Resist (#2): The Riptide Series

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Resist (#2): The Riptide Series Page 7

by Brooke Page

  He finally met my gaze, then his hand found my thigh. A shiver ran through me, loving the contact. Vance’s shoulders fell slightly, and his hard exterior faded some. “I think someone slipped something in your drink at the bar. You’ve been sleeping for over fifteen hours.”

  My eyes bugged out. “What?” I put the glass between my legs and hugged myself. “I don’t even remember going to a bar? Last I remember was laying on the beach with Marcy.” My cheeks heated, remembering the text Marcy had sent him.

  He smiled at me as if he were reading my mind. “Yes, I saw. I was leaving the airport when I got it.”

  “Sorry,” I mumbled, wanting to shrivel under the sheets.

  He chuckled. “Don’t be. It was a nice photo.”

  I laughed in an attempt to hide my embarrassment.

  “What happened? When did you surprise me?”

  He cleared his throat, looking over my shoulder and out the glass sliding door to the ocean. “I came into the shop when Marcy and Colt were out on the beach. We closed up early and went to a bar for dinner. Some dude bought you a drink when I went to the bathroom, being the nice person you are, you took it. The guy scrammed when I came back.”

  My brows furrowed. How could I not remember any of this? My mind kept shouting one thing at me. “Was it a pink drink? I keep picturing the color pink.”

  Vance’s eyes darted to mine. He clenched his jaw, then shook his head. “I don’t remember.”

  Both my palms found my forehead, rubbing it, wanting to remember.

  Vance tucked my hair behind my ear. “You’re okay now. Don’t take drinks from strangers, okay?”

  I dropped my hands. “I’m surprised I did in the first place. Trusting someone else isn’t normal for me.”

  Vance frowned, pressing his lips tightly together.

  I squirmed at his reaction. “I’ve never had good experiences with men I don’t really know. Well,” I met his eyes, “besides you.”

  He tucked in his lips, still not saying anything.

  Taking a deep breath, I felt I needed to explain. “I’ve watched men come in and out of my mother’s life, and they weren’t there because they wanted to spend time with her. Sure, some of them would be nice, until they got what they wanted from her.”

  His eyes softened while I rambled.

  “Sometimes I would hear them, and I knew what they were doing to my mother was… painful. I’ve always been paranoid the person I got close to would be like them. A monster who’d only use me for what he wanted.”

  “And when you’re with me?”

  I shook my head, biting my lip as if it would contain the crimson from creeping into my cheeks. “I feel safe with you.”

  Tipping my chin, he forced me to meet his eyes. They were blazing with intensity, almost to the point where I was intimidated. “You’re the safest when you’re with me.”

  I swallowed, unsure how to respond. I knew he was right, but there was more to his tone. It came across as a warning, as if something dangerous was right around the corner, and I should be watching my back at all times.

  “I’m glad I was there. Here.” He handed me the plate he was carrying. It had two pieces of toast.

  “Thanks, this might help my headache,” I mumbled, taking the plate and grabbing a slice. “Thanks for taking care of me, too.”

  He smiled, his mood shifting and becoming more relaxed. “Of course. Eat. I’ll go get you something for your head.”

  I nodded, watching him stand from the bed and walk out of the room. He was wearing a t-shirt I hadn’t seen before. It was a vibrant blue, a color he didn’t typically wear. I assumed he got it from his trip. My heart fluttered. He left early to see me.

  “Does YaYa know where I am?” I asked Vance when he returned.

  Vance handed me a few pills. “Marcy handled both of your whereabouts with YaYa. I assume she told her the two of you were staying at a cousin’s house in the city.”

  I popped the pills into my mouth and took a small swig of the orange juice. “Where’s Marcy?”

  “With Colt at his apartment.”

  Vance sat down on the bed across from me, studying me intensely.

  “Is there something on my face?”

  The side of his mouth twitched upward. “No, I’m just making sure you’re okay.”

  I smiled back at him, raising a half-eaten piece of bread in his direction. “The toast is helping my stomach, probably not my appearance.” I rubbed my face, realizing I most likely looked like a mess.

  Vance grabbed my wrist and brought it to his mouth, giving it a tender kiss below the bracelet he gifted me. “You look beautiful.” The gesture was sweet. “I’m glad you’re wearing your bracelet.”

  I smiled toward my toast before taking another bite.

  “You don’t happen to have my phone, do you?”

  I hadn’t heard from Colby in a while. He’d been giving me updates on my mother. I was thankful for him taking her under his care. The guilt was still there for ditching her, but I needed to stay here for myself.

  Vance reached into his back pocket, taking out the phone and handing it to me.

  I frowned when no missed calls or text messages were there.

  “Any word on how your mom is?” Vance asked.

  “She’s alive, at least for now.”

  His jaw tensed. “Why don’t you go see her?”

  “Trying to get rid of me?” I teased, although inside I was terrified it was why he pushed for me to go to her.

  He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “I’ll always be at The Shore.”

  “Yeah, and my mom will always be in that hell hole. I’ll get there. I’m having a good time at The Shore. The beach makes me calm, working for you has been nice, although you over pay me,” I scolded, tapping his arm. His lip turned upward. “Plus, I like spending time with you.”

  The slightest spark formed in his eyes, although his face remained passive.

  He kissed my hand again. “Does that mean you want to do something with me today?”

  I took another sip of orange juice. “Of course.”

  Hanging out with only Vance was always on my top priority list, but he was a busy man. “What about the Surf Shop? Is Colt there?”

  He shook his head. “Don’t worry about the shop. I want to spend the day with you.”

  Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. “Okay.”

  Vance reached for my phone and paired it with his. “Only rules are, we don’t get to bring these.”

  I shrugged my shoulders indifferently. A day without our blasted phones would be a blessing.

  Letting go of my hand, he stood from the bed. “Finish your toast. I’m going to get a few things ready.”


  After a quick shower I felt way better physically, but my memory was still a blur. I couldn’t for the life of me remember anything.

  “You ready?” Vance asked when I joined him in the kitchen. He was wearing gray board shorts and a black neoprene long-sleeved shirt.

  I nodded my head, tugging on my own pink rash guard. I was thankful he had one here I could use. Wearing only the tiny yellow bikini from yesterday wouldn’t be comfortable. “What beach are we going to?”

  He smiled, then tilted his head toward the window. “Only a few steps away. The wind and swells are perfect for you to give your own kite a try.”

  My eyes widened. The only experience I had kite surfing was with him straddling me from behind while sitting on the beach. I’d never been out on the water with my own kite. “Are you sure I’m ready?”

  He grinned and came to me, resting his hands on my shoulders. “We’ll find out.” He squeezed my biceps. “You’ve gotten stronger. Those push-ups are helping.”

  I flushed. He’d suggested I do them to help with my upper body strength. I laughed at him and said no way, but secretly, I did them every morning and night. The constant burn helped distract me.

  “I’ll be right there if anything happens. There aren’t v
ery many rocks or much coral by this beach, so don’t worry about running into them.”

  My eyes widened. I hadn’t even thought of that.

  He laughed. “You’re over thinking this. It’s supposed to be fun, remember?”

  I let out a breath. He was right. It is supposed to be freeing.

  We trucked through the sand with the kite and supplies. The day was gorgeous, and I couldn’t wait to catch the Alabama sun with Vance. No interruptions between the two of us would be new. I’d rarely gotten him to myself.

  He stopped toward the water’s edge, placing the kite in the spots to get it ready. My arms were shaking with fear and excitement.

  Once my vest was on and the kite was set up, Vance guided me to the board. “Remember, if you get scared, pull on the cord to release yourself. I’ll be in the water in case you need me.”

  A big gust of wind whipped my ponytail across my face. It was intimidating, but I’d dealt with far more worse in my life. I bit my lip, willing myself to set my feet on the board.

  “I wish we could go together,” I mumbled. Having Vance on the actual board with me would help boost my confidence, at least for my first time out.

  Vance scratched the back of his neck, his jaw tense. Even though sunglasses covered his eyes, I could tell he was uneasy. Maybe he thought I’d screw up his equipment. It wasn’t cheap. I remember price tagging some of them at the store.

  Closing the space between us, he asked, “You really want to go together?”

  I laughed. “It was only a thought, but I’m sure that’s not possible.”

  Both his hands were behind his neck now, pulling his lips between his teeth while he thought. “Hold on. I’ll be right back.”

  He sprinted back to his house, flying through the door off the garage. What was he doing? Was it possible for us both to ride together? Maybe he was going to get another kite so he could surf alongside me instead of hanging out in the water.

  Vance trotted out of the garage with another board and bag.

  “Let’s give tandem a try, shall we?” He offered, putting on his own harness.

  “What?” I was baffled. “Is that really a thing?”

  He grinned in my direction. “Yeah. Having second thoughts about being at the winds mercy with me?”

  “No, not at all. I’d prefer it,” I admitted, a load of fear falling off of my shoulders.

  He offered me a smile. “Latch on,” he instructed.

  I did as he said, squatting down and picking up the metal square, hooking it to my vest. Vance jogged to the kite, then caught my attention, waiting for me to give him the okay to launch it in the air. Taking a deep breath, I gave him a thumb’s up and braced myself for the pull back.

  He lifted up the kite, and the wind took it in an instant. I stumbled some, pulling on the bar, but steadied myself by the time he was back to me.

  His white teeth sparkled against his tan skin. “Nice job, you sure you want me to join you?”

  I blushed. “Yes.”

  He met my grin, then guided me to the water, snatching the board with two slots to accommodate both our feet. Once we were knee deep in the ocean waves Vance strapped his vest to mine. If the wind decided to carry me into the ocean, he’d be taken away with me.

  “Step in,” he ordered, holding the board with one foot for me to put my feet in each sleeve. It was easy to control the kite with another body anchoring us down. Vance kept one foot in the water while I teetered through the ever changing waves.

  Once we were both strapped in, Vance grabbed my hip with one hand. “Alright, you ready?”

  The excitement was clear in his voice. It was thrilling hearing him perk up with life. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

  He took that as the go ahead, wrapping his arm around my waist and tilting us back into the waves. I screeched when the cool water hit my skin, the whitecaps slapping over our bodies. Vance chuckled against my ear. “Hold on, baby, this will be the ride of your life.”

  My breath was stolen by the wind as it took us out of the water, gliding above the waves. I squealed in surprise. I shouldn’t have let go, but the sudden jerk startled me, my fist clenching to the harness as we soared into the ocean air.

  Vance only laughed, taking hold of the bar. “Good thing I’m here.”

  We dipped backward, the board skimming the top of an angry wake. Vance’s arm flexed as he held the bar with ease, his other arm still snug around my waist. I sunk back into him, the force of the wind stronger than it had been on the beach.

  “I’d have flown away into the sun,” I shrieked, holding my breath when we shifted.

  Vance latched onto the bar with both hands, controlling the kite so he weren’t fighting the wind’s strong force. “You might have, the wind really picked up. Get ready, baby, it’s going to get wild,” he promised.

  I glanced over my shoulder and gazed at him. His lips tugged upward on the sides, the breeze tousled his hair, and even though he was using a strong grip to keep a hold on the kite, he was relaxed and in his element. His eyes were covered by sunglasses, but I’d bet all the money in the world they were sparkling, filled with joy and ease.

  His chin dipped down. With a quirk of his lip, I knew he’d caught me gawking at him. “I think you’re ready for the full experience.”

  A gust plowed from behind us, and Vance rotated his arms, lifting us off of the water. I squealed when we became airborne. He kept one hand on the bar, taking the other and splaying it across my stomach, twisting us in a complete circle. Cool mist sprinkled my body from the board rising out of the water, giving my legs goose bumps.

  “Vance!” I shouted, but his name turned into a giggle.

  I was terrified, yet the experience of Mother Nature showing us her power, tossing us in the air and holding us in her fingertips, knowing she could reach down and stop or intensify her control for the weather was exhilarating.

  We dipped back down to the water, catching another wave, only to be shot back into the air. I couldn’t contain my ear-to-ear grin, and fits of snickers and laughter emerged from my mouth with each dip and turn.

  As quickly as the wind had picked up, it vanished and became still, the kite nose diving into to the water and bringing us to a halt. Vance leaned backward as gently as he could, the board holding our feet out of the water while our life jackets kept our heads above water.

  My head fell back against Vance’s shoulder. “What a rush.”

  He grinned against my ear and planted a kiss to my temple. “The best there is.”

  I glanced upward, turning my body slightly so I could see his face. He was smiling, his hair wet from dipping it backward into the ocean water. Touching his jaw, I loved how the stubble scraped against the pad of my fingers. His grin softened while he turned into my touch. He felt so bare to me, the only thing separating us being his sunglasses. Bravely, I caressed along his jaw to the rim of his glasses, gently pulling them from his face. The sea green of his eyes were sparkling as I had guessed, his gaze hypnotizing me into a trance I’d only experienced with him. Although this time, it was amplified.

  We were in his element, his safe spot, a place he didn’t share with anyone. Vance was revealing his heart to me, all the layers of his thick shell peeling away. The quiet, mysterious man I’d been infatuated with, was now my full-blown obsession, and my heart was on the verge of exploding with joy. He was letting me into his light, the small flicker at the end of the tunnel that had been swallowed by darkness, nearly suffocating him with turmoil. I understood the darkness; it was the same emptiness I’d been drowning in ever since I could remember.

  Vance was my light, the bit of hope I’d searched amongst the broken and demented life I thought would be my only reality.

  He gave me a new outlook-- a revival for my jaded life.

  His lips parted. “You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”

  My heart was thumping wildly, a reminder of how incredibly alive I was. Too mesmerized by the electricity of h
is stare, my mouth gaped open in awe, unable to speak.

  “Thank you,” I finally whispered, lifting my nose to touch his. His arm tightened around my waist, palming my stomach below my vest. My hand found the side of his neck, feeling his Adam’s apple bob along my thumb as he swallowed. The flutter of his eyelashes tickled my cheeks, shooting flutters to the pit of my stomach.

  Vance tilted his head, touching his mouth to mine. His kiss was tender and sweet, matching the gentle beat of his heart against my back.

  The wind picked up, pulling my hair away from my face. I sucked on his bottom lip, and he grinned into my mouth. He grabbed a hold of the bar and we soared back into to the air. The sudden jerk of the kite caught me off-guard and I exploded into a fit of laughter, clutching my vest while we skyrocketed into the horizon, far away from all of our fears and demons.

  Chapter Ten


  I’d fallen.

  Spiraled deep down into the depths of my soul, no longer able to avoid the undeniable fever of happiness Lauren had revived in my crumbled heart.

  We were soaring through the air, attached to one another by a cord, but my mind and body were glued to her in a whole new way. Her heart was calm in the holds of Mother Nature’s grasp like mine. While others feared her tireless winds and relentless power over the earth, Lauren and I trusted her turmoil.

  I could have flown through the sky and above the ocean water for an eternity with her attached to me, the mist of the cool water kissing our faces, but the wind began to die down, the mighty owner of the wind signaling for us to ride the waves to the edge of the shore.

  We’d stripped from the neoprene rash guards, leaving her in the yellow bikini she had on in the picture Marcy sent to me yesterday. It hugged her slender body perfectly, leaving little to the imagination. She looked fucking sexy.

  Spreading a blanket on the sand, we both landed on our backs, our chests heaving from the rush of the rapid ocean current. The throb in my biceps from holding the bar attached to the kite was a familiar burn, one I welcomed. It helped to divert the fucked-up thoughts constantly running through my head.


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