Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon

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Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon Page 14

by Gregory Ellis

  "There's only three huts and I can show you how to get through the stockade wall without the guards knowing it!" Ava explained. "There's a hole under the wooden fence away from where the guards are… just needs to be dug out a little." She could see the concerns on all their faces. "I know the children will cooperate and do exactly as they are told."

  When nobody said anything, she pleaded. "They'll die within a few months if we leave them here!"

  Buster Jack was now catching the fever of excitement. "Come on, we have to try, but taking a ship… it's bound to be guarded."

  It was then that John remembered the gold. He spoke very slowly and deliberately. "There's gold aboard that ship. From what I heard Peck tell the captain, there's lots of gold!" That got Mr. Cumberbatch's attention. He brushed his hand through his red beard as he digested the latest information. "Gold ya say?"

  "Aye, gold!" replied John as he smiled. He knew Cumberbatch couldn't refuse now.

  "Gold says you… a terrible temptation says I… but one worth take'n!" To Ava he smiled, "Lead the way Miss 'an don't be leav'n poor old Mr. Cumberbatch too far behind, mind yah!"

  "We have to be out of the harbor before sunrise or this will never work." John explained.

  Buster Jack smiled, "Aye, it probably won't work anyway."

  Cumberbatch grinned, "You speak like a pirate already laddy, and make no mistake, if we steal that ship, that's exactly what we'll be!"

  They left the wagon were it was along with the canvas bag and the other meager possessions they had. They would use the wagon if and when they came back with the children.

  Chapter 15

  Freedom and Piracy!

  The moon was high in the sky now as they approached the stockade. Ava guided them to the spot where there was a small hole under the timbers of the stockade. Using their hands they dug out the dirt to make the hole large enough for them to get under. Cumberbatch had to dig quite a bit more for him to wiggle his rotund torso through.

  Once through, they quietly made their way to the first cabin. Ava said, "Let me go in. They won't be startled if they see me and not a stranger." The others nodded in agreement. She slowly opened the flimsy wooden door. She went from child to child waking them up and whispering for them to get dressed. It took about ten minutes to assemble them and to explain to them what they were about. None of them seemed concerned, probably because they didn't care. They just heard the word ESCAPE!

  When she came out, she told them to follow Buster Jack to the hole in the fence and she proceeded to the second hut and then the third. Of the guards, there was no sign; probably asleep.

  Cumberbatch was the last one through the breach in the fence. He had to twist and turn to make it through. John, Buster Jack and Ava had the children all sitting on the ground waiting. Most of the children had no shoes and their clothes were in tatters. There were a few older boys in the group but they did not look to have much intelligence, or it had been beaten out of them. Ava pointed to her brother and whispered, "This is my brother Jack and his friends, Mr. Cumberbatch and John. They were on the second ship of children but they escaped and have come here to take us to a secret island and away from all of this. Remember the stories of King Arthur I told you about? We're gonna play like we are being rescued by the Knights of the Round Table! So everyone get up and stay together. If they tell you to stop, or get down do it quickly without any questions. We must not make a sound…understood?"

  John watched with fascination how she spoke to the others. She was direct, yet not forceful. The children apparently looked to her with complete trust and understanding. She turned to John. "We are ready."

  John led the way and Cumberbatch brought up the rear. When they came to the abandoned carriage, John suggested they use it for the smallest of the children. It would help save time. They loaded most the younger children onto the wagon then Cumberbatch led the horse on foot.

  They trudged down the empty, dusty road that led to Port Royal. The eastern horizon was getting lighter. They were running out of time. They finally crossed the narrow road leading to the town and Cumberbatch led the wagon around behind the buildings. "Less likely any rum pot will be see'n us. We'd make a pretty sight." He could not believe they had made it this far without the alarm being raised.

  They made it the docks. Cumberbatch asked Ava to tell the children to get off the wagon and hide behind the stacks of crates and boxes next the pier while Cumberbatch, John and Buster Jack went to take a look at the situation.

  As promised, the ship they were seeking was tied to the pier. There were at least four other ships of various sizes anchored in the harbor close by. There was no sign of life onboard, no movement could be seen from where they were. They crept closer watching for any movement. "Wished I had a cutlass!" Cumberbatch whispered. "We got noth'n to fight with."

  Buster Jack asked, "What we gonna do?"

  "Been thinking," said John. "We need a distraction. I participated in a cutting out action on a sloop once. We created a distraction at one end of the ship, while others boarded at the other end; caught them by surprise and didn't lose a man." he smiled.

  Both boys looked at Cumberbatch. He returned their looks and knew what they were thinking. "Hold on now… you want me to distract 'em?"

  An idea was forming in John's mind. "You're drunk remember?"

  Cumberbatch recoiled at the accusation, "Not anymore! Not after that wee bit of a romp we just done."

  John smiled and continued, "You're not now, but you could pretend. Just walk down the pier, very bold like and walk right onto the ship. You're bound to be stopped so just make up a story as to why you came aboard… get their attention and while you are doing that, Jack and I will make our way to the stern and climb aboard from that end. We'll find some weapons, belaying pins, marlin pikes… anything. The watch aboard will be gathered around you and won't see us. When Jack and I rush them we'll scream and holler as though we are dozens of men, you do what you can to subdue them."

  Cumberbatch and Buster Jack just stared at John. Where did he come up with these ideas, what an imagination he possessed? Buster Jack asked, "Where did ya come up with this one?"

  John smiled, "That's what we did to the sloop, only we had fifty men."

  "We got forty children and us three!" Cumberbatch whined.

  "But we'll make it sound like fifty. Chances are, they will have been drinking, and half asleep if not totally asleep. They'll be disoriented and we'll have the element of surprise, just like we did on the sloop." A grin appeared across John's face.

  Shaking his head Cumberbatch crept away and made his way around and then directly toward the ship. He stooped and retrieved an old bottle lying on the ground to make it appear as if he was drinking from it. John and Buster Jack quietly went the opposite way toward the stern of the ship and waited behind some crates for Cumberbatch to make his move.

  After a few moments they saw Cumberbatch walking toward the gangway of the ship. He was humming an incoherent little tune with the bottle in his hand. He weaved to and fro the closer he got. He reached the gangway without anyone challenging him. He made a good pretense on navigating his way up the narrow plank and just as he reached the side of the ship, a voice called out. "You there, wot you think you'r do'n Matey?" and a sailor appeared on deck.

  Cumberbatch swayed back and held up his hand, the one with the bottle in it, and appeared to be trying to focus. Cumberbatch slurred his words, "Going to me ship… I'm the captain ya wee little freak!"

  The sailor stepped in front of Cumberbatch and eyed him up and down. "Yer not the captain, Doddle is the captain so just come about Mate and shove off!"

  John and Buster Jack left their cover and bending low, they rushed across the pier and crouched near the side of the ship. They were careful not to make sound even though Buster Jack stumbled over something on the deck. John caught him just in time to keep him from falling headlong on the wooden planks. "Be careful and watch where you are going." John whispered. "Wait… there's thre
e of them now."

  Cumberbatch was surrounded by the three men demanding to know what was going on. "Come on Jack." John motioned them forward. They leaped from the dock to the stern railing and pull themselves over. John quickly glanced at the sailors, but they had not seen them climb aboard.

  John motioned for Buster Jack to stay low as they crept along the deck. John found a pike and handed it to Buster Jack, who grinned and said, "I look like one of Arthur's knights with a lance!"

  John held up his finger to be quiet and retrieved a belaying pin from the railing. The sailors were entirely engrossed in questioning Cumberbatch. The two boys inched their way forward and were about ten paces from the group when all of a sudden a man ran across the pier and leapt up on the side of the ship. One of the sailors turned and quickly pulled a pistol from his belt and fired. The stranger fell to the deck in a heap without a single sound.

  Cumberbatch yelled, "Now!" With that, the boys rushed the men, all of which had drawn their pistols but were confused as to where to shoot. Cumberbatch lashed out and smashed his fist into the closest man who collapsed like a canvas bag full of dirt.

  John dashed to another man and clubbed him on the head before he could turn around. He too dropped to the deck with a thud. Buster Jack hesitated not knowing what to do. The last sailor turned and was about to fire his pistol when Cumberbatch shattered the glass bottle over his head. He turned to Cumberbatch as if to ask him why he had done that when his eyes rolled back in his head and he joined his companions on the deck.

  "If there were others below, that shot would have brought them running!" John said. They waited to see if any others came up the hatch. A few moments went by but no one else attempted to come on deck.

  "Jack, go back and tell Ava to bring the children… quickly but quietly!" Jack put down the pike and left the ship and disappeared into the dark.

  To Cumberbatch, he said, "Let's get these three off the ship and put them on the deck. Get some rope and tie them up in case they come to." They dragged the three guards off the boat and tied them up in a neat bundle on the dock.

  "Wonder who's that other poor bugger they shot?" Cumberbatch asked.

  "Dunno, but we better get rid of him as well." John instructed.

  They stepped over to see if the man was still alive. As they stood over the lifeless body, they heard a groan. "Still alive by thunder!" Cumberbatch knelt down and turned the man over. He looked closely at the man's face. "By all the saints… it's Edward Turnbuckle!"

  "Who's Edward Turnbuckle?" John asked.

  "Olingworth said they captured him… he's a pirate. Use to berth with Blackbeard."

  "A pirate?"

  "Aye, a pirate. I seen 'im before. Olingworth said the governor was gonna hang 'im." Cumberbatch reached over and tried to find where the pistol ball had hit. He opened the Turnbuckle's coat and there was blood spilling out of the man's side. "Got him right in the gizzard!" He turned Turnbuckle on his side. "Ball went clean through 'im."

  John watched as Cumberbatch took out his red handkerchief and stuffed into the wound. "That will help stop the bleeding."

  John stood up when he heard a noise from the pier. It was Buster Jack and the children. John instructed him to help the children up the ramp and onto the deck. "Keep them together amidships." John could see that Buster Jack had no idea what that meant. "In the middle of the ship." he explained.

  The last of the children carefully walked up the gangway followed by Ava. She looked down at the unconscious men and said to John. "Neatly done… I'm impressed!" She turned and walked up the plank and onto the ship.

  John looked at the eastern horizon. "We're out of time."

  Cumberbatch nodded, "Best be figure'n out how to git the ship underway." He turned his head trying to figure out where the wind would be coming from. "Slight breeze from the land. That should help us get around the headland."

  "Right!" John said, "Let's get aboard and out of here before someone comes."

  When they were aboard, Cumberbatch pulled the gangway up and they faced the children who were standing in the middle of the ship too tired to say or do much. John looked over the group and could see several boys that appeared to be over twelve and many who were not.

  He said quietly to the assembled children, "By sheer luck we have made it this far. Now we have to get the ship underway. Mr. Cumberbatch and I are the only experienced sailors on board. I will need several of you boys to help set some of the top sails. They are the top." he said pointing up. Several of the children looked up to see what he was pointing at. "How many of you boys are over twelve years old? Raise your hand." To his surprise, over half raised they hand. One older looking boy hesitated. John pointed at him and asked, "You look over twelve."

  The shy boy looked down at the deck as he mumbled, "Not sure, don't know when I was born, Sir."

  John smiled, "Well you look over twelve, so you'll do and don't call me sir. My name is John." He looked them over trying to gauge what their ability might be. After all, he was only twelve the first time he climbed up shrouds and stood watch in the crosstrees. "I'll show you how to climb up and how to loosen the sails." To Ava he said, "I think it best if you take the rest below deck so they won't get hurt if something should go wrong."

  Ava made to protest, but thought better of it. She nodded and herded the rest of them to the nearest hatch. They at least remembered what a hatch was. "Now, the rest of you follow me."

  He led them to the shrouds that went from the side of the ship up to the masthead. Shrouds looked similar to a spider's web with four or five lines vertical and many lines horizontal. They were used to climb up to the yard arms which held the sails. He carefully explained how to climb and how not to look down at the deck while doing so. He pulled off his shoes and socks and stood barefoot just like all of them. He grabbed the shroud-line and swung out and around to the outside demonstrating how to use their hands and feet together. He went up a little ways and stopped. "Come on Jack, you're the oldest… set an example!" Buster Jack hesitated a moment then did exactly as John had done. "Who's next?" No one moved and John was becoming frustrated, "If you want to be free, off that plantation and away from Thaddeus, you'll do it… now!"

  One boy stepped forward and grabbed hold of the lines. John talked him through how to do it and he too climbed up to where John and Buster Jack waited. "Next?" Another boy did the same until all the boys were on the shroud. "Follow behind me, up we go!"

  Cumberbatch watched them from the deck shaking his head, "Wot've I gotten meself into?" He grinned. "Now I'm a pirate again! That's just great… just GREAT!" The boys reached the main course yard arm but they had to go still higher. Once again, John demonstrated what to do. At last the small group reached the top. They watch John as he showed them how to grip the foot rope and spread along the upper yardarm. He explained how to untie the lashings the held the sail in place. Then at his signal, the boys let the big heavy canvas sail drop. At first it just hung there, but gradually the morning breeze caused it to sway back and forth.

  Cumberbatch grabbed a boarding axe that was lying on the deck and quickly ran forward to the bowline and with one giant chop, the line parted. He ran back to the stern and did the same; the ship was now free of the land. He just hoped they could stay clear of it.

  The current gently took the ship away from the dock as John came sliding down a backstay hitting the deck with a thud. The other boys climbed carefully down the way they had climbed up. John said to Cumberbatch, "You take the helm. I'll take the boys to the mizzen mast and set the topsail. Then I'll trim the yards as best I can!"

  It took a little less time to climb the mizzen mast and set its upper sail. The boys learned quickly. Once all were safely on the deck, John ran to the main course braces and gauging the direction of the wind, he pulled the yard around to catch the wind. They boys now seemed to understand what was needed and they all pitched in and helped turn the sails to catch the wind. Finally, the sails slowly billowed out as they caught slight b

  With his hands on the ship's wheel, Cumberbatch felt the ship pay off and slowly gather way. At last, he had control of the ship. "That's done for it, Mr. Henry!" He eased the wheel over slightly and the ship began to swing away from the dock. He was holding his breath as the stern cleared the dock. He looked up at the two sails which were hardened by the angle of the breeze. He yelled, "See if you can get the fore course set too, Mr. Henry! We'll need more speed to steer." John nodded his understanding of the situation.

  John scrambled towards the bow. "Come on lads… we'll make sailors of you yet!"

  When that was done, they cleared the pier and Cumberbatch guided the ship out in deeper water. Satisfied with what they had done so far, John smiled as he called to the boys, "Up you go again lads, just as before… follow me!" He led them back up again to make more sail. It had become a game now. "Back down we go, boys!"

  The ship was gaining just enough speed so Cumberbatch could steer the ship clear of the headland and out into open waters. Dawn had arrived. It was none too soon!

  Everyone gathered around Cumberbatch as he steered the ship past the headland and set a course for open waters. The group of boys stood watching the sails, the ship and the land falling further behind them. They were proud of what they had done. The tiredness of escaping from the plantation was gone and the excitement of sailing a ship on the open ocean had taken over. They had done it!


  Within a few hours, the crew of the Sugar Cane arrived at the dock to discover three of their shipmates tied up and lying on the dock and their ship gone! Who had taken it? They did not know.

  It wasn't too long before Sir Duncan learned what happened. Thaddeus reported that the slave children had escaped. John Henry was missing as well. Then Captain Doddle arrived to report the missing ship and more importantly the chest of gold was gone with it.

  Later, messengers from the Fort Charles reported that Captain Edward Turnbuckle had escaped! It became apparent to Sir Duncan that John Henry had discovered his plot to have him murdered. He then managed to set children free, make it back to Port Royal and commandeer his ship. He also knew that a bunch of children could not sail such a ship; a two masted Brig! They must have had help from someone in town. Perhaps Turnbuckle had helped them. He would find who was responsible for this outrage and hang the lot of them!


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