Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon

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Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon Page 16

by Gregory Ellis

  "Aye, Sir. How long do you want 'em to wait?"

  Sir Duncan glared at Doddle as he angrily said, "Until I say otherwise and if they do not retake that ship I'll have them all flogged."

  "What do you want the Bridget to do?" Sedley asked.

  "I want you to go to New Providence. I have a letter for a friend of mine there and you wait until he gives you an answer. I'll give you further instructions later. As you go, I want you to take your time and search every island and cove that could hide the Sugar Cane. If you get that ship before the History or Tobago does, there will be a handsome reward for you, Sedley. If you fail to retake the ship if you find it, there will be a flogging for you… you decide which you want!"

  Chapter 17

  St. Elmo's Fire

  For almost a week, things appeared to be perfect on Crossbone Island. All the children slept as late as they wanted, ate when they wanted, played when they wanted and slept when they wanted. It was a paradise compared to the sugar cane fields for some and to others it was far better than the cold streets of London.

  Everyone enjoyed the sun's warm and soft gentle breezes. The cool star-filled nights had a calming effect on all of them. Many times, they would lie out in the open and stare at the all the stars and would occasionally see a falling star streaking across the night sky and then disappear just as fast as it appeared.

  As the girls requested, a hut was built for them. Both the girls and boys worked on it. Ava appeared to settle down once work was started on the hut and even helped put it together. Finally, the girls left the ship and stayed on shore with the understanding that no boys were allowed in or near their hut.

  On most days, laughter and the sound of playing games echoed through the magic cove. Scurvy Jones and Cumberbatch attached a long rope to a tree and ran the rope across part of the lagoon. The children could climb up a tree, take hold of a tackle block and slide from the tree to the lake and just before reaching the other side, let go and splash into the water. The pulley was then pulled back to the starting point and someone else would take the ride. Everyone lined up to take their turn. This kept them busy for hours at a time. Everyone was happy and contented to be here and alive. That is all, but one… John Henry.

  John spent most days just sitting on the sandy beach staring out to sea or walking in the low hills that surrounded this mystical part of the island. He did not talk very much to anyone. Even Buster Jack could not get him beyond what he needed to. At night he would sometimes go aboard the ship and climb to the top of the main mast and just sit and watch the ocean. Buster Jack and John shared a hut but most nights John did not stay there. Where he went no one knew.

  It became a tradition for the children to gather around the large fire each night. They sat gazing into the mesmerizing flames and told stories. Some told stories of their life on London streets. The ones taken to the plantation also, stories about the harsh cruelty they received while working in the fields.

  On one such night, when the adults were somewhere else and John was again on the ship, Ava spoke with her brother about John. "What do you suppose is wrong with him?" she asked.

  "Dunno for sure, but I'd bet it has someth'n to do with losing both his parents. I think he realizes he is now one of us… an orphan."

  Ava gazed into the fire as she remarked, "He was so brave that night. When I met him earlier that day, he told me he was going to get me out of there, but I did not believe him. I didn't believe him when he told me he knew you and that you were safe. He certainly took a big chance!"

  "He's been taking chances ever since we left Portsmouth. I told you about how he saved Fynn right? Then he saved all of us from them natives after they killed the crew of the Hopeful. He's a good person for sure."

  Ava fell silent as she thought about what had transpired over the last few weeks. If it had not been for John, she and the other children would still be in the fields. Suddenly, she stood up. "I know what we must do!" The others around the fire stopped talking and listened to her. "Everyone, we owe our lives to John Henry, do we not?" A few of the others mumbled something. "All those he helped escape from the plantation would still be slaves… right?" more mumbles. "For those of you who were on the Hopeful, he saved you after the crew abandoned you to the sea. He helped you the next day escape from the natives and now we all enjoy a peaceful life living on this island paradise while John broods about losing his parents. All of us have lost our parents so we know how he feels. It's time we helped him!"

  One of them said, "How?"

  Ava looked around at their glowing faces that reflected the fire's light. "There is a remote chance his father may still be alive. He told Mr. Cumberbatch and my brother that his father had been marooned on an island."

  Hugh smirked, "That was months ago, there's no way he could survive this long!"

  Buster Jack stood up next to his sister, "Scurvy Jones survived for years on this island. Given the right circumstances, a person could survive for a very long time. Look at us… everything we need the island gives us. We need fresh water, we have it. We need food, the island gives it to us. There is a magic wall that shields us from ships that might pass this way!"

  Young Fynn chimed in, "Yeah, and John saved me from drowning."

  Ava smiled, "Again…we owe John our lives. Now we must do something for him."

  "Like what suppose'n?" someone else asked.

  "We take that ship over there," she pointed at the Sugar Cane, "and set sail to find his father."

  The crackling of the fire was all that could be heard for a moment. Then someone started to laugh and eventually everyone was laughing. Ava was visibly frustrated, "Why do you laugh?"

  "You mean to tell us," Hugh said mockingly, "that we sail that big ship from this perfect place to find someone out there what might know where his father is and then find the island and rescue his father?"

  "Exactly!" Ava said assertively.

  "You must be daft, Girl! We're too young to sail a ship like that out on the open sea. Besides, we was told that this Sir Duncan will be after us to return all his gold!" Hugh was no friend of John and did not want to leave the island. That much was obvious.

  A young girl by the name of Elizabeth spoke up, "John showed some of you boys how to sail the ship from Jamaica to this island. He can teach all of us how to sail."

  Hugh laughed, "You all got away because no one knew you was doing it. Now they have ships out looking for us. We don't know where to find that island and chances are, those other ships will find us before we find him!"

  From out of the darkness Edward Turnbuckle and Mr. Cumberbatch emerged to stand in glow of the fire. Each had a mug in their fists. Turnbuckle asked, "Here now, what's all this talk about sailing me ship?"

  Ava addressed him. "Captain Turnbuckle, could you teach us how to be a proper crew and sail your ship?"

  Turnbuckle wobbled but Cumberbatch caught him, "You'll have to speak up, Lassie… for me thought I heard yah ask me to teach all of ya," he waived his hand to the group… "to be sailors."

  "That is correct, Captain Turnbuckle. You're a pirate and you know these waters well… don't you?"

  Turnbuckle took another swallow. "Aye, Lass. I knows 'em well."

  "Then teach us! We have all been branded as pirates when we took that ship. Now teach us to be proper pirates and we'll help you take your revenge on Sir Duncan!

  Cumberbatch tried to focus on Ava, "Didn't I tell yah she be a saucy one?"

  Turnbuckle nodded and looked at his friend, "Aye, that be the truth of it."

  Buster Jack spoke up, "John needs our help to find his father. It's the least we can do for someone that has done so much for all of us. Besides, one day John told me about a man who lives in Charles Towne… in the Americas. He says this man runs an orphanage and is a good man and he could find homes for all those of us that want to. We have a chest of gold on board that ship and while on this island, it's no good to us." He stepped closer to Turnbuckle, "I say, we help find John's father and t
hen we sail to Charles Towne and all those that want to, take their share of the gold and go ashore to either start a new life in America or go to this man at the orphanage."

  Some of the children agreed with that plan, others asked why they should leave this perfect place when the sea only offered hardship and possible capture, hanging or at least a the return to the fields.

  It was Cumberbatch that appeared to come out of his drunken stupor; "Wait, when we took that ship out of Port Royal, Master Henry and I found a chart that showed the location of all the treasure that Captain Turnbuckle here, " he patted Turnbuckle on the shoulder, "took when he was pirating these waters. We could sail there, take the treasure, then find this Captain Doddle and force him to give up the bearings to the island where they marooned Master Henry's father. Then…" he waited for the silence to take effect on the children, "we go to the Americas with enough money to buy our own plantation and retire as kings… what say you?"

  Turnbuckle was the first to speak, "Aye… take the treasure!" Then all the children shouted the same.

  Ava turned to her brother, "You really believe we can do all that?"

  "I do." said Buster Jack. "Now we have to do is convince John of our plan and get him to go along with it."

  After the campfire meeting broke up, everyone went their way, Scrounge, Cole, Ethan, Dylan and Brock who crept into Turnbuckle and Cumberbatch's hut and took what was left of their small barrel of rum. They ran gleefully out into the trees and proceeded to drink their fill of the pirate's drink.

  The next morning when the sun peaked over the horizon, Cumberbatch found the five boys lying face down in the grass with the depleted barrel of rum beside them. He remarked, "Oh… not good! Too much swill and too young to enjoy it, I don't envy them the headache they be waking up to!"

  Ava and Buster Jack found John sitting on the beach watching the sun rise. They silently came up to him and Ava sat on one side, Buster Jack on the other. John was the first to speak, "John, we had a meeting last night."

  John smiled but there was no warmth in it, "I heard the noise but couldn't make out what it was you were talking about."

  "We convinced Turnbuckle and Cumberbatch to teach us to be sailors so we can sail the ship, find this Captain Doddle that knows about your father and also go after the rest of Sir Duncan's treasure. Mr. Cumberbatch says there is a chart that gives the location where it is hidden."

  Still smiling, John said, "Teach all of you to be sailors? I appreciate what you are trying to do Jack, but it can't be done. Sailing out of Jamaica at night with nobody after us is one thing. Sailing all over the Caribbean searching for one man and one ship with an inexperienced crew is impossible. Besides… we are nearing hurricane season out here and I've been in a few of those killer storms. Even the king's navy cannot survive some of them."

  Ava watched the two boys go back and forth on the subject. John made some good points and was probably right. It would be a far stretch to find Doddle and hopefully John's father, but there was one common thread amongst all this: the treasure.

  "John," she interrupted her brother, "You're quite correct you know. Finding this one man in this very large ocean would be impossible, but…" She let the word hang in the air, "If we seize the rest of Sir Duncan's treasure, he'll come to us!" When John did not challenge the observation she continued, "Sir Duncan will send the rest of his ships to take back the treasure. Don't you see?"

  John saw very well and spoke very slowly to drive home the point. "IF we are successful in taking all the treasure and IF we are attacked by Sir Duncan's remaining ships and IF we survive such an attack, then MAYBE we would find Doddle and MAYBE he would tell us which island they marooned my father on!"

  Ave said forcefully, "And IF you sit here on this island for the rest of your life, your brooding will eat away at you." The boys were staring at her with wonderment. "This island is paradise, there's no denying that. It provides us with whatever we need, except one thing… a chance for a future. We can't all live here indefinitely as nice as it seems… we need to live life!"

  John mulled over what she said and had to admit that she was right. Life on the island was grand, but they could not live here foreverHe stood up. "Walk with me." The three of them slowly walked down the beach, their bare feet sinking in the cool white sand.

  Finally John spoke, "If we take the time to train everyone in their respective duties aboard the ship, I suppose we could handle that ship. After all, it's not that big."

  "Right!" Buster Jack and Ava said in unison. John was convincing himself.

  "And if we train long enough and hard enough I suppose we could become a proper crew—"

  "Yes." they chimed in.

  John's pace quickened. "After all, I was only twelve when I first went to sea and I learned so much in a short period of time!"

  Ava smiled as she agreed, "See… it can be done!"

  John suddenly stopped and faced them. "If we are to do this, everybody must agree with our plan. If one person does not agree, we cannot do this. We must be united in our purpose."

  "They are!" quipped Buster Jack. "Last night every one of them voiced their consent. Captain Turnbuckle and Mr. Cumberbatch have agreed. Or at least they did last night, but perhaps they won't remember this morning!"

  John smiled as he said, "In their cups last night were they?"

  "You smiled just now Master Henry, and it didn't hurt!" She laughed.

  "That's the first time I've seen you smile and laugh too!" John quipped. The three of them laughed like old friends. The plan was set, now all they had to do was… do it!

  Someone onboard the ship rang the bell and kept ringing. The trio ran down the beach and headed for the ship fearing there was some sort of danger. They ran as fast as they could and finally reached the dock. They saw Turnbuckle standing next to the ship's bell and ringing it in a rapid methodical manner.

  John called out, "What is it, Captain?"

  Turnbuckle did not reply, but continued to ring the bell. Now Mr. Cumberbatch emerged from below and stood next to Turnbuckle. Cumberbatch saw John, Buster Jack and Ava standing on the dock and he waved them over. "Standby on the dock!" he shouted to them.

  They ran down the dock and stood in front of Cumberbatch. Ava excitedly said, "Look, everyone is coming." They watched as the children slowly emerged from wherever they were on the island and made their way toward the ship, mainly out of curiosity. Even the boys who had helped themselves to the barrel of rum the night before managed to slowly stumble to the dock. Each of them looked pale from drinking last night and appeared as though they might be sick at any moment. Turnbuckle continued to ring the bell which did not help the massive headache each of the boys were experiencing this morning. Even Scurvy Jones hobbled along with them; his thin lips curled up into a grin as he made his way along with the rest of them.

  When all were assembled on the dock, Captain Turnbuckle ceased ringing the bell. He turned and faced the would-be crew. "Remember well this morning My Young Babies, for this morning, ye be inducted into the brotherhood of pirates."

  Cumberbatch stood with his right-hand held up and instructed all of them to do likewise. "Repeat after me…Under solemn promise ye swear to stand faithfully by the mast and serve this ship under all circumstances. You further swears to faithfully serve one another in this brotherhood and to bring those who wronged us to the justice of the Crossbone Children." When no one said anything he commanded, "Say I swear or be cast off this island!"

  In one voice, the group said, "I swear!"

  Cumberbatch smiled and said calmly, "Then welcome aboard Mates. Go forward and sit on the deck. Captain Turnbuckle wishes to address you."

  The children pushed forward, one-by-one boarded the ship. They sat down on the wooden deck and waited. Captain Edward Turnbuckle stood in front of them and looked at each one as he said; "Now you be proper pirates. Remember that a pirate is loyal to his shipmates and to this ship. Last night you be asking me and Mr. Cumberbatch to teach you to be pro
per sailors and set forth in this ship to find them what did you wrong; namely Sir Duncan Peck and his bilge-mate Captain Doddle, what marooned Master Henry's father." He had the attention of each boy and girl assembled on the deck. "But before we can go about that business, you must learn to be proper sailors. Now then… you will begin your lessons on this lovely bright morning and we'll work all day and into the night. We'll do it all over again tomorrow and as many days as it takes until you can set the sails, fire the cannon and take in the sails as if it t'were second nature to ya!"

  The children looked at each other in surprise. Some were excited; others scared especially the younger ones. "Ya will learn each part of this ship and what it does for there ain't noth'n on this ship but is required to sail her and ya must know what it does, for in the middle of a sudden squall, ya be need'n to do it even if ya can't see! Ya will learn to obey commands with no hesitation and to do it nice and proper like." He smiled.

  "Now then, since the only ones what knows how to sail a ship be meself, Mr. Cumberbatch and Master Henry. Be look'n to them to learn you the proper way."

  Cumberbatch pulled John aside and explained to him that they would divide the children into thirds; each led by John, Cumberbatch and Captain Turnbuckle. One third was to work with John and teach them about the sails, the lines, climbing and adjusting the sails. The next third was to be taught by Mr. Cumberbatch about how things on the deck worked, adjusting the lines and the names of all the gear onboard. Turnbuckle would teach the last third about how to load and shoot the ten cannon and swivel guns onboard. He would also teach them how to use the many muskets and pistols they found on the ship. They would also learn about the art of sword fighting since there were a dozens of the cutlasses and assorted swords onboard.

  The only argument ensued when Turnbuckle instructed all the girls to go below and learn how to be cooks. Ava, of course, was outspoken in her protest that she and the other girls could do just as well as any of the boys working the lines, the sails or cannon. Turnbuckle was red in the face by the time he gave into Ava and the other five girls.


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