Fire Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 14

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Fire Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 14 Page 9

by Trim, Brenda

  Breslin grinded against his cock, teasing him. His hips had a mind of their own and pushed upward, feeding her need. She was on fire for him. This was the raging inferno she craved and gave into the passion.

  “I want you,” she panted and lowered her head, raking fangs over his pounding pulse.

  Her gums tingled and bloodlust reared its head. This was the only male that could satisfy her craving. She could feed from no one, but Rhett. She might find a way to be intimate with another male but her fangs would never pierce another’s flesh.

  Breslin was wild with need as she worked her aching core against his steel shaft. His hands slipped under her t-shirt and grabbed her breasts, eliciting a moan from her. His thumbs worked their way inside her bra and rubbed across her nipples. She arched into him when they hardened with his ministrations.

  “I’ve missed this, Flame. I haven’t touched another since you,” Rhett groaned.

  Breslin was shocked by his admission. She assumed the six months he was gone he bedded every female in sight.

  “It’s never felt like this for me. So right with another female. And I don’t even care that I’m going to cum in my pants again. It feels too fucking good,” he husked.

  “You’re talking again,” she informed him. “Stop and just fuck me.”

  “So needy,” he panted, breathing as hard as she was.

  “Aye, I am. I’m so close,” she growled.

  Rhett roughly grabbed her ass cheeks, grinding his erection against her while she wriggled and writhed wildly.

  She felt his body tense beneath her and she wondered if he was trying to stop the impending orgasm. She didn’t care one way or another. She wanted pleasure. He was a fire demon and would be ready to go again in seconds.

  He wrapped one hand around her neck and tilted her head toward him. She loved his dominance but she wasn’t submissive and she kissed him hard, meeting his challenge. His lips demanded that she surrender everything. Not happening, she thought, as she fought to maintain the upper hand.

  Rhett didn’t hold back and his tongue plundered, taking charge. The kiss was forceful, almost too much. Breslin tried to pull away but his growl stopped her. It reverberated through her bones and brought her to the edge. He knew she was close and thrust his hip upwards with each of her downward strokes and moments later she was calling out his name as her orgasm slammed home.

  “I need to fuck you. Now…clothes off,” he demanded, removing her shirt and bra.

  That was the easy part. The cramped space in his Sedan wasn’t conducive to stripping or being sexy. It was a cluster-fuck of elbows, knees and shoulders as they shifted and struggled to get their bottoms off. Breslin lifted over him, causing her breasts to smash against his face as she wiggled her hips to get her shorts down.

  “Oh, yes,” he groaned and his mouth sucked a nipple into his mouth.

  “Goddess,” she panted and shoved more flesh between his teeth. Their flames danced across their flesh, intensifying their lust.

  She managed to get her shorts to her knees but then got stuck. Rhett continued to nibble on her pebbled flesh, while at the same time, he managed to reach down and remove her sandals. He then grabbed the waist of her shorts and she shimmied her way out of them. Her panties quickly followed and he latched onto her ass.

  “Mmmm, Flame. So juicy. I want to take a bite out of this. Oh, sorry. I’m talking again,” he murmured as his tongue continued to torture her pert nipple.

  “Dirty talk is good,” Breslin managed to get out between panted breaths. She’d already climaxed and he had her aching and needy again. “I want to feel you inside me,” she said and reached down to stroke his length.

  Glancing down, she could see the lava beneath his flesh. His thick cock jerked and pre-cum oozed from the slit as she moved her hand up and down his shaft. She met his gaze and flames greeted her.

  “You are so fucking sexy. I need to taste you,” he demanded, and before she knew what was happening, Rhett reclined the seat and lifted her body to straddle his shoulders.

  His tongue darted out, and traced a path through her slit to her opening then went back to her throbbing bundle of nerves. Breslin gasped as pleasure barreled through her system.

  Rhett licked and suckled her flesh until she was begging him to stop. Her body wanted only one thing. For him to fill her in every way. He pulled her to his lap and positioned her exactly where he wanted her, ready to ride him to completion.

  He claimed her lips and Breslin tasted her juices on his mouth. She sucked his lips and his responding moan vibrated all the way to her soul. Her body bucked and rubbed and moved so wildly that he grabbed her ass to still her movements. His fingers slipped between her cheeks and accidentally pressed against her dark portal.

  They both went stock-still and gazed at each other. “Doona even think it,” she warned.

  “Has anyone claimed you here?” he asked and pushed the tip of his pinky inside. She had to admit it felt good. The possessive glint in his eye connected with a feral part of her.

  “Nay, and I doona even want to know how many females you’ve deflowered.” Breslin bit out, trying not to think of him taking a female that way. It wasn’t the act itself but his promiscuity.

  “You will be my first,” Rhett informed her as his finger continued to tease her entrance.

  Suddenly, she wanted something she’d always rejected. To be his first and him hers was extremely enticing.

  “‘Tis no’ happening…yet,” she stated and reached around to grab his hands from her ass.

  “I will have you in every way, Flame,” he vowed and claimed her lips, stealing her ability to think or talk.

  As her arousal spiked, his hips increased their pace. Needing more, Breslin impaled herself on his massive erection. Rhett stretched and filled her and she cried out from the pain. It had been too long and it felt so good to have him inside her. She worked her body up and down his length until pleasure replaced pain, and she set a rapid pace.

  Breslin’s fangs filled her mouth and pricked his tongue. His blood hit her tongue and she was suddenly ravenous. Breaking the kiss, her fangs sank into the pounding pulse on the side of his neck.

  As she drew his blood, their bodies were in sync and moved together, rubbing and teasing all the right nerve endings to drive her to the precipice in record time. It was a double-edged sword how perfectly he was made for her and that knowledge sliced through her heart.

  Rhett would never truly be hers. He wasn’t a male that was going to be tied down to one female because he didn’t have to be. His kind wouldn’t suffer if they denied their heart’s desire.

  Her mating brand punched through her chest as the thought filtered through her mind. Physically, she needed to do the blood exchange and complete the mating but emotionally she needed distance between them. She withdrew her fangs, and nearly climbed off his lap but Rhett increased his pace and all thoughts fled her mind.

  One of his hands snuck between their bodies while the other grabbed one of her breasts and he simultaneously tweaked her nipples while rubbing her clit as her body rode his long, hard length. She was lost to the sensations and her power over fire reached out to his flame. When it answered, she exploded. Flames shot out around them and she detonated, pulsing around his shaft.

  A heartbeat later, Rhett joined her and his fire tangled with hers. His flames were red where hers were orange and together it was a beautiful splendor. She felt hot jets of his seed as he came like an erupting volcano. Their climax took over and the shock waves were more devastating than the fire consuming the car around them.

  Every ounce of her energy evaporated and her head fell to his shoulder. She was panting and pulsing around his still-erect cock.

  “Shite. I hope you have really good insurance on this car,” she teased.

  “Fuck. I don’t even care that was so good. But the coils in the seat are about to claim my ass,” he laughed as he opened the car door and helped her get out and to her feet. They quickly scramble
d to safety and turned to watch roaring flames engulf his vehicle.

  “Och, I hear sirens,” Breslin replied, looking over at Rhett’s naked body as he joined her. Their clothes were going up in flames, along with the car. “Shite, my phone’s in there, too. Any ideas how we’re going to make it back to Zeum?”

  “I say we run like hell,” he said as he laughed and tugged her to the end of the building, leaving his car behind. “I’ll deal with the cops later over this one. Somehow I doubt it will help my case if they see we’re the reason it’s on fire.”

  “Aye, you’re right. Maybe we can get Orlando and Santi to intervene for you,” Breslin said.

  “Sounds good to me. Let’s head back to my place. I doona live far from here.”

  “Nay, that’s no’ going to happen. This was fun but I’m going home,” she informed him as she once again erected a wall between them. It was the only way she could protect her heart from being hurt again.

  “But, I thought this meant we were going to try and work it out,” he admitted.

  “I am giving you a chance, Rhett, but doona think that having sex makes everything right. Sex wasn’t our issue. Your commitment was. I need to see you won’t take off again,” she informed him and walked off, ducking into the shadows across the street.

  Let him see how it feels to be left all alone, she thought. Payback was a bitch.

  Chapter Ten

  “I was surprised to hear from you,” Bhric stated as he approached the table where Rhett sat.

  Rhett smiled at his friend but Bhric’s expression remained stoic. Rhett hoped that the familiar atmosphere of Howler’s would lighten the tension between them but apparently, he was wrong.

  The bar was their place to meet for drinks and billiards. At least it was before the strain to their friendship. Rhett decided not to take the vampire’s demeanor personally. The fact that he showed up at all told Rhett that Bhric didn’t despise him.

  Bhric took a seat across from Rhett and glared daggers at him. Rhett amended his previous thought. Maybe the vampire agreed to meet so he could beat the ever-loving shit out of him.

  “I miss hanging with you,” Rhett said, attempting conversation. “Believe it or not, you’re my best friend. I’ve never been as close with anyone else.”

  “How is that possible? You’re older than dirt, demon. I couldna imagine no’ having close friends,” Bhric commented.

  “I’m a wanderer,” Rhett offered with a shrug. “We don’t stay in one place for long. Even on Khoth, I wandered. Attachments don’t come easy for fire demons, which is why this Fated Mate thing is difficult for me,” Rhett admitted. “Drink?” he asked and motioned for the waitress.

  “Nay. I doona drink anymore,” Bhric shared and it was Rhett’s turn to gape.

  “Not at all? I thought that would pass once you were reacquainted with Macallan.” Rhett surmised.

  “Fuck that shite. That knife to my skull changed my sense of taste. I canna stand liquor now. Once sober, I realized how much of an arse I was before. Plus, I have too much to lose now and Alex is the only high I crave. So, why did you want to see me?”

  Rhett met Bhric’s amber gaze, which reminded him of the reason. “Your sister, of course. But also, I want to mend the bridge between us.”

  “You burned that fucking bridge when you left my puthair. She could’ve died, you know? The only reason you’re still breathing is because she needs your blood. I doona know that you can make things right between us,” Bhric explained. “I experienced her suffering when you were away, Rhett. I know exactly what she went through and I want to fucking shred you for it.”

  Rhett dragged his fingers through his hair. “Fuck, Bhric. I never would’ve left if I had known what would happen. No one ever told me. Look, I’m here now and I’ll chop down an entire forest to build a new bridge, if you’ll just meet me halfway. Your sister is giving me another chance and I’m asking you to do the same.”

  The waitress came over and Bhric ordered chicken wings and a soda. “I’m no’ sure I can. I doona know that you deserve her. She needs your blood and I will make sure you give it to her but I doona know if you are Fated Mate material. Your first reaction was to bolt and that says a lot aboot you. I guess time will tell your intent,” Bhric said.

  Rhett sat back in his chair and took a swig of his beer. “Shit. I know I made a mess of things. Just don’t write me off completely. I could use a friend right now. Plus, you can give me a leg up with Breslin. You are her twin, after all,” Rhett coaxed with a chuckle.

  “Nay. No’ a fucking chance. I like my balls where they are and my puthair will remove them if I give you inside information.”

  “I’m not asking you to betray her confidence. After our date at the Melting Pot, I saw a sliver of hope. Can you give me any advice on fixing things with her?” Rhett asked, unwilling to disclose the intimate details of their car-burning rendezvous.

  “I’ll tell you this much. Honesty is the key with Breslin. Doona lie to her or say what you think she wants to hear. She will tear you to pieces,” Bhric replied before he stood. “Wanna shoot some pool?”

  “Rack your balls, buddy. Although, my advantage was taken the minute you got sober. I think I’ll have another since I feel a slaughter coming,” Rhett said with a chuckle.

  “Suck it up, Buttercup. I havena played sober before but I’m ready to make you cry like a wee bairn,” Bhric taunted as he placed the balls inside the wood triangle on the pool table.

  That quick, they found their comradery and it felt like old times. Rhett knew he had a long way to go but it was nice to laugh and joke again. Once more, he saw a small shard of hope that he could get his life back to the way it was.

  “I’ll be sure to let Alex know why you went home bawling so she doesn’t think you’re drunk,” Rhett quipped as he selected a stick.

  Bhric laughed and grabbed his cue. “Oh, okay. Take your best shot. So, where you living now?”

  “I’m in a realm apartment complex. It’s close to Zeum but it’s not the same. I guess the compound was more home to me than I realized,” Rhett confided as he aimed and shot.

  The crack joined the noise in the bar and the balls scattered across the felt. A striped sphere fell into a corner pocket and Rhett searched for his next shot.

  “I’ve never settled in one place but with you guys, I felt rooted for the first time. It’s part of what drew me back.”

  “You kinda fucked that up, bro. Prove yourself to Breslin and you’ll be accepted back into the fold. Now, stop talking and shoot, pussy,” Bhric chided.

  Rhett slammed the rest of his drink. “What is it with you twins and no talking?” Rhett asked and missed his next shot as a memory of Breslin urging him to stop talking and start fucking flashed through his mind.

  Bhric took his turn and sunk three in a row then turned to Rhett with a smirk.

  “I still got it, demon,” Bhric boasted and a thin layer of frost coated the cue in his hand.

  Rhett barked out a laugh until he caught sight of a female through the front window, and immediately froze in place.

  It was Breslin. And she wasn’t alone.

  Rhett’s vision went red then blurred. He was going to kill that fucking shifter. He tossed aside his cue and charged for the door. Strong arms banded around his chest, stopping his movement.

  “Doona think aboot it,” Bhric growled in his ear. “You’re eyes have fucking flames in them. I doona know what’s going on with you but I willna allow you to cause a scene. Reel it in,” Bhric ordered.

  “Get. Off. Me. My female is with another. She…is…mine. And if you think I’m going to stand here and watch that fucker paw her, think again,” Rhett growled as fire coated his body.

  Bhric cursed and released his hold when flames singed his skin. Rhett didn’t stick around to see if he was okay. He was in motion and out the door a second later.

  “Breslin,” Rhett called out. “Nice night for a stroll.”

  Breslin’s body went still bu
t she didn’t turn around right away. Rhett strolled toward her and didn’t miss her long legs on display, thanks to the mini-skirt she was wearing. And she was wearing the same sandals she had on the night before. The ones he tossed in the back seat before ravaging her body. This motherfucker wasn’t getting the same opportunity. Not while Rhett was alive.

  “Aye. ‘Tis a gorgeous night, Rhett. I didna expect to see you here,” Breslin muttered as she glanced around the parking lot.

  Was she looking for his car? He was tempted to remind her they burned the damn thing when they’d made love in it.

  “No, I imagine you didn’t. What are you doing?” He knew his tone was sharp and accusatory but jealousy robbed him of all sense and restraint.

  “Not that I have to explain myself but I’m having dinner, demon. So, if you’ll excuse us,” Breslin snapped.

  “You don’t have to explain yourself? What the fuck does that mean? Are you trying to get back at me for leaving?” Rhett asked as his fury burned uncontrollably.

  The shifter stepped up and put his arm around Breslin. Rhett didn’t miss the way Breslin cringed away from the male or the way her face blanched. She didn’t want this male. She was playing fucking games and Rhett wasn’t putting up with that shit.

  “Leave her alone,” the shifter demanded. “She made it clear she doesn’t want you. You aren’t her Fated Mate and never will be.”

  “I am her mate,” Rhett growled and his flames danced in warning.

  “Oh, now you want to be my mate? What aboot six months ago? Wasna it you who told me to find another?’ Breslin shouted and Rhett saw fire behind her eyes.

  “Yo, pal. Back off and leave her alone. Can’t you see she’s not interested? Give her more trouble and my bear will take you the fuck down,” the shifter threatened.

  And then everything went to shit.

  Rhett’s caged beast broke free and roared. He shot a blast of fire at the bear. Breslin shrieked when Rhett charged forward. His shoulder slammed into the shifter’s mid-section and lifted.


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