Two Little Secrets

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Two Little Secrets Page 12

by Linda Wisdom

“You didn’t have a sex-change operation or anything, did you?” he asked suddenly.

  Ginna’s head snapped up. Her laughter bubbled out. She set her water glass down.

  “I have to say, that’s a new one.” She chuckled. “Is there a particular reason you would think that?” She wasn’t insulted as much as intrigued by his query.

  “Strong family resemblance.” He was privately relieved he could at least come up with a reason that made some sense.

  She nodded. “If my idiot brothers tried to make you believe I was once a man, I will happily kill them. Actually, we all look alike. My younger sister could be my twin. I only have to look at my mother to know what I’ll look like in about twenty-five years. I must say I am going to look fantastic.” She grinned. “What do you think you and your wife would have contributed to the family gene pool?” Ginna asked.

  “I think we would have created a couple of great kids.” He didn’t miss her deft way of changing the subject.

  She fingered her glass, sliding a forefinger around the rim. “It must have been hard. Losing her so early in your marriage,” she murmured.

  Zach nodded. “Not exactly what I expected. For a long time I blamed her for leaving me.”

  She nodded, understanding the reason for his words. “I’ve heard when a spouse dies that it’s natural to feel anger.”

  “I wasn’t just angry that she was taken from me. I was angry that she was taken so soon. She was too young to die,” he said. “It was one of those freak things that no one plans for. I eventually put my grief to one side and tried to go on with my life.” His smile was that of a sorrow long laid to rest.

  “She must have been a special lady,” Ginna murmured.

  “That she was.” He smiled at her. “You would have liked each other.”

  “I’m sure we would have,” she agreed. “And I have an idea it wouldn’t be just because we have the same taste in men.” She smiled, then returned to discussing a less painful topic. “What about you and your sister? Who do each of you resemble?”

  “Lucie took after our dad and I took after our mom. Of course, it also has to do with her having her hair colored and wearing colored contact lenses.”

  “Don’t blame that on the estrogen crowd,” she protested. “I have some male clients who have highlights added to their hair.” She narrowed her gaze as she studied him.

  He held up his hands in protest. “No. Don’t even think it.”

  Ginna’s eyes danced. “Gotcha.”

  He chuckled. “Talk about a major scare.”

  “It’s fallout from spending part of the day with my brothers. The effects should wear off soon.” She stole a bit of his swordfish, then thoughtfully placed a piece of her mahi mahi on his plate. “There’re days when they act worse than their kids. Actually, the kids tend to act older than them.”

  “Maybe you need to add to the family gene pool. Show them how to do it right.” He made it a light comment, but the fleeting darkness in her eyes surprised him.

  “My sisters-in-law do more than their share,” she replied, suddenly focusing all her attention on her food.

  Another puzzle, Zach thought. Ginna seemed genuinely fond of her family, but he’d swear something also kept her separate from them.

  Now he just had to solve the puzzle and put everything together.

  After dinner, they went into the bar, which boasted a dance floor. He saw it as a good excuse to have her in his arms.

  They both chose coffee over an after-dinner drink and spent most of their time on the dance floor. It was so crowded they could only move in small steps, but that was fine with them.

  “Zach?” Her breath was warm in his ear.


  “Stay with me tonight.”

  Chapter Nine

  Zach wasn’t sure what he expected to find in Ginna’s bedroom, but an oasis wasn’t it.

  Lamps on either side of the large bed emitted a pleasant glow over a lilac-print comforter that Ginna was in the process of turning back.

  She’d discarded her shoes and blazer. Her pale-peach top glowed against her lightly tanned skin.

  She looked over her shoulder and smiled.

  Guilt about the kids was hanging over his head. Lucie had been only too happy to keep them for the night when he’d gone off to call her and muttered the request. She teased him to be good and not worry about the kids.

  Looking at the seductive vision of Ginna plumping up the pillows put everything else out of his mind.

  “Okay, handsome,” she said, walking over to him. She slid her fingers down his neck and loosened his tie, sliding it down his front and tossing it over her shoulder. She pulled his shirt out of his slacks, then neatly undid each button. She ran her hands across his now-bare chest. “Nice,” she murmured, touching his nipple with her tongue.

  Zach jumped as if she’d touched him with a live wire.

  “Damn, Ginna!” he gasped, grabbing hold of her arms.

  “That good, huh?” She gently nibbled the copper-colored disk. “I’ve been thinking about doing this all evening.”

  “I’ve been having more than a few thoughts of my own. Starting with this.” He grasped the hem of her top and pulled it over her head. He muttered a few words of praise when he revealed a peach-toned lace bra.

  “Everything matches,” she informed him.

  “I can’t wait to find that out for myself.” He reached for the waistband of her pants, but she stepped back. She unzipped and unbuttoned, then slid the pants down her legs.

  Zach was convinced his heart stopped when he stared at her. She was wearing not only lacy bikini panties that matched her bra, but also sheer thigh-high stockings with lacy tops.

  His pants were quickly tossed to one side as he made his way over to her. She smiled broadly as she walked backward in time to his forward advance. She stopped when the back of her knees hit the side of the bed.

  “Did I ever tell you that I think your boxers are very sexy?” she asked, tracing the waistband as she sat on the bed.

  “No, but please feel free to do so.”

  She continued running the tip of her nail around the skin just above the waistband. “They hint at what’s beneath without giving anything away.” Now she started to trace the front, which was taut. “And oh-so-happy to see me.” Without further ado, she grasped the waistband and pulled him down onto the bed beside her. “Aha! I have you now, my pretty,” she cackled.

  “Correction.” He grabbed her arms and shifted until she lay under him. “I’ve got you.” He lowered his head and captured her mouth in a kiss meant to swamp her senses.

  As their tongues tangled, Zach released the catch to her bra and slipped the garment off.

  “Just couldn’t resist stripping me, could you?” she teased.

  “Be good and I’ll let you keep the stockings on.” He ran a hand up her silky calf. “Come to think of it, you can be as bad as you like, and I’ll still let you keep the stockings on.”

  “What a gentleman.” She lifted a leg to run her silk-covered toes along his hip.

  Zach then proceeded to show Ginna just what kind of gentleman he was.

  Every word he uttered was dark with a sensuality that shook Ginna to her core. Not to be outdone, she matched him word for word, saying what she intended to do to him. What she wanted him to do to her.

  “Anything to please a lady,” he said as he rested his hand against the hollow below her navel. Then he moved lower, tangling his fingers in the soft curls that hid her core. He smiled as he felt how damp she was. He moved his fingers inward. She arched up under his touch. “I want you to burn for me, Ginna,” he urged her in a low throbbing voice.

  “I’m already doing that!” She twisted and turned under his touch.

  He found the ultrasensitive spot and pressed down lightly.

  “Zach!” she cried, trying to grab hold of his hand. He grasped her wrist and held it off to the side.

  “It’s only going to get better,” he promi
sed, dropping a kiss on her lips.

  Her eyes were glazed with desire as she looked up at him. “Anything better on my part will only kill you.” Her threat was ignored as he continued trailing kisses along her collarbone while his fingers worked their magic.

  Except Ginna found a way to extract some revenge of her own.

  “As I said, boxers hold such delightful things.” Her smile was pure sin.

  After that, it was Zach who was eager to move things along.

  GINNA HAD the perfect bed.

  One that wasn’t so feminine it scared off a man.

  The kind of bed any man wouldn’t mind sharing with the right woman.

  Enough room for a guy to spread out, and also comfortable for cuddling.

  If it wasn’t for the extremely large dog boldly making his way straight down the middle.

  Once Casper reached the head of the bed, he rolled over onto his side with his paws placed firmly against Zach. And pushed.

  Zach, who’d been sleeping, was abruptly awakened as he landed hard on the floor.

  “What happened?” Ginna sat up in bed.

  Zach sat up, too, and glared at the dog, who was the picture of innocence.

  “Your dog pushed me out of bed. Deliberately.”

  “Deliberately?” She giggled. “No, it’s just that he normally sleeps up here. Casper, bad boy,” she scolded. The dog appeared to hang his head in shame. “Back on the floor. Now,” she ordered.

  Casper slowly rose to his feet and slunk off the bed. But not without shooting Zach an it’s-all-your-fault look.

  Zach winced as he climbed back into bed. Ginna moved into the warm circle of his arms. She planted a kiss on his shoulder.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” she said just before she fell back to sleep.

  Zach was starting to drift off when he felt a shifting along the end of the bed. He opened his eyes and watched the dog-shaped shadow stretch out across the foot. He was positive the dog gave a silent snarl before settling down.

  “No way I’ll let you win the battle,” he whispered to the dog.

  But as he fell back to sleep, he was positive Casper was laughing at him.

  “WHAT, YOU DIDN’T THINK I could cook?” Ginna asked as she placed a plate loaded with pancakes, sausages and eggs in front of Zach the next morning. Aromatic coffee and a wineglass filled with orange juice finished the meal.

  “More like you’re trying to kill me with food.” He picked up a fork, not knowing where to start.

  Ginna shook her head. She shifted sideways and slid onto his lap. She reached for her fork and used it to cut off a section of pancake, which she lifted to his mouth.

  “Guaranteed to build up your strength. Buttermilk pancakes,” she cooed, waving it in front of his mouth. “With rich cinnamon syrup.”

  He obediently opened his mouth and closed it over the fork. Chewed.

  She looked at him expectantly.

  “Damn, that’s good,” he said after swallowing. He angled his arms around her and cut off another piece.

  “Of course it is,” she said, no doubt at all.

  She got up off his lap and fixed a plate for herself. She sat down next to him, her hip bumping companionably against his. She glanced outside, where Casper was patrolling the yard. Every once in a while he looked up at the fence, then resumed his march. “A neighbor’s cat likes to sit on the fence and tease him. He’s convinced the day will come when he’ll get that cat.”

  “I’m rooting for the cat.”

  She shook her head at him. “Be nice. I expect the two males in my life to get along.”

  “Yeah, well, I think your dog has a different idea on how to get along.” He continued eating.

  Within minutes of waking up, they had been involved in doing a lot more than greeting each other with “Good morning.” Zach was still reeling from Ginna’s idea of how to start the day.

  After her shower, she’d donned a cream-colored eyelet robe that tied at the waist with a pale blue sash. It had a nice habit of parting every so often to show off her legs. She’d done something to her hair that left it in waves. Her face was bare of makeup, and all she wore on her feet was a coat of spice-colored toenail polish.

  It had been a long time since he’d shared breakfast with a woman. Even then, it had been nothing like this particular breakfast.

  This one was leisurely, filled with quiet conversation. He didn’t need to coax Emma to eat her cereal while threatening Trey with no games for a week if he dared to put any more banana in his own cereal. No demands for more milk or juice. No refereeing battles over who got the Rugrats bowl since its mate was broken.

  This morning it was up to Lucie to handle those matters.

  He loved his kids with all his heart, but sometimes it was nice to have an entirely adult meal.

  Ginna offered Zach his choice of which part of the newspaper he would like to read. He declined, since he preferred talking to her.

  “What magic do you spin around a man?” he asked after he’d finished his second helping of pancakes. “My idea of breakfast is maybe a bowl of cereal if I’m lucky.”

  “You think I eat like this all the time?” she asked with amusement. “Consider this a treat for you. My favorite meal is breakfast, and if I have the time, I like to fix something special like pancakes or French toast, but if I want something like that, it’s usually easier to go out. There’re a lot of mornings when I’m running out the door with an energy bar in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other so I won’t be late for my first appointment.” She dropped a kiss on his head as she walked past him.

  He glanced at the clock and felt instant guilt. He never stayed out this late without calling in. It was bad enough his sister figured out what he was doing all night.

  And would demand details.

  Of which she would get none.

  “You need to go soon, don’t you.” Ginna easily read his mind.

  He hoped he didn’t look as guilty as he felt.

  “I have some things I need to do,” he started to explain.

  She shook her head and placed her fingertips against his lips to silence him.

  “I asked you to stay with me last night,” she said softly. “Having that was special. Don’t think you have to spend the day with me or feel the need to make explanations because you can’t.”

  “I’ll help with the dishes,” he offered.

  “You can dry.”

  He needed to tell her about Emma and Trey. He could have found a way while they did the breakfast dishes, but the time didn’t seem right.

  She’ll think you’re ashamed of your kids when that’s not it at all. All this time together and you never mentioned them.

  Maybe if he could get her to talk about her nieces and nephews again. He’d been racking his brain for just the right comment when her phone rang. It was her sister-in-law calling to ask if Ginna could look after her twin nieces that afternoon since Cathy Walker was unavailable.

  “I’ll be there,” she promised, then hung up. “Did you know little girls scream loud enough to shatter glass?” she said. “My nieces have a decibel range that could deafen a person. My mother loves it. She would have taken them in a second, but she has her kickboxing class this afternoon.”

  Maybe it wasn’t the time to bring up Emma and Trey, after all.

  EMMA HOPPED into her father’s arms.

  “Nick made really gross noises last night,” she informed him. “He said a troll got inside him and made him make the noises.”

  “I bet your aunt Lucie really loved that,” Zach chuckled.

  “More like Aunt Lucie grounded her darling son for the next week,” Lucie told him, walking into the family room. “Why is it that when I punish him, I have to punish myself at the same time?”

  “Same thing when school suspends him. They call it punishment for him being out of school. He calls it fantastic.”

  “See what Aunt Lucie did to my hair?” Emma twirled in a circle.

  Zach d
utifully admired the intricate braid. “It’s very pretty.”

  “If I had a mom, I bet she could make my hair this pretty every day,” she announced with a sly look at her dad.

  “I think I do a pretty good job with your hair.” He pretended hurt.

  “But you’re not a mom,” Emma pointed out.

  Lucie sat on the arm of the couch. She grinned broadly at her brother’s discomfort. “Gee, Zach, all you’d have to do is find someone who can do hair,” she said innocently. “I can’t imagine it would be that difficult.”

  He shot her a frown that implied she not help. Her smile told him she wasn’t about to stop now.

  “And Aunt Lucie let me put on her lipstick,” Emma chattered.

  “A tinted lip balm,” she clarified.

  “And she gave me makeup!” Emma said with girlish glee as she thrust out her hands, which sported pink nails. “And she painted my nails, too. Aren’t they pretty?”

  Zach stared at his sister.

  “The Pretty Belle makeup kit for little girls,” she explained. She smiled at Emma. “Sweetie, why don’t you go see what Trey and Nick are doing?”

  “Terrific. My daughter isn’t even out of preschool and already she’s wearing makeup,” he whispered furiously after Emma left the room.

  “Don’t worry, I didn’t let her call any boys and I locked her in the bedroom so she couldn’t sneak out of the house to party,” Lucie replied, unaffected by his anger.

  “Luce, she’s only four.” He felt his life spiraling out of control.

  “She’s a four-year-old girl who wants a mother. As she gets older, that feeling will grow stronger,” she told him.

  “If it’s such a natural feeling, why haven’t you gone hunting for a dad for Nick?” he grumbled. “I’m sure there’s a corrections officer out there who might think you’re hot stuff.”

  “Thank you so much!” She threw a pillow at him. “Maybe I should advertise in one of those mercenary magazines,” she said with a sarcastic bite.

  Zach thought about it. “Might work.” He ducked as another pillow hit his head.

  “Enough about me. What about you and your new lady? I want to hear about your date. You must really like her.”

  He mentally ran through his evening. Safe enough to talk about.


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