An Earl for her Hopeless Heart: A True Clean & Sweet Historical Regency Romance Novel

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An Earl for her Hopeless Heart: A True Clean & Sweet Historical Regency Romance Novel Page 1

by Finch, Fanny

  An Earl for her Hopeless Heart

  A True Clean & Sweet Historical Regency Romance Novel

  Fanny Finch

  Copyright © 2018 by Fanny Finch

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40


  The Extended Epilogue

  Be a Part of Fanny Finch’s Family

  A Lady’s Choice Preview

  Also by Fanny Finch

  Chapter 1

  Lady Hestia Stalwood was the daughter of an earl. The Earl of Nottingham, as luck would have it. But when she looked around the crowded room, she felt much less worthy than the title suggested.

  Lady Hestia loved her father. But he was not wise in business. In fact, his wasteful spendings and quirky ideas for gaining fortune had driven Lady Hestia’s mother crazy as well as the bankers who handled his accounts.

  He made illogical decisions, trusted people he should not trust and used his heart instead of his brain to make choices that affected the whole family. Because of this, the Stalwood family was nearly destitute.

  Or that’s how it felt to Lady Hestia. They were managing to get by. But she saw no future success for the family if her father was always left in charge.

  Therefore, Lady Hestia took it upon herself to find employment. It was a blow to her self-esteem and her social standing but she was willing to risk it to have a cushion to fall back on, should her father make the final deal that tore the family finances to shreds.

  If she never married, at least she would have a way to put food in her mouth and clothes on her back, despite what the title she carried implied.

  She looked around desperately for Lady Eugenia.

  As a companion for Lady Eugenia, she was supposed to be by her side, never letting her feel lonely. She leaned forward a little, making a small semi-circle, looking through the crowd of people.

  She spotted Lord Faulkner first. This was his home. It was one of the many parties he gave during the season. He was one of the friendliest, most gregarious individuals Lady Hestia had ever met. Handsome and intelligent, he drew the attention of many young ladies, much to the dismay of his wife. She suffered in silence, Lady Hestia noticed.

  If he were her husband, Lady Hestia doubted she would be able to hold her tongue. Some of the women behaved shamelessly. Often Lady Hestia was left wondering how Lady Faulkner kept her temper in check. On at least one occasion, Lady Hestia had wanted to slap the woman throwing herself at Lord Faulkner. She was amazed that Lady Faulkner turned and walked away from the incident.

  If not for her companionship with Lady Eugenia, Lady Hestia would not have been invited to this party. Her family did not stand high enough in the social circles to allow that. Not anymore. Last season, she had attended the parties here with great anticipation.

  But not anymore.

  Lady Eugenia’s family was held in high regard. Her father was successful in business, if not somewhat of a stuffed shirt, proper and dignified in all occasions. Attending these parties of the ton elite, Lady Hestia was able to make many contacts she would not otherwise have been able to make anymore.

  She finally spotted Lady Eugenia. She clutched her skirt in one hand and hurried to her friend. She hoped Lady Eugenia would forgive her for needing to use the necessary but she couldn’t help it. She’d had too many cups of tea before she came to the party.

  The ride over had been agony for her.

  “Here you are, Lady Eugenia, I apologize for taking so long.” Lady Hestia quickly took the cushion next to Lady Eugenia’s on the settee. For her part, Lady Eugenia smiled graciously at her.

  “My goodness, you look flustered. Calm yourself, Hestia, everything is fine. I am enjoying myself looking at all the possible prospects for potential husbands.”

  Hestia had to keep herself from laughing at the way Lady Eugenia said that sentence. She wondered for a moment if Lady Eugenia had practiced saying it a few times before she actually had a chance to use it in conversation.

  “I am calm, Lady Eugenia. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

  Lady Eugenia let out a tinkling laugh. “You worry too much about me, little Hestia.”

  Hestia did not mind her lady’s nickname for her. She often called her “little Hestia” in an affectionate voice because Hestia was several inches smaller and weighed a few pounds lighter than Lady Eugenia. In truth, she was older than her lady but it did not always appear to be so on the outside. She was only a few years older, in her early twenties, whereas Lady Eugenia was not yet twenty.

  She knew when anyone looked at them, even the “possible prospects for potential husbands”, they could see the difference between their social standings, simply from their attire and the way Lady Eugenia held herself with pride and class.

  Despite her position as a lady herself, Hestia was fully aware her family did not hold the same social graces as the Viscount of Culross, Lady Eugenia’s father. That prestige fell on Lady Eugenia, giving her the appearance of brilliance that Hestia could not muster.

  She knew she was attractive on the exterior and was confident enough in herself. She knew she had to take care of herself. She desired a secure future, one that she knew her father would not provide. Any inheritance he bestowed would be a pittance and certainly not enough to attract a suitor in and of itself, nor would she be able to live on it for more than a few months at most.

  So in order for her to know she would not starve to death or die on a street corner in the cold, Hestia swallowed her pride and took the job as Lady Eugenia’s companion. She did not truly mind. She tried to think of it as an adventure, a temporary experience that would lead her to greater things.

  She tried to think that, at least.

  On the other hand, if she died a spinster, she would not be surprised by that either.

  But she wanted to think of it in the most positive of lights. The first years of her life had been so dismal and gray. She did not want to dwell in negativity all her life. Someday, she would find happiness and love. Someday.

  In the meantime, she sat beside Lady Eugenia, admiring the lovely dresses the other women were wearing, happy that the lady she’d chosen to be companions with was not a spiteful or boring young woman.

  Her conversation was easy and light. She was not negative in any way.

  “How are you finding the party so far, Hestia?” Lady Eugenia asked the question without turning her head and looking at Hestia. If she had not said her name, Hestia would not have known she was even being addressed.

  “It has been such little time, Lady Eugenia, that I do not know how I feel yet. I am seeing many familiar faces, though.”

  “I am sure you are.”

  Hestia heard a distinct change in Lady Eugenia’s voice when she said that. It made Hestia curious what her young friend was thinking about.

  “I have seen some familiar faces, as well,” Lady Eugenia remarked. “But I do not know if there are any new men in the house. There are several different rooms open to guests, are there not?”

  Hestia nodded. “Yes, that is right. And the grounds outside, they are perfect for a nice stroll. Have you seen Lord Faulkner’s beautiful flower garden? I was simply amazed by it.”

  Lady Eugenia gave Hestia a close look. “When did you see the garden, Hestia? Were you not in the necessary?”

  Hestia chuckled. “Yes, I was. I am speaking of the ride here. Did you not see it in the garden, just to our left as we were coming up in the coach?”

  Lady Eugenia gave her a slightly frustrated look. “I did not get a chance to see it.”

  Hestia jumped to her feet. She held one hand out to Lady Eugenia. “Shall we go see it? There is plenty of time left to the day. I do not see why we cannot go exploring just a bit on our own. Who is to object?”

  Lady Eugenia’s eyes widened a bit and she looked around her at the other guests. No one was paying any attention to her. She smiled and took Hestia’s hand.

  “Yes, we should go for a walk in this beautiful flower garden, Hestia.”

  When she looped her elbow around Hestia’s, she leaned close and whispered softly. “Thank you, my dear. I was beginning to feel a bit left out. Let us hope there is not a new scandal for everyone to focus on. Sometimes I feel like I cannot even sleep because of the discourse I hear all around me.”

  She looked at Hestia as they walked. “Tell me something, Hestia. Do you really enjoy being my companion? I am asking if you truly enjoy it. I know you are happy and content. At least, I think you are. You are, are you not?”

  She smiled timidly. Hestia had to chuckle softly. “You are a silly girl, my lady, of course I enjoy working with you.”

  Lady Eugenia’s face fell a little and she drooped her eyelids. “So you consider this to be work?”

  Hestia looked at her friend, wondering how in the world she was supposed to answer such a question without hurting Lady Eugenia’s feelings. Of course, she considered it working. It was a job, after all. She was being paid.

  If given the choice to join Lady Eugenia in family social standing, perhaps she would not consider it a job and would not take money to do various things with her. But the fact would always remain that, in spite of the friendship and bond they had built, Hestia would never be at the same level as Lady Eugenia and her father. Not with the ton.

  They walked lightly out onto the large veranda and walked together across the stone floor to the stone wall that surrounded the area. There were stairs that could be taken to the grassy land around the mansion on either side of the veranda. They were wide enough to accommodate five or six people all standing in a row.

  The stairs themselves were long as well, making Lady Eugenia and Hestia take another step forward before descending the next step.

  Both women were slender. They took the steps to the right arm-in-arm and there was still plenty of room for those who were ascending the stairs.

  Halfway down the stairs, Lady Eugenia suddenly stopped. For a moment, Hestia thought she might have seen a suitor that caught her attention. When she looked over at Lady Eugenia, she saw that was not the case. The young woman had spotted the beautiful flower garden.

  “Oh my!” she finally said, exhaling slowly. “You were so accurate in your description, Hestia. It is indeed beautiful!”

  Hestia smiled. Lady Eugenia was easy to please. She exuded the kind of positive light Hestia wished she had. But her life had been too difficult and she’d grown up having a hard time discovering happiness in what she did.

  She tried hard not to be a negative nanny. She did not want the reputation of a woman who had no sense of humor or love for others in her heart.

  In fact, she was determined to change that attribute about herself. She was going to find her happiness somewhere.

  “Yes, I like for you to see beautiful things, too, Lady Eugenia. I knew you would appreciate it.”

  “I doubt we will find any eligible men walking around in the garden.”

  “You did not look keen on engaging in the activities going on in the parlor. Nor did you seem interested in the card room or playing cribbage. So I thought the pretty colors of the flower garden would allow you to see there is beauty, even when you are feeling bored.”

  Lady Eugenia lifted her eyebrows. “Did I appear bored to you, my dear?”

  “I must admit you did, Eugenia. I am sorry to say it. But you did look a bit bored.”

  Lady Eugenia frowned lightly, pressing her lips together and bringing the corners down just slightly. Hestia knew her friend’s future husband was going to think that was a very cute look on Lady Eugenia. It made her look sweet, like a small child that you wanted to wrap your arms around and hug tight.

  “I do not like to hear that. I hope such words do not return to my father’s ears.”

  Hestia snorted softly. “You have nothing to fear, my lady. I am sure the men simply thought you were lost in thought. It was more a wistful look than a bored one. Yes, wistful. You need not worry, Eugenia.”

  Lady Eugenia giggled. “Thank you for making me feel better, Hestia. You are a true good friend.”

  Chapter 2

  They walked along slowly, still arm-in-arm, in silence for a while. Hestia was fascinated by the many colors and shapes of the flowers. She wondered how the gardener could possibly keep them all in full bloom.

  After a few minutes, Hestia looked down at her companion. “Are you all right, Lady Eugenia?”

  Her friend nodded. “Yes, I am feeling wonderful. But I have been wondering something and I… I think I will be so bold as to ask you about it.”

  Hestia was taken aback just a little. She could not imagine what Lady Eugenia would want from her. “Please do not hesitate, Eugenia.”

  “Do you miss being at home?”

  It was a peculiar question. “Do I miss being at home?”

  “You must miss your family. You are always away from them now. You must want to see them more.”

  Hestia took a moment to think about it. She did not want to offend Lady Eugenia by saying that she wished she had never had to take a position as a companion in the first place. She felt Lady Eugenia was an amiable spirit. She would much rather have been her friend than her paid companion.

  She did miss her family and being in her bed in her room back home. But it was not her fate. She was destined to work so that her future would not look as dismal as her mother’s future looked.

  “I am happy serving you and being your companion, Eugenia. You must know this. I do not complain, do I?”

  “No, you do not.” Lady Eugenia flashed a brilliant smile at her. “I am glad of that. But it does not mean you are truly happy. Tell me you do not miss your family.”

  “I miss them to an extent, of course. But I am happy to be here with you, as well.”

  Her words were not untruthful. She enjoyed making contacts she would not have made this season. She enjoyed eating delicious delicacies and staying warm and clothed. These were incentives that made up for the sense of loss she couldn’t help feeling.

  Her position was not one of enviable status. It was degrading and undesirable. But Hestia’s need for a secure future meant more to her than the prestige she may have received by pretending her family was something it was not.
br />   Hestia scanned her friend with a gentle smile. She enjoyed spending time with the young woman. Lady Eugenia was kind and friendly. She never caused drama and rarely complained about anything. Hestia knew other young women of the ton who would not have been so pleasant to be a companion for.

  She felt blessed. If she had to be a companion to anyone, she was glad it was Lady Eugenia.

  They walked slowly down the path that wound its way through the flower garden. Lady Eugenia made small noises of appreciation every now and then, pointing out different flowers that she now considered her “favorite”.

  “When I am married and have my own home, I am going to create something like this, an amazing collection of colors and scents to make my visitors swoon.”

  “That sounds lovely, my lady,” Hestia said.

  “Would you not want the same for your home?”

  Hestia nodded, surveying the garden. “I think so, Lady Eugenia.” She would love to have a home of her own someday but feared it was not to be.

  After a few moments, Lady Eugenia squeezed Hestia’s arm, making her look down at the young woman.

  “You know, I have been invited to a house party later this evening. It is a party that will last several days, the whole weekend, I expect.”


  “Yes. It is being held at Baron Wake’s huge mansion. Would you like to come?”

  Hestia raised her eyebrows. “I am surprised you would ask me, my lady, when you know I am obliged to be with you wherever you are.”


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