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Night Page 5

by Jessica Florence

  Or at least I thought that, until his brown eyes moved back to mine. There were so many emotions in them, and I swear I’d never seen anything as beautiful as the look he was giving me right now.

  As if sensing my thoughts, he pulled out and thrust back in hard.

  I cried out from the sudden attack of pleasure, and that was it—the soft was done, and the hard took over. Dorian unleashed himself on me, my leg coming up to wrap around his pistoning hip, my hands on his arms, nails digging into them to the point of breaking skin.

  My back arched, and my head tipped back in euphoria.

  He pulled out and flipped me over with ease, keeping me smashed against the mattress as his body covered mine, hands intertwined in mine while he pushed back in, his hips smacking my ass with every thrust.

  Our hands gripped the other so hard I thought our fingers might break, but as that feeling of release raced through me, I couldn’t care if all my bones were breaking. This orgasm was going to shatter me anyways.

  And it did.

  I screamed into the mattress, and his pace hastened, drilling me over and over until his roar echoed around my apartment and his release overtook him as he buried his head into my neck.

  There was no going back for us—our course had been set, and we were going under.

  Chapter Eleven


  The first time wasn’t the only time. In fact, Dorian had to have some power running through his veins to have that sort of stamina.

  I was exhausted in the best way and had fallen asleep across his sweaty torso after the last bout of fucking.

  Being alone in the bed when I woke up was not a surprise, but it didn’t stop my heart from dropping in my chest. Dorian screwed me until my legs were incapable of walking, and I had passed out with a sated smile on my face.

  I rolled over onto my back and thought about the way Dorian possessed my body like it was made for him to play with.

  There was no telling if he would want more, or if last night was enough for him, but at least I had the memories that would last until I died. He definitely set the bar high for any future lovers.

  Getting out of bed was a bit challenging; my legs were fatigued, but I made it to my bathroom and grabbed my robe from the back of the door.

  Coffee was a must right now.

  I walked back out into my living room, heading for my small kitchen, and was shocked to stillness at the form leaning against my small table.

  Instantly I schooled my expression to not show my surprise to see Dorian sitting there, half-naked and drinking coffee, after last night.

  “I figured you’d be out the door as soon as I passed out,” I commented as I made my way over to the pot and poured myself a cup.

  “The thought did cross my mind, but the idea of a morning fuck before work won me over.” He smirked, and my cheeks turned pink. This man was insatiable, and even though there was definitely a soreness between my thighs, my core was getting wetter by the second just seeing that face of his.

  “So, I take it the curiosity is still there then?” I sat down across from him at the cafe table and took a sip of my drink. Good Lord, did he like his coffee strong. His brown hair was messy, but those eyes of his looked bright and revived. I liked that look on him. It was much better than the soulless-asshole expression he usually wore.

  His lips frowned at my question though.

  “It would appear to have intensified, actually.”

  Even though I didn’t want to admit it, much like he hadn’t either, I felt the same. Hopefully things would calm down shortly because I didn’t want to imagine trying to work with him with this powerful attraction between us.

  “If you’re thinking what I’m thinking, then things are going to get interesting at work,” he stated calmly, and I shook my head. What did I get myself into?

  “I thought this was going to be a one-night thing; we can’t let this need get in the way of our lives. If it starts to, then it’s over.”

  He lifted his mug up in agreement, and I raised mine to clink it against his. It seemed like we were both on the same page for now: enjoy this for what it was, when we needed it, and let it be just that. No fuss.

  “Well, I’ve got to do some errands around sooo…” I let the end of my sentence trail off. I was ready for him again, and I wanted it now. Having errands was just an excuse to suggest we get the fucking underway.

  His eyes sparkled with amusement, and his lips widened, giving me a rare full-teeth smile that very few have had the pleasure of seeing. He really should do it more often, even though it went against his asshole persona.

  “So,” he said, and then the mugs were briskly set on the table, and he carried me back to bed where he made the morning count in all the right ways.

  After we chased our releases together and became a heap of sweaty lovers in my comforter, he kissed me hard then got dressed. Before he left, he sat down on the bed where I lay wrapped in the blanket.

  “Where are you going on Sunday?” He wasn’t demanding my answer, just curiously asking.

  I stretched my legs, feeling every little ache from my body being used in ways I’d never felt before.

  “I’m going home to Magnolia to see my parents. Just a one-night trip, but with everything happening in Seahill, they are feeling antsy. So I’m easing their minds with a visit.”

  He watched me snuggle my bed like it was heaven, which it was right now.

  “I’ll take you,” he offered, and I looked at him like he had grown another head.


  “Yes, the statement is difficult to understand. I’ll take you to your parents for the day. Magnolia isn’t but an hour and a half away.” He reached over and pulled down the comforter to display my breasts. Weird. I didn’t feel like covering myself back up; he’d seen me naked, and there was no reason to be shy now.

  “You don’t have to. I was going to rent a car and drive. It’s not a big deal. Plus, you’d have to be around people, and we both know that’s not your strong suit.” I was making a valid point. Even though Dorian was a very good doctor, he didn’t “people” well. He just fixed them, and that was it.

  “I’m taking you.”

  He stood and left before I could form a protest.

  I probably lay in bed for another hour just thinking over everything that had occurred in the past twelve hours. Liam had been flirting with me. Turns out we grew up in the same town. He was five years older than me, so we weren’t in school together, but it was nice to talk about familiar places with someone who’d been there.

  Then Dorian had strutted in and all but knocked Liam out of the way to get to me. It was awkward and sort of nice at the same time. I’d never been fought over before, although I doubt Dorian would put up much of a fight. He had me, and while things might continue sexually between us, if someone wanted to date me I doubted he would stand in the way.

  I kept reminding myself that our night spent together wasn’t a big deal, but something heavy was wrapping around me, and I prayed I had enough common sense to shrug it off.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Yes! Oh God, right there,” I hissed into Dorian’s ear, trying to keep my voice down as his hands gripped my ass tighter while his cock nailed me to the shower wall of a bathroom in an empty patient room.

  I turned my head to face him, and our lips met hungrily, and that was all I needed. My release tore through me, and of course he groaned into my mouth at the same time I cried out into his.

  “I’m so glad you answered your pager,” I moaned, pulling away from his lips and letting my head fall back against the tile.

  He chuckled and lifted me off him gently. I grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned myself up while he took care of himself.

  Once we were both all set to go out into the hospital again, I looked at him, and he at me.

  This was an awkward moment if I’d ever experienced one.

  “Thanks for that. I’ll, um, see you soon.”
I walked to the door with my cheeks flaming, hearing him chuckle behind me as I left the bathroom. Apparently, Dorian had released a needy monster inside me last night. I swear, all I had to do was think about the way his hands gripped mine as he fucked me hard and I was like a cat in heat.

  This morning hadn’t been enough. No, apparently I needed him two other times in the past five hours. He had been available both times, and I was getting nervous what would happen when I felt the desire pop up and he didn’t answer. Would I combust?

  Yeah, I was feeling dramatic. But apparently once you gave your body to the devil for a night, he possessed it even when he wasn’t around.

  “Okay, spill. I know what you and the doctor have been doing because he hasn’t been frowning as much, and you look fuckintoxicated. And don’t give me that face—I made it up, but you look it.” Melissa Ann walked alongside me as we journeyed to the nurses’ station.

  “I think he’s turned me into an addict; I can’t stop thinking about him and sex,” I admitted. She laughed then glared at anyone who gave her a funny face from her outburst.

  “Well, at least I was right about him being good in bed.”

  “And the wall, and the table. Really, anywhere.” I covered my mouth after the words were already out. This was embarrassing.

  Melissa Ann laughed some more then pulled me in for a hug.

  “You’re doing what you always wanted—living hard and fucking even harder. Until it becomes too consuming, enjoy that cock, Esme.” She kissed my cheek and then we went about our night, checking on patients and administering medicine. Living hard and fucking harder. She was right about that.

  Dorian had given me a nod as he left after his shift. No kiss goodbye or anything, and that was what I needed from him—to remind me that it was still indeed just physical between us.

  Once my shift was over, I was wired from running around at the hospital, so I walked the few blocks over to the Hero Society headquarters, curious if anyone was around.

  A small smile grew on my lips as I thought about how a few short months ago I had virtually no one but Melissa Ann as my friend, and now I had her, a family within the society, and a man to screw when I needed. Things were changing, and I couldn’t complain.

  Until the building I was walking by exploded.

  My body was thrown into the street. After a few moments to regain my senses, I started evaluating myself for injuries. Everything ached, and my ears were ringing. I was vaguely aware of a sharp pain in my arm, but otherwise I knew I was okay. I looked around to see if anyone else was hurt, but there wasn’t anyone there but me.

  Then a woman stepped out of the damaged building. Her body seemed to be absorbing the fire around her. She saw me there in the road and ambled over. I tried to crawl away, but was too stunned to get far. I had no way to fight this woman. My powers wouldn’t be useful here, and I had no combat training.

  She had long black hair and purple contacts in her eyes. She was wearing punk rocker gear, black top with fishnet sleeves, and purple ripped jeans with studded black boots, and she looked good in it—I’d give her that. She crouched in front of me and reached out to touch my hair.

  “Poor little fly, caught in a web and doesn’t know why.” The woman had a thick Spanish accent, and I smacked her hand away from me.

  “Feisty. You’d do well with us. I can feel the energy in your veins, little fly. You’ve got something inside that you hide.” She was peering at me like a cat looking at her next snack.

  “Why’d you blow up that building?” I asked, trying to waste time until help arrived. Hopefully. Hero Society headquarters wasn’t far from here; surely someone would come.

  The woman looked behind her, and I tried to get up and make a run for it, but she grabbed tight to my leg and turned her head back to me.

  “The owner was an old friend of mine. He needed to learn a lesson. No means no.” She smiled, and I felt a knot in my stomach.

  “I’m sure you feel better now. You should go out and celebrate.”

  She laughed at my obvious brush-off, and then went to touch me again when a male voice broke into the scene.

  “That’s enough.”

  Draco was standing ten yards away, his arms crossed over his muscled chest. Next to him was Asher, who was chanting to himself, eyes on the burning building.

  Suddenly the air cooled even more, and rain began to fall over the fire, slowly working to put it out.

  The girl looked like she was going to laugh at them but then turned to me again.

  “This group wants us to be controlled. We want to be free. If they talk to you about joining, don’t. They won’t be around much longer if they stand in our way.” I think, in this woman’s own way, she was trying to help me. She stood and gazed at Draco and Asher with narrowed eyes. She lifted her foot and stomped it on the ground. The earth rumbled, and a shockwave moved through the pavement. Draco braced himself and wasn’t moved, but Asher was thrown back a few feet from her energy release.

  The woman took off running before they could attack and in seconds was gone.

  Draco got to me first, checking me over.

  “I’m all right, other than a bruised arm I think.” Draco lifted me under the arms to help me stand.

  “Should probably get an X-ray to be sure.” Draco looked concerned, and I gave him a soft smile. He was right, and it was nice to see the emotion on his face. Normally he was very stoic, but I was lucky to see him smile every once in a while.

  “I agree, better safe than sorry.” Asher was all smiles, and it was contagious. I nodded, and together they walked me to the hospital while asking me about what happened. It was clear the girl with the power was on the other side and thought I should join them. But she was wrong—that side was selfish and didn’t care who they hurt. They wanted freedom and power to do as they wished. That type of thinking never did the world good. We needed to work together and help mankind find peace.

  …If peace could still exist.

  Thankfully the hospital was just as slow as when I left, so I was seen quickly by Liam and another nurse named Joann. X-rays were taken, and I was just waiting for the results when Dorian walked in the room. Both Draco and Asher jumped from their seats, looking like they were ready to fight the doctor.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Draco’s rage made a smile appear on my face. It was only a matter of time before I encountered them after they discovered the truth. But I knew, as they did, that I was untouchable. I was one of the best doctors in the world, and as far as humanity knew, I was a model citizen. To kill me would be the end of their Hero Society, and they would never recover.

  Asher, the wild card in the mix, was looking at me with anger as well. Which was fine, too. He would have had a fighting chance on my side, but alas, he fell for a hero woman, and with her came the society.

  Ignoring their looks of hatred, I walked over to Esme, who was looking at both men with a curious expression.

  It seemed my long-time suspicions were correct. She had no idea who I was, or that she was technically sleeping with the enemy. I’d wondered it ever since Echo pieced together the journal, but she’d never shown me any signs that she knew. Normal hatred from me being an ass to her was there, but nothing beyond that. For some reason, they were hiding my identity from her. I’d seen all the possibilities of her future, so which one was Phillip aiming for? Something to ponder over later.

  “Gentlemen.” I gave them a nod and focused my attention on Esme. She’d seen better days, but as far as I could tell, she was fine. A bit bruised up, but she would live.

  “No broken bones, but you might want to take it easy for the next few days.” I looked at her chart then set it down so I could reach over and touch her. Both men tensed, and I wanted to laugh. Overprotective apes.

  “I thought you went home?” she asked softly.

  I did go home, but when I heard that she was hurt, I came in to see for myself. Liam and the others were child doctors, as
far as I was concerned. If I was going to keep using her body like I had, then I needed her fit and healed. Too bad she couldn’t use that power of hers to heal herself.

  “You know no one is better than me. So here I am.” She rolled her eyes, and I heard one of the men scoff.

  Feeling every bit the antagonist I was, I reached over and ran my fingers down the side of her dirty cheek.

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” That was a true statement.

  When Monica came back to the mansion and told me what happened, and what the girl she’d seen looked like, I knew it was Esme. I flashed in quick and took the X-rays right from Liam’s hands. I didn’t trust him with her, so here I was, making sure Monica hadn’t done anything permanent.

  Her cheeks flushed, and her eyes lit up with surprise.

  “Uh, thanks.”

  I wished I knew what she was thinking, but that wasn’t a gift I was born with.

  Feeling the stares of the two men around us, I removed my hand from her cheek and took a step back.

  “Ice, rest, and maybe a shot of vodka for when you come out of the shock of being near an explosion. If you need anything…” I gave her a smirk before continuing.

  “Just page me.”

  Without another word, or a chuckle at the pink on her cheeks turning darker, I left the room.

  Draco followed me out while Asher stayed in the room with Esme.

  When we were a good distance from the room she was in, I stopped and turned to face him.

  “Can I help you with something?”

  I lived for moments like this, and truly, it was everything I had wanted and more.

  “Whatever you’ve got planned, end it. No more people have to get hurt for whatever shit you’ve been pulling.” His voice was low, and while he looked angry as hell, his body showed nothing but control. He was always in control, never letting go except around his Rose.

  “We’re both trying to make the world a better place. You have your vision for what that is, and I have mine.” We were the same height and body size. He worked out far more than I did, so while he looked like a lumberjack, I was more ninja-like, slipping under the radar of most.


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