An Earl for her Hopeless Heart: A True Clean & Sweet Historical Regency Romance Novel

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An Earl for her Hopeless Heart: A True Clean & Sweet Historical Regency Romance Novel Page 5

by Finch, Fanny

  “It is a pleasure to meet you.” Leander bowed to her. He dared not glance at Hestia. She had taken on her role as companion, leaving her ladyship behind. He wondered if she would offer her services to Miss Drusilla. She could teach the young woman many things about how to have good character.

  And perhaps rid Miss Drusilla of that peculiar smell she carried around with her.

  He could not be the only one who noticed it.

  He chided himself for thinking so poorly of a lady. He found himself at odds, stuck between wanting to be the gentleman his father needed him to be and fighting for his own desires.

  “My lord, the pleasure is mine. Have you been enjoying the house party so far?”

  Leander did not want to tell Lady Eugenia how miserable he had been up to the point of bumping into her companion. He had spent the entire hour beforehand in a dreadful state of panic, waiting for the arrival of Miss Drusilla.

  She was sure to ruin the weekend for him. She assumed from the beginning that he was obligated to her and therefore, when they were in the same room, she refused to leave his side. It made him feel as if he had been claimed and he did not like that feeling.

  Hestia’s pleasant demeanor had been a refreshing change for his dark mood. It had brought a smile to his face, one that he had not thought he would have the entire three days he was at Baron Wake’s estate.

  To realize she had lowered her status in the eyes of society had been disappointing to him, to say the least. She was well-mannered and kind. He could see by the way she looked at Lady Eugenia, the two were very close.

  “I have enjoyed it, yes,” he said. “There are many people here I know. I am afraid I have not been as sociable as I could have been, however. I hope that will change as the weekend goes along.”

  “Yes, my lord, I am certain of it.” Lady Eugenia turned to Hestia. “I have missed you while you were wandering around, Hestia. I am so glad you are by my side again. I think I will have to chain you to my side. At least then you will be able to give me some help with my card playing. I have recently discovered I am much more charming when I am not playing.”

  Hestia could not help laughing. “Oh, Lady Eugenia, whatever do you mean? You are never unpleasant.”

  “I believe I might be a sore loser.” When she spoke, Lady Eugenia leaned toward Hestia, holding a hand up to her mouth sideways as if she was telling a secret.

  Hestia shook her head with a smile. “My lady, there is nothing unpleasant about you. Why, I do not believe there is a mean bone in your body.”

  Lady Eugenia laughed that time. “Oh, Hestia, you are such a delight. I do care for you so very much.” She turned to Leander. “I would ask if you would like to play a game of Loo but I will not for several reasons.” Without waiting for Leander to ask what they were, she continued, “One being I am terrible at the game.”

  The three of them chuckled at that.

  “And what would the other one be, my lady?”

  Lady Eugenia shook her head. “I am fully aware a lady does not ask a man to play cards or any other game. It is your place to do so, my lord.”

  “I will decline the offer,” Leander said in an amused voice. “On the grounds that you are not good at the game and I, in fact, play as an expert at the game. I would not want to trounce you, my lady. That would not be the gentlemanly thing to do.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “Shall we go to the garden and walk? Or would you rather stay inside?”

  Hestia looked at Leander. As her chaperone, it was Hestia’s job to stand by Lady Eugenia and make sure she did not get hurt in any way.

  Lady Eugenia looked at her. “Hestia, it was nice for you to bring Lord Leander to me for an invitation. I do hope you will accompany us in the garden. I wonder if there are flowers here.”

  “If there are, they cannot possibly be as beautiful as the ones at Lord Faulkner’s.”

  “You must be talking about that flower garden Faulkner has outside his estate.”

  “Why yes, that is what we’re talking about,” Lady Eugenia’s smile was broad and happy. “Why, I have never seen such beauty. Were you at the last dance they held?”

  Leander nodded. He was still distracted by the fact that Lady Hestia was working as a companion. He had seen a spark in her like no other. He wanted to know more about her but did not see it being possible, considering her employment status.

  “I was there, yes, my lady.”

  Lady Eugenia frowned. “You were there? I did not see you, nor did Lord Faulkner or he would have mentioned it to me.”

  Leander nodded. “I often go unnoticed.”

  “That I must doubt,” Hestia said, abruptly. She covered her mouth and lowered her head. She wondered how many times she was going to embarrass herself.

  Leander was taken by surprise and immediately wondered why he had been. This young lady was on fire, with the personality to match. He suspected there was very little she might hold back from saying.

  “I, too, have to doubt that,” Lady Eugenia said, halting any further embarrassment for her friend. “You are a man of consequence, my lord. I would like to take a walk with you in the garden. It is getting stuffy in here, as more people come in to enjoy the refreshments. Have you had some tea and pastries, Hestia?”

  As if to answer Lady Eugenia’s question, Hestia’s stomach rumbled quietly. She hoped neither of her companions heard it. “I have not. But I am not hungry, my lady. I will be fine.”

  Lady Eugenia shook her head. “Nonsense. We must get something for you to eat. Do you not agree, Lord Price?”

  Leander grinned at Hestia. She would need to eat in order to expend all the extra energy she had built up inside her. “I do agree. Feisty young women need to be fortified or they will become sloth-like.”

  Lady Eugenia gasped and then laughed. “Oh, Lord Price. You do have a sense of humor. How lovely. I must say, I do know a young woman whom I believe would suit you well. You have an intelligent mind and you are very charming.”

  Hestia’s breath caught in her throat. She ran through a list of other ladies of the ton and dismissed them all as unworthy, one by one. The only person she desired to have Lord Price besides Lady Eugenia was herself.

  And she would not dare put herself up in such a manner. She had already done too much in that regard as it was.

  Leander was also taken by surprise by the offer. “I must say it is a little strange to have an eligible lady offer someone else in her place. Who might this young lady be?”

  When Lady Eugenia looked at Hestia, the young woman felt her cheeks flaming up again. Had Lady Eugenia guessed her thoughts? Or was she looking at Hestia as though they should both know who Lady Eugenia was talking about?

  Hestia turned and looked around the room, picking out the ladies in the room she thought might be even a little bit worthy of Leander.

  Leander saw her looking and moved his eyes from Lady Eugenia to Hestia and back again. He felt stuck in the middle, unsure of where to turn. Was he not good enough for Lady Eugenia?

  He kept a pleasant smile on his face. “Please be forthcoming with the name of this young woman I would be so taken with that I would want her for the rest of my life.”

  “You have already met her but I know you have not been formally introduced.” Lady Eugenia’s eyes moved to Hestia once more. “It is my dear friend, Lady Hestia Stalwood to whom I refer. She is the daughter of the Earl of Nottingham.”

  Leander nodded, looking down at Hestia. “Good afternoon, my lady.”

  “Good afternoon, my lord.”

  Lady Eugenia looked confused at first before recovering from her surprise. “I did not know you had been introduced, Lady Hestia.”

  Hestia shook her head. “I was looking at those books on the shelf, my lady,” she said, moving her eyes to the bookshelf and back again. “I backed up and bumped into Lord Leander. We had a small chat on the way over so that I could introduce you and my lineage was revealed.”

  Lady Eugenia looke
d back up at Lord Leander. “Did she truly bump into you, my lord?”

  Leander grinned wide, remembering the incident that had just happened. “She did.”

  “I must apologize for her.”

  Leander shook his head. “There is no need. She was perfectly charming and did as she is supposed to do as a companion. I have been introduced to you and that, I believe, was her ultimate goal.”

  “I did not mean to bump into you, Lord Price. I do apologize again for that.”

  “I understand, Lady Hestia. You have already apologized and been forgiven for the mistake. It was not your intention to run into me. You must not think of it again.”

  Leander was fascinated by the young woman. He forced himself to turn his eyes back to Lady Eugenia. “You have chosen a good companion, Lady Eugenia. I am impressed by her manners.”

  He could not help thinking once more that Drusilla could use some help with that.

  “I believe Hestia would be a wonderful companion for you, as well.”

  Leander tried not to chuckle. Both the young ladies were attractive and it seemed they were both trying to help the other one, though Hestia had chosen a back seat and was acting as a companion. He was certain they were extremely good friends to be looking out for each other in such a way.

  “I am afraid I am already courting a young lady,” he found himself saying. He was angry at himself for saying it but also knew it had to be revealed before either of the young women became too involved in their scheme. Hestia’s cheeks were already red enough.

  “You are?” Lady Eugenia looked very disappointed. Leander noticed the same look on Hestia’s face just before she masked it with a gentle smile.

  “Yes, she is due to arrive at any time. I…”

  He stopped abruptly when a voice came calling loudly from the doorway, a voice he had been dreading since his arrival.

  It was Miss Drusilla.

  Chapter 8

  Hestia’s heart ached at the thought that Leander was not available to any women in the room, least of all her. She wished she had not even met him, if such was the case.

  When she turned and saw Miss Drusilla, stomping through the crowd toward them in a brash manner, her eyes widened. The woman stopped at a group of people, who looked at her as if she had intruded on a very private conversation.

  Miss Drusilla did not seem to notice their reaction to her. She straightened the collar of one gentleman, who looked shocked that she had touched him.

  Hestia looked back at Leander with surprise in her eyes.

  Eugenia looked just as shocked. Was this the woman Leander had chosen to marry? Hestia did not recognize her but she did not have to know her name to realize the differences between the two people. If her impression of Leander was correct, he would not last two days in the same room with that woman without losing his sanity.

  But Hestia only had a first impression to rely on. She had been wrong about people before. But this one hurt more. She stepped back and away from Leander but Eugenia grabbed her elbow and kept her from leaving. Hestia looked at her. Eugenia shook her head, turning her head to give Leander a confused look.

  “It was lovely meeting you, my lord, I do hope you have a good time while you are here.”

  Leander dropped his eyes to hers. Hestia did not think he looked very pleased to see his lady had arrived. She was not the only one in the room staring at Miss Drusilla, who was not a student of grace and gentility.

  “Thank you, my lady,” Leander said, bowing to her, keeping his eyes directly on her face. “I regret that our conversation has been cut short.”

  “Is that your companion?” Eugenia said, her voice betraying her surprise. Leander just gave her a blank look.

  “It is. I will introduce you. Please follow me.” He began to walk in the direction of the garishly-dressed woman, who was waving one hand in the air at him but did not look terribly excited to see him. Hestia moved her eyes from the woman to Leander and back again, wondering what could possibly have put these two together.

  The two women looked at each other before walking a step behind Leander. Hestia couldn’t help noticing Leander was walking stiffly. His relaxed, jovial nature from before had completely vanished.

  Hestia’s impression of Leander must have been completely off base. If he was willing to marry a woman who so obviously did not fit into social standards, he was not the man she had originally thought.

  Leander made a beeline for the woman, who had stopped and was talking in a loud voice to a gentleman with a bright blue cravat. Hestia glanced at it, thinking how it was quite a distraction.

  Miss Drusilla looked at Leander with recognition but some disinterest. Hestia thought that was strange for a woman in courting. If she were Leander’s future bride, she would be looking at him in a much different way.

  “Lord Price.” Miss Drusilla said his name dryly.

  “Miss Drusilla.” Leander bowed at the waist but did not take Miss Drusilla’s hand until she held it in front of his face. “Allow me to introduce you to Miss Drusilla Sirey. Miss Drusilla, this is Lady Eugenia Callow and her companion, Hestia Stalwood.”

  Hestia noticed that he had dropped the “lady” that came in front of her name. He did not, however, forget either of their names.

  After spending such little time with him, and reacting with such strong emotion, she concluded she had to be wrong about his character.

  If the smile on his face indicated his happiness, she was not sure how happy he really was. But he had chosen the loud woman in front of him. She was happy she did not have to deal with the woman every day.

  She shuddered. It could have been this lady she had become companion to. How horrible that would have been.

  She and Eugenia stepped back and watched the two interact. Miss Drusilla was dressed outlandishly but neither Eugenia nor Hestia would dare say such a thing out loud. It would be too impolite. The woman was taking care of that all by herself.

  Her clothes looked expensive but it was as though she had put on every luxurious piece of jewelry, had not looked in the mirror when she chose a jacket to go over her brightly colored gown, and had painted her face with bright colors on her lips and cheeks.

  She might have been mistaken for having stepped directly off the stage if Hestia had not known better. She could hear murmuring voices around her and was sure that this time, they weren’t talking about her.

  Leander was speaking in a low voice despite Miss Drusilla’s lack of attention. Her eyes wandered all around the room.

  Hestia was beginning to feel uncomfortable. She took a step back, watching the two as they spoke to each other. Or rather, as Leander spoke to Miss Drusilla. For her part, the woman barely kept her eyes on his face for more than a few seconds, constantly looking around at the other people in the room.

  She nodded and lifted her hands in greeting. Several times, Hestia looked where Miss Drusilla’s eyes went and noticed the raised eyebrows and whispers in reaction to the garish woman.

  Leander’s hushed words drew her attention back to the two. “Miss Drusilla, this is a social event meant for everyone. Perhaps it would be best if you did not draw such notice to yourself.”

  Miss Drusilla did not look at him when she responded through a huge, fake smile. “I am not a demure little mouse, Lord Price. I am excited to meet everyone here. It is necessary for me to meet them, is it not?”

  “As a lady, you should contain your excitement and show class. This is not a bro…” Leander cut his words short, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment when Miss Drusilla laughed loudly.

  The woman looked at him, resting one hand on his jacket lapel. “Oh, my lord, you are so cunning and smart. It would be lovely if you would introduce me to some of your friends. Thank you for offering.”

  Hestia felt a measure of disgust slide through her. Miss Drusilla slid her arm through Leander’s and held on with her other hand. Before the two of them walked away, Leander gave her a close look. She could not tell whether it was a pl
eading look or a disdainful one.

  Eugenia was still by her side and turned to her as the couple mixed into the crowd around them.

  “What a woman,” her friend whispered. “I cannot imagine being betrothed to someone like that. Can you?”

  “No,” Hestia replied, keeping her voice low. “And I must assume she is part of the new rich, as he did not use any title for her. He referred to her as ‘miss’.”

  Eugenia nodded. “I did notice that. I do not believe she was raised in an elite home. Her manners prove otherwise.”

  Hestia looked at Leander’s back when the two of them stopped at a small group of people. He was attempting to introduce her to people he obviously knew but she cut in repeatedly, introducing herself, making remarks about the appearance of the others in the group.

  She felt a tug on her arm. Looking down, she saw Eugenia’s fingers clutched around the sleeve of her dress.

  “Come with me, Hestia. Let’s step over here where it’s quieter.”

  * * *

  Leander glanced over his shoulder and watched as Lady Eugenia and Hestia walked away. He ran his eyes over Hestia. He was willing to bet the young “companion” was a classier woman than Miss Drusilla by far. If Hestia had a flaw, it was that she was too determined to do things her own way.

  But he could not help feeling sorry for Miss Drusilla in a way. She was not an evil woman. She just had no interest in learning the finer ways of society. He tried to tutor her as gently as possible.

  There had been a few occasions when he had explained something quietly to her only to have her blow up and make a scene in front of everyone in the room. His number one goal when he was with her was to keep her from doing that.

  He could not distance himself from her, since she made it perfectly clear they were supposed to be together, giving narrow, appraising looks to the other ladies in the groups they joined. He found it to be humiliating to the extreme.


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