Open Wounds (Damaged Souls Book 2)

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Open Wounds (Damaged Souls Book 2) Page 14

by Twyla Turner

  “He got in my house?!” Lexi whispered, on the verge of a panic attack.

  “Do you have your gun?” Sloan asked.


  “Take it out. I want you to stay right here while I check the house.” Sloan ordered her.

  “Okay,” Lexi said quietly, a quiver in her voice.

  Sloan turned and cupped her face with his hand. “It’ll be okay.” He kissed her lips and started towards the kitchen.

  Lexi watched him as he checked the downstairs, and then headed upstairs. She could hear the faint sounds of his footsteps as he moved about. A few moments later he came back down, and a huge breath swooshed through her lips when she realized that she had been holding her breath, in fear for him.

  “Everything is clear. No one is here.” Sloan told her as he took the gun from her trembling hands. “We’re gonna have to call the cops. Though I doubt whoever it was left anything behind. But at least it’ll be reported and on record.”

  “Okay.” Lexi nodded her head.

  She was unable to stop the shakes from wracking her body, so Sloan made the call to the police. A squad car pulled into the driveway about fifteen minutes later, and Sloan met them at the door while Lexi sat nervously on the couch. Worry and fear marred her beautiful face.

  Once the two policemen were inside, Lexi and Sloan explained what had been happening the last couple of weeks. They told them about the spray painted car, and Tank being poisoned. One of the officers taking notes as they spoke.

  “Do you know of anyone that would want to cause you harm?” One of the officers asked.

  “Well, I was in an abusive relationship a few years ago. He went to jail for it, but he’s out now. We lived in Davenport, Iowa, and he was in jail there. I left town while he was still in jail. So I don’t know how he could’ve found me down here.” Lexi said softly.

  “What’s your ex-boyfriend’s name?” He asked.

  “Eric Benson,” Lexi answered.

  “We’ll look into it, to see if we find anything. If he just got out recently, he’s probably still on parole. And if he’s missed any meetings with his parole officer, it won’t be hard to find out.” He informed them.

  “But just in case, is there anyone else that you can think of that you have issues with?” The other cop asked.

  “Uh…not really. I went on a date with a guy some weeks ago. He wasn’t entirely happy that I wanted to date someone else. But he never acted in any way, but normal.” Lexi told them.

  “And his name?” The cop asked.

  “I don’t want to get him in any trouble.” Lexi hedged, suddenly feeling bad for even bringing it up.

  “We need to consider all avenues, ma’am. He won’t be in any trouble if he didn’t do anything.” The officer coaxed.

  “Um…his name is Aaron Grace,” Lexi said reluctantly.

  “Aaron Grace the lawyer?” The cop asked incredulous.

  “Yeah.” Lexi cringed.

  “Alright. We’ll talk to him.” He said, flipping closed his notepad.

  “We’ll get in touch with you folks if we find out anything.” One said as they both stood up to leave.

  Sloan and Lexi shook hands with them, and Sloan walked them to the door.

  “I’m calling a security system company first thing in the morning. Hopefully someone can come out and install a system as soon as possible. Preferably tomorrow.” Sloan sighed heavily as he closed the door. “Well, that put a damper on our celebration.” He paused, looking at the wall. “I’m pretty sure we still have some primer and paint left to fix the wall. Let’s go get comfortable, and I’ll at least put the primer on so it can dry by tomorrow. Then I’ll repaint it when I get home tomorrow evening.”

  “Okay,” Lexi said, her voice morose even to her own ears.

  “I know you’re scared. But I’ll do everything in my power to protect you.” Sloan assured her, gently rubbing her shoulders.

  “I-I know.” Lexi nodded her head, forcing herself to believe that everything would be alright.

  They went upstairs and changed out of their dress clothes. Lexi threw on a cami and shorts set while Sloan put on sweats and a t-shirt. Lexi followed him solemnly downstairs and sat watching him while he painted primer over the single ominous word. When he was finished, Sloan walked around the downstairs, checking to make sure all the windows and doors were locked and secure. Once he was done, he strode back over to Lexi and pulled her into a warm embrace, and she melted into his strength, feeling safe in his arms.

  “Come on. Let’s go to bed.” Sloan said against the soft dark cloud of her hair.

  He loosened his arms around her, clutched her hand and guided her upstairs to bed. He undressed her and then himself, preferring to feel her naked body against his when they slept. They crawled into bed, and he pulled her in close. They both fell into a restless, troubled sleep.

  Chapter 13

  Glitter in the Air

  Wednesday came and went with no incidents. Sloan woke up early, called the security system company and explained their situation. They sent out a technician that same day. Sloan called Kevin and told him to oversee the work in his place until he arrived. The tech installed the system and explained how everything worked, and they instantly felt a little bit more at ease. No one was getting in without alerting the whole damn town.

  They hadn’t heard back from the cops yet, so just in case Sloan asked Lexi to come to work with him. They dropped off Sloan’s dress clothes at the dry cleaners, for his meeting the next day. And then she took him to the car dealership to pick up his truck before they headed over to the construction site.

  He wanted to keep an eye on her, to keep her as close as possible. So she brought her easel, paint supplies, and a fresh canvas. And walking the grounds of the huge rundown estate, Lexi found plenty of inspiration to paint.

  She was finishing her painting of the dilapidated mansion, right around the time the men were wrapping up their work for the day. Sloan trailed her home at the end of the day. They made dinner together and sitting at the kitchen table they discussed their busy day the next day.

  In the middle of their meal, the vet’s office called and said that Sloan could pick up Tank, anytime he wanted. But Sloan informed them that the situation hadn’t been figured out yet, and he didn’t want to put him at risk until they knew who tried to poison him. So he asked if they could board him until he could come get him. Both of them couldn’t wait to get him back. The house felt empty without the big dog.

  After dinner, they made their way upstairs to take a shower together, to wash the day’s work off their bodies. Sloan then took Lexi to bed, where he finally made love to her slowly. Taking his time building her up. Once he got her to the edge, he entwined his fingers with hers and pounded into her to meet her, as they went over the edge together.

  They collapsed onto the bed and wrapped in each other’s arms, they fell into a more peaceful sleep, than the night before.


  On the big day, they both woke up early, both a bundle of nerves. Sloan’s meeting with Home and Outdoor Décor network execs was that evening, and he was so nervous he could barely think straight. And Lexi was just as nervous for him.

  “Are you sure you can’t come with me to the dinner?” Sloan asked again, after spitting out his toothpaste in the sink.

  “I have to go with Dom to pick an art gallery, for my show. She set up all these appointments to meet with the different gallery owners, after she gets off work, and you know how she can be.” Lexi explained to him again as she pulled her hair back into a puff. “Besides, this is your moment, and I don’t want you making the choice based off of me. This is your life. Your decision.”

  “But you are a huge part of my life. And like any good relationship, we make big life decisions together.” Sloan argued, leaning his hip against the sink.

  “I know. And I’m truly sorry that she made these plans on the same day as your dinner. But it seems as if we’re both chasing our dreams toget
her, at the same time.” Lexi apologized.

  “Hmm…you’re right. I don’t want you putting your dream on hold, to help me with mine.” Sloan admitted thoughtfully. “This is actually kind of amazing if you think about it. It’s rare that two people in a relationship hit high notes at the same time.”

  “Very true.” Lexi agreed.

  “Alright then. You win this time. But if they ask me to move or anything crazy like that, I’m calling you to ask your opinion before I make my decision.” Sloan conceded grudgingly.

  “Deal.” Lexi smiled at him, holding out her hand to shake.

  He took it, and they shook hands firmly before he pulled her into his arms for a fresh minty kiss. He grinned slyly after releasing her lips and then jumped in the shower to finish getting ready for the day.

  Lexi went to work with Sloan again. There was a field of flowers and high grass, she had found the day before that she couldn’t wait to paint. And Sloan still wanted her nearby, not wanting her to be alone for a second.

  At lunch, Sloan grabbed the blanket and basket full of food that Lexi had prepared for lunch from his truck and went out to search for her. He walked around the back of the house and saw her in the distance. Little did she know, as she painted the picture, that she looked like something straight out of a painting herself. Standing among a field of color with her easel. Sloan’s heart swelled to twice its normal size. Please God, I know I don’t talk to you very often…but please keep her safe.

  Sloan quietly sat down the basket and blanket, a few yards from where Lexi was painting and pulled out his phone. He turned it sideways to capture her among the flowers. The snap of the camera made her look up, and she instantly flushed.

  “You’re prettier than a picture. I couldn’t resist.” Sloan grinned, picking up the blanket and basket and walked the rest of the way towards her. “And I always drool when you wear these pants. They make me want to do a photo shoot of just your ass, alone.” Sloan teased holding up his hands, gesturing like he was taking pictures of her butt, in her usual palazzo pants.

  “You’re a freak!” Lexi giggled, turning her behind away from his appreciative gaze.

  “Hell yeah, I am! A freak for you.” He grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a tender kiss.

  Lexi laughed against his lips, ruining the kiss. He grinned down at her, before directing his attention to her partially done painting.

  “It’s beautiful.” Sloan complimented.

  “Thanks. It’s not done yet though.” Lexi said humbly.

  “Well, then it’s only gonna get prettier then.” Sloan kissed her temple. “Alright. It’s lunch time pretty lady. Follow me.”

  Sloan started to walk carefully through the flowers and tall grass. Careful not to crush too many flowers in his wake. Finding a spot made up of mostly tall grass, Sloan laid out the blanket, sat the basket on top and then plopped down on the blanket. He held out a hand to Lexi, and when she took it, he pulled her down on top of him. He rolled on top of her and proceeded to kiss her senseless.

  Lying back when he was done kissing her, Sloan held her hand up. From their position on the ground, the sky was a beautiful backdrop, bright blue, with fluffy cotton candy clouds floating by. Her bronzed hands were stained with colorful paint. He entwined his fingers with hers, the contrast of their skin, pure artwork as the high afternoon sun filtered through their digits. As always, Lexi filed away the picture for a later date. But Sloan took a more proactive approach and brought out his phone to take a picture.

  “I may need to see that later. I want to paint this.” Lexi informed him.

  “Mmm.” He responded, contentedly.

  He rolled onto his side, reached over Lexi’s body and plucked a pretty pink flower from the stem. He brought the flower down to her face and stroked it down her cheek. Her eyes were vulnerable and filled with tenderness. His eyes moved from hers, to follow the path of the flower across her full plump lips. The flower quivered and fluttered, as her lips parted, and her hitched breath passed over the delicate petals.

  “Sloan…,” Lexi whispered urgently.

  In answer, Sloan slid the stem into her hair, the flower a tiny embellishment against her puff. He quickly got to his knees, between her legs. Grabbing the waistband of her pants and panties, he skimmed them down and off her legs. He hurriedly undid his jeans and pulled them and his briefs down far enough to be out of the way, releasing his throbbing erection. Lying between her thighs, he captured her lips, dipping his tongue into the warm recesses of her mouth as he stroked into her aching core.

  Sloan entwined his fingers with Lexi’s, pressing her hands into the blanket as he gained leverage to thrust into her. His mouth absorbed her cries, and he groaned back as her inner muscles squeezed him firmly.

  He pulled back wanting to look at her as she came. As his powerful hips plunged forward bringing her to an intense crescendo, she looked upon him. His hair a sleek black curtain around his beautiful face and the sun outlining his form. Creating a halo around his shadowed face. My dark angel, she thought crying out as she tensed under him, and he ground his teeth together. Their orgasms ripped through them, simultaneously.

  Sloan lowered his body to hers. His hips reflexively continued to pump into her gently, bringing them down from their high. He kissed her lips, their harsh breath fanning each other’s faces.

  “God, I love you!” Sloan declared fiercely.

  Lexi let the words wash over her, warming her steadily healing heart.

  “I love you, too.” She said shyly. The words came to her more easily than she expected.

  And the joy that radiated from his face, at hearing the words again, was worth opening up and leaving her heart exposed.

  “Alright, woman! I need some sustenance. You always sap every ounce of energy I have. Let’s eat.” Sloan announced dramatically as he slid from between her legs, separating their intimate connection.

  They cleaned up with the extra napkins in the picnic basket and adjusted their clothing. Lexi filled their plates, and they relaxed as they ate their lunch. Hidden from the world by tall grass and fragrant flowers, the warm afternoon sun shined down on them, the soft damp Georgia breeze caressing their skin. For that one moment in time, all was right in their world.


  The perfection spread throughout the rest of the day, and into the evening. Sloan picked up his dress clothes from the dry cleaners, and they headed home to get ready for their individual evenings.

  Sloan once again put on his gray slacks, black shirt, and new black dress shoes. And this time he also put on his gray suit jacket. Always a little self-conscious meeting new people, he let his hair fall free, opting for no product. And just cleaned up the edges on his short beard, letting it mask some of the scarring.

  Lexi looked at him in approval, loving this new half clean-cut, half rugged look he had been sporting lately. She knew some of his high society upbringing was making a slight appearance. It suited him, but so did the rough-edged warrior that he was. He could easily slip into both worlds.

  “So?” Sloan asked, his arms held out at his sides, waiting for her verdict.

  “You look sinful.” Lexi grinned at him.

  “Is sinful a good thing?” Sloan questioned, his nerves getting to him.

  “Oh yes. They will love you. You have the gorgeous, bad boy thing down to a fine art.” Lexi assured him. She stepped closer to him and grabbed his hands and squeezed them tight. “You’re gonna do great, sweetie. And even if they don’t want to do the show, you have so much work scheduled that you’ll still be successful. Just not in the public eye.” Lexi soothed.

  “Thanks. You’re right.” Sloan pulled her close. “How did I get so lucky? Thank God, you’re clumsy and spilled your groceries, all those weeks ago.” Sloan winked at her.

  “I’m not clumsy!” Lexi pretended to be offended.

  “No, you’re not. You’re actually very graceful. Especially when your body moves under mine.” Sloan said before kissing her softly.<
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  Lexi felt her face heat up at his words.

  “Now my turn. How do I look? Presentable?” Lexi asked, pulling away from Sloan’s embrace and twirling around a couple of times.

  “You look stunning, as always.” Sloan complimented.

  Lexi has chosen to go with her usual bohemian style. She felt that she was an artist after all, and she was going to art galleries. So why not go as herself? She decided to wear a white off the shoulder peasant dress, strappy flat sandals, a colorful scarf tied around her afro as a headband and big gold hoop earrings. Her makeup was minimal. Bronzer, mascara and clear lip gloss. All in all, she felt comfortable and pretty.

  “Thanks.” She smiled brightly.

  “Dom’s coming to pick you up, right?” Sloan confirmed.

  “Yeah, she should be here in about ten minutes,” Lexi answered.

  “Okay. Be safe. You have your gun?” Sloan asked seriously.

  “Uh huh. I’ve got it.” Lexi said, patting her purse.

  “Good. If you need to…use it.” Sloan said sternly. “I hate being separated from you while some fucking psycho is out there,” Sloan growled out.

  “I know. I don’t like it either. But what are we gonna do in the meantime? Hide? Let him ruin our lives. He’s done that enough if it’s who I think it may be. We shouldn’t give him that much power over us. I never should have, so long ago.” Lexi said bravely, holding her chin up high.

  “You’re becoming so strong. Correction. You’ve always been strong, you’re just finally believing it. I’m proud of you.” Sloan smiled down at her.

  “It’s because of you. Your strength gives me strength.” Lexi flushed.

  A few minutes later, Dom pulled into the driveway, and Sloan walked Lexi out to the car, after setting the alarm and locking up the house.

  “Hey, Sloan! I hear you’re going to a meeting with TV execs. Just remember, I found you first.” Dom teased him.


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