by Harley Rayne
Chapter Thirty-Five: Brett
My heart is still pounding out of my chest when we arrive back at my place. The idea that this is finally over is hitting me at last, and I can’t be happier. There’s something in the back of my mind that tells me I now have no career, no income, no plans…but so what if I have to start over? It’s better than the world I’ve been living in.
I head in to take a shower, and I hear myself laughing before I realize the sound has come out of my lips at all. Kylie peeks her head into the bathroom just as steam starts to fill the place. I run my fingers through my hair, spreading the water, and push open the glass door. “Come here.”
She does, shedding her pants and shirt quickly. She rests her glasses on the edge of my sink and climbs into the shower, diving in for a hug almost immediately. I hold her tightly, her body so perfectly flush against mine, and kiss the top of her head. “I can’t believe you got Rob to agree,” she says, but the gratefulness is there.
I push back a bit of her wet hair and lean in to kiss her, water pounding against both of our sides. She gives easily under me, her mouth parting, her hands digging deeply into my hair. She holds me against her, and I oblige, giving into her as well. I crouch so my hands can find her ass and I hoist her up. She winds her legs around my waist to hold herself up.
I shift so her back is pressed against the stone on the shower wall, and she gasps from the cold. But she just deepens the kiss and tastes me, greedy for the parts of me she’d put on hold this morning.
I couldn’t be more in love with her. I grind into her as my kiss goes messy, and I kiss down the silky skin on her neck, sucking little places here and there as I go. I reach her nipple and take it between my teeth as her back arches to get closer to me. She whines softly, and I suck her nipple harder.
I can feel that she’s growing wetter as her hips grind and her pussy slides against my lower abdomen. It makes me hungry. I abandon her nipple to give attention to the other, kissing and licking and sucking it as I take in each of her reactions. She keeps giving me reactions I love, and I want more.
“Take me,” she finally demands through a gasp, and who am I to deny her?
I draw back in order to take my cock in my hand, and I guide it to her. With a firm thrust, I’m inside of her. She whimpers. I make sure I have firm footing before I begin thrusting into her, but I’m impatient. It’s the first time we’ve been together that it’s just been us, nothing looming in the imminent future. Nothing over our heads.
Her nails dig into my shoulders and I groan, the pace picking up quickly. I love the wet slap of noise as my skin hits hers. Kylie can feel it, too. Her eyes shut and she squirms, nails digging deeper, grounding herself.
In the past, I’ve been so focused on her pleasure that each of my movements has been somewhat measured, or at least thoughtful. Now, I’m just focused on getting closer to her. It’s like I can’t be close enough. I close my lips over hers as we both let out a muffled noise, desperation edging the kiss as my movements grow shaky.
She digs her heels into my ass to get some movement, and she rolls her hips into me. I’m completely wrecked and undone and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
My thrusts border on frantic as my speed increases, and Kylie cries out with each one. I grunt and hang my head against her shoulder, water splashing against the shower wall as I brace myself against it. I suck the skin of Kylie’s shoulder until it leaves a nice red mark, and I feel my cock throb and my balls tighten. I’m aware that I’m getting close, but I don’t want this moment to end.
I try to focus my attention on delaying my biological response, but I can’t. Kylie’s fingers stroke my hair, prickling my scalp, and I’m done for.
I come hard and deep into her with a groan, and I bury my head against her. Kylie surprises me by meeting me there; she lets out a cry and her body clamps down against mine like a vice, massaging my cock, milking it dry of everything I can give her.
I’m panting hard as we both come down, hips settling without completely stilling, and I kiss the skin I can. Kylie is whimpering with each residual wave of her climax.
“God,” she finally breathes. “That was amazing.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard,” I say, agreeing.
“Just hold me a little longer. I don’t think my legs can hold me right now.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not letting you go.”
We stay there until the water turns cold, and only then do I carry her out of the shower. I’m careful when I set her down, and I dry her off meticulously, one glorious part of her body at a time. She is passion-drowsy and shivering. I wind the towel around her and leave her in the steam-warmed bathroom to get her some clothes to wear. She’s left a few things here by now, so I get her a pair of panties, but she usually sleeps in my shirts, so I bring her a t-shirt as well. It reads, Lights, Camera, Porn. She snorts when she reads it, but puts it on and holds herself.
I carry her to bed and kiss her again, and then again, until we both fall asleep. wound in each other’s arms. We’re free from the nightmare of my contract, free from the nightmare of other women, and free from anything except us.
Chapter Thirty-Six: Brett
Kinked Up, in saving their bureaucratic asses and their reputation with the fans and other actors, offered me a severance package. They were happy to broadcast it, and happy that I let them keep the upper-hand. I also dropped the Buckhurst. I’m Brett Steinberg again, and it feels good.
Rob put together The House relatively quickly after that, skirting on the coattails of the drama. He got the film into festivals within five months. It was a critical hit. The movie was the reason I was able to secure a film agent, one I vetted and signed a contract with only after meticulous inspection.
Looking back, that seems like an eternity ago, when in reality, it was only a year. I’ve taken time each day to consider everything that passed, and how it impacts my future.
And today, I have decided, is the day that everything will change for me. Forever.
My penthouse looks so much warmer now that Kylie has officially moved in. She’s also brought in little vases and boxes to decorate with, which made hiding the ring relatively easy to do. I was waiting for something -- I wasn’t sure what exactly -- that would tell me the right moment to ask her that one, critical question, but it was impossible to determine. So, I just picked one. No time like the present.
Kylie is asleep in bed, wearing only panties from the night before. Even those she barely managed to put on, through her post-coital haze. I join her, slipping in next to her, and wake her with a soft kiss to her shoulder.
She stirs just a little, her hair a matted mess against the pillow, and turns towards me slightly.
“Morning, Kylie,” I murmur, and nuzzle her cheek. The smooth skin of my freshly shaven face—no more contractual facial hair here—makes her jump slightly, and she makes a tired little noise.
“What time is it?”
“Early,” I say, kissing her lips softly.
“Do we… have somewhere to be?” She does her best to blink awake, and her sleepy eyes settle on mine. I fall in love with her again. She makes that very easy to do.
“No, baby. I’ve just… been waiting for a perfect moment.”
“Perfect moment?” It’s like she’s repeating things so they sink in better. So she can understand them with clarity.
“It’s just that I finally realized…every moment with you is perfect.”
I’ve got her attention now. Her arm slips onto the side of my face, her thumb rubbing into my jaw. I turn into her palm to kiss it. “I feel that way, too,” she says, like she’s halfway between confused and touched.
I run a hand along the side of her body, perfect and gently exposed, the sheets coming down and showing her perfect breasts. She’s heaven-touched, gently crafted, and I know that I’m the luckiest man in the world.
“I want this,” I tell her, my voice low, a
little more emotion than I’d intended dripping into my tone. “I want this every day for the rest of my life.”
Kylie sits up. I sit up with her. “Are you…”
She trails off. I finish the thought for her. “Yes. Will you marry me, Kylie?”
I present the ring box, cracked open. The ring itself is simple, a white gold band with a round cut diamond in the middle, but that’s who we are. We’re simple. We’re uncomplicated now.
I can see her tearing up, though she’s trying to stop it, and she nods fervently. “Yes,” she says, and kisses me hard. She pulls me on top of her, and I go, breaking the kiss only to take her left hand in mine. I ease the ring onto her finger and she pauses to look at it for just a moment.
She kisses me again, keeping me against her, all limbs wrapped around me. It’s the easiest decision I’ve made, and by far the best. I’m about to spend the rest of my life with the most talented woman who has ever lived, and the woman who’s my best friend. She is everything.
Brett’s mother helps me smooth out the veil so it settles perfectly over my 1920s inspired wedding dress. She helped me pick it out. I’d thought it was too fancy for me, but she’d insisted it was perfect. I’m glad now. I feel like royalty.
“I could not be more sorry,” she says, turning me to face her, inspecting my makeup, “that you have to put up with him for the rest of your life. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”
I smile widely and say, “You raised an incredible man.”
Diana’s lips press together and she looks suddenly emotional as she nods. “I did okay, didn’t I? Oh, Kylie. Welcome to our family, officially!” She reaches forward to hug me, and I hold her back, clinging.
Melanie, who stayed close with Brett, is my only bridesmaid, and she tears up looking at me, too. “You look gorgeous, girl,” she says, and I swallow hard.
“Okay, both of you, stop it. I spent too long on this makeup to have it smudged in the eleventh hour.”
I hug both of the women before Melanie hands me my simple tulip bouquet. I collect myself, and we go.
Brett and I decided on a simple ceremony in the synagogue where he grew up. His old rabbi agreed to officiate. It’s a beautiful place, with old wooden architecture. I arrive at the back and I breathe.
When I finally step through the doors and start my way down the aisle, I catch eyes with Brett. He’s standing under the chuppah, looking more handsome than I’ve ever seen him. He looks somewhat wholesome in his yarmulke, and his suit is tailored perfectly to his body.
But more than that, I see his smile, bright and dazzling, and I am caught completely breathless.
I take my time making my way to him, wanting the moment to last as long as possible, but we never break eye contact. When I finally reach him, even though the rabbi begins to speak, I can barely hear. Brett leans over and murmurs, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
He takes my hand, and we face the person who will declare us man and wife, my future settled neatly in his palm. I have never been so sure.
The ceremony goes by with the snap of a finger, the reception even quicker. Brett and I retire to the honeymoon suite at the Ritz. He unlocks the door and sweeps me up into his arms, carrying me through the door. My arms lock around his neck as I smile.
“I’m a Steinberg now,” I say, and he beams down at me.
“Yeah, you are. Kylie Steinberg. How does that feel?” Brett lays me down on the bed in the suite and begins to shake loose his jacket.
“Perfect,” I answer, and scoot up on the bed. “There are a lot of buttons on this dress. It’s going to take you a little while to get it off.”
“I’m not waiting that long,” he answers with a growl. He pulls off the white Chuck Taylor’s I’d changed into for the reception, and pushes the hem of my dress up. “I’ve waited my whole life for this moment with you. I’m not wasting it.”
“Kinky,” I tease, but I lift my hips for him, so he can gather the dress around my hips. He takes the hem of my panties in his fingers and pulls, peeling them off slowly and discarding them behind him. His tie came off hours ago, but he unbuttons his shirt slowly, one at a time, unearthing his perfect body so much slower than I would like.
He’s still my steel man, all muscle, but there’s something less hard around the edges about him. The bulge in his dress slacks is obvious now and I watch him toe off his shoes before he climbs back onto the bed over me. He lowers his weight onto me, his hips pressing into mine, and his mouth finds mine. It’s a hungry kiss, his mouth parting immediately, and he tastes like champagne and butter cream icing. It just confirms that we’re married. I’m his forever, and he’s mine.
I moan into his mouth and he takes it gratefully, his palm sliding over the intricate lace on the front of my dress. His hand runs down until he reaches my soaked pussy, and teases my labia with two fingers. I gasp into his mouth and part my legs further for him. It is so easy to come apart for him. He presses a few fingers inside of me and curls them in, and I shiver into him. It’s so easy for him to play me like a piano.
I jerk my hips up into his hand and he responds with fervor, his thumb finding my clitoris to rub it in small circles in time with his fingers tantalizing strokes.
I don’t break the kiss to murmur, “I need you,” and I feel him fumble with his pants to unbutton them and tug the zipper down.
I take in a shaky breath as he says, “I love you, Kylie Steinberg,” and he pushes his pants down. I feel him kicking them off as he reaches between the two of us. He positions himself, and I feel the swollen head of his cock teasing between my lips.
“I love you, Brett,” I murmur, and with one thrust from him, he pushes inside of me completely.
My wedding dress rustles as he begins to move inside of me, slow but hard. He pulls back to watch my face, his own flushed from the champagne and arousal. His lips are open, and he’s panting, so far removed from the man I first watched jerking off on my computer. He’s not afraid to take me, to swell and pant and come undone over me. He is wild, but gentle. Uncouth, but so loving. Everything about him proves how much he loves me, and I can feel it even more now.
I can already feel a hot coiled pressure forming in the pit of my stomach, and it takes every ounce of self-control I have to stop it. His eyes watch mine and his pace quickens, growing shallower. He hits places inside of me that I can’t imagine could be hit before, his cock so aware of my body. I feel him beginning to throb around me, I hold him closer, my head tucked into his shoulder, and I plead, “Let go, Brett… please…”
He groans and gives a few strong jerks, and I feel him come, rivulet after rivulet inside of me. That’s what makes me climax, and I crash over the edge with him with a loud cry, my nails in his shoulders.
My body continues to grab at his, throbbing around him, and he lets out an unconscious growl at the sensation. He gives a final thrust inside of me before he stills and looks down at me, sated.
“I can’t believe how far we’ve come,” I tell him, pressing back a bit of sweat-soaked hair from his brow.
“I can,” he says, kissing me once softly. “I always knew you’d have a movie made. I’d always know you’d win awards. I knew your documentary would get to Sundance. The only thing I didn’t know was whether or not you’d fall for me.”
“That was the easy part,” I tell him as he leans down to kiss me longingly.
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