New York Hope

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New York Hope Page 10

by Rachel Wesson

  “Lily, I have a cab waiting. Get your coat.”

  Lily laughed at Mr. Prentice’s enthusiasm. “Where am I going?”

  “It’s a surprise. Come on, hurry up.”

  Mr. Prentice’s eyes shone like a little boy on Christmas Eve. Lily took his arm, walked outside and let him help her into the cab. To her surprise, there was a lady already sitting there.

  “Good afternoon Miss Green, my name is Carmel—”

  “Doherty! You’re Nora’s Gran. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Doc Erin has told me so much about you,” Lily blurted out, all in a rush.

  “Likewise, Miss Green. I am sorry we didn’t get to meet before. I was at home with a chill and Doc Erin wouldn’t let me leave the house. She fusses a lot.”

  Lily giggled. This woman was exactly how Doc Erin described her. But why was she with Mr. Prentice and where were they going?

  “Mr. Prentice, thank you so much for inviting me to come along. I admit to being torn. I love New York, for years it was very good to me and mine. I wish I could stay and help you with your new venture. But my family needs me.”

  “Doc Erin is so excited about you moving to Clover Springs, Mrs. Doherty,” Lily said.

  “Oh child, call me Carmel or if you can’t do that, Mrs. D.”

  “Only if you call me Lily. I keep looking over my shoulder for Miss Green.”

  Everyone smiled as they made their way to the surprise Mr. Prentice had organized. The smile fell from Lily’s face as she realized they were in the area known as Hell’s Kitchen. No matter how many times she saw the slum dwellings, the gangs of boys and girls on the street, barefooted and obviously hungry, she couldn’t get used to it. Nobody should live like this. They should have fresh air, good food and schooling for the children.

  She hadn’t a clue why Mr. Prentice was bringing her down here. She exchanged a look with Mrs. D to find the woman was staring at her. She reached out to hold Lily’s hand.

  “I am the same as you child. No matter how often I see it, it still makes me sad. This isn’t what my people dreamed of when they left Ireland. Nor what the Germans, Dutch, Jews, Negros or any other race dreamed of either.”

  They left the worst of it behind as they pulled onto the corner of 46th Street, near the Tavern.

  “People say that tavern is haunted by the daughter of one of the previous owners. She died of typhoid.”

  Lily listened to Mrs. Doherty as she stared at the Tavern. If it really was haunted, it didn’t appear to stop people from drinking in there.

  Mr. Prentice instructed the cab driver to stop and wait for them. He then helped both Lily and Carmel from the cab.

  “Now ladies, I hope you forgive me for the route we took but I wanted to show you just how close we are to those who need us most.”

  Lily looked around her. What was Mr. Prentice talking about?

  He handed her a key.

  “Lily, take this and follow me.”

  Lily held the key tightly as they walked up to a large building. It was in need of work, but it had plenty of space. It seemed to have been some sort of warehouse or factory in a previous life. She looked to Mrs. D for an explanation, but the woman was staring at the building too.

  “Lily, Mrs. Doherty, may I present the sanctuary.”

  Her hand leapt to her throat as she stared at him first before looking back to the building. It was huge.

  “Everything is yours. The building and the rather large space of land behind it. The grounds need to be cleared, they have been used as a dumping ground for many years. There are even some families living rough on it.”

  “But where will they go?”

  “I will rehouse them Lily darling, don’t fret. Nobody is going to be caused any pain or hardship by our venture. Quite the opposite. Robbie has already employed two men to lead the clear up. They are waiting to meet you.”


  “Yes Lily. You’re the boss of this project. Now put on your manager’s face. You must stamp your authority.”

  Dazed, Lily allowed Mrs. D to take her hand and pull her into the building. She couldn’t believe this was happening. When Mr. Prentice had agreed to help her, she had thought of something a lot smaller. This was huge. Would she be able to cope?

  Chapter 34

  “Mornin’ Miss Green.”

  She stopped dreaming on hearing that voice.

  “Michael Byrne, what are you doing here?”

  “It’s lovely to see you again too, Miss Green,” Michael said quickly.

  Lily recovered her manners. “I’m sorry, it was a bit of a shock. I thought you lived in Brooklyn. This is a bit of a trek for you every day.”

  “Not really, as I’m moving around the corner. Mrs. D suggested it was time I moved closer to the family and you know nobody ever says no to Mrs. D.”

  Carmel smiled but Lily knew Michael was only half joking.

  “Have you met Jimmy Headford Lily?”

  “Yes Mrs. D. We met when he came in to the hotel. How are you Jimmy?”

  “Grand, thanks Lily. I am forever in your debt for the care you took of my extended family. I can’t help you in the mornings due to the milk round, but I will be here every afternoon to make sure this brother-in-law of mine does his job.”

  “Ah now, that’s just lovely. Miss Green will think I’m a right so and so if you lot are to be believed.”

  “I expect the best from you Mr. Byrne, nothing more and nothing less,” Lily replied in the voice she used for the staff at the hotel.

  She caught Mr. Prentice’s wink of approval as she moved on to the next man who was waiting to speak to her. She felt a bit like royalty waiting to greet people. She pinched herself discreetly to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  There was a gentleman standing a little back from the group. His clothes were of better quality than the other men.

  “Lily, this man is Doctor Elmwood. He used to work with Doc Erin.”

  “Nice to meet you Doctor.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Green. I am in awe of what you are planning to do for this community and wish to offer my services.”

  “Thank you, Doctor but I’m not sure…” She looked to Mr. Prentice, but he wasn’t paying attention. He seemed to be in a world of his own. “What I mean is, I don’t yet know how our budgets stand. Whether we can afford a man of your talents and expectations, I don’t know.”

  “My salary expectations are nil. In time, I will need to earn a living once more but while we get this project up and running, I would like to offer my services for free. I have some savings.”

  “You are very generous Dr. Elmwood.”

  “Not really, Miss Green. I have a purely selfish motive.”

  She looked at him suspiciously. She couldn’t afford to having anyone working with the women and children she intended helping unless their motives were pure.

  “I owe a very special doctor a large favor. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  Lily smiled back but made a mental note to speak to Doctor Elmwood in private.

  “So Miss Green, when do you think we will be ready to open?” Michael Byrne asked, his voice mimicking that of Doctor Elmwood.

  “I give you a month,” Lily said sharply.

  “Of all the—”

  “Michael Byrne keep a civil tongue in your mouth. You heard the boss. I want to see this center open before I leave for Clover Springs. I suggest you stop standing there looking like a fish with your mouth open and get to work,” Carmel chided.

  “Jeez Louise, I sure am glad you’re on your way to the other side of the country. No offense Mrs. D!” Michael said, making the others laugh.

  “You may wish she returns. You haven’t seen me in action yet Mr. Byrne.”

  “I need to see Father Devine. What sin did I commit to deserve this penance?” Michael winked at her, but his mention of the priest’s name made Lily feel ill.

  “Don’t you worry none about Father Devine,” Carmel said, as though sensing her thoughts. �
��I think you’ll find he has less people following him around like lost sheep in the coming weeks.”

  “Mrs. D gave him a talking to at young Barry Henson’s wake. I don’t think he’ll recover for a while. This woman is a saint.”

  Jimmy Headford put his arms around Carmel Doherty and hugged her close, making her squeal, but Lily saw the twinkle in her eyes.

  “Sure I was only saying what needed to be said. Jamie and Lizzie deserve the best possible start in life, that’s for sure.”

  Lily agreed. She was dying to hear what had happened at the wake, but Erin would fill her in later. For now, she had work to do.

  The trio walked around the property as Michael and the other men outlined what needed to be done. There was so much to do and Lily only hoped they had the funds to pay for everything.

  “Good job you’re holding the benefit dinner in a few days. I have even more motivation to make it a success than ever,” she said to Mr. Prentice.

  “I just wish we could hold it the night after our dinner with my Alicia and the Clover Springs people. I hate to think how sad you will be after saying goodbye to them all.”

  “I will be sad Mr. Prentice, but they’ve said they will stay for the fundraising. They won’t leave until the day after.”

  “You did it, Lily. Are you feeling proud?”

  Lily looked at Mr. Prentice. He was smiling at her but his eyes were full of questions, none related to the money it would take to get her sanctuary up and running.

  “I’m not sure ‘proud’ is the right word. I haven’t done anything yet, but I am so grateful and so excited. I was worried about the money, but Alicia has convinced me the fundraiser will be a success. She’s already given so much money and this…” Lily looked around her, “must have cost you a fortune.”

  Mr. Prentice chuckled. “My darling Alicia is so like her father. He would have charmed the pollen from the bees most of the time until you crossed him. Then he would have you wishing you had never said a word. I miss him terribly.”

  Lily patted his arm, she wasn’t sure what to say.

  “Are you lonely for Clover Springs?”

  Lily decided to be honest. “Yes sir, I think my heart is going to break when Doc Erin and Alicia leave at the weekend. I am going to miss them all so much.”

  “And they you. There is still time to change your mind and go with them.”

  Tempting as the thought was, it was not an option.

  “No, I can’t. My life there is over.”

  “Well, maybe your life here will be even better. You’re already making an impact on the hotel. Soon it will be running itself.”

  “That might be a good thing. You see Mr. Prentice, and I hope you don’t think I’m ungrateful or anything, but I would like—”

  “To work at the sanctuary,” he finished for her.

  She stared at him in shock. He knew, yet he wasn’t annoyed.

  “It’s written all over your face, Lily. Every time you speak about the sanctuary your face lights up. Even when you were arguing with Mrs. Murphy about the food menu, your eyes were dancing with excitement.”

  She twisted her hands, wriggling a little in her seat. “You heard we had an argument.”

  Mr. Prentice laughed his huge belly laugh. “I think the whole of New York may have heard you ladies. You are both so stubborn.”

  “We get on well though, she didn’t take offense and I certainly didn’t.”

  “I know and that just proves you are the right person to run the sanctuary. Working at the hotel will give you the experience while the sanctuary is set up. But your ultimate role in life was never as a hotel manageress, much as I hate to admit it.”

  Lily stared at him for a few minutes, her head leaning slightly to one side as it always did when she was thinking hard. “You planned this, didn’t you Mr. Prentice? I’m not sure how your mind works but you never really intended me to run your hotel.”

  “Don’t you think you could call me Randolph, or perhaps Uncle Randolph, as Alicia does?”

  “But you’re not my uncle.”

  “I am not hers either! I am very fond of you Lily and it seems you return the feeling. Don’t look at me like that, I’m not suggesting for a second there is anything more between us than friendship.”

  “Sorry Mr. Prentice, I mean, Uncle Randolph. It’s a habit. Not trusting anyone completely.” Lily stuttered before taking a deep breath. “I don’t really feel comfortable calling you Uncle either. I guess after my previous occupation, I had too many uncles. So would Mr. P work for you?”

  He smiled and nodded. “As for trust, well after what you have been through my dear it is probably a good thing. Now as for your question, I think you needed the confidence of me wanting you to run my hotel. And if you weren’t interested in anything else, I would love for you to maintain that position. You’re really doing a wonderful job. But your heart lies elsewhere. I am in a position to help you achieve your dream and I would be honored if you would let me do just that.”

  “Oh Mr. Prentice, I mean Mr. P. I wish you were my real uncle.”

  “I wish my mother had someone like you in her corner. Her life may have turned out completely differently. Now…” Mr. Prentice coughed. Lily guessed he didn’t want her to see the tears in his eyes.

  “I think we should make a few announcements at dinner tomorrow. We are hosting the goodbye dinner, remember?”

  She nodded. How could she forget?

  “Lily, I intend on visiting Clover Springs in the very near future. You would be more than welcome to come with me. Don’t go making your mind up now. Let’s see how you feel nearer the time..”

  “You will miss Robbie when he’s gone, won’t you?”

  Mr. Prentice glanced away although it was dark and he couldn’t see anything. “That, my dear, is an understatement. Robbie is the closest to a son I will ever get. I wish he would stay in New York but he needs to be where his heart lies. Nora Doherty is just as fine a woman as I could wish for him.”

  “She is lovely and together they are a very happy couple. Who knows, Mr. P? You might meet the woman of your dreams in Clover Springs and decide to live there forever.”

  His belly laugh was so loud, it seemed to echo through the new premises. The others looked at them but, from the distance, they couldn’t hear the conversation.

  “We better get back to the hotel. The others will think I have kidnapped you.”

  “Does Mrs. Doherty want a lift?”

  “Carmel doesn’t live far from here. She said she wanted to stay.”

  “She is a powerhouse of a lady isn’t she, Mr. P?”

  “She sure is, Lily. She is just like how I imagine you will be when you’re her age.”

  Lily knew it was sinful to have pride, but she was very proud to hear him say that. She waved goodbye to her new team and smiled the whole ride back to the hotel.

  Chapter 35

  Lily wiped her hands down her skirt and looked in the mirror. She didn’t look like she’d been crying. Well, not much anyway. She dabbed some powder under her eyes, trying to cover the redness. Taking a deep breath, she checked her dress one last time and then moved to answer the door.

  “Oh Lily, you look incredible,” Alicia said, walking into the room. “You have blossomed this last month.”

  “Thank you, Alicia,” Lily replied trying to keep her voice steady. She was on the verge of crying again.

  “Lily, can I hug you?” Doc Erin said. “I don’t want to crease your dress but I need a hug.”

  Lily hugged Doc Erin and then Alicia joined in. “I am going to miss you ladies more than I can say.”

  “We will miss you too. Can you promise to write and maybe in time you could come for a visit?” Alicia asked.

  “I will definitely write. I can’t promise anything else, not at this time.”

  Doc Erin eyed her, but remained silent. Thankfully. Lily didn’t feel up to another argument, even a gently well-meaning one, about her visiting Clover Springs. Unless
Ma Kelly and her cronies left Colorado, Lily didn’t see a visit to the west in her near future.

  “Let’s go downstairs, our friends are waiting,” she suggested.

  As they walked and talked, Doc Erin asked the question Lily had been dreading.

  “Lily, what’s the name of the doctor you found to work at the sanctuary?”

  That was the one question Lily didn’t want to answer. So she asked, “Alicia, look isn’t that Harry playing with the boys from the school? You know, the ones Nora and Robbie rescued?”

  Alicia looked over and confirmed it was. Lily kept up a mindless conversation about the guests, who would be coming, who wouldn’t. Anything at all but answer the question the Doc had asked. She would find out soon enough.

  One of the uniformed staff held open the door for them, and the three women walked into the dining room. Lily was amazed by how many people were there. Some she knew, others she guessed were members of the same family. She saw Carmel Doherty and assumed those must be Nora’s parents seated with her. Mr. Doherty wore a bandage over his eyes, which was a good thing. He must have gotten the surgery Doc Erin had wanted him to get.

  Lily was delighted to see Lizzie Carpenter with Jamie, and Tommy with Sadie. Those young couples were going to have a great life together in Clover Springs.

  Chapter 36

  Paul stared around the room filled with lots of people all connected in some way, many he both knew and loved. He envied those going to Clover Springs. It sounded really exciting out there in the west. They had real Indians and, if he went, he’d get his own horse, maybe two.

  Erin, Alicia and a couple of the ladies were crying. He looked at his ma’s face. She was sobbing. Why did women always have to cry so much?

  “Now ladies, if you’re going to start wailing, be off with you. I don’t want to drown our celebration, especially as we still have things to celebrate. Can everyone top up their glasses please?” Mr. Prentice looked around the table, his eyes twinkling.

  Paul followed his gaze until he realized it wasn’t moving from him. What did Mr. Prentice want with him?


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