All of Me

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All of Me Page 14

by Sheryl Lister

  “No, but I came close. One minute we were looking at wedding rings, the next my career choice didn’t fit with his high-society family and friends.”

  Damian leaned away and stared at her disbelievingly. “You’re kidding me, right?”


  A memory surfaced in his mind. When they were eating lunch in Jamaica, she had tensed and almost seemed reluctant to answer when he asked her about her job. Now he understood why. He listened as she told him about the conversation she’d overheard and about the other woman. He shook his head. “Sweetheart, that man is a fool. I know that’s what you were probably thinking at first tonight, but please believe that I would never do that to you. You’re very special to me.”

  “Please don’t. We dated for over two years, and his betrayal hurt me.”

  “I promise I will never cheat on you.” Her vulnerability gave him pause because she was always so self-assured. Her ex must have really done a number on her. “Do you still see him?”

  “Since I’ve been back from the cruise, he’s been calling and even showed up at the school wanting to get back together.”

  He went still.

  “He’s out of his damn mind if he thinks I’m taking him back.”

  “I’m glad to hear that because he’s not getting you back. If he harasses you again, let me know. Kyle knows how to get a restraining order. He used to be a detective.”

  Karen sat up. “Do you think that’s necessary?”

  “Probably better than me kicking his butt if I catch him even looking your way.”

  She chuckled. “I never would have figured you for a brawler.”

  His shoulder lifted in a careless shrug. “Only when necessary.” Damian didn’t usually start fights, but he didn’t back down from them, either.

  They sat awhile longer, and as much as he didn’t want to leave, both of them had to get up in the morning. Besides, he was emotionally drained and needed some time to process everything. He removed his arm from around her shoulders and sat up.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah. I’d better leave. It’s getting late, and I know you have to prepare for your kids.” He stood and pulled her up. “Walk me to the door.” When they got to the door, he turned and wrapped his arms loosely around her waist.

  “Are we good now?” Karen asked.

  “Since I was the one who kind of messed things up, you tell me.”

  She angled her head and smiled. “Yeah, we’re good. So I guess that means you’ll be wanting that daily little bitty kiss.”

  “You’d better believe it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He slipped into his jacket, bent to kiss her and stepped out into the night.

  Truth be told, he wanted more than just that little kiss. Sitting across from her today, even with things not straightened out between them, Damian wanted to strip her naked, kiss every spot on her beautiful body, then lay her on the table and make love to her until neither of them could move. He didn’t know how long he was going to be able to last without having more than a few minutes each day with her.

  An idea came to him, and he smiled. He just had to get through the rest of the week.

  Chapter 14

  Karen sat in her classroom the next morning finishing her lesson plan. After Damian had left last night, she was too mentally exhausted to do anything except shower and go to bed. She tapped the pen against her chin, still shocked by what he’d shared with her. A widower at twenty-eight years old. Never in a million years would she have guessed that as the reason for his behavior. The mess she had been through with Andre didn’t hold a candle to what Damian had suffered. She couldn’t imagine going through something like that at such a young age. Just thinking about it, she felt tears stinging her eyes.

  The fact that he had felt comfortable enough with her to reveal his story in that way floored her. And when he broke down and cried in her arms, she was a goner. At that moment, Karen fell hopelessly in love with him. She still planned to tread lightly because, even though Damian said he was no longer in love with his late wife, he might never be able to give his heart completely to another woman.

  Glancing up at the wall clock, she completed the task and made sure she had copies of the graphic organizers the students would need to start their book reports. She found that the sheets—broken down into introduction, body and conclusion—helped the students arrange their thoughts and notes in a logical way and made it easier for writing. The bell rang, and she walked out to meet her students where they lined up.

  She passed Damian on the playground. “Morning,” she said with a smile. Just the sight of him made her pulse race.

  “Good morning.”

  “Did you sleep well? You look a lot better than yesterday.”

  A soft smile curved his mouth. “I did, and thank you. I hope you did, too.”

  “Yes. Very well.”

  “I’ll see you later,” he said and sauntered off. She stared after him until he disappeared. When she turned back, Nikki stood across the way with her arms folded, frowning. This woman better not say anything to me. Karen kept walking toward the playground.

  After a morning filled with journal writing, math, library and music, Karen was more than ready for lunch. She sat with the other fourth-and fifth-grade teachers laughing and discussing the antics of the students. On her way out, Karen ran into Melissa, who was bubbling with excitement about another chance to meet with Damian and Kyle, and even suggested inviting them to dinner. Karen was having a hard enough time keeping her hands off Damian during those after-school meetings and didn’t want to spend any more time in a “working relationship” than she had to. Not ready to disclose her personal relationship, she made up an excuse and said her goodbyes.

  When school ended, Karen packed up and headed for the office, admittedly a little excited herself.

  “So, Karen, you seem to be quite friendly with Mr. Bradshaw,” Nikki sneered, stepping into Karen’s path. “I wouldn’t waste my time if I were you. Someone like him is probably used to being with women who, how shall I say it, have a few more lines on their résumés. Besides, you wouldn’t want anyone to think the teachers working here behave in an unprofessional manner, especially one trying to become a principal.”

  Karen clamped her jaw tight to keep from saying something that might get her into trouble. “I need to get to my meeting.” She stepped around her and strode down the hall. Melissa and Damian were already waiting when she arrived. Kyle came in a minute later.

  “You okay, Karen?” Melissa asked with concern.

  She nodded quickly. “Yes. Let’s get started.” Damian’s expression said he didn’t believe her, but she cut him a look that said, Don’t ask.

  They pored over policies, and Karen realized that, with all the technological advances, Melissa had been right. Some of the policies were obsolete. The subject turned to parent involvement.

  “We’ve done this in several districts across the country, and by far, the lowest turnout is always from the parents. I would think they’d be interested in knowing what the school is doing and how they can help ensure their kids’ safety.” Kyle let out a frustrated sigh. “If either of you have ideas, I’m all for it.”

  Melissa gestured toward Karen. “This is Karen’s area of expertise. I swear she’s the only teacher here who gets almost one hundred percent parent participation with conferences, class parties, field trips...everything. When I taught, I’d be lucky if half my parents showed up to anything.”

  “Don’t hate,” Karen said.

  Chuckling, Kyle said, “By all means, please share.”

  “I go out of my way to talk to my parents and make them feel they’re part of the learning circle. I praise them when their children are doing well and support them when they’re not. Once a month, I invite the parents in before school to have c
offee or tea and a muffin—something I like to call ‘Coffee Chat’—and ask me any questions. It’s worked well for the past two years.”

  “So all we need to do is promise some food, and we’ll raise participation,” Damian drawled.

  “Hey, it works for police officers, so I don’t see why it won’t work for parents,” Kyle said.

  They came up with a slogan, designed a flyer and made copies for the teachers to send home tomorrow. They finished stuffing mailboxes and called it a day. Melissa left to pack up, and Kyle excused himself to the bathroom, leaving Damian and Karen alone.

  “How about I walk you to your car?” Damian asked.

  “I’d like that.”

  He took her tote out and lifted it into her trunk. After closing it, he folded his arms. “When you came in this afternoon, you looked upset. What happened?”

  “It was nothing. Just Nikki getting on my nerves, as usual.”


  She nodded. “She’s another teacher here.”

  “Why would she—”

  “She’s been a pain in the butt since I’ve been here, even more so since we’ve both applied for the principal position.”

  “You’re applying for the principal’s job here?”

  She nodded. In the back of her mind, she wondered again how they would make their relationship work in the long run if she got the position. She couldn’t see either of them giving up their careers.

  “That’s great. I hope you get it.”

  He said that now, but what about later? “We’ll see. Let’s talk about something else.”

  “Sure,” he said with a grin. “Don’t you owe me something?”

  “What?” Karen asked, trying to hide her smile. He reached out, gently pulled her into his arms and covered her mouth in a scorching kiss. She moaned and slumped against him. Where in the world did a man learn to kiss like this? His kisses stole her reasoning and made her forget her name.

  “I don’t think one kiss is going to do it for me, baby,” he murmured, trailing kisses over the curve of her jaw and neck before claiming her mouth again.

  “Damian,” she whispered against his lips, “we have to stop.”

  “I know.” He kissed her once more, then dropped his arms. Taking her hand, he opened the car door and closed it after she climbed in. “Buckle up and text me when you get home. I’ll call you later.”

  His voice was strained, and she could see desire burning in his eyes, not to mention the huge bulge at his midsection. “Okay.” She started the car and drove out of the lot, peeking in her rearview mirror to see him standing in the same spot.

  * * *

  Damian watched until Karen’s car disappeared around the corner...and until his erection went down before going back inside. The weekend couldn’t come fast enough. Two more days. He could do that. Luckily, his plans were coming together nicely. All he needed now was for Karen to go along with them.

  “I don’t think kissing falls under your scope of duties,” a voice behind him said.

  Damian’s hand froze on the office doorknob, and he whirled around to see the same teacher who’d tried to make a pass at him the first day step out from the side of the office building. “Excuse me?”

  “Don’t try to play games, Mr. Bradshaw,” she sneered. “I know what I just saw.” She folded her arms, and a malicious gleam filled her eyes. “I did some research on your company—pretty impressive credentials and not one complaint. It would be a shame for that trend to change.” Nikki angled her head thoughtfully. “I wonder what the superintendent would say if he found out the company he hired is doing more than overhauling safety.”

  “Ms. Fleming, my personal life is none of your concern.”

  “Is that so? I’m sure Karen’s told you about applying for the principal position here. It would be a shame for her to be disqualified for unprofessional behavior.”

  He clenched his teeth. “I don’t do well with threats,” he said in a deceptively soft tone. “You might want to remember that.” Damian left her standing there and entered the office without another word.

  After packing up and walking Melissa out, he and Kyle headed back to the hotel. They parted at their rooms and made plans to meet up in an hour for dinner in the hotel’s restaurant. Inside his room, he paced angrily. The audacity of that woman! He stopped pacing, remembering what Karen had said about being upset with Nikki and wondering if the woman had made the same threat to Karen. Damian started pacing again, torn over whether he should tell Karen or not.

  He had to tell her. He didn’t want her to be blindsided by whatever Nikki was planning.

  He sat at the desk and checked his email, clicking on one from Troy. Troy had sent the information Damian needed for the surprise weekend getaway he was planning for Karen. He sent back a thank-you message, logged off and left to meet Kyle. Over dinner, they discussed their upcoming schedule and the progress they’d made this week.

  “I see your woman wasn’t shooting daggers at you today. Did you guys straighten things out?” Kyle asked as they finished their meal.

  “Yes.” Damian hesitated before adding, “I told her about Joyce.”

  Kyle froze with his glass at his lips. He slowly lowered it to the table. “Everything?”

  Damian nodded.

  “Including what happened on Sunday?”

  Damian nodded.

  “What did she say?”

  “She asked me to tell her about Joyce.” Damian related their conversation. “Then she told me she’d be there for me,” he finished. His heart squeezed with the memory of that moment.

  “I’m really happy for you, Damian. Karen’s a great woman. Are you prepared for a long-distance relationship?”

  “I am. Troy is letting me use his time-share in Vegas this weekend. It’s killing me being so close to her and acting like we’re just friends.”

  Kyle laughed. “Then you’d better stop looking at her like she’s your favorite dessert, because everybody’s going to know.”

  “That bad?”

  “Yeah, bro. You got it bad.” Kyle leaned back in the chair. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were in love with Karen.”

  Damian stared into his drink.

  “I take it by your silence that I’m right. Don’t you think you need a little more time to decide whether you love her? You haven’t known her that long.”

  “The length of time doesn’t matter. I know better than anyone else that sometimes today is all you have.”

  “True dat, my brother.” Kyle lifted his glass in a toast.

  “Thankfully, we only have a few more days left before hitting the next school.”

  “Too bad. I’m enjoying myself.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Melissa?”

  Kyle nodded slowly. “I like her. She’s smart, confident, and on top of that—fine as hell.”

  Damian shook his head. “Nah, man. Don’t even go there. Mixing business with pleasure is bad news, especially if all you’re looking for is a one-night stand. Melissa is a nice woman, and I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her. And you don’t seem to have a problem mixing the two.”

  “My situation is different. I knew Karen beforehand, and I’m not looking for a one-nighter. I’m telling you, Troy will kill you if you mess with the business. We’ve worked hard, and I don’t want to see our reputation trashed because you couldn’t keep your pants zipped.”

  “I said I’m not going to hurt her,” Kyle said through clenched teeth.

  Damian sighed. “Look, if you’re feeling her, that’s great. Just make sure your intentions are honorable. Understood?”

  Kyle drained the rest of his drink and stood. “Yeah.” He reached into his wallet, withdrew some bills and tossed them o
n the table. “I’m going up.”

  Before he could respond, Damian’s cell buzzed. “What’s up, Troy?” He frowned, and Kyle paused.

  “You tell me.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I got a call from someone at the school district insinuating there is more going on than safety training, specifically some inappropriate sexual behavior with employees.”

  “What?” Damian roared, drawing stares from nearby diners. He lowered his voice. “That’s bullshit and you know it,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Kyle lowered himself into the chair and mouthed, What’s going on?

  “I’m going to my room, and I’ll call you back,” Damian said to Troy, and disconnected. Drawing in a deep breath to rein in his anger, he stood and added some bills to the table. “Someone called the school district contracting and HR department and said we’re engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior with employees.”

  Kyle stared.

  “I’ll explain upstairs.” They exited the restaurant and took the elevator back to Damian’s room. Once there, he called Troy and put him on the speaker.

  “What the hell is going on, Damian? I know you and Kyle aren’t messing around—” Troy said before Damian could utter a greeting.

  Kyle cut him off. “You know that’s not the case, but I am curious about who would say that.”

  “I know what it’s about,” Damian said. “There’s a teacher at the school who, from what I gather, has it in for Karen. She happened to see me kiss Karen this afternoon when I walked Karen to her car after school when all the students were gone. Karen is applying for the principal position, and Nikki threatened to expose us. My guess is that she’s going for the same position and will do anything to discredit Karen.”

  “This is a mess,” Troy said. “Are you sure that’s all? We’ve got a great reputation, and I don’t want it trashed. Kyle, you aren’t messing around, are you?”

  Kyle looked at Damian, who answered, “No, he’s not. Do you want me to call the district office tomorrow?”

  “No. I’ll take care of it. I am going to have to explain that you and Karen are dating.”


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