An Alpha for the Demigod

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An Alpha for the Demigod Page 1

by Ezra Dawn

  An Alpha for the Demigod

  Ezra Dawn

  Cover art created by EzSigns

  [email protected]

  An Alpha for the Demigod © 2016 Ezra Dawn

  eBook ISBN: 9781370964482

  ISBN-13: 978-1535383462

  All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced in any form or by any means without express permission from the copyright holder. This book contains sexually explicit content which is suitable only for mature adults.


  Character Name Pronunciation


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven



  About the Author

  Other Books by Ezra

  For Lisa Oliver, the amazing author and friend, that encouraged me to listen to the voices in my head.

  Character Name Pronunciation

  Lykos Cassidy (Lie-k-hose, Cass-idy)

  Declan Devine (Deck-lahn, Deh-veen)

  Krealik (Cray-Lick)

  Valik (Vah-Lick)

  Crispin (Chris-pin)


  I woke up with the sunlight streaming through the blinds hitting me right in the face. I flinched away from the light before forcing my eyes open. My head was pounding, which was strange for a shifter but not unheard of. I must’ve drank way too much the night before. Too bad I can’t remember any of it.

  I look around the room suddenly aware that I am in an unfamiliar place. I should’ve known I wasn’t at home with the sun coming through the blinds. Blackout curtains were made for a reason and since there are none here I’m certain that I am not in my own bed.

  I stand up and stretch my arms above my head taking a deep breath as I do so. Suddenly, a tantalizing scent hits my nose and I suppress a groan. I slowly turn around and say “Holy shit, what have I done?”

  Chapter One


  There’s this little town, on the east coast no one’s ever heard of. It’s a cute little place surrounded by forests and mountains and tons of wild animals. A little place called Asphalt Bay. You’ll never find another town like this one, trust me. Why you ask? Well, Asphalt Bay is home to a wolf pack but not just any wolf pack. The wolves of Asphalt Bay are shifters. This is a town created by shifters for shifters and all that hoopla.

  Of course, times have changed and you can’t just go around discriminating against other paranormals. Lest you have the Paranormal Council on your ass. You do not want to deal with those guys. They’re like our version of the human’s mafia. We all have our own councils of course. There’s a Shifter Council, a Vampire Council, and so on but when they can’t deal with the problem the Paranormal Council does and well, let’s just say you don’t want them dealing with it. So, because of that there are some vamps, other shifter types, and even a couple witches in town.

  The place isn’t that large, only home to a few thousand people, most of them pack. The hierarchy breaks down the same too. There’s the Alpha and his mate, the betas, the enforcers, the trackers, the gammas and then the omegas. We have a few of the last two but there aren’t many. Oh, and then you have me, the Alpha’s oldest son. Next in line to take over the pack.

  After me are my three idiot brothers, Wyatt, Joshua, and Caleb. My sister Eloise doesn’t count because well, she’s only ten. She was the surprise my parents weren’t expecting but welcomed anyways. My father plans to retire sometime this year. He hasn’t specified the day but with his birthday coming up in a few months it will probably be soon. As for me, I’m not looking forward to becoming Alpha. At first, it was something I was excited to be able to do but, that was until my father had to go and ruin it.

  See, I thought being Alpha would help get me laid, not that I need help in that department but it would mean more partners for me. Understand what I’m saying? So, I was all prepared to become Alpha and lead the pack like a good Alpha should while also getting laid but no, I’m not allowed to do that. I have to find a mate even though I don’t want one. Mates are a hassle, at least bonded mates are. They’re free to cheat and lie. Some of them are high maintenance assholes no one wants to deal with. I swear if I have to listen to my mate yap like a fucking Chihuahua I’ll shoot myself.

  If I have to take a mate, I would prefer it to be my fated mate instead of a bond mate. At least, then I know they won’t be able to cheat, and with a mind link it’d be easy to figure out when they’re hiding things. Not that it’s likely we’ll get one since a lot of fated mates don’t anymore but I have hope. I probably sound naive wishing for this perfect relationship where my partner won’t have to lie or hide things from me. I just want it to be open and honest because if I can’t have that then I don’t want a mate at all.

  I guess I am a little naïve. I mean, I’ve only had one serious relationship ever in my life and I was only 52 when it happened. It was almost a hundred years ago but still, if I’d bonded then I wouldn’t be in this mess. Joel was an enforcer for the pack but his wolf was an Alpha, we loved each other and it was good for a while but it wasn’t enough. Joel ended up leaving to start his own pack and I thought he’d take me with him but I was wrong. Only one of my brothers would have been able to take over if I had left and Joel knew that. Once I realized that, I wasn’t going to do that to him especially since he had his own dreams and being Alpha was not one of them.

  As for what I said about my father ruining my desire to become Alpha, I should probably clarify that. He was the one who told me I needed to take a mate before he retired. I assume he’ll announce the exact date at tonight’s pack run. In the meantime, I’ll be going fishing out on the bay with my best friend Crispin.

  He has a boat down at the docks and we go fishing whenever we can. So, once I throw out last night’s bed bunny and get dressed I’ll grab my shit and go. I finish drinking my cup of coffee, then head towards my bedroom. I grab the air horn can off the dresser when I walk in and press down on the button…hard. The cute little twink I brought home last night falls out of the bed in a tangle of sheets and high pitched squeals.

  He glares at me and says “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

  I shrug. “I need you to leave, like now. I have to be somewhere and you can’t stay so yeah, get out.” I watch as he slowly gets up and starts gathering his things so that he can get dressed. I look at the clock on the nightstand and start tapping my foot impatiently. This guy seriously needs to hurry up or I’ll be late. He finally pulls on the last of his clothes and heads my way.

  As he passes by to go out the door he hisses “You’re an asshole.”

  I wait until I hear the front door slam before saying to myself “Fucking cat shifters, always in a tizzy.” I grab my clothes for the day and quickly change into them. Once I’m dressed and I’m sure I look good, I grab my truck keys, cellphone, and wallet then I head out the door.

  After double checking that all my fishing gear is loaded and ready, I climb into the truck and crank it up. I turn up the radio, put on my sunglasses, then head for the gas station to fill up and grab another cup of coffee. I can’t live without my morning cup of Joe. I have to have a minimum of two cups a day otherwise it throws off my entire day and I can’t function. Once I’ve had my second cup of coffee, I get back on the road and head to the docks to meet Crispin.

  Crispin is already on the boat waiting by the time I get there. I ran into construction traffic on the way and ended up late. Even though, I tried
to avoid it by throwing out the bed bunny earlier than usual I still ended up late because of construction. It would seem that Fate is being finicky today. She doesn’t appear to be on my side at all. I grab my fishing gear out of the truck and throw it into the boat a little too forcefully.

  Crispin laughs and says “Someone forget their coffee today?”

  I shake my head. “Nope, had both cups. It’s just one of those days.” He nods slowly and says “Oh, one of those days huh? Bad lay?”

  If I’d been drinking something I would’ve choked. “It was fine. He got a little pissy when I threw him out this morning. Might’ve been the cat in him though.”

  “So, this time it was a cat shifter of the male persuasion. You really have no morals.”

  “Oh, fuck off.”

  He laughs and says “Come on, help me get this boat untied so we can go.”

  “Since you asked so nicely I guess I can.” I head to the front and untie the rope. Normally, he’d need help getting this huge ass thing into the water but we’d already done that part on our first fishing trip. Now, all we do is tie it to the dock during the fishing season. I’ll help him when he decides to bring it out of the water at the end of the season.

  Once we’re out in the bay he drops the anchor in our usual fishing spot. We crack open a few sodas since it’s too early for beer and cast our lines. It’s so peaceful sitting out here even if the fish aren’t biting. I find that it’s still nice to enjoy nature when I’m not furry and running around on all fours. Crispin reels in his line and recasts it. I go to do the same but my phone starts ringing.

  Crispin says “Hey man, we agreed no cellular devices on manly fishing excursions.”

  I laugh and say “Dude, it’s my dad. I have to keep my phone on me for when he decides to give me more ultimatums.”

  Crispin shakes his head while I answer the phone. “Hello?”

  My dad says “Took you long enough to answer.”

  “Sorry, I’m out on the bay fishing.”

  He sighs. “Of course you are. Have you thought about what I said?”

  I sigh. “You know I don’t want a mate dad. I’ve said this a million times already.”

  “It’s pack law. You have to have a mate to become Alpha. That’s the way it’s always been. You know your brothers are only betas in rank and can’t take over and I refuse to hand the pack to some knucklehead who doesn’t know his ass from his face when it comes to pack matters.”

  I roll my eyes. “I know dad. Can’t you change pack law?”

  “I would have to get approval from all the wolf shifter packs in the country plus the shifter council to change pack law. You know that. The shifter council gathered each species of shifter to create the laws. An alpha can create other laws for their specific pack but when it comes to the main pack laws that are the same for each pack across the country an Alpha can’t touch them without a lot of work.”

  I sigh in defeat “I just thought I’d ask dad.”

  “If you don’t find someone to be your mate by my birthday I’ll choose someone for you.”

  My mouth drops open in shock. “Dad you can’t be serious!”

  “Deadly. I’ll announce it at the pack run tonight. I’ll be retiring after my birthday. Your mother and I would like to raise your sister in peace without the issues of the pack getting in between our time as a family.”

  I probably looked like a gaping fish with the way my mouth was moving. “That’s in two months! That’s not enough time!”

  He growls “It’s plenty of time to find a suitable mate.”

  I shout back “Yeah, a bond mate not a fated mate!”

  “Forget about fated mates! You’re 130 years old. If you haven’t found yours yet with the way you sleep around then you probably never will. You know they’re rare in this pack. The last confirmed pair died in a pack war before you were born and we haven’t had any since. Your mother and I were lucky but we met nearly 300 years ago in our late thirties.”

  I nod and say “I know dad. I just hoped…never mind. I’ll find someone suitable by that time.” I hang up before he can say anything else. My hopes have already been crushed so I might as well salvage what’s left of my fishing trip before I start searching for a suitable mate. I have a couple in mind that might work but I’ll need a clear head and maybe a shot of jack before I start the wooing. Gah…wooing the word gives me cold chills just thinking about it. The sooner I get this over with the better. Just fates willing please no yappy Chihuahuas please I’m begging here.

  Chapter Two


  There’s a place in the mountains, no one knows exists. It’s an underground fortress of sorts with multiple levels, sections, and rooms. The location is top secret, only a select few know about it. I’m not supposed to know about it either but I’m what you call “Special.” I don’t live here even though there are many who do. I have my own place on a little island about 300 miles off the coast of Asphalt Bay. Out there on my own I’m free to do as I please. If I want to create my own storms I can. Although, I don’t do that too often. I don’t need to set off some human radar and have them storm my island paradise for their science. Stupid fuckers.

  I can also do some work for the council from there since it is secluded and off the radar. No one would suspect it. Since my work life is so hectic I’m rarely there. It’s basically my little getaway when I’ve been working for too long and have to take a much needed break. I may seem like a cold hearted son of a bitch on the outside but sometimes all the blood and gore just gets to me and I need to take some time to myself. Add to that my sense of bitter loneliness and you’ve got one pissed off demigod on your hands.

  I’m not heartless although it seems like it sometimes. I do have feelings and after being on my own for more than 3000 years it’s really starting to bring me down. Loneliness is such a fucking mood killer. I’ve become a workaholic because I don’t want to sit in my empty house and stew. I haven’t been home in almost a year that’s how bad it is.

  You know something is seriously wrong with you when you can’t even walk into your empty house without feeling this huge amount of despair because there’s no one there to come home to. It fucking sucks and the feeling is not something I like to experience often so I spend all my time in hotels when I need to sleep or abandoned buildings when I need to work.

  Being a “Fixer” for the Paranormal Council has its perks. I’m filthy rich and want for nothing. I have multiple houses across the country in case I need a place to go if a job goes bad. Everywhere I go I seem to gain instant respect. I have a human name I go by when around others. No one uses my real name anymore except my parents, my siblings, and my employers. My real name is what instills fear in people. I usually go by it when I work. Everyone has heard the name but they can’t put it to a face.

  It makes me somewhat of a legend and a mystery at the same time. A legend for what I can do but a mystery because very few actually know what I look like. Even my mother isn’t counted among them. I’ve changed since she saw me last. We are still in contact of course. I call her every once in a while but I have never visited her and she has never visited me. There are reasons behind this of course.

  My mother is a wolf shifter who became a lone-wolf after being cast out from her home pack because of me. They didn’t like the fact that she’d had a child with a god so they drove her out. Had it not been for my father’s gift of immortality she would have died from her injuries. At first, she refused the gift but when she found out that the same gift had been given to me at birth to give me a fighting chance against others who may have wanted to kill me for what I was she accepted.

  She raised me by herself and even stayed with me well into adulthood. A few years after I turned two hundred and twelve she found her fated mate while on a trip into town. She wasn’t going to do anything about it but I made her. I’ve been on my own ever since. Thanks to fate’s rules about intertwining lifelines with fated mates her mate is now immortal as well and
the trait passed on to their children.

  It’s bittersweet. She has a pack now and a new family. Her mate is the Alpha and will likely remain in that position until he decides he’s ready to retire. I will not ruin that for her. I’m not sure if she’s told them about me or what I am but I refuse to be the cause of her losing everything.

  Especially, because I’m different even among demi-gods. My father and my uncle do not get along but even though that’s true I am still favored by my uncle. When I surpassed all expectations and reached my 1000th birthday when most of my kind would have been killed off by other demi gods or were too weak to survive he did something he’s never done before. My uncle gave me some of his powers as a gift. I’m now the only demi-god in existence to have the powers of two gods instead of one on top of being able to shift into a wolf at will. Being immortal on top of all that makes me nearly impossible to kill. I’m practically invulnerable. It’s crazy.

  I became a target after that but the others were nothing I couldn’t handle. It’s been a long time since anyone from that world has attacked me. Anyone from that side who doesn’t know me personally will know exactly who I am when they look at me. The tattoos at the corner of my eyes right at the cheekbones symbolize that. The trident on the left is for my father Poseidon and the lightning bolt on the right is for my uncle Zeus.


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