Fire Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 14

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Fire Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 14 Page 6

by Trim, Brenda

  “It’s not our problem. We are burdened with our current charges. The holes in the veil between Earth and Hell are widening. More and more upper level demons are slipping through the cracks. Humans need us. The supernaturals have the Dark Warriors,” Camael explained as he pulled his chair back to the desk and resumed his seat.

  “But children are being kidnapped,” Rami argued. “The Dark Warriors can’t find them. They are failing and I won’t allow it. Izzy could be next.”

  “And you can find Crocell? Last time I checked, you didn’t have a crystal ball to determine her location. This is a perfect example of how you would be useless in a crisis involving Isobel. You are so consumed with worry for her safety that you have forgotten your other charges. That doesn’t work for me, Rami. And I’ll tell you one thing more. If you can’t pull your head out of your ass and see to your duties, I’ll have Raphael remove you as Isobel’s Guardian Angel. Understand?” Camael bit out and pinned him with a glare.

  “You wouldn’t,” Rami denied as he clenched his fists at his sides.

  “Try me. Now this conversation is over unless you have something else to discuss. I have shit to do,” Camael spouted and dismissed him with a wave.

  Ramiel swallowed the words before they flew from his mouth. Continuing to argue his position would result in him losing Izzy. His feet faltered on his way out the door.

  “Did you forget something?” Camael asked without looking up from his paperwork.

  He could say yes and tell his boss he was a fucking idiot. Then again, he would be pulled from Izzy’s case in the next heartbeat. On one hand that would be a blessing. He wouldn’t have to see Elsie ever again. Watching her cook for her new husband, fawn and kiss all over Zander, knowing they shared a child together. It shredded Rami’s insides. He would do just about anything to escape the torture. On the other hand, he wouldn’t have Izzy’s smiles or affection, and that wasn’t worth losing.

  Isobel might be Elsie and Zander’s daughter but she was the only thing that kept him from losing himself to rage when he discovered Elsie had moved on and mated Zander. In that instant, Ramiel’s human life as Dalton exploded when he saw the depth of love Elsie felt for Zander. She had never loved him that deeply and it pissed him off.

  Initially, he considered the task of protecting Izzy fate’s cruel joke. He understood later that he was being tested. He needed to put aside his anger and rage to act on behalf of another being to earn the title Angel of Retribution.

  “No, Chief,” Rami muttered and left the room.

  He swore he heard the pleas of suffering children as he made his way to his private quarters. He would find a way to offer his assistance. Otherwise, there would be no peace for him.

  Chapter Six

  Breslin was ecstatic. Her shitkickers pounded the streets as she hunted for skirm. It had been months since she last patrolled and every cell in her body rejoiced over the familiar activity. It was about damn time, too. She was needed more than ever, considering stripling were the latest targets of the archdemon.

  Her blood boiled when she considered how weak she became after Rhett disappeared. Refusing to allow negative thoughts to ruin the blissful moment, she closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath of night air.

  “Seems Alex has settled into the compound nicely,” Breslin told her brother as they crossed a street.

  “Aye, she has. We’re keeping her house for times when she needs a break. She isna used to being around so many and is easily overwhelmed with our commanding group,” Bhric offered with a smirk.

  “Ha. Commanding is an understatement. Did you see Gerrick and Rhys sword-fighting in the kitchen with Elsie’s new knives the other day?” Breslin asked.

  “Nay. What happened?”

  “Let’s just say Gerrick took it to a new level when he jumped on the countertop and treated Rhys’s shirt like it was juicy steak,” she replied.

  “Och, I bet Rhys was pissed. He hates when anyone messes with his clothes,” Bhric added with a laugh.

  “It was classic. Listen, brathair. I want you to know that I’m verra proud of you for keeping your promise and staying away from the booze. I know it hasna been easy,” Breslin shared.

  With everything she was dealing with, it was a blessing that she didn’t have to worry about Bhric sinking further into a barrel of alcohol.

  “Everything they say aboot having a mate is true. ‘Tis no’ as simple as saying your Fated Mate completes you. It goes beyond that. Alex changed me in every way. I think differently and I act differently. ‘Tis no longer just aboot me. In fact, I never think of myself before her. She believes the head injury is to thank for the aversion to drinking, but it isna the main reason. She is, Bre. She is my entire world,” Bhric admitted.

  “Geez, Bhric. You are so pussy-whipped. You seriously need to dial it back. If I see one more mushy post plastered on T-Rex aboot your relationship, I’m going to barf,” Breslin snarled, referring to their social media outlet. “I mean, how many fucking hearts do you have to use? You love her face? Who says that, anyway? It’s sickening. You’re in love. Great, we get it! We don’t need to see a collage of pictures every damn day,” Breslin mocked.

  She knew her cynical side was rearing its ugly head, but there was nothing worse than an Alpha male like Bhric being led around like a puppy dog. Finding his Fated Mate was great, but damn, he needed to man the fuck up.

  “Wow. Why doona you say what you really feel? Stop drinking the Hatorade, puthair,” Bhric replied. “But, I’m verra sorry for being inconsiderate of your feelings. I know you’re dealing with your own shit with Rhett.”

  “‘Tis no’ your fault Rhett is a jackarse. I know everyone is tiptoeing around me with their mates but there isna reason for it. Seeing you happy is the only joy I have in my life right now. It willna make my situation worse. But you really do need to stop with that shit on T-Rex,” she explained.

  “Aye, I will only put three hearts next time,” he countered and punched her in the arm. She couldn’t help but laugh at his smart-ass comment.

  That was Bhric. Always joking. She was so glad to have that again. When Breslin feared she’d never see him again, or hear his wisecracks, the pain in her chest threatened to consume her.

  “I recall the pain in my brand before we completed the mating. It was incessant and the only relief I got was when Alex touched me. It got worse the longer we waited. By the two-week mark I nearly forced Alex to exchange blood just to make it end. I canna imagine what you must be going through after six months and nearly starving to death,” Bhric said, growling the last part as his anger escalated.

  She appreciated his vehemence over Rhett’s behavior. She knew any of her brothers would rip into the fire demon on her behalf. She had half a mind to allow it.

  Breslin was glad she told Alex about Bhric’s suffering. The human wanted more time to plan their mating ceremony, but she felt compelled to tell Alex what it did to Bhric. Now that Breslin had a mating brand, she realized it was so much worse than she imagined.

  “I try to forget aboot it. ‘Tis no’ easy and some days I am driven insane by the agony but I’m going to live for many centuries so I must learn to deal with the pain. Let’s not mention it again. It doesna help when I think or talk aboot it,” Breslin replied as she shook out her hands and rolled her neck to relieve some of the tension.

  “How are things between the two of you? I can rearrange his face if you want,” Bhric offered as they walked side by side.

  Breslin smiled at the image. Rhett needed a good ass-beating after what he put her through.

  “There isna any point. He will only heal and it willna stop him from seeking a female to nurse him back to health,” she said, and a sharp pang tore through her chest at the thought.

  “Is he seeing someone else?” Bhric barked. “I’ll fucking kill him!”

  Ice coated the ground beneath her twin’s feet as he lost control. Breslin felt his desire to defend her honor, and it was better than being wrapped in hi
s arms. She knew how much her brother loved her and knew she could always count on him to have her back.

  “I doona know what he’s doing, except following me around the city. I doona care what, or who, he does,” she lied.

  “How can you no’ care? I wanted to shred a male nurse for asking Alex a question at work the other night. How do you deal with the mating compulsion?” Bhric asked.

  Breslin loathed that little nugget called the mating compulsion. It was the worst kind of curse to be driven to a jealous rage for a male that didn’t give two shits about her. And then there was the desire that sparked to life the second he walked back into her life. It was salt in the wound to lust after a male that put her at death’s door.

  “There isna any way to deal with it. And at this point my body has suffered so much I canna determine what caused what,” Breslin admitted.

  “What are you going to do? You canna ignore him forever. You need to take blood from him soon. I couldna take Alex’s vein withoot taking her body, too,” Bhric admitted.

  “I doona plan on taking his vein ever again. He insisted that’s the only way I will get what I need but he’s wrong. Jace will collect the blood. End of story,” Breslin asserted.

  “I can siphon it––do you smell that?” Bhric asked as his nose went into the air.

  Breslin followed her brother’s lead and tilted her head back, sniffing.

  They were on a street that was lined with houses down both sides. Lights illuminated the windows, showing human families going about their nightly routine of eating dinner and watching shows together, completely unaware of the danger in their midst.

  Bhric was in motion in the next heartbeat. Breslin had trouble keeping up but she didn’t lose sight of him as he rounded the corner. She should’ve taken more blood from Rhett but her arousal demanded she take his body, and she pushed him away before she acted on that desire.

  As soon as she and Bhric made it to the next street, the smell of blood hit her hard. A scream echoed from several houses away and the two of them took off again.

  A dozen skirm were in a nearby yard, bouncing on their heels to get a better view inside the house. Breslin tested her fire and was discouraged to see it flicker then die. She decided her blades were her best option.

  Sais in hand, Breslin shoved a knife between the ribs of an unsuspecting minion while Bhric did the same. As soon as the skirm flashed on fire and turned to ash, they lost their advantage as the group turned to face them.

  “Feel the freeze, motherfuckers,” Bhric snarled and was in motion.

  Breslin hesitated for one second as a stuffed bunny went sailing through the open doorway. A human child came into her line of vision next. She was in the clutches of a rage demon.

  Breslin ducked and swung her leg out, connecting with a skirm about to attack. He landed on his back and Breslin stabbed her weapon through his chest but missed his heart. She was up and running a moment later, cursing her mistake.

  The last time she missed her target was six hundred years ago and there was a scar on her left thigh as a reminder. She prided herself on being nearly as efficient as Gerrick. He was as ruthless as they came. When Gerrick attacked, enemies never survived.

  Something hit Breslin’s back and she was airborne before slamming into the railing on the front porch. Pain exploded in her shoulder as part of a post stuck through her joint. Blood trickled around the object but she didn’t have time to remove the wood before she turned and engaged her attacker.

  She kicked the skirm in the stomach and forced her titanium weapon between his ribs. The pop followed by a flash of fire brought a smile to her lips. The form turned to ash as four more creatures rushed toward her.

  She yanked the post from her shoulder. She rolled her shoulder, tested the injury then sent healing cells to the area.

  Breslin quickly scanned the area to see if any neighbors heard the noise. Luckily, the street was empty and she returned her focus to the fight. Protecting others was her purpose in life and she was deprived that for several long months. Losing that was almost as bad as Rhett walking out on her.

  For the millionth time, she wondered the meaning of her life. Mating hadn’t been a cakewalk for any of the warriors but no one had been spurned by their mate like she was.

  Before finding Illianna, Rhys slept with a different female daily, sometimes more than one a day. Illianna was an angel of joy and was held captive in Hell and tortured in ways Breslin didn’t want to imagine, yet the sex demon and angel sacrificed everything to make a life together. It wasn’t simply handed to them. They had to give up a lot to be with one another but they both did what was necessary.

  Each mated couple in the compound faced similar challenges but eventually found their way to a mating ceremony. Not Breslin and Rhett.

  She was blessed with a mate that walked away and never looked back. That’s not entirely true, a small voice challenged. She flipped that voice off and twisted around to avoid the grasps of her enemy.

  “Arseholes,” she cursed and she danced around the minions. Her boot landed in the back of a young male. His eyes blazed and he flashed fangs at her.

  She shook her head and stabbed her blade through his heart. As she tried to assess the other three, she chanced a glance in Bhric’s direction. Ice flew from his palms to freeze them in place, but they continued to break free. Typically, Breslin would step in and burn the enemy before they could escape, but her fire wasn’t answering her demand.

  The three she faced formed a semi-circle and backed her up to the stairs. It was when she got closer to the home that she caught a better scent of the occupants’ blood. The smell was overpowering and she prayed the parents weren’t dead.

  Pain stabbed her heart. She knew that loss too well and wouldn’t wish it on her worst enemy. But why were the demons taking human children? She thought their focus now was supernatural stripling. It seemed the demons wanted children, no matter the species, and would go to any length to get them.

  At least the demon’s sole focus was no longer Izzy. Not that she didn’t remain at risk, but Crocell was taking children at random. Maybe she decided obtaining the amulet was out of her reach, hence the reason for the kidnappings. Breslin could only pray that meant good news for her niece. If anything ever happened to Isobel…Breslin’s sadness quickly turned to anger at the discernment.

  “Mmmm. That’s it, warrior. Release your wrath,” purred a rage demon from the top of the stairs.

  He had a little girl under one arm and his red eyes were glued to Breslin as if she were standing naked in front of him.

  Tears streamed down the girl’s face and sobs wracked her tiny body. Breslin turned to jump, but didn’t budge. Six hands grabbed for her and yanked her down. She hit the stairs hard, knocking the breath from her lungs.

  Dizzy, she kicked out and shoved one skirm away. She tried to push her way to her feet and wanted to scream when she didn’t get anywhere. She shut off her anger and curled into a ball.

  There was a flurry of fists and feet flying and Breslin swung her blade for all she was worth. Black blood spurted and flowed from wounds she inflicted. Some splattered her arm and burned through her flesh, causing more pain. The sizzle and smell of burning grass told her some landed on the lawn, as well.

  Skirm blood was toxic to any living thing and ate away like acid. Shae helped realm scientists come up with an injection that countered the acidic effects of the venom. Skirm blood and bites used to leave horrid scars on supernaturals but that didn’t happen now that they the anti-venom. Unfortunately, the serum came after Shae’s torturous time with the archdemon, Kadir, and her scars were permanent.

  “I’ve had enough of this shite,” Breslin ground out and called her fire again.

  Bombarded on all sides by wracking pain, along with depleted energy, her flame didn’t respond right away and it cost Breslin. Fangs sank into her neck and fire burned through her veins.

  Breslin’s fury fueled her fire enough to ignite flames in her arm
s and she swung outward. Immediately, three skirm went up in flames and shrieked, running in the opposite direction of her fire.

  She spotted the rage demon sneaking away with the child and she ran after it. When she was close enough, Breslin dove at the creature and grabbed the child around the legs and pulled at the same time she kicked out. The rage demon howled and lost hold of the girl. Breslin twisted so she landed on her back and took the brunt of the fall.

  She saw skirm coming after her and the rage demon was heading her way while another was fleeing the house with a second child.

  “Bhric, the house,” she called out and threw her blade at the nearest skirm as she jumped onto the rage demon’s back.

  Breslin wrapped both hands around the creature’s head and twisted with all her might. A crunch sounded and she continued to twist until she was rewarded with a severed head. She dropped her trophy onto the grass and raced to the girl’s side.

  “Stay behind me. I will protect you,” Breslin advised the frightened child.

  “My brother. He’s hurt,” she cried. “Help him.”

  Breslin kicked one minion and threw a fireball at another. Her energy was waning. She wouldn’t last much longer but she refused to allow these children to be taken.

  “My brathair will protect him. Doona worry,” Breslin assured the child before a glint caught her eye and she darted forward, grabbing her weapon from the ground.

  Breslin kept a tight rein on her anger so she didn’t feed the nearby rage demon. After living with her vehemence for the past six months, it was difficult to lock it away. Her hatred for Rhett was a warm blanket at night but she realized she didn’t need to carry the toxic burden anymore.

  Breslin grappled with skirm and stabbed and ashed one after another while Bhric attacked the rage demons. Within minutes, she and Bhric were standing with traumatized children and two dead demons while neighbors gaped from the sidewalk.

  Breslin rushed inside the house. She spotted the parents on the floor and rushed to their sides. She reached to feel for a pulse and sighed a relief when she discovered their hearts beating. They needed immediate assistance but they would survive.


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