Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon

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Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon Page 23

by Gregory Ellis

  The lookout's voice aboard the Pendragon came floating down from his perch, "Looks like the third ship is going after the others!"

  "Arrr, we got 'em now!" Captain Turnbuckle snarled. "All canvas!" he yelled. To Cumberbatch, John Henry, Buster Jack and Ava, he explained, "We needs to get to grips with the Bridget just as fast as possible. They out gun us two to one! We'll board her just like we done before.. ha… ha!"

  The Pendragon gathered speed as the sails were set. The wind was off their stern quarter which gave them the advantage in maneuverability and speed. The ship cleared the island and was in open water as they bore down on their target.

  Captain Turnbuckle shook his head, "Poor darl'n. I hates to put holes in me ship - but can't be helped - for now!"

  It would take twenty minutes for the two ships to come to grips. In the meantime, the gun crews were busy loading the cannon, the youngest crew members were loading the four swivel guns. Everyone had been issued a musket or pistol, shot and powder, swords and dirks. The top men were climbing high with their muskets in anticipation of letting a deadly hail of bullets loose on the deck of the enemy.

  On the Bridget, the lookout reported the Pendragon off their starboard stern. "Hell's teeth!" cried Captain Doddle. "Turnbuckle is a cunning one. He draws us in and then comes up behind us!"

  Sir Duncan commanded, "Turn towards them, otherwise we'll present our stern as nice big target!"

  Captain Doddle commanded the helmsman to turn and leave the other ships to their own fate. "Load the cannon!" he commanded. The deck came alive like ants on a hill as the sailors jumped to their guns and loaded the cannon. They pulled on the ropes which moved the cannon forward. Each gun poked its black nose through the portholes like angry black teeth. The crew of the Bridget were armed with muskets, pistols and swords. Some of them carried long pointed pikes, which were used to defend against boarders. They could stab at their enemy through the rigging and nets before they could get very close.

  Each ship's captain was waiting for the other to make a move either to the right or to the left depending on what they had in mind. Depending on what their battle plan was, the other would have to overcome any advantage and seize the day. Sea battles were sometimes won by how the commanders approached the enemy, but most often it was won by the strength of the sailors defending their friends and shipmates because the ships themselves were considered home and they would do anything to protect it. The victory belonged to the crew that had a firm resolve to win.

  Chapter 24


  "Fire!" Captain Turnbuckle shouted. The guns on the Pendragon fired as one, shaking the hull, masts and planks of the ship. Smoke swhirled around, choking the gun crews who threw themselves into the task of reloading the cannon for another salvo.

  From the quarterdeck, Captain Turnbuckle could see the havoc his shots were creating on the deck of the Bridget. Here and there, large holes appeared in the side of the ship - splinters flew in the air striking down several men.

  He saw the cannon on the Bridget belch their reply to the Pendragon. Their ten cannon struck the Pendragon a more devastating blow. Two cannon were upended. Entire sections of the railing and hull were ripped aside. Several of the children lay on the deck, but instantly scampered to their feet and set about getting the cannon back into action. Ava stood over the crews urging them on in their task, "Get the cannon back into action - load - run out!"

  Each crew worked like devils to add their weight to the fight. The Bridget swung around to the right and Captain Turnbuckle commanded his ship to follow suite. The two were locked in a desperate fight, but where the Bridget's crew were wounded or dying, the Crossbone Children, returned quickly to their work.

  The ships drew closer and closer to their each other. Captain Turnbuckle knew that if the Bridget managed to stand-off and fire at the Pendragon, the ship would eventually sink and the immortal children would drown because that was not one of the miracles of St. Elmo's Fire.

  "Bring 'er up two points, Mr. Cumberbatch!" Turnbuckle yelled.

  "Aye, aye, Captain!" Responded Cumberbatch.

  John Henry rushed to the quarter deck. "Captain, looks like we're gonna hit them amidships with our bow!"

  Turnbuckle smiled through the choking smoke, "Arrr, that be about right. Assemble the boarders on the starboard bow. When we ram 'em, then boarders away! Mr. Cumberbatch will assemble a small force at the stern just in case them devils try to come across there."

  John nodded in understanding. He ran back the length of the ship calling for all the older boys to assemble at the point of contact. All were armed and a few stood ready with grapnel hooks and rope. The dozen or so boys up in the tops of their ship, continued to fire their muskets at crew of the Bridget. What effect they were having, no one knew.

  He spotted Ava running among the chaotic deck urging the gun crews to keep up their fire. For just a brief instant, she caught his eye and smiled. He returned the smile and held up his hand as if to say goodbye.

  The ships were very close now as the wind gently pushed them toward each other. The crews of both ships could now see the faces of their enemy. Their eyes told the story of their desperation and the need to win at all costs. The Bridget's crew was fighting because they were being paid to. The Pendragon's crew fought for revenge and the desire to punish the men responsible for their enslavement.

  Even though the children knew they could not be killed, there was still the feeling of fear and dread as they approached the ship. Once on deck, the enemy would do their best to cut down the children and the children would do their best to wound or kill them. Even though they did not have the same physical strength of the Bridget's crew, they would overwhelm them with their speed and agility - and the fact they could not be killed boosted their confidence.

  John yelled to be heard above the din of battle, "Standby to board - grapnels ready!" He glanced over at the bow swivel gun mounted on the starboard bow. The two girls that manned it, Morgan and Samantha crouched down behind the rail. He asked, "Swivel ready?"

  Morgan nodded as she yelled, "Aye, John… full canister charge!"

  John smiled at the two girls. Their faces were black from the powder and smoke of battle. "When I signal, fire on the area where their crew is assembled." The girls nodded their understanding. John knew that if they fired at the right moment, the Bridget's crew would be dealt a devastating blow. Even as he pictured the scene in his mind, the Bridget's crew assembled at the point of impact, ready to repel the Pendragon's crew.

  A sickening sound could be heard as the hulls ground together. The guns fell silent - no one moved for a moment, then John yelled, "Grapnels!"

  Instantly the boys threw their grapnel hooks over the side which dug into the railing of the Bridget. They pulled on the ropes locking the ships together. As the enemy crew raced to cut the ropes, John yelled, "Swivels… fire!"

  Samantha and Morgan quickly stood up, aimed the gun and Morgan touched the gun with a slow match. The gun added its bark to the din of battle as hundreds of small metal balls flew to their targets, striking the assembled men on the Bridget's deck. The force of the blast cut a swath through the middle of the closely packed men and before they could recover, John lifted his sword and shouted, "Boarders away!" A ball plucked John's hat from his head and it fell to the deck unheeded.

  The boys rushed over the railings of both ships with such force the more experienced men on the Bridget fell back in confusion. The Pendragon's crew cut and slashed with their swords. The high pitched crack of a pistol could be heard. Men were falling from the furious attack of the young crew. John urged them on as he stood on the railing, "At 'em Boys - don't let up! Push 'em back!" He jumped down onto the Bridget's deck and led the charge. Buster Jack stood by his side as the two rushed into the fray.

  A burly, bald sailor loomed in front of John carrying a boarding axe. He shifted his weight to the right as the sailor tried to bring the axe down on his head. John lunged out with his cutlass and struck the
man's arm. Both boarding axe and his arm fell to the deck. The sailor dropped to his knees as the boys rushed passed him, already forgotten. Buster Jack successfully thrust his sword at another hatless sailor and wounded the man's thigh.

  The Crossbone Children were winning and a smile appeared at the corners of John's mouth. He watched as his crew pushed the men further back from the center of the enemy ship. He turned his head to the right and saw Sir Duncan standing on the quarter deck, sword hanging at his side. He had a smile on his face as if he were hiding a secret. Captain Doddle was standing next to him and he too had a smirk on his face as if to say they had already won the day.

  John looked back as the fighting continued. It was then he realized Bridget's crew was deliberately falling back without offering much resistance except for a few sailors who tried to take on the boys. What did they know he did not? It did not make sense, he thought to himself. All of a sudden, it became clear. John spoke aloud, "Unless it's a trap!"

  Just then the Bridget's hatches flew open and out charged dozens of red-coated British soldiers - bayonets gleaming in the sun, their brilliant white crossed belts left little doubt they were the reason Peck and Doddle stood with those contemptible smiles on their faces.

  John yelled to his boarding party, "Back to the Pendragon!" To Buster Jack he said, "Get 'em back to the ship - it's a trap!"

  Buster Jack turned as he said, "But we're winning John - come…" Buster Jack didn't finish what he was going to say when he too saw the Redcoats. "Back to the ship - everyone back!"

  The boys needed no urging when they saw the soldiers pouring up from below deck. They quickly turned and scrambled back to their ship. John stood his ground - covering the retreat - trying to make sure all of the boys made it back aboard. Buster Jack stood next to him unable to abandon his friend. They blocked the blow of one sword here and another boarding axe there. They could not be killed, but they knew they could be captured and then brought to land and hung.

  "Go on… faster… back to the ship!" John yelled as loud as he could "Capt'n Turnbuckle, get the ship underway - it's a trap!" To Buster Jack - "Get back!"

  Buster Jack swung his sword and blocked a soldier's bayonet thrust. "I'm not leaving you!"

  They began retreating behind the last boy to leap across to the Pendragon. A sudden rush of a group of soldiers cut the pair off from their retreating crew. Four soldiers fell on them stripping them of the swords and pistols. The Pendragon's boarders made it back to their ship, several of boys hacked at the ropes holding the grapnels in place. Finally the Pendragon drifted away from the Bridget.

  Mr. Cumberbatch ran down the deck to the starboard bow and took his pistol, aimed and fired hitting one of the four soldiers holding John and Buster Jack. He stood watching as the other soldiers kept a tight grip on the two boys. He was helpless to do anything for his young friends.

  Ava watched in horror as the Pendragon broke free from the Bridget and gathered speed. She could see the rough handling of her brother and John. She caught John's eye - just the way they had done before they boarded - but this time, they did not share a smile.

  She seemed to make up her mind and with defiance in her voice and a wild look in her eyes she yelled, "Fire one more for John and Buster Jack! Aim for the hull!" The gun crews obeyed - the guns loaded and depressed to hit the hull of the Bridget. "Fire!" she commanded and one more broadside struck the side of the enemy ship. The last shots did not seem to do much damage to the enemy, but she felt satisfied.

  As the echo of the final shots faded away, Captain Turnbuckle commanded, "Full sail!"

  Mr. Cumberbatch came running up the quarter deck ladder followed by Ava. "Capt'n, we just gonna let 'em have John and Jack?"

  Turnbuckle said in a low voice, "Tis noth'n can be done… fer now."

  "But we must go back and hit 'em again - to save 'em!" Ava pleaded.

  Captain Turnbuckle stood watching the Bridget. "If they wanted us, they would have continued the fight. No. They wanted prisoners - methinks they want a trade, by thunder - them boys for Peck's money!"

  Cumberbatch put his hand on Ava shoulder, "Tis all right, Miss. We'll get 'em back. Just you wait and see - eh capt'n?"

  Captain Turnbuckle rubbed his chin through his beard, "Aye, that be the truth of it."

  They turned suddenly as the sound of a splash came from the stern. They ran to the back of the ship and peered over the transom. The only thing they saw was bubbles coming up to the surface.

  On board the Bridget, Buster Jack and John Henry were held fast by soldiers as Sir Duncan Peck walked slowly down the quarter deck ladder followed by Captain Cuthbert Doddle. Both smiled as if they won a great victory. To them, they had. They now had four members of the Crossbone Children.

  Peck spoke first. "Well now… young Lord Henry. Things have definitely changed since our last meeting - wouldn't you say?"

  John glared at him, "For now."

  "Oh, you think it will change? Your shipmates will come and rescue you?" He turned to one of his crew and instructed him to bring out the other two boys on deck.

  Hugh and Ralph emerged from the below deck, eyes squinting in the bright sunlight. After a moment they saw John and Buster Jack. Hugh lowered his eyes and stared at the deck - as did Ralph.

  Buster Jack tried to jump at the two. His guards held him place but he blurted out, "You slimy git! I'll see you pay for this!"

  Peck laughed, "I think not! These two turncoats led us to your island and were instrumental in your capture." To Hugh and Ralph he said, "You have earned your reward. When we return to Port Royal, you will be set free - no gold though - freedom is enough payment when you consider you could be slaves on the plantation again." He noticed they did not look up. "Gold. That's what you wanted all along. So you sold your friends for gold. But you are not getting it. Instead you get to live with your shame." When they said nothing, he turned back to John and Buster Jack. "Apparently betrayal leaves a terrible taste in their mouths."

  John couldn't stand it any longer as he spoke up. "Apparently it leaves no bitter taste in your mouth. You betrayed my father and murdered him!"

  Peck drew his pistol from his belt and shot John in the chest. Of course the bullet had not effect on John but the force knocked him out of the grasp of the soldiers and he sank to his knees. The soldiers did not know about the power of the St. Elmo's Fire and thought the young lad dead, but John slowly stood up.

  "Pity," Peck smirked as he said to John, "I forgot. You cannot be harmed while on the water. We shall remedy that when we make port!"

  Peck motioned for the soldiers to take the two captives below. "Clap 'em in irons and put them in the cable tier."

  Peck instructed Doddle to turn the ship around and head to Port Royal. "What about the other ships?" Doddle asked.

  Peck turned on his heels and considered his two other ships, "I suspect the tide… or wind… whichever… will dislodge them in time. If that does not work, they'll just have to pull the ships out of the sand with the smaller boats. In any case, signal them to return to Port Royal when free." And with that, he strode to his cabin below the quarter deck.

  Buster Jack and John were led to the cable tier. It was where the anchor cable was stored. Great coils of cable or rope, smelly and wet lay on the floor of the small room. The only light and fresh air came from the opening through which the cable paid out when the anchor was dropped. The soldiers put metal shackles around their wrists and ankles which prohibited them from much movement.

  The door was shut and bolted. John sat down on top of the coil of rope and Buster Jack sank down to the dirty floor. In the darkness of the room, John looked down at the manacles on his wrists. He never expected to be put in irons - never in his life in the Navy had he even contemplated this situation. He looked at his friend only a few feet away, but only barely see his face. "I'm sorry for getting you into this."

  Buster Jack hesitated before answering, "There be no need. I guess we both knew this might happen."

bsp; "You should have gone back to the ship when I said…"

  "No… I wasn't going to leave you and I know you would have done the same for me."

  John smiled, "You're right. I would not have left you either." Both boys smiled in the darkened room.

  After a few moments of silence, John said, "Peck doesn't care about us - he wants his treasure back - he cannot carry out his plans without it. We will be used to bargain for that. Captain Turnbuckle and Cumberbatch will arrange it - have no doubt!"

  With that, the two fell silent each thinking of the future or lack of it.

  Chapter 25

  The Plan

  Spanish Town, Jamaica was the seat of the governor and where the prison was located. The prison guards led John and Buster Jack through the maze of hallways and corridors and finally to a large prison cell filled with other prisoners - pirates from the looks of them, barefooted, ragged clothing, dirty and foul smelling to boot.

  Instead of putting these two young pirates in with the others, the guards unlocked a cell opposite the larger one. The guards did not appear to be the least interested in the two young men now standing looking through the bars of their prison cell.

  The guards shut the heavy iron door with a bang, locked it and went their way, back up the stairs and out of sight. John and Buster Jack looked around at their new home - no bed - no chair, just a cold stone floor. They sat with their backs against the far wall and faced the cell opposite them.

  Eventually, one of the other prisoners spoke to them, "What you be in for?" He had dark stringy hair which hung every which way around his face, a few teeth in front and none in the back.

  Buster Jack whispered to John, "Let me speak to them. They be my kind of people, not yours." John nodded.

  Buster Jack replied, "Aye Mate. We be pirates what's been caught. You?" That got their attention.


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