Book Read Free


Page 27

by Laurann Dohner

“Damn it, Kira.”

  “Damn it, Lorn.” She forced a smile. “What would you have done if I hadn’t shown up in the flesh to show those assholes that feeding blood to Elsa has a chance of reversing what’s happening to her? They might have dragged her out of Perri’s home and killed her. The entire family probably would have died. You know as well as I do that her mother and brother would have fought to the death to try to save her.”

  “I would have handled it.”


  “Sent my enforcers to protect them.”

  “What about you? That would have left you undefended.”

  “I can fight my own battles.”

  “I don’t trust Brista as far as I can… Wait. I can throw her a good distance now. I don’t trust that bitch not to have set this up just to get you alone, so others could attack. We’re talking about people who would do shitty things to keep Decker in power. That means they’re as low as he is.”

  Something hit the roof hard and Lorn tensed, looking up.

  Kira did too. It sounded as if someone walked across the roof, toward the windows.

  “Get out of here, Kira. Unlock the door. We have company.”

  “On the roof?”

  “GarLycan—or more than one. No trees are close enough for one of us to make that jump to the roof. We’d have heard their claws tearing into the side of the building if one of us climbed the lodge. Garson and Kar are right outside the door. Move!”

  She ran and threw the bolt, yanking the door open. Garson and Kar stood there, already aware there was a problem. They pushed past her and entered the office. She didn’t leave, unwilling to go in case there was a fight. Fear had her heart pounding. GarLycans were really tough to kill.

  Lorn slid open a window and backed up. A dark shape dropped down, hung from the rafter, and then jumped. The big man wore a dark, hooded half cloak that bared his arms and hid his face, but his naked chest was revealed by the open front. His wings, if he was supposed to have any, were hidden. Lively bright blue eyes glowed from the shadows of his hood.

  “Lord Aveoth,” Lorn sounded calm. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  Kira tried not to gawk. That was the GarLycan leader?

  He slowly reached up and pushed back the hood. Masculine, handsome features were revealed. His mouth looked a little harsh to Kira but it was his eyes that she couldn’t get over. They were strange, yet beautiful. They really did look too vivacious to belong to a person. The color of them seemed to swirl and change from bright to dark hues of blue, with little flashes of silver bleeding in and out of them as she watched.

  “I wanted to personally congratulate you on taking over the clan.” The profound deepness of his voice gave her chills. He glanced at Garson, Kar, Kira, and finally back at Lorn. “Your people can leave. I would have called first but I didn’t bring my cell with me. I’ve come in peace.”

  “Garson? Kar? It’s okay.” Lorn motioned them to leave.

  They passed Kira but didn’t look happy. She shut the door, keeping it unlocked, just in case. She knew both enforcers would remain close, and she was prepared to yell for them if they were needed.

  Lorn turned his head and frowned. “You can go too, Kira.”

  “Not on your life.”

  Lorn growled at her. “Damn it, out.”


  Lord Aveoth cleared his throat. “Problems controlling your clan already? Take my advice, as one leader to another. I’d never strike a woman, but you need to nip that in the bud fast. A holding cell will remind her who’s charge. It will only encourage others to do the same if you allow even one to disobey direct orders.”

  Lorn faced forward. “She’s my true mate. We just haven’t shared blood both ways yet.”

  Lord Aveoth’s nostrils flared. “I was told other information. That would explain why she smells like you.”

  “What were you told?” Lorn sounded tense.

  Lord Aveoth hesitated. “I had heard something about a human. She’s not one.”

  “I was. A Vampire tried to kill me so I bit his throat to survive.” Kira walked up behind Lorn and stayed there. She knew he’d stop her from getting any closer to the GarLycan, not that she wanted to be. He was scary. “Now it seems I’m VampLycan.”


  Kira opened her mouth but Lorn answered.

  “Velder suggested feeding her blood from a predominantly Lycan-blooded VampLycan. I’ve been feeding her. It seems to have worked. She grew claws earlier, and she’s never had that trait before.”

  “I’m confused.” Lord Aveoth studied Kira.

  “My father is VampLycan, my mother was human. I took more after her.” Kira shrugged. “I was turned into a Vampire but feeding from Lorn helped me become more like my dad.”

  “Your latent traits have been activated.” Lord Aveoth nodded. “Good. I’m glad it worked.” He stared at Lorn. “You really should finish the process of sealing the bond between you. She’s a weakness you can’t afford to have right now. Someone else could force her to be their mate, just to cause you misery. You’d have to kill them, but the grief of what was done and smelling another’s scent on her until it faded could be seen as an advantage to your enemies.”

  Lorn reached back, hooked Kira’s hip, and shoved her completely behind him. She felt his claws against her pants and knew he prepared for a fight.

  “Easy,” Lord Aveoth murmured. “I don’t want her, nor do I plan to try to take your Kira. I’m just pointing out the danger of waiting. You shouldn’t. We’re not enemies.”

  Lorn took a few deep breaths but he kept hold of Kira with one hand. “I’ll do it tonight.”

  Kira peeked around Lorn. The GarLycan bowed slightly and backed toward the window. “I didn’t intend to raise your ire. It was meant to be a friendly visit and mere advice. I also wanted to ask your permission to do some flyovers. I have my people hunting for Decker. The other clans have given us permission to use their airspace. We won’t land unless he’s spotted.”

  Lorn took long seconds to respond. “It will make my people uneasy.”

  “Decker Filmore still breathing should worry you more. He’ll want to reclaim this territory. My scouts can see him and his enforcers coming before you will, if they plan a sneak attack at night. I want his fucking head.”

  Kira shivered at the icy tone. It seemed someone hated Decker as much as they did. “You should say yes,” she whispered.

  Lorn’s body turned rigid against her and his hand tightened on her hip, his claws digging in a little. It didn’t tear her pants but she felt each sharp tip. “Stay out of this.”

  She sighed. “Fine.”

  Lord Aveoth chuckled. “Such a rebellious mate.”

  “I’m aware.” Lorn relaxed and gently rubbed her hip with his palm. “I give you permission but could you refrain from having them fly too low? It will make some frightened of being attacked. They’re more than aware of how Decker has made an enemy of your clan.”

  “As I said, we are not enemies. I extend support to all VampLycans with the exception of those who follow Decker. He and his most loyal are the only lives I plan to take issue with.”

  “I’ll let my people know not to be alarmed if they spot wings in the sky.”

  “Good.” Lord Aveoth shifted his gaze to Kira. “Lady Kira, it was nice to meet you.” He bowed and turned his back, strode to the window and out onto the small ledge there.

  Kira’s mouth parted as the light from the office showed large, dark wings grow out of slits in the cape. They spread out wide and then the GarLycan jumped. His big shape lifted and he silently rose out of sight.

  “Holy shit. Did you see that? Those babies looked massive.”

  Lorn hurried to the window and shut it, locking them all and pulling the curtains over them. He spun, coming back to her fast. “Do you ever listen? What if he’d come with less peaceful intentions?”

  “Did you think I’d just run away and go hide inside the den? Forget that. I would have
attacked him if he’d come to kill you. You’ve heard what they can do. It would probably take all four of us to bring him down if he turned to stone.”

  He grabbed her waist and lifted. She gasped and gripped his shoulders. He stormed over to the conference table and slammed her ass on it, then pinned her in place by sliding his hands to grip the table on each side of her.

  “Damn it, Kira. It’s my job to protect you.”

  She bit her lip and sighed. She leaned forward until their noses nearly touched. “Do you understand that I wouldn’t want to live without you? You’re my everything. I’m never going to run away when I belong at your side. Good, bad, or bloodshed. We’re in this together.”

  He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers. “You drive me crazy.”

  “It’s a short trip. I’m convinced sanity is overrated anyway.”

  He smiled. “Sometimes I want to put you over my knee and spank your ass.”

  “Ouch. How about kissing it instead?”

  He eased back a few inches and opened his eyes. One eyebrow arched.

  “I like your kisses, Lorn. What can I say? Although I could think of better places for you to use your mouth.”

  He straightened. “Get naked.”

  “I didn’t lock the door.”

  He remedied that and began to strip. Kira slid off the table and removed her clothes. Lorn glanced around. “I really need a damn couch in here.”

  “A bed would be better. I see you spending a lot of time working. That means I’ll be here too. Maybe we could buy one of those sofa sleepers. Couch and bed, all in one.”

  “I’ll send your father to buy us one tomorrow.”

  “Because that wouldn’t be awkward for him at all.” She laughed.

  “Oh. Right. Garson, perhaps.”

  “Much better.”

  Lorn wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “I want you so much. Ready to seal our bond?”

  She wanted it more than anything. “I am, but maybe we should wait until we find out how everyone reacts to me being alive and different.”

  “No way. I don’t care.”

  “I do. What if they protest? What if it turns most of the clan against you? I’m not exactly popular.”

  “I don’t give a damn.”

  She believed him. “One more day.”


  Someone knocked on the door. Lorn cursed, released her, and they both quickly redressed. He unlocked the door and stepped outside. Kira hoped everything was okay.

  Lorn returned in less than a minute. He gestured to her. “Let’s go to my house.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. They were just worried. I told them what happened with Lord Aveoth.” He glanced around the room. “It gave me a moment to cool down. I’m taking you to my home to mate you in my bed.”

  Kira wanted to protest. He wasn’t listening to her about the potential problems mating her might cause in the clan.

  “I’ll toss you over my shoulder and carry you if you make me,” he warned. Desire brightened the color of his eyes and he grinned. “This is happening tonight. No more waiting. Let’s go.”

  She’d wanted to be his mate since the moment she’d realized she was in love with him. The timing might be terrible but it would take a long time to stabilize the clan. There may never be an ideal time to mate. All the years flashed through her mind, ones they’d lost when they should have been together. The pain, loneliness, and longing.

  Lorn reached out to her. All she had to do was say yes.

  Lorn held his breath, waiting to see what Kira would decide. Then she grasped his hand.

  He smiled and entwined his fingers with hers, leading her out of the office. Kar flipped off the lights and locked the office door for him. He’d given all his enforcers keys.

  They met Lavos on the way down the stairs. Davis was right behind him. Both of them held swords.

  “GarLycans have been spotted in the air.” Lavos was a little winded, as if he’d pushed himself to reach the lodge at full speed.

  “Lord Aveoth just paid me a visit.” Lorn quickly explained everything that had taken place as they made their way through the lodge. They exited out the front and he addressed Davis. “Do you mind spreading the word? I don’t want anyone else to be alarmed, believing we’re being attacked if they see wings too.”

  “I can do that.” He kept glancing at his daughter. “Is she safe?”

  “I am, Dad.” Kira released Lorn’s hand and hugged her father. “I’m going home with Lorn. He’s determined to mate me tonight.”

  Lorn studied Davis, waiting to see how he’d react. The VampLycan’s mouth curved downward. A surprise, given his earlier demand that Lorn mate her soon.

  “I won’t allow anyone to harm her.” It was a promise Lorn intended to keep, regardless of the cost.

  Davis growled low. “No.” He shook his head. “I’ve thought of nothing else since I left your office, and realized the timing is shit. More challenges will probably be issued and you might be too distracted just staying alive to keep her safe. They’ll try to kill her to weaken you.”

  Lorn reached out, gently gripped Kira’s hips, and pulled her away from her father. He pushed her toward his brother, shot him a look, and Lavos wrapped his arms around Kira to hold her back.

  Lorn moved fast and gripped Davis, surprising him. He pinned him against the side of the building.

  “You’re her father. I understand your worry. Kira is everything to me. Don’t forbid her becoming my mate, if that’s what you were about to do to your daughter. Do not.” He allowed his fangs to show. “It would destroy her to see us fight. She’s suffered enough. We all have.”

  Lorn eased his hold and calmed. “We have GarLycans in our skies and allies with the other clans. I’ll make it damn clear to the clan tomorrow that the only reason we still have a clan after the shit Decker pulled is because I’m in charge. It’s called leverage, and I’m not above using fear to make certain no one dares fuck with my mate. She is my true mate—and I’m bonding with her tonight. I’d like your blessing but it’s not required. Nothing is going to stand in the way of us becoming mates.”

  Davis stared deeply into his eyes and finally gave a sharp nod. “You have my blessing. Lorn…she’s all I have.”

  Lorn released him and stepped back. “She’s my life too.”

  “I’m just going to worry about how our clan reacts to her being your mate.”

  “So will I,” Lorn admitted. “So make certain when you explain why we have GarLycans overhead that they’re here because I’m on good terms with Lord Aveoth. They fear his wrath even more than Decker’s. He abandoned them and fled.”

  Davis actually grinned. “That’s a good strategy.”

  “It’s my job now to take everything into consideration.”

  The amusement faded from Davis’s face. “Will they attack?”

  “Decker will probably try, but we have help now. He’ll never reach our territory with the GarLycans patrolling.”

  “I meant the GarLycans.”

  “I trust Lord Aveoth wants peace with our clan as long as Decker no longer leads us. This is the second time I’ve met with him. His anger is directed at Decker, not us.”

  “You really believe the GarLycans will prevent Decker from returning?”

  Lorn remembered the tone of Lord Aveoth’s voice when he’d spoken their ex-leader’s name. “Decker is dead, even though he still breaths. His time is limited. I almost pity the bastard. Almost—but not quite. As much as I’d love to kill him myself, the GarLycan leader will end up taking his head. Lord Aveoth wants it more than I do and he’s welcome to that trophy. I just want to claim my mate and get this clan settled so we can move forward in a good direction.”

  “We’re in agreement.”

  Lorn glanced at Lavos and his brother let go of Kira. She didn’t look pleased with him but she didn’t verbally protest. She came to his side instead and offered her hand. He took it
, figuring she’d speak to him when they were alone about what had just happened. They turned, leaving the lodge. His brother and two enforcers followed.

  “I’m taking Kira to my house,” Lorn announced. “You three should go to your own homes and get some sleep. It will be another long day tomorrow.”

  Lavos snorted. “No way in hell. We’re sticking together until things calm down.”

  Lorn stopped and turned, raising a brow at his brother. “I’m going to mate Kira, and I don’t need your help with that.”

  “You need us to watch your back though,” Kar spoke. “We’ll stay outside and sleep in shifts. It’s nice weather. I haven’t been camping in a while. Garson can run and get us sleeping bags and something to eat.”

  “Yeah. I can do that.” Garson grinned. “Maybe we can build a fire and cook a few burgers. I just thawed a few pounds of hamburger and bought buns. I’ll even toss in some chips and sodas.”

  Lorn appreciated his enforcers and their loyalty. “Thank you.”

  “Not to mention,” Garson paused, then chuckled. “You don’t want any distractions while you’re mating your babe. Your sole focus should be on her when the clothes hit the floor. I’d hate to try to get it on while staying aware of my surroundings.”

  “Shut it,” Kar muttered.

  “What? Am I wrong?” Garson shrugged. “I’m just saying what we’re all thinking.”

  Lavos laughed. “True. I think Kar’s just a little horrified that you’d speak to our clan leader and his mate that way. But it’s okay.”

  Garson’s eyes widened as he stared at Lorn. “Sorry. That was out of line, huh? I guess I’m going to have to work on what I say around you now.”

  Lorn was amused. “It’s okay. I’m nothing like Decker. I don’t expect us to be formal when we’re alone. And you’re right. I’d much rather focus on Kira than worry about someone trying to sneak into the house to attack us.”

  Garson grinned.

  Lorn turned away and tugged on Kira. He glanced at her as they walked through the woods and down the hill. She smiled but didn’t say anything. Garson took off for home once they reached the bottom while Lorn led the remaining group to his house. He felt nervous, taking Kira there. She’d never been inside his home before. It would have set his father and Decker off if she’d visited.


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