ROMANCE: Party of Three: A Lustful Collection of Menage Romance (Menage Romance, Bisexual Romance, Stepbrother Romance)

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ROMANCE: Party of Three: A Lustful Collection of Menage Romance (Menage Romance, Bisexual Romance, Stepbrother Romance) Page 11

by Brittanee Farrow

  She was thankful for her dark skin in that moment, as it hid the blush the unexpected compliment brought “Well...When you got it; Flaunt it, right?”

  He smirked and leaned back in his chair “That is what they say, isn't it?” He mused for a moment, glancing as the waiter came over. Dorian ordered his food and watched Maria closely as she ordered bouncily, her sing-song voice wafting into his ears as she handed over her menu with both hands. She was so damn happy and bright. She radiated warmth and love for everyone. It was a stark contrast to his own reserved demeanor.

  There conversation flowed more fluidly than one would expect on a blind date. He discovered her favorite music was up-beat pop (surprise!) and that she loved reading feminist theory books as well as whimsical stories about far-away lands. She was the perfect balance of Rosie the Riveter and some sort of Disney princess. She was loud and colorful, gesturing wildly to make her points. He found out that she was a social worker and loved children but had no desire to have her own. She wanted to change the world and grow gardens full of exotic flowers. She wanted the world, as it existed, but she also wanted to create her own.

  She was perfect and he knew, without a doubt, that he would have her at any cost.

  Dinner ended far too soon and Dorian found himself wanting more from this enchantress. As the bill was paid he caught her eyes before speaking “Would you like to take a brisk walk through the park just outside?”

  She beamed and nodded quickly “Yes! They just replanted a lot of the flowers and they added new lighting. I've been wanting to see it.”

  He stood slowly from his seat to go to her side and offer his arm to her. She blushed once more but took his strong, well-suited arm and stood from her seat, throwing her pink ombre scarf around her shoulders. “This is new. I don't think I've ever been walked out of a restaurant on someone's arm.” She said, trying to keep herself from sounding flustered by the action.

  “I don't think you've been hanging around gentlemen. It seems all of your previous suitors have been mere boys.” He pointed out, glancing at her.

  She laughed and waved her free hand in the air “I couldn't have said it better myself, Mr. Dorian!” She said with a firm nod “I guess I just never set my standards high enough.” She said with a little sigh.

  “Any particular reason?”

  She shrugged again “It's too much to get into on a first date.” She said with a grin that hid insecurity. “I have to maintain some sort of mystery, right?” She asked.

  He smiled gently “I suppose that would be the smart thing. Keep me hooked line and sinker, eh?” He asked, tugging her a little closer as the wind picked up a little.

  Her soft skin was starting to come alive with goose bumps. The low cut, halter dress she wore did wonders for the soft curves of her slim, athletic body but it didn't provide her much cover from the chilly wind. When she was pulled closer her heart almost stuttered. Why was he affecting her like this? No one had ever gotten to her like this, this quickly. She felt her own body heat spike and she was certain he felt it too. To distract from the sudden change in her body chemistry she spoke up “So why is a handsome marketing executive like you single?” She was more straightforward than she meant to be, but it would be distracting at least.

  He answered her question flawlessly and without hesitation “I was married briefly but it didn't work out. When I was too young I was too absorbed with work. I learned to prioritize things in my life the hard way.” He said softly.

  She suddenly felt just a little guilty for asking the question “Oh...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stir up bad memories. Or bad conversation.” She said, rubbing the back of her neck.

  He shrugged simply and glanced at her. “The past is the past. I don't linger on it.” He said with a smile.

  She returned the gesture and squeezed his arm a little. “Well, she's missing out on a great thing!” She said happily, trying to repair her faux pas.

  He shook his head, smiling. “She was right to leave. I was far too consumed with work. She deserved more than I was able to give her and I hope she found it.”

  Wow. A guy who didn't want to trash his ex-wife? Who was this guy and what planet was he from? She smiled and tucked a loose curl behind her ear, looking around at the lights that had been tangled in the park trees for romantic ambiance. 'It's working.' She thought to herself, glancing at the lights. They were certainly adding something to the moment. “That's very noble of you,” she said, chewing her plump bottom lip.

  Her almost suggestive gesture caught his eye. “They say everything happens for a reason. I like that saying, so I try to ascribe to it.” He said simply.

  They came back around to the front of the park where they'd left their cars. Maria found herself a little disappointed as her little blue car came into view. It was a sign that their time together was coming to an end. She felt like this date had gone well and she wanted to see him again almost desperately. She was chewing on her lip and twisting her scarf in her long fingers. She was trying to figure out a way to ask him for a second date without sounding depressingly desperate.

  Before she could embarrass herself he reached out and touched her slightly pinked cheek, enjoying the warmth of her skin. “It's still very early. Are you really ready to say goodbye?” He whispered softly, his eyes catching hers for a moment.

  She felt her breath catch in her throat and her mind raced circles as she stared at him. She was trying to justify going with him and not at the same time. Her mouth was dry and she could here the faint hum of the traffic in the background. He was perfect. He was beautiful and funny appreciated her strength. He wasn't scared of her or her kinky hair. She felt like saying no would be passing up the chance of a lifetime. Finally she looked up at him and the word slipped from her lips almost lazily, unsure and scared but eager at the same time.

  “No. I’m not ready to say goodbye, Dorian.”

  Chapter Two: The Best Mistake

  There was a small voice in Maria's head telling her she was making a mistake. Was this too much? She'd always been an advocate for woman having control of their bodies and their sex lives but was going to this guy’s house right after meeting him a bad idea? She wasn't even really concerned with the moral hang-ups. Maybe this was just flat out dangerous?

  She was glad to be alone in her car, listening to the soft pop that was barely filtering through her speaker. She'd turned the music down to have a little chat with herself. She took a deep breath to calm herself down. This WAS a little risky but she'd texted Carol not too long ago, telling her what was happening. She'd gotten about ten texts back so far that switched between “Oh my god, what are you doing?” and “Go get it, girl!” She was going to go with the latter advice.

  As they pulled up to the man's house she found herself awed at the sheer size of it. It was two stories but had various third story additions that jutted up into the night sky. It had a very old European feel but the quality of the building materials and the amenities screamed modern. It was clearly built within the last ten to twenty years.

  He had a fountain. Mr. Perfect had a fountain. Of course he did! She was almost frustrated at that but just laughed giddily instead. This was seriously something out of someone's fantasy. She took a few deep breaths and squeezed her steering wheel, driving through the automatic wrought iron gates and parking behind his black sports car. His house was a dream, just like him.

  She had always had an intense appreciation for architecture and design; She just didn't have the mind for it. She had found her calling in education. She smiled and settled her purse on her shoulder as she approached him, heels clicking against the stone driveway. No turning back now.

  He smiled a little, trying to keep her at ease. She was nervous. It was pretty obvious. That jittery energy that was equal parts excited and terrified was almost palatable. And it was a taste he'd never get tired of. He offered his hand to her and she took it without a word. Word's seemed clunky and unnecessary at this point. There was something hypnotic
about Mr. Perfect and she couldn't quite tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

  She followed him up the winding driveway and watched his deft fingers unlock the door. The heavy wood creaked open slowly and revealed a house that was just as magnificent on the inside as it was on the outside. God. Was this for real? Like, really for real?

  There were grand paintings along the wall and while none of them were Monet's, they were still impressive. Beautiful pieces from the Renaissance of plump women bathing in crystal clear water. They were smiling and splashing water onto their pale skin, cleansing themselves. All of these paintings were beautiful and struck just the right chord in Maria.

  She wandered from him, going to one of the paintings of a woman in sheer linen robes, cradling a plump, smiling child in her arms. Everything about the woman in the painting was ethereal and motherly. She wanted to reach out and touch the painting but was afraid the oils on her fingers might damage the delicate paints.

  Her hand stayed limp at her side and she was caught up in the beauty of the painting. She didn't even notice as Dorian slid around to her side, standing just behind her and holding a glass of fresh, cool wine. “It's a beautiful painting, isn't it?” He asked softly.

  She jumped a little but smiled weakly “You snuck up on me!” She said with a laugh, hand over her heart.

  He smiled and offered her a glass, sipping on his own “The wine at the restaurant was good but this is a vintage.” He said.

  She took the glass, grinning and holding the glass with both hands. She took a sniff and it made her head spin in the most delightful way and she licked her lips a little, tipping the glass up and taking a small sip of the wine, tasting it's flavor. It matched its owner. It was smooth, rich and full-bodied and she found herself wanting so much more.

  She let the wine sit on her palate for a moment before glancing at what she was pretty sure was a drawing room. Who even had those anymore? She grinned though and eyed the bookshelves that were overflowing with weathered manuscripts. She was trying to come up with something seductive to say. Something that would turn his world upside down and entrap him, but all that came out was “So, that couch looks comfy.”

  God, really? That's what she said?

  He laughed a little, enamored by her attempts to seduce him “It is quite comfortable. Care to have a seat?”

  They both made their way to the soft, black suede couch and she groaned a little as she sunk into the plush cushions, sighing softly. She turned and put her hand against her temple for a moment, her eyes falling half closed as she watched him “Just so you know...I don't normally follow guys to their mansions on the first date” She murmured softly, sipping on her wine heartily. She was planning on having much more of this wonderful drink.

  He smiled a little “I didn't think so. And even if you did it doesn't matter much to me. I don't feel the animalistic need to be the man to claim his land.” The sarcasm seethed out as he shook his head. “I always found it odd that men would be so hung up and a woman's sexuality. Experience is good anywhere else in the world. Why not sex?” He shrugged and she grinned.

  “You can't be real.” She said quickly. “You're handsome, progressive, rich and you have an amazing wine collection, apparently.” She said, waving her hand.

  She was starting to feel hazy. Maybe she really was dreaming. He reached a hand out to caress her cheek, tracing smooth finger's along her defined cheekbones. He used the motions to draw her attention to his own face “I assure you, darling...I am very real.”

  His voice had dropped a few octaves and the sudden shift made her quiver. She had always been the type for well articulated come backs but this time; all she could manage was a soft “Oh...” As her heart jumped in her chest.

  He smiled a little and drew his thumb along her lower lip “Maria. Tell me what you want. Don't be coy. I'm not interested in games.” He murmured, his thumb tracing down her chin and along her long neck to her bare shoulders “Tell me.”

  Her eyes fluttered and her toes curled when he touched her. He was hardly doing anything and it was driving her wild “I...I want...” She was suddenly very aware of every breath she took and every beat of her heart. Was she being drugged? Did she really care? Not really.

  For a moment her throat was too dry to speak and her eyes finally opened “You...” She whispered, the word falling from her lips like a desperate prayer “I want you.”

  His smile became predatory and he tangled his fingers in her curly hair and pulled her close with s strength she hadn't even imagined. Her body was shaking against his and it wasn't from fear. It was from unmatched anticipation. She could feel a warm wetness between her thighs. She wanted this. She wanted this more than she'd wanted anything. Maybe it was the wine but she was sure it was mostly him.

  His eyes caught hers and he held her gaze for a long moment “You're sure you want this?” He asked one more time, his lips moving to grace along her cheeks and nose.

  She could smell his scent. It was manly, woodsy and sweet all at the same time. Everything about him was intoxicating, but the way he smelled was getting to her in the best way possible. She pressed her knees together, whimpering softly “I....Yes.” She whispered again, her voice desperate and strained.

  He smiled and tangled their fingers together a moment before bringing his hand up to stroke the hair from her face in the most tender gesture “What a good girl.” He praised, “Good girls get rewarded, you know.” He said softly “But I must have you know, I am a hard man to please.” He smiled.

  She looked at him, perfect brows furrowed together curiously. “You are?” She whispered, that curious look turning to one that said she was willing to take on his challenge.

  “You may need...assistance.” The last word was said so easily and confidently that she hardly skipped a beat.


  “Yes. Don't worry. We will show you everything you need to know. Everything you want to know. Tonight will be a night that will be burned into your memory forever, Maria. It will be a dream you won't want to wake from. Every desire burning behind those beautiful eyes will be fulfilled. All you have to do is say yes.”

  What was he talking about? Three hours ago she probably would have been hightailing it out of there. She would have called Carol and screamed at her for setting her up with a creep. But that was then and this was now. And right now all she could think was one thing, and one thing alone.

  “I want this.”

  Chapter Three: Isabel

  He stood from the couch and took both of their wine glasses, setting them aside and offering his hand to her. She felt a little tipsy and couldn't help the girlish giggle that bubbled from her throat. She was a little embarrassed by it and blushed as she took his hand and stood “Sorry. That was, uh, some really good wine.”

  He smiled and pulled her to his chest, wrapping his arms around her gently “You can have as much as you like.”

  His smile was soft but playful. “I'm good for now. I want to remember tonight,” she said softly as they started to leave the drawing room.

  She wasn't sure if it was the wine or her excitement but the house seemed brighter and much larger than it had before. They passed several more paintings of the beautiful women and others of animals and portraits. He was clearly fond of the arts and the female body. He had it depicted in all of its shapes, sizes and colors. He didn't seem to have the same kind of lust that most men did. He seemed to genuinely enjoy the female form in all of its glory.

  She was lost in her thoughts and hardly noticed when they stopped in front of a large, full oak door. It was a French style and had intricate designs carved into it that she couldn't really place. They were probably the work of some artist he commissioned. It seemed like something he might do. He clearly enjoyed fine artisan products. Why should the double doors leading to his bedroom be any different?

  The second she stepped through the door she felt an almost tangible shift in power. Up until now they had been equals. He didn
't even have to say it. She just knew that he was master of his domain in this particular room and despite her independent tendencies she was excited.

  She had been distracted taking in the rich colors and expensive fabrics that were draped across the bed and she'd almost missed the beautiful, nude woman in the middle of the room. Maria's eyes fell on the woman and a soft gasp escaped her lips. She was beautiful. She reminded Maria of the woman from the painting. She was soft, plump and beautiful. Her body had delicate curves that she didn't bother covering with clothing. Her hair was long and curled, falling across her luscious, pale breasts and tickling the very top of her ample bottom. She was lovely.

  Maria would be lying if she said her interest had always been wholly in men. That was far from the truth. Her longest and most gratifying relationship had been with a woman. If she was being honest, she'd missed the soft touch of a woman's skin on hers. She'd missed the weight of perfect breasts in her hands. So was she up for a threesome? More than she'd ever thought she could be.

  The woman's skin was a stark contrast to Maria's. It was pale and freckled without a single scar or mark to mark the flesh. She was utterly wondrous. Maria was having a hard time pulling her eyes from the lovely red headed woman.

  Dorian smiled and crossed the room to the woman, wrapping an arm around her. “Hello darling,” he said softly, stroking her pink cheeks with an unbelievable amount of tenderness. “This is Maria. She's going to be joining us this evening.”

  The barefooted woman smiled brightly and spoke to Maria in a voice that resembled the wind. It was breathy and excited, a slight trill in it when she spoke Maria's name “Maria...What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” She whispered, stepping forward and touching Maria's face with an excited curiosity. “Beautiful...” She repeated, eyes bright and shining.


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