Naughty Cupid Trilogy

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Naughty Cupid Trilogy Page 20

by Pillow Michelle M.

  Larus blinked, frowning as he turned around. He caught a glimpse of dark hair as Mina disappeared into the forest. Sighing, he moved to go after her, ordering Sophia, “Stay here.”

  “But,” she gasped and he ignored her.

  Stalking into the forest, he picked up Mina’s scent easily. She walked fast, but he caught up to her without breaking stride. “Lady Willamina, halt. I told you the forest is not safe.”

  She didn’t seem to hear him, just kept walking. Jogging forward, he grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. Her wide blue eyes tore at him, looking out from her lovely pale skin. Now that the soot was gone from her, she looked even more beautiful. His stomach knotted. He couldn’t move.

  “You’re not real,” she said. “This isn’t real.”

  Larus frowned at that. She was dazed, sad, lost. Her tormented look called out to him, begging him silently to make it better, to make it all go away.

  “That’s not my sister,” Mina said. “You’re not real.”

  Larus couldn’t take it. A low growl sounded in the back of his throat. He shot forward, catching her face in his warm palm. She was chilled, shivering. He wondered if it was his touch that did it. The forest didn’t feel cold.

  “Such things as you do not exist,” Mina said, obviously not convinced by his nearness. “This is a dream, a nightmare. None of it is real. I could fall off a cliff and it wouldn’t matter.”

  Larus could sense that she didn’t really believe her own words. She was a strong woman, brave. She’d proven her loyalty to her sister. Without thought, he pulled her to his chest, saying softly, “It’s real. I’m real.”

  She gasped lightly as his lips met hers. He tried to hold back, tried not to kiss her, but it was of no use. Larus knew from that first moment he looked into her eyes that he would kiss her. When she didn’t scream, didn’t fight, he pushed her back into a tree, his body trapping her to him. He forced the beast inside him to go slow, not wanting to scare her.

  * * * *

  Mina moaned, feeling as if she was being dragged out of a fog into the mist. Larus’s mouth was warm, moving softly against her. She wouldn’t have expected his kiss to be so soft, so tender and sweet. She felt the hard press of bark on her back, the roughness of it contrasting the smooth hot flesh against her front. Her lips parted as his tongue slid along the crease of her mouth. He took the offered parting and thrust in, just to the barrier of her teeth. A shock went through her, stirring her blood like never before. His words echoed in her head, making her dizzy.

  It’s real. I’m real.

  He felt real and she knew that it couldn’t be a dream. She lifted her hand, pulled to touch him by a power outside herself. Mina needed to feel his realness, his solid heat. Gliding her hands hesitatingly up his arms to rest on his strong naked shoulders, she let him kiss her. Part of her soared that he would pick her over the preening Sophia, but it was a shallow victory, one she wouldn’t dwell on.

  Mina knew she should scream, try to get away, but she didn’t want to. It had been a long time since she’d felt protection in any form. His lips moved along hers and they felt so good. Her stomach was tight with his nearness, and she instinctively knew that when he took the security of his body away she’d be left feeling empty. She was tired of feeling empty. She wanted the completeness she felt next to him.

  Larus’s eyes were dark green and gold when he pulled back to look at her, devouring her with his fervent expression. His hands worked, clenching and unclenching softly along her neck. With slow purpose, he drew his fingers down her throat to the top of her chest. When she didn’t move, only stared up into his hot gaze, a small smile curled his lips. He closed his eyes and drew forward once more.

  Mina gasped as his mouth pressed harder than before. The first kiss had been a test, for it was nothing like the hot explosion he now assaulted her with. His tongue worked expertly to pry apart her mouth. His teeth nipped until she gasped. When her lips parted, he thrust his tongue boldly inside, groaning lightly as he conquered her silken depths.

  Mina grew dizzy and turned her head away to gasp for breath. Her heart pounded so loudly she heard nothing else. Larus didn’t stop. His mouth only moved with her, trailing wet kisses from the corner of her lips to her throat, to lick and nibble at her ear. She panted for breath, stiffening in wonder as his hands boldly slid off her upper chest to fully cup her breasts in his palms.

  Larus moaned. His body pressed harder into hers and she felt his stiffened rod pushing into her softer belly. It was fire to her skin and so very big. She knew what he wanted from her, though she’d never done it herself. Fear worked its way through her. Her eyes widened at the feel of his hips rocking into her. Pushing his shoulders lightly, she managed a weak gasp of protest. “No.”

  Instantly, Larus left her, taking his ravishing lips away. Her mouth was full, swollen with the heat of his kiss. He gripped her arms as he held her before him, keeping her distanced from his body. Mina swallowed nervously, not sure what to do. She waited for him to speak, to act.

  “It would seem, my lady,” Larus said, his face becoming an unreadable mask, “that this mongrel’s mouth is good enough to kiss you.”

  Mina opened her mouth to speak, appalled by his words. Anger rekindled itself in her chest, but Sophia’s jealous yell stopped her from screeching at him.


  Mina stiffened. Larus let her go, taking a step back.

  “My love? Where are you? What are you doing?” This time Sophia’s voice was soft, loving.

  Mina shook her head, trying to rid herself off all lingering feelings. This man-beast wasn’t safe. He was a demon. He had to be. There was no other reasoning for it. Perhaps this was her afterlife. Perhaps they died in the cold, withered, crumbling hall of their childhood home. Or, perhaps this was real and he was trying to cast his spell over her as well. Swallowing, she asked, “What spell have you put on my sister, you demon?”

  His features darkened at the insult.

  “What do you want from us? Hasn’t your master taken enough from us? Must he also take our sanity?” Mina didn’t really believe her own words, but they were making Larus mad so she shouted them anyway. “Go to your master the devil and tell him to leave us alone! He has our home and our wealth and our family honor. He has our father.”

  Mina didn’t wait for him to speak. By the dangerous, hard glint in his eyes, she doubted he could. Regretting her hot words almost instantly, she backed away from him. He followed her with his eyes and only the heavy rise and fall of his chest showed movement in his still body. When she was far away from him, she turned and ran back to the campsite, back to her awaiting sister.

  “Where were you?” Sophia demanded, suspiciously eyeing her from head to toe. “Why are you flushed?”

  “I fell,” Mina lied, too rampant with emotion to feel guilty. “I went to relieve myself and your knight scared me.”

  “Oh,” Sophia said, coming to her side. She placed her hands tenderly on Mina’s shoulders. “Well you should have listened to my dear knight. He told you not to go to the forest. There are frightful beasts out there that could attack you.”

  Mina grimaced and pushed Sophia’s hand from her arms. She thought of Larus, the sensation of his kiss still hot on her mouth. Under her breath, she grumbled, “Indeed.”

  * * * *

  Cupid shivered, spitting on the ground. His long lips trembled in disgust. It was horrible. He was going to have to stick hot pokers in his eyes to get the hideous image of Larus kissing the dark-haired one out of his head. Good thing his eyes would grow back. Good thing the lycan king had stopped when he did so Cupid could get away.

  Ach! Bah! Ach!

  It would be best if he left them alone for awhile. Aye, he didn’t want to be near if they tried that again. Cupid turned, walking away from them. It would be night soon anyway and then the beasts would come out to play. He didn’t wish to run into them.

  Give the dart time, time indeed. It might work to his advantag
e. If Larus kissed the dark one, then the affected light one would be jealous. As the magic’s power grew, so would Lady Sophia’s love for the lycan king, and so would her jealousy over him.

  Cupid stuck his finger up his nose and thoughtfully dug around. Aye. Things were working out better than he could have ever hoped. He just didn’t want to stay around to watch it unfold--at least not until the fighting started.

  Chapter Five

  Mina was sore from sleeping on the ground. Not that a hard bed bothered her. She’d gotten used to such after they had burned their straw mattresses for kindling. It was the fact that Larus tied her hands and feet for the night that made her ache. He almost looked sorry as he did it, but he didn’t say anything beyond the fact that he didn’t trust her to stay put for the night, and he didn’t feel like saving her should she attract unwanted attention to herself.

  It really wasn’t necessary. Despite any of the heatedly brave words she’d growled at him, she was terrified of the forest. After her food settled and she felt more like her old self, she thought long and hard about seeing Larus shift from his wolf form and the strange keeper of dragons, Uldra. She was sure she didn’t want to run across anything more terrifying than those two. Besides, she’d never leave Sophia. The day before when she walked off had been a moment of insanity. She would have turned back eventually, Mina was sure of it.

  Sophia, to her horror, had tried to sleep next to Larus. Mina didn’t know why, but she felt an enormous sense of relief when he denied Sophia’s obvious advances and ordered that she stay beside her sister--on the other side of the fire from him. Mina told herself that her relief was only because she was worried about Sophia, but in truth she knew it was something much pettier than that. Ever since Larus had kissed her, she felt more possessive of him. Every time her sister looked at him, she wanted to scratch Sophia’s eyes out.

  Looking ahead, Mina watched as Sophia tried to walk close to Larus. Her sister wore his green cloak about her shoulders, hugging the extra length in her arms. Larus sighed, moving over slightly until he was again on the edge of the path. Several times he was obliged to push Sophia away, back onto her side. He said nothing and ignored her sister’s hurt, pouting expressions.

  Mina wasn’t sure where they were going or why she so willingly followed behind them. When she asked, he merely told her they were going someplace safer than the forest. She wasn’t sure she trusted their lycan companion, but so far he’d really done them no harm--aside from the ache he placed in her belly each time he touched her. Just thinking about it made blood rush to her cheeks. As if sensing her sudden discomfort, Larus quizzically glanced back at her. She stiffened, trying to pass her red cheeks off as anger. His green eyes swirled with an amber light before he turned forward once more.

  As Sophia’s hand boldly tried to capture his, Larus jerked. Stopping, he looked down at her. His face was tight and Mina wondered if he was going to lose his temper. Her sister batted her eyelashes at him as he took deep, ragged breath. It was clear he fought for control.

  “By all the lycan, Sophia, go... pick flowers,” Larus ordered her, biting back his irritation. “Now.”

  Sophia grinned and ran off to obey. Larus watched her for a moment in silence. Then, turning hard eyes to Mina, he asked in exasperation, “What is wrong with her? Was she born touched in the head? I remember a few humans who grew to be like large children. I thought your kind usually beat and killed such people. Some immortals used to get offended that they were blamed for such beings. It’s good to see things have changed in the last three hundred years and that you now take care of your own, but can’t you control her--”

  “Sophia is not touched!” Mina interrupted his obvious irritation. “And one of your kind did do this to her. She was fine until we awoke here!”

  “Lycans wouldn’t do such a thing. We lack the magic,” Larus said, matter-of-fact.

  “Wait, did you just try to tell me you’re immortal and over three hundred years old?” Mina asked. He hadn’t moved closer to her, but she felt as if he was right next to her. His eyes bore steadily into hers, not turning away, and she couldn’t help but feel his kiss anew upon her lips. She felt shabby in comparison to his handsomeness in her dirty old gown and her messy, wild dark hair. Why would he even want to kiss her? “Why are you staring? It’s rude to stare. How can you lack magic? I saw you change. You have to be well versed in the black arts.”

  Larus grinned. “Perchance it’s you who is touched, Lady Willamina? You don’t seem to be following a single thought very well. Why is that?”

  Mina gasped. It took her awhile to realize he only teased her. His eyes sparkled with mischief and she couldn’t help but blush. Larus’s head tilted to the side and he took a step toward her.

  His voice lowered and he leaned into her. “I am immortal and well over three hundred years of age, and though there are ways I can die, it will not be by the hand of time. My shifting into lycan form and back again is as natural as the sunset, and isn’t considered magical. It is as natural as your heart beating or your lungs filling. I know a few spells, picked up over the centuries, but generally leave such things to wizards. Only evil men use the black arts and I’m not an evil man.”

  Mina shivered. His rumbling tone did something wicked to her senses. He didn’t touch her, but she really wanted him to. Her breathing deepened and her body tingled like when he pressed himself to her. She glanced up at his mouth, wanting him to kiss her again. All other thoughts fled.

  “And I stare at you, Lady Willamina,” he said, drawing closer still so that his warm breath hit upon her ear. “I stare because you are very beautiful to behold and I would look at you. I stare because when you allowed me to kiss you it was pure ecstasy and I wish to do it again. I stare because I can think of little else than claiming your body with mine right here, right now.”

  Larus drew back, studying Mina carefully, obviously unashamed by his bold admission. She stared straight ahead, boring her gaze into his strong, bare shoulder. Her mouth opened and then shut, opened again, shut once more. Blinking rapidly, she dared a glance at his face. The devilish curl to his lip lifted one corner and his eyes were bright with passion.

  “You... you shouldn’t say such things,” Mina answered weakly. “It isn’t proper.”

  “Humans,” he chuckled darkly and Mina wondered at the disapproval in his tone. “You truly haven’t changed much. You still can’t be honest about what you feel, what you want. I smell your desire for me, so there is no point in denying it, and yet you do.”

  “What separates us humans from the animals, my lord, is that we don’t act on pure instinct and impulses. Part of being evolved is that we have the capacity to be civilized and mannered.” Mina smiled triumphantly.

  “Much good that’s done you.” Larus laughed. “The lot of you are scared and repressed. Like angry children you strike first, think later, and pretend it’s all in the name of what’s holy. That’s one of the reasons we sealed off your realm from ours, because you kept wishing to fight us without cause. Tell me. Are your kingdoms still at war? Have you finally achieved peace?”

  Mina thought of her home and paled. Everything she loved was taken away by politics and wars. Yes, they were at war--always at war. For lack of a better defense, she crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot, stating, “We are not childish! We fight because we must. And I think it’s very likely we ran your kind from our realm with your tail between your legs like cowards.”

  “Do you know how humans came to be?” Larus smirked, looking dark and dangerous at her heated words. “You were a spell gone awry with a group of wizards. They tried to create a new food source for the dragons, only the dragons didn’t like the taste of you. The Haeven order is still shunned to this day because of it. That is what your kind evolved from.”

  “Blasphemy!’ Mina spat.

  “To whose gods? Yours or mine?” Larus’s grin widened. “I assure you, my lady, I’ve spoken to mine and they’re quite amused by it.” />
  “Are your kingdoms any better? I’d bet you my life that your kings are just as greedy as ours, just as deceitful. Do you think your king cares about what happens to you?” Mina stopped, wondering at his strange look. When he didn’t answer, she said, “I thought not. Listen, I don’t wish to debate you on which of our kind is the better. It’s obvious you don’t wish for us to be here and I definitely don’t wish to stay. Let us focus on that, my lord. Now, if we’ve come to this realm, there must be a way to get back.”

  “The portals,” Larus said. He straightened.

  “Good,” Mina answered, thinking that they were making progress. “Will you please take us there?”

  “No,” Larus answered. He turned from her to walk down the path.

  “No?” Mina gasped, following him. “What do you mean, no?”

  “No, I won’t take you to the portals, at least not yet. We must first figure out why and how you came to be here.”

  “What does it matter?”

  “It matters because if a portal is opened, then more of you can come through it.” Larus let her fall into step next to him. “If I show them to you, perhaps you will tell others about them.”

  “Why would I want to?” Mina asked. “They would think me touched.”

  Larus chuckled. “Long ago, your kind tried to use the immortals for their own selfish gain. Magic is strong, but must always be in balance. Humans sought to harness it without considering the repercussions. They could have destroyed us all.”

  “Then where do we go?”

  “To see the elders so that they,” Larus glanced down at her with shaded eyes, “and the lycan king may decide what to do with you.”

  Mina stopped. Fear clamped over her heart. She’d lived through what one king’s will had done to her and her family, and she wouldn’t stand by to let it happen again. Sophia was all she had left. “And what will this king do if it’s decided we can’t go back? What will happen to us then?”


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