A Risk Worth Taking

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A Risk Worth Taking Page 1

by Jojo Brown

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  eXtasy eBooks


  Copyright ©2006 by Jojo Brown

  First published in eXtasy Books, 2006

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  A Risk Worth Taking

  Copyright ã

  2005 Jojo Brown

  ISBN: 1-55410-708-3

  Cover art by Sara Creasy

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books www.extasybooks.com


  This is dedicated to anyone who ever wondered, ‘What if?'

  With heart felt thanks to my husband and family for encouraging me.

  Chapter One

  Neither of them was sure just how they had pulled it off, but Lance and Josie were about to fulfill their fantasies. They had both said that they were still in love with their spouses and didn't want to throw the past away, but they just had to have this weekend. It wasn't really too much to ask, was it?

  Lance and Josie had been talking on the Internet for about a year now. They'd had some very intense encounters, which left them both gasping for breath. From the very first ‘chat’ they realized that they had an unbelievable connection. The first few times that they talked, there was an almost electric tension between them. Even though they had skirted around anything sexual, the pull was there, just barely under the surface.

  That thin shroud erupted quite unexpectedly and suddenly, with a conversation, which they both clearly remembered.

  L: I own a condo in Mexico with a beautiful view and a hot tub

  J: do you and your wife enjoy the hot tub?

  L: O ya! ... Do you like hot tubs?

  J: only been in one once

  L: Have sex in it?

  J: LOL no silly ... it was public!!!!

  L: Meet me in Mexico and I will teach you what a hot tub is for

  J: mmmmmm tempting!!

  L: do you ever give in to temptation?

  J: Not yet!!

  J: what would you do if I showed up there one night, and you were alone?

  L: O sweets! I would take you in my arms and make all of your dreams come true

  J: sounds interesting ... tell me more

  L: I'd put on some soft music and dance you around the room.—From what you have told me, and your pic, I know we would fit together perfectly

  J: just to be held in your arms would be heaven

  L: I would ask you for a french kiss

  J: you wouldn't have to ask

  L: I'll slide my hand under your shirt to hold your breast

  J: Mmmm I'll run my hands down your back and over your ass

  L: I'll roll your hard nipple between my finger and thumb

  J: gasping!! I'll slip my fingers into the waistband of your pants, teasing you

  L: I'll push your clothes off so I can feel your soft skin

  J: only if I can get you out of your clothes too

  L: o god yes sweets!

  J: take me to the hot tub baby!!

  L: I'll sit you on the edge so I can enjoy you and lick your pussy

  J: o baby!! I will spread my legs wide for you

  L: I want to roll your clit around with my tongue and taste your sweet juices

  J: O GOD!!

  L: I'll lick you all the way from your clit to your ass

  J: yes

  L: I'll slide a finger into your hot pussy and rub that spot

  J: you'll make me cum so fast

  L: good I want to taste it

  J: o baby I want to taste you too

  L: god yes!

  J: I'll lick around the head and taste you as the pre-cum forms beads on the tip

  J: I'll lick all the way down you to your balls and then suck on them gently

  L: o god! (I am really hard, how you doin?)

  J: I'll suck you into my mouth, moving my tongue against your hard shaft (I am getting REALLY wet)

  J: I'll suck you deep into the back of my throat and play with your balls

  J: loving the feel and taste of you

  L: shit Josie you are killing me, I am so turned on

  J: (me too baby) I want to feel you deep inside me

  L: let me take you doggie style. Will you get on your knees for me?

  J: god yes! I love it that way

  L: do you ever do anal?

  J: yes (hubby likes it that way, but he is too rough, it hurts)

  L: I would be gentle my sweets and use lots of oils

  J: o god baby! That would be wonderful

  L: you'd let me?

  J: Yes! I'll open myself up to you, just go slow and let me relax around you as you slide in

  L: I will go slow (I am doing something I have never done before)

  J: what baby?

  L: (I took my cock out of my pants and I am sitting here at my desk stroking it) I'll hold your hips and slide in and out of your sweet ass as slowly as I can, loving every inch of you.

  J: O god! Yes! Ride me baby! (I'm rubbing myself, I can't believe this)

  L: I'm close ... talk me through the last minute or so babe

  J: o baby! You feel soooooo good!

  J: go baby! Go

  J: ride me hard!

  J: fast baby!

  J: O god! Yes! Go baby!

  L: o shit! You are amazing!

  J: mmmmmm

  L: I can't believe I was invited into such a sexy lady's ass

  L: thank you! That was definitely a first

  J: I guess I'm not a cyber virgin any more

  L: are you serious? This was your first time doing this?

  J: yes, I hope I didn't say anything wrong

  L: God No! You were wonderful

  After this initial taste, they worked on their conversational skills and everything got a whole lot better. In fact, it got to the point that their time together on-line, was the one thing that the two of them looked forward to.

  Lance tried to stop once. He got a severe case of guilty conscience and deleted the chat program from his computer. They still talked through e-mails, but they both knew that this wasn't enough. Lance was back on the chat within six weeks. He just couldn't get Josie out of his heart, or his head. If words could do that, one could only imagine what being truly together would be like.

  * * * *

  He checked to make sure everything was just right and nervously paced around the room. Throwing his suit jacket over the back of one of the over-stuffed chairs, he worried that perhaps Josie had changed her mind. He knew how nervous she was about being caught.

  They'd discussed every possibility and how they could talk th
eir way out of most situations. It was riskier for her, as it was closer to her home than his, and she wasn't able to travel as easily as he was.

  Still, he'd nearly turned back himself, while boarding the plane. Thinking of their Internet interludes though, he found himself becoming aroused and knew that this was something he just had to go through with.

  As the plane made its way through the clouds, the distance between their two hearts also shortened. He could feel her coming nearer as clearly as he could feel his own heart beating within his chest.

  Admittedly, a lot of their time spent together on line was spent talking each other through the most erotic sex scenes either could imagine. There was more than that though, they talked about everything.

  She gave him a welcoming place to be when he ‘d had a disappointment in business or life. Always ready to listen and talk him through it, a sort of shoulder to lean on. She'd also celebrated with him when things went well. Lance had opened himself up to his ‘sweet secret', heart and soul and he couldn't wait to be with her.

  Each had with them, medical certificates proving that they were free of any type of STD., and they had their dreams. Beautiful, exciting dreams that only lovers can share.

  Lance flew up to Niagara Falls, USA, rented a fancy car and drove across the border. He'd made all of the arrangements over the Internet and had checked the reservation confirmations numerous times. It was imperative that everything be perfect, down to the tiniest detail.

  They had been planning this for a long time via e-mails and chats. Although feeling slightly guilty for doing all of this so secretly, the whole thing had taken on a life of it's own, which they were powerless to contain. Of course, they were extremely nervous, it was just that something was missing from each of their lives and this was all so exciting.

  * * * *

  Lance had told her which hotel to meet him at. Gave her the directions—which he got off the Internet.

  Josie had driven five hours to get here, which is quite impressive for someone who didn't enjoy driving very much. She came from a very small town and the idea of having to drive through big city traffic was very intimidating—but she had done it.

  She'd stopped the car along the way four or five times, not sure she could do this, but the pull of Lance's magical words was too strong. At one point along the way, she'd had to pull the car over to the side of the road as she felt she might be sick. She sat there, squeezing the steering wheel in her hands, talking herself through her fears.

  "Come on, girl, get yourself together! This is something you want and deserve,” she had whispered to her reflection in the rear-view mirror.

  She was scared that he would be disappointed when he actually saw her. Many pictures had been exchanged over the past year, but did they truly show the real them? It was so easy to lie on the Internet; he could be a rapist, a psycho or a murderer. He sounded so perfect in her head and in her heart. He was always telling her that she was special, that he wanted to make her happy, that she amazed him.

  No one had ever spoken to her the way he did. He treated her as if she was something too precious to risk damaging; it made her feel like a brand new person. If this stolen weekend ended up anything like she imagined, it would be heaven.

  Dan came into her mind one more time—she had married him when she was only eighteen as a way to get out of her father's home. Very soon after the wedding she had discovered that he was a drunk and very abusive, mentally as well as physically. Until she met Lance, her self-esteem was so low, she'd considered suicide, but she had to think of the children. If she was around, at least she could protect the girls a bit.

  This weekend Dan was away with his buddies fishing. Which usually meant they were out whoring around, he'd brought disease home to her twice in the past. Luckily, nothing too bad; so she was able to get rid of it with antibiotics. Still, she knew Dan didn't really care about anyone but himself.

  Her three daughters were staying with friends; she had simply told them that she needed to get away for a few days.

  As crazy as she knew it was, Josie still felt a twinge of guilt as she put the car in gear, she had made vows to Dan which she had never even thought of breaking—until now. And in some strange twisted sort of way she did still love him after all these years together.

  This can't be wrong, not when it feels so right. I just know that this is where I am meant to be.

  When Josie finally pulled into the driveway, she hoped he was already in the room.

  The concierge was looking at her from behind the front desk as she hesitated just inside the lobby. It was as if he knew that she was an adulteress. Panic, rising to take hold of her, forced her into making a small step backwards, the feel of her heart banging against her rib cage and struggling to catch her breath had her tensing to flee.

  She could feel her wedding band burning into her finger. Looking down at her hand, she wondered why she hadn't thought to remove the small circle of gold.

  The man smiled at her in welcome. Taking a deep breath she forced down the panic and stepped up to the desk.

  "Good afternoon ma'am, may I help you?” he asked in a very professional way.

  Josie took another steadying breath, “Yes please. May I have my room key? Josie Peters."

  "Ah, yes, Ms. Peters. Your companion has already checked in. I believe he is getting settled in upstairs."

  With that, the man rang the little bell on the desk. A boy, about eighteen years old, appeared beside her.

  "Show Ms. Peters to room 824 please.” With a smile he turned to Josie, “Enjoy your stay."

  Josie followed the boy who was carrying her small case now as well as the room key, to the elevator. Once they were closeted in the small space she turned to the bellboy, “Look, I know it's your job to take me right to the room, but I would really prefer to go on my own. I hope that's alright."

  She pressed some money into his hand as the elevator doors opened, and picked up her case.

  "It's right down the end of the hall, that way ma'am.” He told her pointing, as he handed her the key card. “Have a nice stay!"

  Josie stood there watching the boy's smiling face as the elevator doors closed, then she headed off in the direction that he had indicated. As she stood facing the door to the suite she nearly turned around, she was shaking so much she couldn't force her arm to move towards the door.

  Suddenly, it opened, and she was looking into Lance's wonderful eyes.

  His tie was undone, as was the top button of his shirt. His hair was tousled looking like he had been running his hands through it as he waited for her arrival. Josie thought he looked like the most handsome man she had ever seen.

  "No regrets?” he whispered.

  "No regrets,” she answered with a sigh.

  Chapter Two

  Lance stood looking into Josie's beautiful eyes for a heartbeat before he reached out to pull her into his embrace and finally kissed her the way he had been fantasizing about for so long. Her apprehensive willingness filled his senses as she slowly melted into his arms. Feeling her heart beating against his own, through the soft silkiness of her blouse, he knew that this was the moment he'd been waiting for.

  Their lips met softly at first. Tentatively claiming her as his own, Lance slowly worked his tongue between her lips so that he could taste the inside of her warm mouth. A hint of peppermint lingered on the soft, moist flesh as his tongue found the hollow in front of her teeth. Sliding sensuously over the smooth surface, he moaned softly as he felt them open, accepting his intrusion.

  Their tongues met as if they had a life of their own, touching softly, pulling back and joining again. The age-old dance of need and passion built as he explored, softly at first. Lance felt her uncertainty wash away as her tongue joined his in the dance, building the tempo with him, taking from him as much as he took from her.

  Crushing her lips under his, Lance delved deeper, desperate to know every intimate inch of her mouth. He wanted to know every inch of her whole being
just as intimately, but for now, her mouth would do.

  Holding Josie tightly against him with one hand on the small of her back, Lance entwined the other into her soft, thick hair. Strands, as silky as the shirt she wore, caressed his fingers, their gentle scent of flowers invaded his senses as he held her captive.

  The captor was just as much the captive as he felt her clutching him to her as if her life depended on his being there. No time could be given to her case, purse and key card at their feet until he'd had his fill.

  Lance felt his muscles bunching, rippling under her touch as she ran her hands up and down his back. He could feel the tremble that ran through his body, was joined by one just as intense in Josie's. Whether it was from passion or nerves was unknown, but still it added to the intensity of this first embrace.

  Slowly, reluctantly, pulling his mouth away from Josie's soft warm lips, Lance looked deeply into her eyes. Relief washed through him when he saw acceptance, curiosity and passion shining in them. He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

  "Hi, my sexy Canadian lady! I've missed you."

  Clearly not trusting herself to speak, she just smiled and lowered her head. Lance crooked a finger under her chin, forcing her gently to look at him, smiled and said, “It's okay."

  * * * *

  Once he had carried her small suitcase into the bedroom, Lance showed Josie around the suite. She was amazed at the beauty of it all and the size.

  Here they were in the “Honey-moon Capital of the World,” Niagara Falls, Canada. Lance had rented one of the most exclusive suites for them at one of the best hotels along the strip, and Josie had no idea it would be anything so fancy.

  He'd told her often that he had lots of money and he would love for them to have fun with it. Coming from very meager surroundings, this starry-eyed lady had a hard time even imagining anything so extravagant. The biggest extravagance she had ever known was the time her parents gave her a feather duvet for her birthday. That was years ago and even though most of the feathers were missing, she still loved to curl up under it on a cold winter night.

  This was just for the two of them, for the weekend and it was larger than her whole house. The bathroom was bigger than her living room at home, with a whirlpool bath set into a mahogany surround, mirrors all around the room so no matter where you looked you had a 360-degree view of yourself.


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