New York Hope

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by Rachel Wesson

  Nobody had questioned the fact that a number of his friends seemed to have a sudden interest in adopting young children. Well, apart from that one nun. But she had been easily dealt with. He could still see her face after he had presented Father Devine with signed letters confirming she had been seen acting inappropriately with one of his men. The nun had been totally innocent but Ned didn’t care. Father Devine hadn’t seemed too interested in her professions of innocence either. Maybe she had questioned his authority once too often. Either way, she had been dismissed from the convent in disgrace. He had no idea where she had gone. Pity, as she had quite a pretty face. He wondered how many of his customers would pay to spend some time with an ex-nun.

  If Carmel Doherty was staying in New York, he’d have been concerned. The nun and other people who got in his way could easily make contact with the old woman. But nobody was going to go to Colorado to make a complaint about him.

  His mind moved to her granddaughter, Nora Doherty. Now there was a girl who made his heart tick faster. Heart? He must have had too much whiskey. She raised his temperature and he’d had endless satisfying dreams about how he would bring her to heel. Taming her would be difficult, but enjoyable. Now that dream was over. His various spies told him not only was she leaving New York, but she was going to marry the protestant Devil as well.

  Robbie Fenton had been a thorn in his side for a while. He was another one Ned would love to take out, but he was protected by none other than Mr. Prentice. If there were anyone he needed to upset less he couldn’t think of him. Prentice, a self-made millionaire, had many powerful contacts. He was a force to be reckoned with and, while Ned would never back down from a fight, he knew enough to pick his battles. At least the dark cloud had a silver lining. Fenton was also moving away from New York.

  Ned rubbed his hands together. Prentice may be powerful, but without Fenton around he would be weaker. He’d need a new man to keep an eye on his business and Ned had just the applicant in mind, a young fella he had taken from Hell’s Kitchen and molded into a mirror image of himself. When the time came, he would arrange for Prentice to meet his protégée and, with luck, the old man would engage Ned’s secret agent to work for him. Then Ned would go about taking control of Prentice’s empire, brick by brick.

  Chapter 11

  Charlie Doherty walked into the hotel to see his sister Nora sitting chatting with his uncle.

  “Michael, tis good to see ya. I hadn’t heard you were safe. Should have known you would turn up like a bad penny,” Charlie said.

  “Ah you just don’t like the competition I give ya when it comes to the ladies. Speaking of which, where is that fine looking woman who went looking for you, Nora? Is she spoken for?” Michael asked.

  “Who? Lily?”

  “Tall blonde woman, fetching figure.”

  “Who is this Lily? And why haven’t I met her yet?” Charlie asked.

  “Mr. Byrne, I assume? And you are Carmel’s Doherty’s grandson, Charlie?”

  “Yes, Miss.” Charlie answered the attractive woman.

  “It’s Doctor, actually. Doctor Erin Quinn. Your grandmother is a dear friend. I’m not sure how she would feel about you two speaking about my friends the way you have been.”

  Charlie didn’t need to look at Erin’s face to see she was annoyed, her tone said everything. But his uncle appeared to have gone deaf as he protested.

  “Tis only a complement we be giving the young lady. You’re a fine-looking woman yourself, Doctor Quinn.”

  Charlie struggled to keep his face impassive as Doc Erin gave his uncle a scathing look. Usually women fell all over Michael’s charms, but this appeared to be the second time that day he had struck out. He couldn’t wait to get his uncle alone. He would tease him mercilessly.

  “Charlie, how is your gran?”

  “She is much better, thank you Doc Erin. Mam is having a hard time making her rest. She even threatened to call on you, but I’m not sure that bothered Gran too much.”

  “Your gran is a stubborn woman, but she will do as she is told. Are you on your way home?”

  “I am.”

  “Can you take this parcel to her? I will call to see her tomorrow. Tell her I expect her to be home.”

  “Yes Doc Erin,” Charlie replied, tempted to give the doctor a salute. But instead he said goodbye to his uncle and sister and headed home. He had to find out what else had been going on in his absence.

  Chapter 12

  “Mr. Prentice, thank goodness you have come. I tried to telephone, but the storm must have damaged the lines.”

  “What is the matter, Mr. Floyd? Please tell me our staff all survived the snowstorm?”

  Lily watched as Mr. Floyd did a double take. It was obvious he didn’t know whether the staff had survived or not. He surely hadn’t bothered to check. Lily bit her lip, watching and wondering how Mr. Prentice would react.

  “I’m sure they are all fine. Those that didn’t show up for work probably took advantage to have a day in bed. You know what their sort are like.”

  “Do I?”

  Lily heard the warning note in Mr. Prentice’s voice but it seemed to pass Mr. Floyd by.

  “Look around you, Mr. Prentice. I tried my best but that woman doctor, she wouldn’t listen. Then Mrs. Higgins insisted I move these…”

  “People?” Mr. Prentice offered.

  “Yes, people, up to our hotel rooms. Can you imagine? Some of them have nothing more than the clothes they stand up in, yet they are benefiting from our luxury surroundings. I wanted them to leave, but I was thwarted at every turn. I was threatened and feared for my life,” Mr. Floyd said.

  Lily turned away to hide her smile at the reaction on Mr. Prentice’s face. She didn’t like Mr. Floyd but at that moment she felt sorry for him. He had absolutely no idea how his boss was taking his outburst.

  “Miss Green, could you come here a moment please?”

  Lily gasped. She hadn’t realized Mr. Prentice had noticed her watching and listening to their private conversation. She was in for it now. She walked slowly toward Mr. Prentice, not looking in the direction of Mr. Floyd.

  “Yes, Mr. Prentice, she was one of the main culprits. She insisted on taking care of the guests, giving them the best of our food. She even went into the kitchens and ordered Mrs. Murphy around. The poor cook was very upset at having someone intrude on her territory. Cook is a wonderful addition to our hotel but because of this…woman’s actions, Cook may well leave your employment.”

  “Miss Green, would you mind continuing this in my office. You, too, Floyd.”

  Lily exchanged a look with Mr. Floyd before following Mr. Prentice to his office.

  Mr. Prentice sat behind his desk, gesturing at Lily to take a seat but leaving Mr. Floyd standing.

  “The last few days have been interesting to say the least. I have noticed a number of changes in my hotel, some of which have caused me great discomfort,” Mr. Prentice started.

  “It is all their fault. Everything ran smoothly before they arrived and ruined everything. She shouldn’t even be allowed downstairs.”

  “Why would that be, Mr. Floyd?”

  Lily wanted the ground to open up so she could crawl out of the chair and into the hole. Somehow Mr. Floyd knew her secret.

  “She isn’t a lady, not anything near it. In fact, I believe she has a secret. She is not the type of guest we should entertain.”

  “I agree,” Mr. Prentice concurred.

  Chapter 13

  Feeling more than a little faint, Lily moved to the edge of her chair. She hoped her legs would hold her when she stood up, but she was afraid they would buckle. If Doc Erin were there, she wouldn’t listen to this. She would stand up, tell them what she thought of them, and walk out. Lily could do that too. If only she…

  “I believe Miss Green would be wasted as a guest. She has everything I have been looking for and much more besides.”

  Lily stared at Mr. Prentice not wanting to believe the words she was hearing. He
was complimenting her, but why?

  Floyd stuttered. He appeared to have lost the ability to speak.

  “Forgive me, Miss Green, for subjecting you to this interview, but I felt it was important you hear what I have to say.”

  Lily nodded in acknowledgement but kept her mouth closed. She had no idea what Mr. Prentice was up to.

  “Floyd, it has come to my attention you have been taking certain liberties with my business.”

  “Mr. Prentice…”

  “Shut up and listen to me. You have stolen from me but that is not the worst of it. I have reason to believe you have been using your position in my employment as a means of getting, what shall I call them, certain benefits from potential staff members. The young female ones.”

  “I never put a hand on anyone,” Mr. Floyd blustered.

  “I doubt that is true. In fact, I could call in one witness now who would tell me a totally different story. But I do not want to embarrass the young lady in question, nor do I feel it would be beneficial for Miss Green to hear the unpleasant details.”

  “Speak to Mrs. Murphy, she will tell you everything you need to know about Miss Green and her friends,” Floyd snapped.

  “I have spoken to Mrs. Murphy. Actually, that is not the truth. She spoke to me. At length. She took me to task for not ordering quality meat. She says she couldn’t make the beef we use tender if she were to cook it slowly for a hundred years.”

  “The bad workman always blames his tools,” Floyd snapped but Lily saw his eyes darting around the room as if looking for an escape. She sat farther back in her chair. She was starting to enjoy the exchange.

  “But you said she was the best in the business,” Prentice said, barely suppressing his temper.

  Floyd went even paler.

  “She gave me a lot of information. She showed me the books, too. They don’t appear to match my records. Would you know why?” Prentice looked at Floyd. His penetrating gaze caused the manager to grow paler.

  “For the record, I am absolutely thrilled with what Miss Green and her friends did with my hotel. I am thankful they helped my fellow New Yorkers at a time of such tragedy. I believe they saved countless lives. I know it involved a lot of extra work, but my trusted employees have told me they actually enjoyed helping others. They explained that Miss Green not only worked harder than anybody, but she held onto her cheerful disposition. At no time did she scream or otherwise abuse any member of staff. Mrs. Murphy couldn’t speak highly enough about her. She has convinced me to offer Miss Green a position at the hotel. One I am very hopeful Miss Green will accept.”

  “Are you out of your mind? I won’t work with her,” Floyd responded looking at Mr. Prentice as if the older man had lost his sanity.

  “No, you won’t,” Mr. Prentice moved toward Floyd. Lily saw his fists were clenched. Was he going to hit the odious manager? She moved slightly forward.

  “You will be enjoying some time in police custody. I believe they are already on their way over here to charge you with corruption and a number of other offenses.”

  “You can’t, you wouldn’t,” Mr. Floyd stammered.

  “I can and I have. You dragged my good name and that of my hotel through the mud. Now, I want to know who helped you as I know you don’t have the brains to work a scheme like this. Who masterminded this?” Mr. Prentice practically growled as he stood over Mr. Floyd who seemed to shrink in size.

  “I did.”

  “You’re lying. I have a good mind to have it thrashed out of you.”

  “You wouldn’t touch me.” A spark of bravado made the hotel manager stand straighter. Lily couldn’t look away. She knew Mr. Prentice was struggling to remain calm, yet only she could see it. Years of working on such an intimate basis with men had given her the skills to read a person even when they weren’t speaking.

  “I wouldn’t. You’re right there. But the gentleman friend of one of the young ladies you propositioned would be very pleased to get his hands on you. He has quite the reputation. I believe even Ned Duffy is afraid of him.”

  “Ned Duffy isn’t afraid of anyone. Now I know you’re bluffing.”

  Chapter 14

  “I wouldn’t bet your life on that Mr. Floyd.”

  Lily’s gasp of surprise was echoed by Floyd as Robbie stood up. They hadn’t noticed him sitting on the couch toward the back of the large office.

  Floyd almost ran to hide behind the desk as Robbie took two steps to reach him. With one hand, he lifted the smaller man off his feet. Lily, although she abhorred violence, watched with a smile as Floyd paled, his fingers clutching at Robbie’s hand trying to release his grip.

  “If it was up to me, I would cut you up and feed you to the fish. But fortunately for you, Mr. Prentice is a more reasonable man.”

  “Let him down, Robbie. You could hurt yourself,” Mr. Prentice glowered at Floyd. “I suggest you start talking. Robbie is gentle compared to some who want to get their hands on your miserable body.”

  A knock on the door interrupted them. The look of relief on Mr. Floyd’s face was comical. Did he really believe whomever was on the other side of the door would help him?

  Robbie opened it to admit two police officers, one of whom was Pascal Griffin.

  “Miss Green, Mr. Prentice. I see you have the varmint already in custody.”

  Mr. Prentice nodded. “He’s not co-operating. He says he’s behind everything. But having had the unpleasant experience of working with him for a couple of years, I believe that to be a lie. The man simply hasn’t the brains to think of a scheme on this scale.”

  “We have ways of making him talk, don’t you worry about that.” Pascal Griffin winked at Lily out of the side of his eye but nobody else saw him. She was relieved the policemen wouldn’t really hurt Floyd, much as she disliked him.

  “You better not touch me. I have friends in high places. They will protect me,” Floyd said, sounding desperate.

  “Wouldn’t bet on that. I plan on letting it be known you sang like a canary,” the policeman with Officer Griffin remarked.

  “You bas…” Floyd didn’t get a chance to finish as Robbie gave him a slap

  “Watch your language, there’s a lady present.”

  “Ha, you gullible idiots. She is no lady.”

  Lily held her breath, but Floyd didn’t get a chance to say anything else as Pascal Griffin dragged him away. Judging by the grip he had on Floyd’s arm, the man would be covered in bruises soon.

  Robbie nodded at Lily and Prentice before following the policemen.

  Chapter 15

  Lily couldn’t get up but sat where she was. She knew who had put Mr. Floyd up to his various schemes. Duffy. It was a name she had heard over and over from various members of staff. He liked to throw his weight around. She shivered thinking of the other stories the staff had mentioned about this Duffy character.

  Lily couldn’t stop shaking. Mr. Prentice must have noticed because he poured them both a drink.

  “I don’t drink, Mr. Prentice.”

  “You have had quite a shock, Miss Green, please have a little sip. I will ring for some tea.”

  Lily nodded, taking a sip of the burning liquid. She coughed and sputtered hoping she wouldn’t throw up.

  “I am very sorry you had to witness all that, Miss Green, but I had to have a witness. I wanted Floyd to know I was serious.”

  “But were you?”

  “About making you a job offer? Absolutely! I want you to manage this hotel for me. You have quite a job to do to repair its reputation and to hold onto whatever staff members you can. But I am confident you can do it.”

  “I’ve never done anything like that before, I don’t know how,” Lily protested.

  “This last week has shown you know enough. You manage people very well. I know you are great with difficult customers, and you also have the ability to keep the staff happy. Mrs. Murphy is singing your praises, and believe me, that is a rare event. She will teach you everything you need to know, but most of i
t you already do naturally.”

  Lily sat staring at him wondering if it was all a dream. Then she closed her eyes and opened them again. She had to tell him the truth. Someone was bound to find out and tell him.

  “I would love the job, Mr. Prentice, but I can’t accept. You don’t know anything about me. Mr. Floyd was correct. I am not suited to this position.”

  “I believe you are. I don’t think anything you can say would change my mind.”

  “You are wrong there.” Gathering her courage, Lily told him her story from the day she left home until the day she came to New York.

  He listened quietly until she finished speaking. She waited for him to say something, but the silence lingered for too long. Lily stood up. “I will stay in the suite until it’s time for the others to leave. Then you won’t see me again.”

  “I think that would be a real pity. Thank you for telling me your story, Miss Green, Lily, if you will allow me, but I knew most of it already.”

  It was Lily’s turn to look pale. “How?”

  “A mixture of things. Your attitude toward men. Even when you are being extremely pleasant, you are on guard. The care you show those who have nothing. You have an empathy that comes from being as badly off as they are. Doc Erin and my darling Alicia treat you as something fragile, yet I sense you have a core of inner strength. Nobody would survive what you have been though without it.”

  “You know and yet you still want me to work here? Why?” Lily was on guard again. Just what sort of duties did this man want from her?

  Chapter 16

  “Lily, I am going to tell you something I haven’t told anyone, not for a long time. My mother had a similar life to yours. Only she didn’t get her freedom. She contracted a disease and died. I spent my formative years in an orphanage paying for her perceived sins.”


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