A Rebel's Rules (Dark Star Doms Book 1)

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A Rebel's Rules (Dark Star Doms Book 1) Page 15

by Ivy Barrett

  * * * * *

  Danette trembled in her restraints. Being restrained didn’t frighten her. Being blindfolded was nothing new, but she heard only fury in the Master’s voice. No velvet seduction, no unyielding tenderness, just anger and demand.

  “Where would he have taken her?”

  “I told you, I don’t know. Are you sure they’re really gone? Ashton wouldn’t—” She bit back the words before she revealed too much.

  “Leave without you?”

  The wristcuffs stretched her arms well above her head, keeping Danette on the balls of her feet and slightly off balance. Something soft brushed her nipple. Startled, she jerked, swaying unsteadily before regaining her stance.

  “Why would VinDerley care what happens to you?”

  Was the Master allowing the others to watch? This was so different from his last visit. This wasn’t about pleasure. This was an interrogation. “Ashton loves to play hero. He wouldn’t have left without trying to rescue Palmer and me.”

  “Maybe you overestimate your appeal.”

  “It has nothing to do with appeal. Ashton would feel honor-bound to rescue anyone.”

  Her other nipple received a teasing stroke.

  “Regardless of his heroic nature, we have reason to believe he’s abandoned you to my tender mercies.”

  Why was he treating her like this? Without the security of her role, she was lost, vulnerable. She thought he understood. Channeling her confusion into anger, she responded boldly. “How did Ashton get off-world? Where the hell are we anyway?”

  “You will answer my questions.”

  She turned her head, following the sound of his voice as he slowly circled her. “I have answered your questions. Master, I don’t—”

  “I’m not your Master!”

  His words struck like a blow. She recoiled, turning her face away. The fantasy shattered. For a few short hours she’d been sheltered and cherished as only a pleasure slave could be, but reality returned. She was a political hostage. The daughter of Admiral Tiptonn.

  Clearing her throat, she raised her chin and summoned all the arrogance her upbringing instilled. “I demand that you return my clothing and release me from these restraints. My father will hunt you down and kill you if you abuse me in any way.”

  “I haven’t touched you.”

  No, Pleasure Master Nine had. The Master had touched her and tasted her and allowed her to… “What do you want from me?”

  “Can VinDerley pilot a spacecraft?”

  “Why should I tell you anything? You already told me the executive council has been contacted. I have nothing to gain by helping you recover Ashton. You still have Palmer and me. Just let him go.”

  “I can’t. He took something that belongs to me.”

  Easily identifying possession in his tone, Danette’s heart sank even further. There had been no connection between them. They hadn’t ignited the spark which had flared between them back at the Pleasure Palace. He’d simply seen an opportunity to enjoy a willing woman and he’d taken full advantage of the situation. “You mean someone.” He didn’t deny it. “He won’t hurt her. Ashton wouldn’t hurt anyone.”

  “Then why did you agree to marry him? You will never be satisfied with a man who isn’t willing to hurt you, at least a little.”

  Danette gasped, feeling truly naked for the first time. Had he known she was engaged to Ashton when he came to her as Master? Had her submission meant nothing to him? As if a dam broke inside her, Danette sagged against her bonds. Hard, racking sobs tore from her throat and shook her body. All the lonely years, the continual scrutiny, her father’s unrelenting expectations caved in with suffocating intensity.

  Strong arms wrapped around her, lifting her against a solid chest, relieving the pressure from her wrists. His unexpected tenderness mocked her grief. He couldn’t reject her one moment and offer comfort the next. It was cruel!

  “Why are you crying?”

  “Leave me alone.” She couldn’t escape his embrace. His warm hands caressed her back, skimmed over her ass and came to rest on her hips, steadying her. “My private life is none of your business.”

  “I remember you, Danette.” The dark seduction returned. He was Pleasure Master Nine again.

  Her heart leapt and heat flooded her pussy. Damn him! She couldn’t just turn her feelings off and on at his convenience. “So what? None of it matters anymore.”

  “It matters to me. Why did you leave Paul? He was one of the best, most perceptive Masters I’ve ever mentored. I thought he would cherish you.”

  She twisted and tugged against the restraints. Wanting to hit him, needing to feel physical pain like the emotional torment ravaging her soul. “I didn’t leave Paul. My father had him killed!”

  His strong arms raised her off the floor, bringing an end to her struggles. “You suspect or you know?”

  “Paul was a sniper. He specialized in long-range kills, but Father had him assigned to a close-quarters assault that no one could have survived. The entire company was slaughtered, because of my perversion.”

  He slipped a thick cushion under her feet so she could stand more comfortably. Moving up behind her, he stroked her breasts, midriff and hips. His touch was light, yet smooth and calming, obviously meant to soothe not arouse. “I’m sorry. Paul was a good man. I will mourn his loss with you.”

  “You’re a fucking liar!” She threw her weight forward. He covered her breasts with one arm and her hips with his other hand, dragging her back into the heat of his body. “You don’t care about Paul. You don’t care about me. You’ll return me to my father and I’ll be married to Ashton within the year.”

  “Why did you agree to the engagement?” He didn’t caress her now, just held her firmly while he waited for her explanation.

  Each breath she took rubbed her nipples against his arm and her sorrow accented the hollow ache building in her core. She wanted him, needed him, but not just for today. She needed to escape from the prison of her life and she wanted him at her side. Tears trailed down her cheeks.

  Why was she hoping to find escape at the hands of her captor? It was irrational. Pleasure Master Nine hadn’t kidnapped her. His presence was an unhappy coincidence. She was at the mercy of the rebels.

  “The engagement is a political maneuver sponsored by Premier VinDerley and Admiral Tiptonn,” she said mechanically. “Ashton isn’t happy about it either. We just haven’t figured out how to end it without incurring the wrath of both families.”

  “Has Ashton ever fucked you?”

  “That’s none of your goddamned business!” He pinched her nipple. Pleasure-pain spiked deep into her abdomen and Danette cried out.

  “Say my name.”

  “This isn’t fair!” She jerked and twisted, but his hold was unbreakable. “You’re either my Master or you’re not. I won’t be manipulated like this.”

  His body tensed against her back and his warm breath stirred her hair. “You’re right. I apologize.”

  She didn’t realize what he intended until the restraints released. Tugging the blindfold down, she caught a glimpse of his retreating back before the door rolled down behind him. Sinking to her knees on the cushion, Danette buried her face in her hands and wept. The last thing she’d wanted was to be released.

  * * * * *

  “There has to be something,” Korbin said, struggling to conceal the utter frustration in his voice.

  Sharon pushed back from the control console, sweeping her hand toward the vidscreen. “I’ve been through all the records twice. Every ship that launched in the past twenty-four hours had proper clearance and manifests. Is there any possibility they’re still on Borrelly?”

  “Corry isn’t tagged, but her DNA is on file. The scans Larz ran would have detected her if she was still on the outpost.”

  “And your interrogations?” Sharon asked. “Were either of the captives able to give you some idea where he would have taken her?”

  He shook his head, infuriated by his helpl
essness. “Ashton was acting on his own. The other two know nothing.”

  “Where do you think he took her?”

  “Home. He has no reason to hide. I’m sure they’re headed straight for Halley Prime.”

  “Can our sponsor help?”

  Again, he shook his head. “Our sponsor insisted on complete anonymity when financial support was offered.”

  “Corry’s your sister. You have to at least ask.”

  Without responding to the subtle criticism, Korbin left the control booth. Sharon was right. It wouldn’t hurt to let Petra know what was going on. If she could intervene on any level, he would be thankful.

  He went to Corry’s apartment and used a secure channel to page Petra. During his years at the Pleasure Palace, Korbin had learned to appreciate her business acumen. She didn’t exploit her workers, and guests could indulge their every desire so long as all parties were participating willingly.

  The private, person-to-person page took a few minutes to connect. Korbin’s thoughts drifted back to Danette and his mouth went dry. He had no right to want her, no hope of providing her with the sort of life she deserved. So why couldn’t he get her out of his mind?

  “Hi there, stranger.” Petra’s husky voice drew his thoughts back to the present. Her image filled the vidscreen in front of him. Apparently she’d been in an orange mood today. Her shiny orange hair just brushed her shoulders, framing features nearly lost beneath her colorful cosmetics. Her lips were bright orange, even her brows and eyelashes had been tinted the outlandish color. “Have you come to your senses and tendered your resignation? You are so wasted…where you are.”

  Despite his anxiety, she made him smile. Petra could be quite charming when she chose to be—ruthless but charming. “I appreciate your saying so. Unfortunately this isn’t a social call.”

  “What can I do for you?” Her orange lashes fluttered, drawing attention to her newly darkened eyes. The last time he’d seen her they were bright blue. “You know what I want you to do for me.”

  He debated what to say. This channel was as secure as any long-range communication could be. Still, one could never be too cautious.

  “Might this have something to do with my nephew?” she asked, her eyes gleaming with knowing amusement.

  “It does, but what makes you ask?” Did nothing transpire without Petra’s knowledge? This woman might possibly wield more power than Premier VinDerley.

  “Come now,” she smiled and arched her brow, “a lady never reveals the source of her information.”

  “Has anyone attempted to access the package I left with you?”

  “Of course not. I’m insulted that you ask. Only someone with your retina pattern and knowledge of your password rotation can access your package.” She paused for another grin. “I can’t even access the private compartments. They are private. What does this have to do with my nephew?”

  “Nothing, I hope. Your nephew decided to end his visit early and when he left, he took the member of my team who means the most to me with him.”

  “Oh dear. That can’t be good. I’ll contact Elaine and let her know—”

  “It might be best to wait and see. We don’t want to tip our hand unnecessarily. The only way you could know about what I’ve just told you is—”

  “If I heard it from a member of your team,” she finished for him. “I’ll keep my eyes and ears open. I’m guessing you’d like to be notified of any pertinent developments.”

  “You’re as perceptive as always.”

  She leaned forward as if to end the transmission then she met his gaze. “What will it take to bring you back to me? I have so many requests for your services.”

  “I’m retired.” Even as he spoke the words, Danette’s image flashed through his mind. He couldn’t release her without touching her one last time. Regardless of where the conflict took them, they would have this one night.

  Chapter Five

  Danette woke up suddenly, her heart pounding in her chest. Something was wrong! She wasn’t alone. Clutching the blanket to her chest, she sat and blinked repeatedly. Oppressive darkness surrounded her. She listened for the faint shuffle of clothing or scrap of a boot sole.


  She’d been dreaming, nothing more. Taking a deep breath, she prepared to lie back down when the faint scent of his cologne reached her.


  Her mouth went dry. He was here again! Feminine power surged through her. He could no more stay away than she could deny him. Her nipples tightened, her skin tingled, and her pussy flooded with welcome—for her Master.

  “I know you’re there.” She turned her face in his general direction, using his scent to guide her. “If you’re my Master, I await your pleasure. But only if you’re my Master.”

  “If I stay, I will expect your complete submission.” His voice sounded tense and torn.

  Could he see her? A display of her willingness would be far more effective than words. She tossed back the blanket and felt for the edge of the bed. She stripped in silence, keeping her calf against the bunk for reference in the darkness. Naked and shaking from a mixture of excitement and fear, she crawled back onto the bed and took her pose.

  She knelt with her knees at the edge of the bunk and spread her thighs wide. Raising her arms, she interlaced her fingers behind her neck, thrusting her breasts forward. This was called the Offering. A slave could willingly assume this position for their Master or a Master could command the slave to Offer themselves to another.

  Her lips trembled as she remembered the day Paul had Offered her to his mentor.

  Warm fingertips brushed along her collarbone. He could see her. She had no idea how, but he could definitely see her.

  “You are perfection, my love. A gift fit for a king.” Her lips trembled, but Danette didn’t speak. A slave only spoke in direct response to her Master. “You’re fortunate I’m a greedy, possessive Master.”

  A soft sigh escaped her. She didn’t want him to share her. She wanted to serve him alone.

  “When Paul Offered you to me, how did that make you feel?”

  If she lied, he would punish her. Tonight she craved pleasure, not punishment. “I was frightened. You were his teacher. I feared displeasing you and shaming him.”

  His wandering fingers drifted over her breasts, pausing to roll her nipples. “Is that all that frightened you?”

  “No.” He worked her nipples into tight, sensitive buds. Danette licked her lips, restless and anxious. “I was afraid…”

  “Yes?” A sharp sting pinched her left nipple. “Too tight?”

  “No.” Stars, it felt fabulous. Her nipple burned, a persistent stimulation. He clamped her right nipple and the cold chain connecting the two brushed against her torso.

  “What else frightened you?”

  He had obviously guessed her feelings or he wouldn’t continue to question her. “I was afraid he would realize how much I wanted you. Each time Paul took me to the common room, I struggled to keep my gaze off you.”

  “Why? What drew your gaze to me?”

  She licked her lips, her mind drifting back to the Pleasure Palace. “It’s hard to explain. You were so confident, yet so…caring. You always knew exactly what others needed to bring them the most pleasure.”

  “That was my job.”

  “It’s more than an occupation with you. Anyone can learn the skills of a Pleasure Master. I think you were born to this role. You brought pleasure to even the most reluctant slave and I was terrified Paul would know I wanted to submit to you. I wanted you to take me in every way a woman could be taken. Even while Paul was inside me, sometimes I thought of you.”

  He gently pulled on the chain, increasing the pressure on her nipples. Danette moaned.

  “It isn’t wrong to desire someone,” he told her. “It’s wrong to act upon that desire unless your Master grants you permission to do so. Was I wrong to want you while you still belonged to Paul? You have no idea how often I watched your traini
ng, how much I wanted to take his place.”

  His words thrilled her far more than they should have. She was making herself vulnerable. And a possibility nagged away in the back of her mind. Was he simply telling her what she wanted to hear? “May I ask a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “If you coveted me while I was with Paul, why didn’t you immediately recognize me?”

  “When I left the Pleasure Palace, it was as if I became someone else. Pleasure Master Nine, and everyone he knew, became part of my past. You were familiar to me from the first moment I saw you. It just took a few days to remember exactly who you were. Besides, it was a bit of a shock to realize Paul’s slave was Admiral Tiptonn’s daughter.”

  She hoped he spoke truthfully, but it didn’t really matter. This was a temporary diversion, a blissful way to pass the time until she was rescued.

  “Are you having second thoughts?”

  The dread in his tone silenced her reservations. “No. I want this. Badly.”

  “Then lie back and open yourself.”

  Danette lay on her back, digging her heels into the bunk and spreading her legs wide. The darkness caressed her as much as his voice. Her senses came alive without the distraction of visual input. She could smell his cologne mixed with the musk of her arousal. Each sensation seemed more acute, each touch more titillating.

  “Part the way for me. I have other uses for my fingers.”

  Reaching between her widespread thighs, she parted her folds, offering her clit and her core for his enjoyment—for their enjoyment.

  “You may come as often as you like tonight. I give you permission now.” His lips closed around her clit, sucking harder than she usually enjoyed. They’d waited so long and the tension was already at a fever pitch. His aggression was perfect. She trembled. Her pussy clenched demandingly and pleasure lanced through her abdomen. Before the orgasm began to recede, he thrust three fingers deep into her passage. With a startled cry, she came again.

  Danette shook. The forceful penetration drove her to a higher plane, increased the intensity until she could hardly breathe. How she’d missed this! He continued sucking on her clit while his fingers worked her core. After only a few minutes, she came again, harder, her inner muscles squeezing his fingers.


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