Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “So, honey, how long have you known my son?”

  Here were the hard questions.

  “A little over a month,” Emily said. Looking at Delia, she waited for the other woman to tell her something she wasn’t going to like.

  “Only a month and he brought you here to see me.” Delia sounded really happy at that.

  “I, erm, I don’t know if we’re serious. We’re just friends.”

  “Emily, honey, I, want you to listen to me closely. Guy has never brought a woman home to meet us. They’re all his friends, and not one is more important than the other. You’re different. The only people we’ve met are Wayne, Dale, and Frankie, and he grew up with them. You’re special.”

  Her heart was racing at everything Delia said. Could it be possible that Guy liked her a lot?

  How old are you?

  “I don’t want to get too far ahead. We’re friends, and I don’t think he has lots of feelings for me,” she said, wishing she could take the words back.

  “Mom, stop already,” Guy said, entering the kitchen.

  “I’m only helping you out, son. You need to keep this woman. I’ve got a sixth sense at these kinds of things,” Delia said.

  Plates were pushed in front of her nose. “Do you want to go and set the table?” Guy asked.

  Picking up the plates, Emily was pleased with the reprieve. Leaving the room she followed the direction he pointed at and found Jack setting the table. Clearing her throat she entered the room. The table was old but looked classy in the room as the house had an aged feel to it.

  “Hey, honey,” Jack said.

  She put the plates on the table and faced him. “Hi, Mr. Jensen.”

  “Call me Jack. Mr. Jensen makes me feel like my father. I’m not my father, and I’m not ready to be a grandfather.”

  Emily chuckled.

  “Jack it is.”

  They worked in silence to set the table. Her rapidly beating heart slowed down as she enjoyed the silence between them.

  “My son is in love with you,” Jack said, making her drop the plate she’d been holding.

  Gasping, she cursed and started to clear away the mess.

  “Leave it alone.” Jack tried to stop her, and she jumped, slicing the sharp side of one of the plates into her palm.

  “You’ve hurt yourself,” Jack said, taking the plate from her hands.

  “I’m making a mess of everything.” Her nerves were totally fried, and she didn’t know what the hell was going on. Delia was speaking up for Guy and now his father. Was he in love with her?

  She didn’t want to get her hopes up in case it turned out to all be a mistake.

  “What happened?” Guy asked, entering the room.

  “Emily dropped a plate.”

  Cupping her hand close she listened to them talk.

  “She’s hurt her hand. Take her and clean it up, Guy,” Jack said. The older man was smiling and didn’t look angry with her.

  Guy took over and led her upstairs. “You’re taking me to your room?” she asked.

  “I’ve got a first aid kit in my old room. I always came home with some cut or other.” He opened the door, and she entered his domain. The walls were a dark blue, and the bed was the same color. Nothing looked out of place.

  “Have your parents even changed anything in here?” she asked.

  “No, I stay here sometimes when I help them out.” He didn’t stop in the bedroom, and she was taken into an en-suite bathroom.

  “You were trusted with your own bathroom.”

  He started laughing. “Dad decided to let me have my own after he walked in one time too many to me masturbating. I did it a lot growing up.” Guy suddenly stopped, and she saw his cheeks were bright red. “I can’t believe I just told you that.”

  “Baring your soul to me, I wonder what will come next,” she said, teasing him.

  “Yeah, tell me one of your secrets, Emily.”

  “I’ve not got any secrets. You know all mine.”

  “I doubt it.” He sat her down on the toilet, and she waited for him to fix her hand. There was no need for her to talk as he worked. He cleaned the wound and made sure no shards of porcelain were inside the wound. “What made you drop the plate? I know you, Em. You’re not clumsy.”

  “Your father said something that made me … clumsy.” She cringed when she realized what she’d said.

  “What did he say?”

  “It was nothing. I think to be honest I didn’t hear it right.”

  Guy stared into her eyes. His hands had stopped working, pausing in action. “You’re lying.”

  Wishing the ground would open up and gobble her whole, Emily smiled. “It was really nothing. It was something stupid, and I misheard.”

  His eyebrow was raised. “You don’t believe that.”

  Licking her lips, she stared down at him, and her heart started to pound once again.

  “He said you were in love with me.” She spoke quietly, hoping he wouldn’t hear her.

  He froze. She saw it and sensed the change within him.

  “You clearly misheard him, Em. We’re not into that, okay, so stop worrying.” His actions were as blunt as his words.

  She batted the tears away not wanting him to see the pain he’d caused with his words. “Of course. How silly of me.”

  The rest of the dinner was as stilted as their conversation. She couldn’t eat anything as the taste of the food was bitter. Guy didn’t laugh with her or get involved in conversation. He looked ready to jump down the throats of anyone who came near him.

  When they left, Guy dropped her off at her apartment, and she didn’t see him for the rest of the day. Emily didn’t know what had happened, and she hoped it didn’t change their relationship.

  Chapter Eleven

  A week of dropping her back at her apartment and Guy was ready to hit the roof. He’d not touched her other than to hold her hand. His cock wouldn’t disappear no matter how many times he willed it to go down. Emily had been in his thoughts all day, and the nights were worse as his dreams were consumed by her as well.

  Since the disaster at his parents Guy had felt this anger building within him. He’d confided in his father, and Emily couldn’t even believe his father.

  Tell her yourself.

  Wayne walked out of the bar with Dorothy in tow. He watched his friend help her into the back of a cab before walking over to him.

  “Are you out for the night?” Guy asked.

  “Yeah, we’re headed home. Dorothy is worried. Emily is not the same. What’s going on? I know you, Guy, and this is not you. You look ready to kill someone.”

  Guy laughed. “I’m not ready to kill someone. I should have listened to you and the guys.”

  “Why?” Wayne was frowning as he asked.

  “This thing with Emily is coming to an end. She was fun while it was working whereas now, it’s not. We’re done, and I don’t know how long I can keep this facade up.” He shrugged his shoulder and buried himself deeper into his jackets. The nights were getting colder.

  “Don’t do this, man. You’re in love with that woman, and you’re running away at the first hurdle. This is not you.”

  “I’m not running. This is what was supposed to happen in the beginning. I tire of women easily. Emily was just a challenge to me. I should have seen it before.” Every word he spoke felt bitter to him.

  “You’re a fucking asshole. If you do this you’ll never know what true happiness is.” Wayne stormed away from him.

  Guy watched him go. An hour later Emily was walking out of the front door. She was putting her coat around her shoulders. He’d brought his car tonight to take her home. After tonight he was going to let her go, but he wanted one last night with her in his arms.

  “You stayed,” she said, folding her arms underneath her breasts. He hated how she hesitated around him. “You’ve been acting strangely, and you’re quiet. I didn’t know what to make of it.”

  He held her close kissing her head.
  Leave her alone. You’re being cruel.

  “Let’s go home.”

  Helping her into the car, he circled ‘round to the passenger side. The journey was short, and neither of them spoke. He knew she was nervous and that he was being a dick. When he parked outside of his house, he saw her climb out of the car before he got a chance to help her.

  Get back into the car and drive her home.

  Instead he walked into his house taking her with him. He didn’t bother turning on lights. Closing the door with his boot he made his way upstairs taking her with him.

  “Guy, don’t you think we should talk?” she asked.

  “No, no more talking. We’ve done all the talking we need.” He pushed her up against the wall inside his bedroom, taking her lips.

  She moaned, dropping her coat to the floor. He tore his coat off and ran his hands up and down her body.

  One more night was all he needed to finally get his fill. Her hands, small in comparison to his, were taking over his mind. Guy needed to feel her naked skin against his own. It wasn’t just a need but a desperation to feel her underneath him.

  Closing his eyes he relished the feel of her against him.

  She cupped his face, kissing him back with as much fire as he felt for her.

  Tell her you love her.

  He didn’t tell her his thoughts or his feelings. Pushing her shirt up, he released her long enough to take the item of clothing off. Touching her stomach, he reached up to cup her breast. Her hard nipples pressed against the lace of her bra.

  “Guy, tell me what’s wrong.”

  Stopping the kiss, he looked down at her. Emily’s face was flushed, and her body called to him.

  “There’s nothing to talk about. It’s sex you wanted, and I’m giving you sex.” He slammed his lips back on hers hating the words he spoke.

  She shoved him hard. “Is that all it is? Sex?”

  “What else could it possibly be?” His breathing was heavy as he looked at her, the thick ridge of his cock pressed against his pants begging for attention.

  “I want to go home,” she said, bending down to grab her shirt.

  “What the hell do you want from me?” he asked, shouting the words.

  “Nothing. I don’t want anything from you. I never did.” She pulled her shirt on, bending down to grab her jacket. “We’re just sex, remember, and we’d know when it ended.”

  Biting his lip, he tugged the jacket from her hands and pressed his cock against her stomach. Guy didn’t stop there. He shoved his hands down her jeans, sliding a finger through her slick heat.

  “It doesn’t feel like it’s over to me.”

  She moaned, biting her lip. He couldn’t let her go without this taste. The bastard within him wanted to make a harder break than her simply walking out. For some reason, which he didn’t understand, he needed her to hate him before it was the end.

  “It’s not over?” she asked.

  “It’s not over.” He moved her toward the bed, removing her clothes as he did. They were back on track, and he pressed her to the bed, ridding himself of his own clothes. Going over her, he kissed her lips, putting all of his feelings into his actions. He loved this woman, and because of that, he could not have her. She deserved someone better than him.

  You’re a coward.

  Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he caressed down to feel her slickness. She was soaking wet and all for him.

  His cock was already rock hard and ready to fuck her. Tonight he was going to make love to her and make every moment last.

  “Guy, please.”

  He moved down her neck, pressing kisses to her neck and down further to cover her breasts. Her nipples budded, responding to his loving.

  Emily moaned and writhed underneath him.

  Gripping his shaft, he guided it inside her, pressing as deep as he could get.

  I love you.

  Guy thought the words that he could not say to her. Sliding into her cunt, he relished every inch that he was inside of her. She rippled around him, arching up into his touch.

  He slid a finger over her clit feeling her orgasm wash over her. Her pussy tightened around him, but he wasn’t done with her yet. Her orgasm was going to be the first one of the night.

  After her first climax, he plunged in hard and deep. She cried out, and he swallowed down her screams with his lips on hers.

  “Tonight I’m going to make love to every inch of you, Em. You’re not going to be able to forget about me so fast.”

  He moved within her, not leaving her body once. Closing his eyes, he buried his head against her neck, breathing in her delicious, warm scent. There was no way he could let her go yet.

  One more night was all he needed. Even as he thought the words and made his choices, Guy knew they were stupid and above all, cowardly.


  Something was different in the way Guy was touching her. Emily felt the difference in his touch. There was a burning and a hardness in his grip. Biting her lip, she arched up to him, wanting him to love her as much as she loved him. She didn’t like the way he was pulling away from her. Even as he was loving her body and giving her more emotion in this one night than ever before, she also felt the underlying withdrawal coming from him.

  Guy was up to something, and she didn’t know what. Well, she had an idea, but she couldn’t think about that, not with his arms wrapped around her and his cock buried so deep inside her.

  She wanted to spill the words of love out of her mouth, but Emily knew he wouldn’t want to hear them. Keeping everything at bay she gave herself over to the love she felt for him, showing him in actions rather than words.

  “So fucking tight.” He sucked on her neck, owning her easily with his licks and kisses.

  Crying out, she met every single thrust wanting more, needing more.

  “Please,” she said.

  Suddenly he jerked out of her. Gripping her hips, he dove between her thighs. Whimpering, she felt his tongue slam deep into her pussy before sliding up to her clit.

  “Grab my lube,” he said, speaking the words against her flesh.

  Twisting on the bed she tried to grab what he wanted from the drawer. His wicked tongue was teasing her too much, and she struggled to do as he asked. Her hands shook with the pressure going on inside her body.

  Emily snatched the lube from the drawer, collapsing back to the bed as his tongue fucked her hard. Screaming, she felt her release spiraling out of control. She fisted her hands into the sheets underneath her. There was nothing for her to do other than hold on as he sent her over the edge into the pleasurable abyss.

  She was crashing through the waves, and through it all she felt him turn her so she was on her side. He tilted her hips, and she felt the cool lube pressed to her anus.

  Through the pleasure she tensed around his penetration. “Hold on, baby. You’re going to love this,” he said, whispering against her ear.

  Trying to stay still, she couldn’t help but tense as the tip of his cock pressed against her muscles. His free hand dove between her thighs and teased her clit. So soon after her last climax, she was sensitive all over.

  Shaking, she held onto the sheet underneath her.

  “I’ve got you, baby.” Another inch of his cock pushed inside.

  Taking deep breaths she relaxed under his touch needing him to take her.

  “Please, don’t make me wait,” she said, whimpering.

  “What was that, Em? Do you need me to fuck you?”

  He was taunting her, and she couldn’t handle it right now. She bit into her lip even as he plunged two fingers into her cunt.

  “Tell me to fuck your ass?”

  This was not the man she’d come to know. He was holding back even as he was giving her everything of his body.

  She turned to look at him over her shoulder. “Fuck my ass, Guy. Make it burn.” Tonight she wasn’t going to give in to him. There was no way she’d hide from him.

  He pulled out of her only to p
ress forward, firm and hard. His hand returned to her hip to hold her in place. She took deep breaths as he pressed in deep. Not a part of her was left untouched as he consumed every part of her.

  Guy rode her hard, not letting up.

  Emily felt like she was coming apart at the seams, and she couldn’t hold herself together. He was taking over, making her forget herself.

  There was nothing more for her to do other than ride the wave of pleasure. He held her hard as he plundered her body.

  “Touch yourself. I want to feel you come,” he said, biting her neck.

  Whimpering, she reached between her thighs, doing everything he asked and feeling the desire spike through her body. As much as she wanted to deny him, she couldn’t. What he did to her body was unlike anything she’d ever felt.

  She was shocked to reach her second climax, but touching her clit with Guy plunging deep inside her, Emily found her release. Screaming, she felt her second orgasm take over. Guy rode her hard through the wave, and all she could do was hold on to him.

  Through the haze she felt the pain of knowing what this meant. He was going to try to break things off with her. She didn’t know how she knew this, only that she did. They collapsed together with him still deep within her ass.

  It was too much, and suddenly she needed to get away from him. Without waiting for him to take the lead, she scrambled out from beneath him.

  “Baby, what are you doing?” he asked.

  Emily didn’t stop to talk with him. She stumbled into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Faster than she thought possible, she took a quick wash, refreshing herself. Within minutes she dried her body before going back to the bedroom to face him.

  Guy stood perched against the doorframe. She’d locked the door, and he hadn’t tried to break through.

  Staring at his feet she brushed past him.

  “What the hell, Em?” he asked, grabbing her arm.

  She tugged out of his hold. “I’m going home.” Emily knew she sounded childish even to herself, but there was no way to stop her feelings.

  “You’re not going home ‘cause I’m not fucking taking you. You could have hurt yourself,” he said, growling in her face. “You’ve never had anal sex before. You should have waited for me to help you.”


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