A Risk Worth Taking

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A Risk Worth Taking Page 6

by Jojo Brown

  Tears were glistening, suspended from Lance's lashes now too, as he sat up and took her in his arms. “Don't blame yourself for any of it. I hurt you without any help, all on my own.” He cradled her face in his hand, “I suppose that's why I was so worried when you were late arriving yesterday and so relieved when you did."

  Feeling the relief of the day before rush through her afresh, she drew in a deep breath. “I was relieved when you opened the door, I was so afraid that you had decided that I was too much of a risk, again."

  Lance kissed the drying tears on her cheeks. He seemed to be trying desperately to wipe away the pain. “I hope you can forgive me for causing you any pain. I'm so sorry, baby."

  His lips found hers and lingered softly. The soft, persistent pressure melted any thought of pulling back from her mind. On a slow moan she parted her lips, welcoming him, inviting him into the last corner of her heart that she had been holding back.

  Lying back down on the blanket, she pulled him down with her, keeping his mouth locked with hers. Feeling his big strong hand on her sweater, massaging her breast, she felt a warmth building in the pit of her stomach. Wriggling out from under him, she twisted around to straddle his waist.

  "Now I'm the one in control,” she laughed, pinning his shoulders to the blanket. “What're you going to do now, big boy?"

  "How about this?” He laughed along with her, as his fingers ran a feathery trail of tickles along her sides.

  Unable to stand the feeling of absolute hysterical joy any longer, Josie broke away from Lance's tickling fingers and ran across the small clearing to hide behind a tree. Laughing like a young girl, caught in the middle of an uproarious game of tickle tag, she held her stomach and fought to catch her breath.

  Still panting from the exhilaration, she squealed with delight when Lance caught her and pulled her into his embrace. Standing there with her back pressed against the hard surface of the tree trunk, she was trapped well and true, between her lover and the rough trunk. She loved it!

  Lance's fingers found the closure of her jeans and slid the zip down.

  "What are you doing? Someone could walk by any second!” she gasped as the breeze touched the heat of her flesh.

  "No one can see us back here baby. Trust me."

  "I do, with all my heart and soul."

  Leaning back, the onslaught of new sensations flowing over her, were so intense, she had no choice but to just go with them.

  As she felt him push her jeans down to her ankles, she opened her legs. The tiny piece of material that passed for panties was easy enough for him to push to the side. The touch of his fingers on her swollen, slick, pussy lips, was enough to start the wonderful twitching in her clit again.

  Opening her eyes, without really focussing on anything, she moaned, “I can't believe we are doing this, right out in the open. But don't stop!"

  "I have no intention of stopping baby."

  Lance's fingers pressed into her vulva and found her hot, wetness.

  "You have no idea how much it turns me on to know that you're always so ready for me,” he told her between kisses all over her face and throat.

  Reaching down, she quickly undid his pants, reached in and pulled out his hard cock.

  Animal instinct was taking over. She didn't want to make love and told him so. “I want you to fuck me. God, I want to fuck, right here against the tree trunk, with the insects buzzing around and animals peering at us from the woods. Just fuck me, baby."

  Lance grabbed her behind the knee, causing her foot to be released from her jeans and pulled her leg around him. With his other hand he shoved her hips toward his groin.

  Josie aimed his cock at her cunt and together they rammed it home.

  Lance pounded his hardness in and out of her as hard as he could. He held onto the tree and used it to add to the force of his thrusts.

  Both of them were gasping for air. Both were calling out, encouraging the other and adding fuel to their already blazing fires.

  Josie dug her fingers into his ass, trying to pull him deeper into her. Her ass rubbed against the rough bark, which added to her excitement.

  "Oh yes ... Fuck me! Fuck me hard!” she called out as her head scraped back and forth against the tree.

  "Oh God, you make me hot, baby!"

  "Yes! Yes! Harder ... fuck me harder!"

  Lance let go of the tree, grabbed her hips with both hands, forcing her down onto his shaft as hard as he could.

  The force of his pounding was making Josie's head and shoulders bang off the tree. She held tight to his shoulders and met him thrust for thrust, with her legs wrapped around his hips.

  When she felt him start to pump her full of cum, he wrapped his arms around her and held her down on him.

  As his heat filled her, Josie screamed, her own orgasm squeezing more from Lance's groin.

  They collapsed together on the grass at the base of the tree and held each other, until the after effects passed. “I didn't hurt you did I?” Lance asked her, between gasps.

  "Mmmm, no, baby. I don't think so.” She answered with a sort of throaty purr. “Are you okay?"

  "Fantastic! I have no idea where that came from though."

  "Well, me either. But where ever it came from, I think I like that place,” Josie giggled.

  They both jumped and scrambled to get their pants back on, when they heard soft applause coming from the edge of the tree line.

  Lance jumped to his feet and stood protectively in front of his lover, trying to see the source of the clapping.

  Slowly and silently, a middle aged couple emerged from the cover of the foliage to stand in the clearing.

  "Shit! How long have you been there?"

  The man smiled, “The whole time, buddy.” He held out his hand, as his companion quietly giggled. “The name's Rob, by the way and this is my wife, Alicia."

  Lance shook his hand, “We didn't know anyone was here."

  Josie was pressed against his back by now, she whispered, “I am so embarrassed. Can we just go now, please?"

  Alicia stepped forward, “It's okay hon. No need to be embarrassed. That was amazing. I have never seen anyone go at it as hard as that before. I thought he was gonna tear you in half!"

  Rob joined her, slid his arm around her waist, “We come here all the time for a little bit of fun, but we always hide in the brush. Wish I had thought of using that old tree."

  Josie stepped to Lance's side and his arm went around her, protectively. “So the two of you were doing it in there, while we were out here?"

  "Well, we had actually just finished up when you came running around the tree. As we didn't want to be caught, we decided to wait until you left. But you didn't leave, did you?"

  "So you just stood there and watched us?"

  "Not exactly!” Alicia said with a wink.

  Rob chuckled, “You see, watching the two of you got her goin’ again. And being the gentleman that I am, I had to take care of business. So, I flipped her skirt up and did her doggie-style while we were watching. I have to thank you. It's been a while since I have been able to go twice so close together."

  "Well, glad to be of assistance,” Lance laughed, “but we really should be going we have a lot of sight-seeing to do yet."

  He took Josie's hand in his and they started walking back to their blanket. Rob and Alicia fell in step beside them.

  "If you've never been here before, you may benefit from having a tour guide. Or maybe even two.” Rob offered.

  Lance looked at him questioningly, “Well, thanks, but we were just going to do the normal tourist type things."

  "There's a lot more to see here than what's on the main strip. We've lived here for a long time and know all the good places and the rip-off joints."

  Josie squeezed Lance's hands a little tighter, “Well, I don't know. It's a great offer, but we don't want to take up your whole day!"

  "Oh come on, you can trust us.” Alicia told her, “We're good people. The only weird thing abou
t us is that we like to have sex in the great outdoors. We obviously have that in common."

  "That's very true my dear.” Rob said as he kissed his wife, “Plus we have tons of free passes to attractions in the car. Never had a reason to use them before."

  Lance turned to Josie as she was picking up the picnic basket, “What do you think? It might be fun."

  "I guess it could be.” Looking up to Alicia, she smiled, “Why not."

  Chapter Seven

  The four of them spent the afternoon together. Surprisingly, to Josie, they all got along as if they had known each other for years. Wandering along the walkway beside the great river, Josie was amazed to hear Lance's answer to the question of ‘how long they'd been together.'

  "This weekend is our first together, in the flesh,” he calmly informed the other couple. “We met more than a year ago on the internet, but this is actually the first time I have been lucky enough to have her in my arms."

  Josie kept her eyes lowered, watching the pavement passing beneath her feet, while she waited for the judgmental or condescending comments. A cold fist of terror held her heart in it's grip as the seconds slowly ticked past.

  "Hey, that's pretty cool,” was the totally unexpected reaction from Rob.

  Expelling the breath she hadn't even realized she had been holding, Josie tightened her grip on Lance's arm to keep from falling to her knees. The relief she felt, was unbelievable.

  The tour through the tunnels that run under and behind the falls, had her in tears from all the laughter within minutes. Looking around at her companions, she knew that she must look just as foolish in her silly disposable rain jacket.

  Josie had never been happier. She just wanted to take Lance's hand and run through the cool darkness with him.

  At one of the smaller openings, they stood together watching the powerful rush of water cascading in front of them. Lance leaned closer to her, “This is how you make me feel,” he told her.

  She looked into his eyes, “Like water?"

  "No silly girl!” he chuckled, “Powerful! We are standing here on solid rock, but you can feel it vibrating from the force of the water. That is what you do to me. Everything about me that I thought was solid started to shift and soften when I met you. Now I am filled with a new kind of ‘liquid’ power. I feel like there is nothing in the world that can stop me. Not even solid rock!"

  "Good! That means that I am doing my job well."

  "Your job?"

  "Well, maybe job isn't the right word. All I know is that I wanted to make you see how you make me feel. You were already a powerful man before I came along and some of that power rubbed off on me. You make me brave, braver than I have ever been before in my life. Just being here with you is proof positive of that. I never would have been able to do this a year ago."

  Taking her damp, plastic wrapped form in his arms Lance held Josie as they watched the back of the falls crash against the rocks below them.

  One of the most unusual moments they had that Saturday afternoon was on the boat tour to the bottom of the falls.

  Josie stood beside Alicia at the rail, with the men close in behind them. She stared up at the immenseness of the falls as it crashed its way down just a few yards in front of her. Suddenly the boat was hit by an unexpected wave that knocked everyone, including the four of them off balance.

  Josie found herself at the bottom of the heap, with Alicia on top of her. Lance and Rob somehow managed to hold themselves up slightly, so they were not putting their full weight on the girls. All four of them were laughing so hard that they had a hard time regaining their feet.

  When they were all finally standing again, Lance held Josie against his chest kissing her forehead, cheeks and lips. “Just want to make sure you have no injuries that go untended."

  Alicia stroked her hand across Josie's wet hair, moving it off her face. “Are you sure you're okay? You really went down hard!"

  "Yes, I'm okay. I'm just glad these two big brutes were able to hold their weight off of us!” Josie laughed.

  With her hand still on Josie's head, Alicia leaned in and kissed Josie on the lips. It was a soft kiss, one that lasted just slightly longer than expected. “I'm glad that you're okay."

  "Thanks.” Josie glanced at Lance, feeling slightly bewildered. He just gave her a small smile and shrugged.

  The rest of the day was spent looking around wax museums, a trip to the top of the observation tower and a few haunted houses.

  Josie cuddled in close to Lance's side, as they made their way through the scariest of the haunted houses. She screamed, truly terrorized, hiding her face in his chest and just let him lead her to the outside and safety.

  Quite literally bursting out through the exit door, she stood in the chilly evening air shaking like a leaf. Looking around at the rest of them, she was pleased to see that it had affected them nearly as badly.

  "That was the scariest thing I have ever done! Where do people come up with some of these ideas?"

  "Your guess is as good as mine, Josie. But I think I need a drink now.” Alicia stammered, as she tried to control her breathing.

  Rob lead them to a bar not too far away and they all ordered drinks.

  Sitting in the secluded booth in the bar, Josie felt some of the fear start to melt away from around her heart and throat. “I think I should run to the ladies room and ‘powder my nose'. If you join me,” she whispered to Alicia. “it'll give these boys some time to talk about us."

  Chuckling to herself, she got up from the booth and walked with Alicia to the door marked with a chicken. “So, we're the chick's I guess,” she remarked.

  "Yep, and the guys are the bulls,” Alicia laughed, pushing the door open with her shoulder.

  "So, this really is the first time that you and Josie have been together?” Rob asked at the table, with a sly grin.

  "Yeah it sure is, but I am hoping that it won't be the last."

  "It's just so hard to get that, ‘cause the two of you look like you are made for each other. I mean you just sorta fit, ya know what I mean?"

  "Yeah, I know what you mean.” Lance stared out the window, swirling his glass of scotch. “You want to know something?"


  "I brought Josie here this weekend under false pretences.” he confessed over the massive lump in his throat. “She thinks that I am blissfully happy with my situation at home. She truly believes that everything is great between the wife and me."

  "But, I take it that's not quite true."

  "Christ, no! We split up about five months ago. She had been seeing this other guy and I was so wrapped up in Josie that I didn't even notice. Then when she told me that she was leaving me for him ... I didn't even really care. All I thought about was how soon could I be with Josie."

  "And, you haven't told her yet? ... Josie I mean."

  "No. I'm not sure how to tell her, or what she'll do."

  Gazing down into the amber liquid swirling around his glass, as though the answer to his dilemma might be hidden in there somewhere, he managed a short tortured laugh. “How pathetic is that?"

  "Not pathetic at all, buddy. Just take my advice and go slow. You might be ready and available but she still has a husband at home."

  "Yeah I know, and from everything she's told me he's not the nicest guy in the world.” Lance drained his glass and motioned to the waitress for another, “I can't even imagine what he'll do if he finds out about this weekend."

  Meanwhile, in the ladies room, Josie and Alicia were having their own encounter. Josie had been standing at the sink washing her hands, when Alicia came up behind her.

  "I hope you didn't mind me kissing you on the boat.” She whispered over her shoulder. “You're just so pretty and you could have been hurt. I couldn't help myself."

  "Don't worry about it, Alicia.” Josie reassured her, feeling a little bit claustrophobic at her closeness. “It was fine."

  "I'm glad to hear that. Can I ask you a question?"

  "Sure yo
u can.” she slipped around Alicia to get a paper towel.

  "Have you ever been with a woman? I mean sexually?"

  Josie turned to face her, blushing. “Once.” she told her softly. “But I don't think it's the scene for me. Even if it was, this weekend is all about Lance."

  Obviously taking the hint, she stepped back from Josie and looked at her quizzically.

  "What's wrong?” Josie was beginning to feel like something under a microscope.

  "How can you do it? I mean I'm not saying that you're doing anything bad, or wrong but ... how did you find the courage to just sneak away for a weekend. Does anyone know you're here?"

  "No, no one at all. I owed this weekend to myself and to Lance,” she could feel all of the hairs on the back of her neck starting to rise as though she was about to have to fight.

  "And you really trust Lance? Even though you really just met him?"

  "Yes, for some strange reason, I trust him more than I've ever trusted anyone in a long time."

  Saying it out loud felt wonderful. Putting into words the alien feelings she had been experiencing made them more real, somehow.

  Just as the waitress brought Lance his scotch, Alicia and Josie returned to the table.

  They had both tidied their hair and fixed their make-up. They no longer had that terrified look, which they had when they came out of the house of horrors.

  Josie snuggled into Lance's side and kissed him on the cheek, “So, what were you boys talking about? You both looked pretty intense when we were walking over."

  "Oh nothing important, my sweet. Just guy talk.” Lance slid his arm around her waist and held her close.

  The foursome spent another couple of hours in the bar. They ate some Buffalo wings and fries and danced.

  Josie sipped on her one glass of wine and Lance made his second scotch last. Alicia was drinking cola the whole time, but Rob got wasted.

  As Lance helped prop him up in the taxi Alicia had ordered, he turned to her, “Are you sure you'll be okay?"

  "Oh yeah. He's done this before, he'll just pass out on the sofa and have a hell of a headache in the morning."


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