Chasing Sam: Vegas Mates Book 1

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Chasing Sam: Vegas Mates Book 1 Page 4

by Krystal Shannan

  “Wolves don’t make such strong connections like this very often. This is a once in a lifetime chance.”

  “Sam…” He waited for her to meet his gaze.

  “My wolf says it doesn’t matter, but I don’t think it’s right to ask you—” Her voice trailed off as she saw Johnny, one of the family chauffeurs, standing outside the diner window. “Why is he here?” she whispered under her breath.

  “What’s not right? And who is here, Sam?”

  Sam glanced nervously at Chase and then at Johnny again. “Give me a minute.” She got up from her chair and headed for the door. “I’ll be right back.”

  Chase nodded and stayed in his seat.

  She pushed open the door and stepped out into the cool Vegas night air. “Why are you here?”

  “Your dad sent me to fetch you back to the house.”

  “Does he know I’m here?”

  Johnny nodded. “I called him when I saw you inside.” He looked through the window at Chase and then to her. “Sam, what are you doing?”

  “Don’t you lecture me about my actions, Johnny Salazar,” Sam hissed. “You forget so quickly the dangerous game you are playing with your crush on my sister.”

  “Sam… I…” He stuttered. “I have to take you home. Now.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “They are packing to head to the Villa tonight, Sam.”

  Mom convinced dad to move up the hunt. Crap. Now what?

  “You have to tell Chase what is going on. He deserves to know the truth,” her wolf urged again.

  “I’ll be back in a minute, Johnny. I have to say goodbye.”

  “I’ll wait out here,” he answered and nodded toward the brick wall.

  Sam turned and strode back into the diner. She struggled to keep her composure as she sat.

  Chase waited a moment and then spoke. “My wolf is concerned that your twenty-fifth year is nearly over.”

  She ducked her head and nodded. “My parents wish to match me this weekend. They already have candidates picked out for me. Johnny is here to take me home to meet them.”

  The muscles in his face clenched, making him look fierce and very angry. She winced at the sound of his teeth grinding.


  The force behind his voice made her jump. Tears welled in her eyes and her lip quivered. “I don’t have any control over this,” she said softly. “I’m lucky to have avoided it as long as I did.”

  “You are supposed to be my mate, Sam. Mine.” His voice was quiet but had an edge of sharpness. Her body warmed instantly at the thought of being his, though, and her arousal grew.

  “I will belong to whoever catches me on the hunt.” She was surprised by the look of relief that washed over his face.

  “Then I will catch you, Sam. My wolf says any man may apply to the father of the one being hunted and participate.”

  “You barely know me.”


  “You could be killed, Chase. These other men have trained their whole lives.”

  “I won’t be able to live without you, Sam. Not now.”

  She sniffled and dabbed the corner of her eyes with her sleeve. “I won’t be able to live with myself if you are killed.”

  “Sam,” Johnny’s voice called from the doorway.

  “What?” she growled. The diner grew quiet, and she felt heat rise in her cheeks. She was making a scene and Chase wasn’t going to see reason.

  “We have to go. Your father has called three times.”

  A hand grasped her wrist. Sam met Chase’s gaze. “Do you feel our connection?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Do you want to be a doctor?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Are those other men going to let you?”

  She shook her head. In the back of her mind, Sam knew her hopes of working with Doctors Without Borders were nonexistent if she married a noble. Her life would be spent playing the political games her parents were constantly entwined in.

  “You forget, Sam, I’ve been a soldier for over fifty years. Let me talk to your father.”

  She wrapped her fingers around his hand and pulled. “We have to go now. I hope you are ready for a war.”


  “Samantha Talia Demakis.” Sam cringed. Her father’s voice assaulted her ears the second Ellie opened the door. Chase held her hand and led her into the foyer. Ellie threw her a sympathetic look before whispering, “They are in the dining room.”

  Sam nodded and trudged past the housekeeper. They walked through the arched entrance to the dining room. The twelve-chair table was dark mahogany and all but four of the seats were filled. Her father sat at one end and her mother at the other—King and Queen Demakis. She wanted to roll her eyes, but didn’t dare. Three unfamiliar men sat closest to her father, and her sisters all sat near her mother. Coffee was out on the table. Dinner had already been served and cleared.

  Growls erupted from all three men at the same time. Sam tensed and then shuddered at the responding growl from Chase.

  Oh my, God! They’re going to tear each other apart right here in front of me.

  “Demakis, what is the meaning of this?” one of the men spouted. “She smells of this man.”

  “Yes, we were under the assumption she was unattached,” another snarled, never taking his eyes from Chase.

  Chase pushed Sam behind him and held her there out of view. She could still hear everything. A chair grated against the wood floor and someone stood.

  “Silence. I will hear no more of this useless complaining,” Peter Demakis roared. “You may let her go, Mr. Michaels. No harm will come to her.”

  “What about those men at the table?”

  “No harm will come to my daughter. I would kill any man who tried.”

  Chase’s body relaxed, and he allowed his hands to drop to his sides. Sam moved from behind him but remained close. At least the four men had ceased snarling at each other and pulled their fangs back into place.

  He stood still as Samantha’s father approached. Peter Demakis was a large man—tall, muscular, the epitome of the Demakis noble line. Dark brown eyes glared angrily at them both.

  “Why are you with this man, Samantha? You had obligations at the house, and you left without a word.” Her father spoke calmly, but beneath the calm there was unresolved anger over her disrespect of the guests.

  “I did not plan those obligations, father. You and mother planned them without my knowledge, and I was not in a proper frame of mind to speak with your guests.”

  “They are your guests, Samantha. They are here to meet you before the hunt.”

  “Father.” Samantha took a brave step toward her dad. “I do not wish a match without my wolf’s approval.”

  Her father’s eyes glowed and turned gold. A deep growl rumbled from his chest. She stepped back into Chase’s chest, trembling. “Your wolf has nothing to do with your match!”

  Sam’s wolf paced and pulled inside her. The magic rose within and she pulled her mind back to allow the wolf’s forward. Her wolf snarled angrily at her father and stepped toward him again, leaving the safety of Chase’s body.

  “I have everything to do with this, Peter Demakis. It is I who will be hunted and I who will be bonded,” a voice spoke through Sam’s body. It was the familiar voice of her wolf that she heard everyday inside her head.

  “Sam?” her father asked hesitantly. “Give me back my daughter this instant. Samantha, come back.”

  Even though her wolf was in control at the moment, Sam could see the fear and concern in her father’s eyes. The other men looked similarly concerned.

  Chase stepped to Sam’s side and took her hand in his own. Just that simple touch relaxed her wolf, and Sam stepped back into control.

  “I would respectfully like to put forth my claim to bond with your daughter, Mr. Demakis. I am more than willing to participate in whatever ceremony or hunt you were speaking of earlier.”

  “Chase. It’s too dangerous,” she whispered

  “We already talked about this, Sam. This is what has to happen.”

  Her father turned on them both with an angry glare. Somewhere in the midst of the turmoil, her mother had risen and walked to her husband’s side. She lightly brushed her hand along Dad’s arm and Sam was surprised to see him instantly relax.

  “So you’ve talked him into championing your cause?” Her mother’s brown eyes glistened deviously. “I had no idea you liked sentencing men to their deaths, Samantha.”

  “Renata! Hold your tongue.” Sam’s father snarled at her mother.

  Renata Demakis huffed. She clicked her tongue a few times, stepped toward Chase, and looked up to meet his gaze. “She doesn’t get a choice.” Her voice dropped to a hushed whisper. “If you come for her, you will die. Only noble born are trained for the hunt.”


  His magic rippled as his anger grew. Every cell was electrically charged. The emotions he’d kept carefully locked away were bubbling up. This woman was certifiable. Whatever this hunt is, I am going.

  “Correction, we are going,” his wolf piped up. “The first part of the chase is completed in wolf form.”

  You mean…they are actually going to hunt her?


  Fuck that!


  “I will have your daughter as my mate, Mrs. Demakis. Count on it.”

  “I’ll call your mother and tell her she’s losing a son.” Her voice was cold, and the icy threat made him growl again. He glanced at Sam’s dad and found only a look of slight irritation.

  “Tonight?” Sam’s voice was pleading. “Why tonight?”

  “Samantha, you’ve drug this out long enough. These men have waited an entire year for your ceremony. Mr. Michaels can join the hunt. Tradition gives him the right, but I’m warning you both he will be unprepared.”

  Chase bit his tongue. Perhaps sharing that he was a war veteran and had been a soldier for over fifty years was giving away an advantage. He may not have trained for this so-called hunt, but if they were going to fight, he was going to win.

  “That’s the spirit. These spoiled brats don’t know what just stepped into the ring.”

  He took Samantha’s hand and pulled her against his side. Growls erupted from the table along with complaints that she was unfairly attached to the new contender. He ignored them and turned back to Peter and his wife. “I am ready, and I expect the rules to be clearly explained.”

  “Samantha?” An unspoken question passed between the father and daughter. Then she looked up and met his gaze before nodding to her father.

  “I understand.” Her voice quivered.

  “Very good, we leave at once. Mr. Michaels, everything will be discussed in the car on the way to the Villa. You will ride with me and the other men. The girls will ride in a different vehicle.” Her father turned to walk away and then looked back over his shoulder. “If you want to call someone before we go, now would be the time.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  God, does he really expect me to die tonight?

  “These hunts are not usually to the death, but they can be. He’s correct in assuming you are in danger. These men are angry, Chase.”

  “Sam,” he leaned down and whispered. “I’m going to call my brother and tell him what’s going on.”

  “Of course,” she answered. “There’s a study right across the foyer you can use. I have to leave…” She paused, and he could tell she was struggling not to cry.


  Chase stared at the black Escalade and frowned. Peter Demakis wanted all of them to get in one vehicle and ride together? Four angry men, including himself, were about to fight over his mate. What the fuck? Was her father just trying to make things worse?

  “Changing your mind?” One of the other males snickered as he climbed into the SUV.

  Chase snarled and crossed his arms.

  “Get in, Michaels,” Peter said as he exited the house and climbed into the front passenger seat. He looked back at him before he closed the door. Empathy? He could have sworn for a second her father was encouraging him. It had to be a mistake. Why would Peter Demakis want his daughter to marry outside the noble line…unless he really did care if she was happy?

  The third man climbed in and took the last captain’s chair on the driver’s side in the middle of the SUV.

  The car was silent, and tension was so thick in the air that nobody even moved. Chase stared out the window, willing his wolf to stay calm. The scent of the other three unmated males was wearing on his resolve. He was sure it wasn’t any easier on them either.

  About ten minutes later, Sam’s dad finally broke the silence. He turned in his chair and looked back at Chase and the other men. Chase shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  “For tradition’s sake, I will go through the expectations of the hunt.”

  Chase met his gaze and realized instantly the speech was for his benefit alone. The other men knew exactly what was going to happen tonight.

  “The ceremony will be blessed by myself and my wife. Samantha will be presented as the gift of the hunt. You will each drink a drought prepared to specifications of tradition to keep you in your wolf form for several hours.”

  “Wait, we will be drugged?” Chase didn’t like the sound of that. He heard several scoffs behind him, but he didn’t care. What if someone hurt Sam?

  “The drought only inhibits the magic so that you must use your wolf senses for most of the night. It will not harm or inhibit your consciousness at all.”

  Chase nodded. It wasn’t like he really had a choice.

  “Once Renata and I have presented our daughter and all of you have officially accepted the challenge, Samantha will be released and given an hour head start. Samantha will also be drugged and unable to change into human form for several hours.

  “What stops us from fighting with each other while we are tracking Sam?”

  The older man’s face softened at Chase’s use of his daughter’s nickname. “Nothing is stopping you, Mr. Michaels,” he answered softly. “Anything that happens on the hunt is sanctioned by the hunt and the noble families.”

  “Outsider, he’s trying to warn you that we will come for you.”

  The same man who’d taunted him about getting in the vehicle was at it again. Chase’s fangs extended and he turned to face the jerk. He was not a small man, and his wolf would be formidable. Chase was not concerned. If there were no rules to this hunt, then so be it.

  “Your teeth don’t scare me, outsider.” The olive-skinned man allowed his own fangs to show. “Did you forget? I have them too.”

  “Enough!” Peter Demakis bellowed. “You can taunt each other later.”

  Chase could feel his gaze settling on him and turned to meet it.

  “You will have to fight, and you may have to kill. It is your choice, Mr. Michaels, to participate in this hunt. Mr. Savona is correct. I am trying to warn you. These other three contenders have trained for this event since puberty. They will not hold back to win Samantha.”

  “Neither will I,” Chase answered solemnly.

  “Good.” Peter paused. “One more thing. To claim Samantha as your mate, you must mark her once you have both returned to human form. If the mark is not there before you emerge from the hunt, your claim is negated and Samantha will have to participate in another hunt.”

  Freak! Why would a father be willing to subject his daughter to this barbaric ceremony? No wonder it was only the crazy nobles that still participated in this tradition.

  “Chase, it is tradition. It honors the old ones. You are her love choice. Everything is as it should be.” His wolf’s voice was soft.

  Glad you’re so calm now. What was wrong with you earlier?

  “I was unsure if Demakis would fully explain the ritual. I was worried I would have to do it and wondered if you would believe me.”

  Of course I would have.

  “Are you willing to take a life? They will not hesitate to take ours.”
r />   We will worry about that when the time comes.

  “That’s what I was afraid of.”


  Sam jumped from the car and swung around to face her mother. “I hate you and father for doing this. Men shouldn’t have to fight and die to have the right to claim me. What happened to living in the twenty-first century? We are not living in medieval times!”

  Renata Demakis stepped from her seat and glared back at her. Without warning a sharp slap connected with Samantha’s cheek, and she staggered backward, stunned. Her mother hit her. What the hell? She stood speechless. Her mom had never hit her or any of the them before.

  “You just be grateful your father is allowing your choice to participate in the hunt at all. My father allowed no such boon, Samantha Talia Demakis,” her mom hissed angrily.

  Sam watched her sisters scurry out the opposite car door and silently creep up to the house, giving as much space as possible between their mom and themselves. Cowards.

  “My choice! My choice!” Samantha screeched. “I met him at the airport earlier today!” Her breath was ragged, and she struggled to hold her wolf at bay. “We connected, and he is the only contender who will allow me a life after this hunt. Didn’t you ever want a life, Mother?”

  “You connected? You stupid girl. You are a noble. You don’t get a connection. Especially with a Michaels!”

  Samantha gritted her teeth. The other side of her face burned from another slap, this time well deserved. She couldn’t hold back the anger, and her fangs elongated. Samantha growled. What was wrong with her mom? Didn’t she want her daughters to be happy? Why wasn’t she excited that Chase was allowed to join the hunt? His presence gave her hope for the future. She could still be a doctor if she was married to him. Doctors Without Borders wouldn’t be just a forgotten dream.

  Sam watched as her mother allowed her own fangs to distend and growled angrily back at her. Her mom’s eyes glowed bright gold, and Sam knew she was in deep shit.


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