watch me play?

  He is toying with me, after all.

  "Are you sure he isn't your boyfriend?" Kay asks me. "Or that you don't want him to be? Because if you don't do something, one of those girls is going to sweep him away."

  I snort. "Like I'd be interested in a guy like him."

  So what if he's hot and plays the guitar well? He's mean. He's weird. He's a spoiled brat who couldn't even hold on to his own luggage.

  Suddenly, I pause. My eyes widen.

  That's right. I'm the only one who knows those things about him. Those girls don't.

  "Wow. You really are something else." Kay pats my back. "I'm not sure if I want to punch you or salute you

  I let that go.

  "Speaking of punching, I guess you're not going to do that to him since he played so well," I say.

  "Of course not. I wouldn't want to put a dent in that pretty face."

  Ah. So she was just bluffing.

  "And like you said, he played very well." She puts a hand on my shoulder again. "Hey. Do you know how long he's staying? Maybe he could play for us again. Maybe he could even play for us until he leaves."

  My eyebrows rise. "But what about Josh?"

  "Let's face it. Josh has a lot on his plate right now," Kay answers. "Besides, there's no denying that Steff plays better."

  My teeth clash. My hand rolls into a fist.

  I know he plays better. But to replace Josh? That's insane. And completely unfair.

  I brush Kay's hand off my shoulder. "Josh is an irreplaceable part of the band."

  I walk off with my guitar.

  "Jess?" Kay calls after me.

  I ignore her as I start to make my way through the crowd.

  "Jess," Riley calls after me, too. "Aren't you drinking tonight?"

  "I'll pass," I tell him without glancing back.

  I head towards the exit and walk down the street. The chilly wind kisses my cheeks and I put my hood on.

  How could Kay have suggested that?

  We've been playing with Josh for three years. We're not just a band. We're friends. We're a family. We can't just let him go.

  I can't just let him go.

  Yes, the band is about to break up. Yes, his girlfriend is going to have his baby. But as the other guitarist in the band, he's the one I'm closest to. He's my partner, and usually my inspiration.

  He's irreplaceable.

  "Hey, Jess, wait up!" Steff shouts from behind me.

  I roll my eyes and keep walking.

  He catches up to me and grabs my arm. "Wait."

  "What do you want?" I whirl around. "Haven't you had enough fun already?"

  It's all his fault. If he hadn't come to the bar, if he hadn't offered to play, things wouldn't have come to this.

  Steff releases my arm. His eyebrows crease in concern.

  "Are you... mad?"

  I don't answer. I simply turn away from him and walk faster, even though my chest is threatening to burst.

  "You are mad." I hear Steff's footsteps behind me. "Why? I thought you'd be glad..."

  "Because you did me a favor?" I finish the sentence for him as I turn around once more. "Because you think you saved the band tonight?"

  Steff falls silent.

  "Well, you didn't." I hurl the words at him with a shake of my head. My fists tremble at my sides. "You're no hero. You're just a self-centered, insensitive, stupid jerk!"

  With that, I turn on my heel and run off.

  This time, I don't hear footsteps behind me.

  Good. Steff should stay away from me right now, because I feel like punching his pretty face for real.

  I clutch my chest as the wind blows through my hair. Tears threaten to trickle down my cheeks, and I run faster. I don't stop running until I've made it down three blocks to my apartment, and as soon as I get inside, I head straight to my bedroom and throw myself on my bed. I let the tears spill on my pillow.

  How the hell did my life get so messed up? Everything was fine, and then all of a sudden Steff showed up and turned it all upside-down.

  I sniff.

  Why did Steff have to show up?


  Why isn't Steff here?

  I ask myself the question after reluctantly peeking into his bedroom to find his bed still made. No dirty clothes or boots lie on the floor.

  My eyes grow wide.

  Steff didn't come back?


  After crying myself to sleep last night, I felt better when I woke up. I felt calm enough to face him, to talk to him even.

  But there was no sign of him in the living room or in the kitchen, and when I didn't see his boots by the door, I decided to check his room.

  Now, my heart sinks as my eyelids lower.

  Steff didn't come back.

  Why? All because I got mad at him and said those mean things?

  Now that I think about it, maybe I went a little too far. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten mad at him at all. He did help the band out, after all, regardless of his intentions.

  Still, I was only telling him how I felt. If he didn't want to hear it, he shouldn't have followed me.

  Why did he follow me when he had all those girls drooling all over him?

  I place a hand over my chest as I feel a stab of guilt.

  This is my fault. My mother always used to say that I shouldn't get upset so easily, that I should learn to control my temper. I've failed. Again. And now, Steff might not be coming back.

  I close the door to his room and let out a sigh.

  Jess, what have you done?

  Well, there's nothing I can do about it now. Steff will make his own decisions. And I have to go to work.

  I grab my purse and head to the door but stop after a few steps.

  Even if Steff is leaving, he'll come back for his things. The least I can do is say goodbye.

  I turn back towards the counter and scribble a note.

  Chapter 6



  I hope you're alright. What's left of your money is on your bed. You can keep the robe, too. You were great last night. I should have said that instead of the stuff I said. Hope you find a better roommate. (I will, too!) Take care.


  I fold the note and put it inside my pocket. A smile forms on my lips.

  So she was worried about me, huh? And she thought I did great last night.

  I scratch the back of my head and let out a sigh.

  That girl should really be more true to her feelings.

  I take off my boots and go to my room.

  The folded white robe that I wore on my first day here lies on top of the bed. A wad of bills sits on top of it just as Jess said in her note.

  She really thought I'd leave, huh?

  Not a chance.

  I simply stayed away to give her some time to cool down, even though I wasn't even sure what upset her in the first place. I still don't know what it was and whether or not it was my fault. But I'm glad she seems to have calmed down.

  I grab the bills and bring them to the counter, where I put a glass paperweight above them.

  Nope. Not leaving.

  I doubt I'd find a better roommate, after all.

  I go around the counter into the kitchen and open the fridge. My gaze falls on the eggs and I remember the breakfast I cooked for her yesterday.

  I touch my chin.

  Hmm. Well, I did tease Jess yesterday, so maybe it's my fault she blew up like that. And I stole the limelight from her and her band, too. Maybe that's why she got upset and called me a self-centered, stupid, and-what else was it?-insensitive jerk.

  I still remember the look on her face when she spat those words at me. The resentment in them took me by surprise then and they still make my chest ache now.

  Maybe she wishes she could take them back now that she's calmed down, but I know for a fact that she meant them. Sometimes, the words one says in the heat of emotion are the ones that ring most true. They are the ones that come straight from the heart, after all, unhindered, unedited by the mind.

  I must have hurt her, and so there's only one thing to do.

  I close the door of the fridge, walk to the living room, and put my boots back on.

  I have to make it up to Jess.


  "You made dinner?"

  Jess's raven eyes grow wide as they take in the feast I've spread out on the dining table-garlic butter prawns with peppers, Angus steak cooked medium rare, and some pan-roasted potatoes in rosemary and truffle oil.

  It took me nearly all day to find the recipes I wanted, shop for the ingredients, and finally cook the meal, but I've man
aged to pull it off.

  Erza, the head chef back at the Palace, would be proud.

  I pull out a chair for Jess. "I hope you like it. I put a lot of work into it."

  She sinks into the chair almost in a daze. Her gaze remains on the food.

  "You really did all this?"

  I grin. "I guess a person can do anything he puts his mind to."

  "You mean you can do anything you put your mind to." Jess sighs. "Seriously, I'm beginning to think you're some kind of genius. Either that or you're an alien from another universe."

  I chuckle as I begin to pour her a glass of wine. I stop, though, as she touches my bandaged fingers.

  "Your hand."

  I pull it away to rub the back of my head as I give her a sheepish grin.

  "Well, shelling prawns is harder than I thought."

  "Then you shouldn't have done it, silly," Jess reprimands me with a pout. "How will you be able to play the guitar now?"

  "I have no plans to." I finish pouring. "Your guitarist will come back soon. And if not, the band has you."

  I set the bottle down and take my seat.

  "You're more talented than people give you credit for."

  She might not be a performer-that's why the audience doesn't notice her-but I could tell how flawlessly and soulfully she played.

  "Speak for yourself," Jess says as she picks up her glass. "You were the star last night. Kay and all those girls who were screaming at the bar last night are going to be disappointed when they hear you won't be performing again."

  "Were you jealous?"

  She coughs just after taking her first sip, then looks above her glass to glare at me.

  Oops. I've teased her again.

  I lift my hand. "Well, it can't be helped."

  Jess sighs. "You didn't have to cook dinner, you know. It's enough that you came back."

  Her cheeks turn a shade closer to the liquid in her glass.

  I smile. "Where else would I find a roommate as fascinating as you?"

  Her blush intensifies. Then her eyes narrow.

  "You're making fun of me again, aren't you?"

  I grab my knife and fork. "Plus you'll never find a roommate as hot as me."

  Jess sets her glass down and gives another sigh. "You're still full of yourself, too. I guess some things never change."

  I just grin.

  She picks up her utensils and cuts into her steak.

  "So where did you go last night?" she asks.


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