The Playboy's Princess

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The Playboy's Princess Page 13

by Joy Fulcher

  “You’re an amazing cook, Laura,” Jade said, resisting the urge to lick her plate.

  Drew had been trying to catch her eye across the table all through dinner, but Jade couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She’d meant what she’d said in the car; Drew was free to do what he wanted. He owed her nothing, but it still stung.

  She risked a glance at him while he was passing his plate to his mother, and she couldn’t help but imagine him kissing someone else just a few hours before. She shook her head. Thoughts like that weren’t going to do her any good.

  She was the kind of person who always tried to be positive and see the good in people and situations. She was going to look at this as a blessing. Despite her constant reminders that Drew wasn’t hers, she’d allowed herself to begin to develop feelings for him. This was the perfect reminder to keep her feelings in check.

  Drew obviously wasn’t developing any romantic feelings, so she wouldn’t allow herself to either.

  “What’s your favorite color, Jade?”

  “Excuse me?” she said, looking up at Laura.

  “So we can build a color scheme.”

  “Oh. Blue, I guess.”

  Laura frowned. “Blue might work. Drew’s eyes would certainly pop with a blue tie. I’m just not sure if blue is happy enough, though. How would you feel about yellow? Or orange?”

  “Orange?” Jade asked, trying to hide her disgust. She hated orange.

  “Mom, if Jade likes blue, then we’ll make it work.”

  “It’s okay, Drew. Your mother has exquisite taste. I’m happy to hear her advice,” Jade said, still not looking at him.

  “No. Drew’s right. I think we can make blue work. Have you two decided on a date?” Laura leaned forward in her seat, her eyes alight with curiosity.

  “In the summer. August sometime, around Dad’s schedule.”

  “This summer?” his mother asked, sounding shocked.

  Jade kept her mouth shut. This was a topic for Drew to sort out with his mother.

  “Yes, Mom. We don’t want to wait a whole year to start our lives together, and we want good weather.”

  “Drew, we live in southern California. Unless you marry in the dead of winter, you’re pretty much guaranteed good weather,” his mother scolded. “Is there a reason you want to marry so fast? August is only five weeks away.”

  “No reason other than being in love.” Drew reached across the table to take Jade’s hand.

  She let him, reaching out to make the physical connection.

  “I don’t mean to be rude, and I mean no disrespect to you, Jade, but I have to ask…Is there a baby on the way?”

  Jade felt a blush rise up her cheeks. Drew dropped her hand and turned on his mother, his eyes flashing with something that concerned her.

  “Of course not! We’re not stupid, Mom. Is it so hard to believe that we’re in love?”

  Jade was worried. He seemed too defensive. She worried Laura would pick up on the fact that his inheritance was in the mix and call them on it. She didn’t think she could lie to Laura’s face if she was asked directly about the inheritance.

  “I’m sorry, honey. As I said, I had to ask. And, considering your history, I hope you can understand why I’m shocked you want to rush so quickly into a commitment.” She turned to Jade. “You must be an exceptional woman, is all I can say.”

  Jade tried to give a natural smile, but she felt like trash. Laura was so nice, and she obviously loved her son and wanted him to be happy. It wasn’t right that she was investing herself in this fake relationship.

  “…roses are always classic, or maybe lilies. What do you think, Jade?”

  Jade snapped her head up, looking at Laura with a blank expression.

  “Laura, I’ll be honest, I don’t know a lot about these things, and I especially don’t know what’s involved with planning a wedding that will be in the eye of the media. I’m happy to take direction from you.”

  “You know, with the short time frame and your openness to ideas, I’m thinking we should hire a planner. Would that suit you?”

  “That’s fine with me.” Jade honestly didn’t feel like planning her dream wedding when it wasn’t for real.

  “Well, then, I’ll phone around and see who’s available on short notice. Leave it to me, kids.”

  Laura got up and walked out of the room, presumably to call around for a wedding planner. Drew looked at Jade with wary eyes.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She let out a long breath and leaned back in her chair. “I’m fine. Just a bit overwhelmed with all the wedding stuff.”

  “Don’t worry about it. My mom will take care of it. All you’ll have to do is show up on the day.” He gave her a dazzling smile.

  She smiled back, but it was forced, and his eyes narrowed. He knew something was up.

  “Come out to the island with me? I’d love to show you my favorite place in the house.”

  “All right,” Jade said.

  She stood and waited for Drew to indicate which way she should walk. He came up behind her and put his hand in the small of her back, guiding her through the halls. The house was grand. That was the only word Jade could think of to describe it.

  If she were to picture a movie star’s home in her mind, this would be pretty close to her imagination. A grand staircase, marble pillars, iconic artwork on the walls. Drew moved through the rooms, ignoring the beauty around him. Jade supposed that when you lived somewhere and saw the beauty every day, you didn’t appreciate it.

  They stepped out a set of double doors and onto a wooden decking. Jade gasped. When Drew had said he was taking her to “the island,” she wasn’t really sure what he’d meant, but he hadn’t been speaking in code. There was an island in the middle of a large swimming pool.

  “It’s really an island,” she gasped, staring in amazement.

  “Of course. My father loves Fiji and wanted to create a little piece of it here.”

  The pool looked like a donut, with a wooden bridge leading from the deck over the water to the island. On the island was a palm tree and several chairs.

  Drew sat down and pulled Jade into his lap. She struggled.

  “My mom might see us out the window. We need to look loved up.”

  She conceded and settled into his embrace, looking up at the stars.

  “Are you all right? You were so playful on the drive over, and since I told you what I did last night, you’ve been distant.”

  “I’m sorry, Drew.” She spun in his lap so she was straddling him and they could speak face to face. “You haven’t done anything wrong. I just wasn’t expecting it.”

  “But we’re okay, right?”

  “Yes, we’re okay.”

  He pulled her down and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him. Jade was startled but melted into him, allowing the kiss.

  “Was your mom watching?” she asked when they pulled away. She glanced over her shoulder toward the house but couldn’t see anybody.


  Jade raised her eyebrow, but he gave her an innocent smile, and she let it drop.

  “I could get used to this,” she said.


  “Living on a tropical island.”

  “Really? Coming from Florida, I thought you might be sick of the sand and the sun.”

  “The water is what I love. My dream holiday would be to go to the Great Barrier Reef.”

  “My father went there a few years ago. He loved Australia.”

  “I’ll get there one day.”

  “You can go wherever you want when you get your payment.”

  “You’re right.” Jade perked up.

  Her life was going to be so different after this was all over. She had to keep reminding herself why she was getting involved with Drew. It didn’t matter if he was having sex with someone else. He wasn’t hers to be jealous over. She was here for the money and for no other reason.

  “I think
Australia will be my first destination.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Reality Bites

  JADE GROANED. She reached for her phone as it vibrated on the nightstand.

  “Hello?” she asked, her voice hoarse from sleep.

  “Jade? Are you with Drew?”

  “What? Who is this?” She sat up and rubbed her eyes, trying to place the voice. The last thing she needed was for a reporter to have her private number.

  “It’s Laura Malik. Are you with him?”

  “No, Laura. I’m at home.”


  “Is everything all right?” The panic in Laura’s voice finally registered, and Jade was wide awake. “Has something happened?”

  “I don’t know. He called me just a moment ago, extremely drunk. His words were so slurred I couldn’t understand anything he said, and then the line just went dead. Do you have any idea where he could be?”

  Jade wracked her brain. The truth was, unless they had an arranged date, she and Drew didn’t talk about their plans. She had no idea what he did at night or where he would be.

  “Do you have phone numbers for any of his friends?” Jade asked, trying to be helpful.

  “Yes. I tried you first because I hoped you’d be with him. But I can try Tully.”

  Jealousy bubbled in Jade’s stomach, making her feel nauseous. She looked at the clock and saw it was close to three in the morning. More than likely he was at a club.

  “Oh, Aaron has Tully on the phone right now,” Laura informed her.

  Jade waited, hoping for good news. She could hear Aaron talking in the background but couldn’t make out what he was saying.

  Laura came back on the line. “He’s at The Key Club on Sunset. Tully said he’s drunk. Aaron’s going to pick him up. I’m so sorry to wake you, dear.”

  Jade chewed her lip. She knew she wasn’t really Drew’s fiancée, but she still cared about him and wanted to make sure he was okay.

  “Do you think it would be okay if I came over to see him?” she asked.

  Laura let out a soft sigh. “I think that’s a good idea. He’ll be angry that he’s been brought home like a child. Seeing you will hopefully make him happy.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there soon.”

  She dressed quickly in jeans and a T-shirt and ran out onto the street. Times like this was when she needed a working car. She’d make sure to take hers to the mechanic in the morning. The power bill payment would have to be delayed a little. She waved down a taxi and gave him the Beverly Hills address.

  Her leg bounced the whole way to Drew’s house, and she was surprised her fingers weren’t bloody stumps from the ferociousness with which she’d attacked her nails. Aaron’s car had just pulled up in front of them, and she jumped out of the taxi.

  “Thanks for coming, Jade. I’ll take care of the cab,” Aaron said, getting out of the driver’s seat.

  He went to pay the driver, and the driveway grew dark as the taxi drove away.

  “Drew?” she whispered, leaning through the car’s window.

  “Ariel?” he asked, his sour expression turning to curious. “What are you doing here?”

  “Come on, son. Time to come inside,” Aaron said, opening the car door and trying to help Drew to his feet.

  “Fuck off.”

  “Drew!” Jade scolded.

  “I don’t need your fucking help. I’m not a child.” He pushed his father’s hands away and got out of the car.

  He swayed and staggered all the way to the front door but couldn’t manage to open it. His fingers kept slipping off the handle.

  “I’m sorry he was so rude,” Jade said.

  Aaron gave her a dark look. “He’s always like this when I bring him home.”

  Jade frowned. Aaron opened the door and let Drew inside. They both entered, and Jade wondered if she should just go home.

  “Come on, Ariel,” Drew called from inside.

  She walked up to the door and saw he’d collapsed on the day bed in the foyer. Laura came running down the stairs in her nightgown and fussed over her son.

  “Drew, we were so worried.”

  “I’m fine, Mom.”

  “You’re not fine,” Aaron said sternly. “This is the last time, Andrew. Do you know the risk I take for you every time I head into Hollywood in the middle of the night? What if I’d been photographed?”

  “Because that’s what’s important, Dad, right? Your career?” He then vomited on the floor.

  Jade pressed herself against the wall, trying to stay out of the way. “Would you like me to clean that up?” she offered, unable to picture the regal Laura Malik on her knees mopping up vomit.

  “It’s fine, Jade. Our housekeeper will take care of it. Perhaps you could help him to bed?” Laura asked.

  “Yes,” Drew said with a wonky grin. “Join me in bed.”

  He stood on shaky legs, and Jade ran over, letting him put his weight on her shoulders. She slowly walked him up the stairs to his bedroom.

  “Would you like to have a shower?” she asked once the door was closed.

  “Only if you join me.” He gave her that lazy grin again, and she blushed.

  “Probably not a great idea.”

  “Then just lie with me in bed.” He collapsed onto the mattress and fell to sleep right away.

  Jade thought about sleeping on the floor, or finding a guest bedroom to sleep in, but what if Laura came to check on Drew? She would find it strange if they didn’t share a bed.

  So, she slipped her jeans off, kept her shirt on, and climbed under the sheets.

  Drew rolled closer and draped his arm over her stomach, holding her close. She fell asleep to the sound of Drew’s soft snores and the smell of cigarettes and vomit.

  Drew stirred. His head spun a little, but he was more concerned with the warm body next to him. All he could remember from the night before was that the band at the club was fantastic and he’d had fun. It looked like he’d had more fun than he remembered. It wasn’t the first time he’d woken with a mysterious girl in his bed.

  He brushed the red hair back and started when he saw it was Jade. He didn’t remember seeing her at the club, but he couldn’t hide the fact he was happy it was her. The attraction he’d felt for Jade had really messed with his heart. Knowing they’d taken their relationship to a physical level would make their deal easier. He wouldn’t have to worry about hiding one-night stands from the media.

  He reached out and stroked her cheek, making sure she was real, and her eyes slowly opened.

  “This is a new development,” Drew said, smiling down at her. “I’ll be honest that I don’t remember a lot of what happened last night, but waking with you in my bed was a lovely surprise.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. She froze for a second but then kissed him back. With her encouragement, his body shifted and slid over the top of her, pushing her into the mattress.

  “Drew,” she mumbled into his mouth. “Stop.”

  He pulled back. “We didn’t?”

  Jade shook her head, and his heart plummeted. He closed his eyes and tried as hard as he could to remember what’d happened the night before. He had no memory of seeing Jade at all. Tully had been with him, as well as some of her friends. He remembered making out with one of them in the bathroom.

  “Why are you here, then?” he asked.

  “You were drunk. Your mom called me to see if I knew where you were, and I wanted to make sure you got home safely.”

  “Oh.” His body rolled to the side. She was only there because his meddling mother couldn’t keep her mouth shut. It wasn’t that she wanted to be there with him.

  “Is that okay?” she asked.

  He rolled to the other side of the bed and stood up, swaying slightly on his unsteady legs. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  He left her alone in the bed. When he came back, she was gone.

  Drew opened the door and smiled at Jade. He reached for her, pulling her by the waist into his arms and pre
ssed a kiss to her mouth.

  “You’re very happy to see me,” she said.

  “Well, I missed you. After you disappeared from my bed the other day, I was worried you’d run.”

  “I wouldn’t do that.”

  “You ignored my calls.” He raised an eyebrow, daring her to deny it.

  “I just needed some time to think about things. You scared me the other night. I’ve never seen you act like that before.”

  “It’s nothing to worry about. I can handle myself,” he assured her. “So, we’re good?”

  “We’re great.”

  He grinned and gave her a pointed look, hoping she’d pick up that she had to play the loving fiancée right off the bat. The buffer of a little time together before they saw anyone else was a luxury they didn’t have today. His mother and the wedding planner were waiting for them just down the hall.

  “I’ve missed kissing you,” he said loudly so his voice would carry into the house.

  “I can tell.” She giggled. To Drew’s surprise, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her, initiating a long kiss. “Is that better?”

  “Much.” Drew laughed and laced his left hand through her right, guiding her to the den.

  “Ah, here they are. Cassandra, I’d like you to meet my son, Drew, and his lovely bride-to-be, Jade.”

  A scary-looking woman with tightly curled gray hair and a face that had so much Botox it was a wonder she could blink stared back at them. She looked down her nose at the couple and folded her arms over her large chest. Drew thought he’d seen the woman on one of those plastic-surgery-gone-wrong exposés on TV.

  “You’re a new couple,” she said with distaste.

  “Yes,” Laura said. “The relationship is quite new, but it’s clear how perfect they are together. My husband and I are very happy for Drew that he’s found someone he cares about.”

  “Hmm,” Cassandra hummed, obviously not impressed.

  Drew put his arm around Jade’s shoulder, hoping to show they were a solid couple, which was actually a little ironic.


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