Divine's Justice

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Divine's Justice Page 4

by Shameeka Williams

  you alright JB, he knew Jb wasn’t ok as long as he knew him he’s always

  been with his grandmother, Jb lifted his head up and responded to his friend. “Man I’m holding up as good as I’m going to”, looking around and noticing Jb’s mother wasn’t there Divine shook his head in disbelief. “Damn, I can’t believe your mother did not come”. Jb got upset as he talked about his mother not being there. “Man fuck her, she thinks because she sent some flowers and shit that it’s okay if she didn’t come. I am glad she didn’t show her face here my grandmother probably would have got up out of her casket and smacked the hell outta her. Wanting to know what Jb, plans were pertaining to his living arrangements so what you going to do about the apartment. Jb looked at Divine and told him what he decided, “I’m going to live here nigga as a matter of fact I have a plan” wanting to know what Jb was thinking about he asked curiously. “What’s your master plan Jb? Jb smiled and said, “how about we all move up in the crib that way we can handle our business all in one spot” Quan overheard his friends plans and joined in on the conversation. “No disrespect, Jb but I’m not too comfortable living up in no dead person’s crib” Quan said shaking his head. Divine actually thought the plan was a good one and tried to convince Quan to agree. “damn Quan you act like she died in the house, she died in the hospital, I mean Jb has a point besides its way more room to roam at his crib” Quan agreed and Jb stood up and gave him a pound. “So it’s a deal; you guys just come sometime tomorrow” Jb said his goodnight’s to everyone that came over and Divine and Quan went to pack all of their belongings. The next day they headed over to their new spot, as they were leaving Divine noticed his mom walking up the street. He approached her and let her know his

  plans, she warned her son to be careful because the streets were nothing

  to play with. She had done all she could do, her first-born son wasn’t a baby anymore; he was growing up and starting to live his own life. She wasn’t going to scold him with the things her mother scolded her about; staying in school, graduating, going to college. she could look at her son and could tell that it would have went in one ear and right out the other, Denise watched carefully as her son walked down the street, then she headed into the building she knew he wasn’t too far if he needed her or she needed him. Later that night Divine and Quan helped Jb fix up the crib to make it a little bit more comfortable for them. After they were finished, they sat down and begin to bag up some more work for the next day. Pulling out a stack of 1oo dollar bills and placing it on the table. “Damn this money is good but we can’t sell this shit forever, do y’all know how much money we could see if we got our hands on some other shit, Quan said trying to convince the crew they could make major paper. “ like what nigga? Crack, cocaine, heroin” Divine wanted to know what Quan was suggesting. Quan pulled out a bag of weed and said, “anything but this nigga, I’m trying to get it and keep it ain’t that what you’re always saying D? Divine agreed with Quan. “I hear you loud and clear Quan, let me think shit over and I’m going to give you with an answer in the morning”. Divine mentally made his decision before he went to sleep and he knew exactly where he would go. That morning Divine woke up early and left the house before Quan and Jb woke up, he went to go check on an old friend, he hadn’t seen Ace in a while, he had questions, and he knew Ace would have answers. As he got to the block, he noticed a few things had changed; there were different curtains in the window, the

  different appearance almost made him turn away but just then as always

  Ace noticed him walking up and called out, “yo D where you been at? Come on up”. Divine walked into the building this time there was no titties and ass to greet him just the sound of the door unlocking. Ace, invited him in and complimented him on his come up in the game. “Long time, no see D what’s been going on? You look like life has been treating you good. Real good” Divine smiled as he entered the apartment. With a humble tone “well it can always be better and I’m working on that now. I came to talk to you about some real shit, I’ve been doing my thing in the game but I’m trying to go one step further I’m trying to get my hands on that powder that chyna white”. Divine didn’t have to spell it out because Ace knew exactly what he was talking about. However, he wanted to make sure Divine was ready to get into the coke game. “Well D, you know I have connections when it comes to that. Are you sure, you are ready for that kind of hustle. Can you and your team handle that much money and that much clientele? Coke is a very fast-paced drug. Divine pulled out his chrome.45 on the table and looked over at Ace. “I’m ready for anything, I wouldn’t be approaching you with this if I wasn’t” then he popped open his box of money. Ace looked at box full of cash impressed by what he saw. “Damn not only did you come determined you came prepared I like that, well look let me get these dudes on the phone to arrange a little meeting and get the ball rolling. But I’m warning you these dudes they don’t play at all, they are very serious dudes and dangerous too. So make sure you stay on top of your shit when you dealing with them. Ace warned Divine and he took the warning serious. “Oh I got this under control, you just handle that for me

  and I got you. You always kept it real with me Ace, so I’m not going to

  forget that or go against that”. Divine said as he proceeded to leave the apartment. He noticed the whole time he was sitting there he didn’t see any females walk in or out. “Where are the ladies at tonight? I didn’t see no titties or ass the whole time I was sitting here he laughed as he looked around the room. Ace chuckled “my ladies are out of town doing some very interesting things, but they’ll be back soon with all my money too.” Divine shook his head as he agreed with Ace. “I like that you still pimping them hoes, well we’re having a party this weekend if they’re back send them through and they will get paid trust me. Divine said as he gave Ace a pound and headed back to the crib to let Quan and Jb know that everything was in the works for them to start getting that major paper. After Divine, left Ace made a few phone calls and everything was set. Quan hears Divine walking in the door “damn nigga where was you at? Asks Quan since Divine hadn’t been in the house all day. “I went to check on that thing we talked about and get some girls for the party this weekend, what y’all niggas doing? Asks Divine as he sat on the sofa. “Shit we got rid of the rest of that work, so now we waiting to get that other shit out there. Jb said he would go check Raymond and get some more of that good plant for the block and the party”. Quan was super hype, next to making money he loved to party and flash his cash. Hinting that things were about to take a turn for the better divine let Jb know there was no need to overdo the order. “Yo! Jb just get enough of that shit don’t go overboard cause by tomorrow we should have our order in, then we can pass this shit on to the little niggas”. Understanding what Divine was saying without him saying it Jb agreed. “Yeah D I feel

  you I just put the order in with Raymond cause we ain’t know if we were

  gonna make major moves or not, we gotta stay on top of our game. Divine got a confirmation from Ace that his order would be ready in the morning. Everything was going as planned Ace took care of the order. Divine , Quan and Jb were getting ready for their party, they had the hood going crazy, they were hated and loved at the same time by the bitches, niggas and the fiends, Money was looking good for the three of them, they hit the block like clockwork never missed a beat.

  Time to Make Moves Chapter 3

  It was getting closer to the big 21 for the members of the G.M.C crew their party was in a few days they planned to do it up, hood style as they sat around in the crib; Divine began to speak about that time they went to Whiteyville to sell candy. “Yo remember when we were selling candy and we met that white boy, damn what was his name” Divine was trying to think back to the day and the conversation to remember the name the white boy gave him. Finally, the name came to mind. “Jeremiah, yeah that’s right Jeremiah I wonder what ever happened with his ass, as a matter of fact I think I still have that number he gave me”. Divine
searched through his box in his closet and found the number without hesitation he called; a woman with an accent answered the phone “hello”, hoping he has the right number he asks to speak to Jeremiah. The woman on the other end tells Divine to hold on and takes the telephone to Jeremiah; he greets the caller not knowing who was on the other end. “Hello, this is Jeremiah, who am I speaking to? He asks as the voice on the other end of the phone begins to speak. “I’m not sure if you remember me but we met a while back in Whiteyville my bad I meant in your neighborhood I sold you some candy”. Divine catches himself before he offends Jeremiah. Remembering that day as if it was yesterday because his father scolded him, for talking to kids, he didn’t know. “Yeah, the candy boy, what was your name again? He asked Divine, knowing the white kid probably forgot his name as soon as he walked away on the field that day he reminded him, that his name was Divine but he could call him D. Jeremiah was happy to hear from Divine he had

  always wondered why the kid who sold him candy never returned to his neighborhood. “Wow it’s been a long time since that day I bought that candy. Divine agreed. “Yeah it sure has been a long time; well I was wondering what was up with you and possibly invite you to a little party. Those were drinking words for Jeremiah, filled with excitement he said. “a party, hell yeah anything to get from around here my dad’s been riding me about colleges and other shit I don’t want to hear Jeremiah got Divine’s party location and number and confirmed he would be there. Divine had money on the brain as usual; as he hung up the phone, Quan had questions as usual. “What was that about? Divine looked at Quan with a grin. “Business, just business” not clear as to what business had to do with him inviting the white boy Quan continued probing. “I’m not following, so please explain why the fuck you just invited this white dude to our party? Divine decided to explain his reasons for the invite. “Well I figure our boy Jeremiah could get us in the door with a few of his white friends, I’m sure a few of them wouldn’t mind doing a few lines trust me on this”. Quan wasn’t comfortable at all with Divine’s decision but he got off the subject and headed out to grab some gear for the party.


  Friday night came and the crib was decked out. Filled with everything a nigga in the hood would want; drinks, smoke, hoes and coke. Ace had sent over eight of his thickest finest females true moneymakers. The ones that a made a nigga cum in his pants just by bending over. A few hours into the party, a B.M.W. pulled up in front of the building, looking totally out of place. Jeremiah hopped out of the car, Quan noticed a few thugs getting ready to give him a welcome to the hood beat down. Calling out

  to divine to go and help his boy. “Yo D I think your boy is downstairs and you better go help him get up stairs”, Divine looked out the window and noticed Jeremiah was looking nervous as hell. He yelled out the window “Yo! J, up here 4th floor, get on the elevator stay away from the stairs. When the thugs heard Divine’s, voice the backed, off. Divine called out to one of the local big bodies on the block. “Yo! Homeboy” he yelled pointing to Jeremiah’s car. “You see that ride don’t let anyone touch that shit don’t even let them breathe on It.” After hearing Divine’s request none was going to even look at that car let alone touch it. Once upstairs, Jeremiah was greeted by two seductively dressed females. “Hey Baby! Filled with lust and on a money prowl they both wanted to fuck the white guy who just pulled up in the B.M.W. Caught in a trance as he gazed at their overly exposed breasts, Jeremiah said hello. Divine could see that the women were about to get them some easy cash before he could really kick it with Jeremiah, he rushed over to interrupt their money moment. “Not right now Ladies there will be time for some fun in a little bit” they smiled and walked away letting Divine know that they would be eagerly waiting for his friend. They knew the white boy had some cash and they wanted to be the first to get their hands on it. Barely fazed by the females in the room, Divine was more concerned with getting some clientele from Jeremiah; he walked Jeremiah to the back room to speak in private. “So what’s up Jeremiah, you liking what you see so far? He asks as he could see the amazement in Jeremiah’s face. Grinning from ear to ear Jeremiah replied. “Hell yeah, the females from my neighborhood don’t have nothing on these girls right here. “Damn”, shaking his head and complimenting Divine on the set up he wanted to know a little bit

  more about his new friend. “So D what exactly are you into. As I remember you were into selling candy when we first met looks like you selling something totally different now”. Divine smiled and replied, “I most definitely am, and I have changed my money routine from that day we met on the field selling ten pieces of candy to your ass. We’re making major moves”. Divine had a good feeling about Jeremiah so it was very easy for him to give him a little insight. Confident he was doing the right thing by having this conversation with Jeremiah he continued. “I know you have a few friends that like to party and blow a lot of money. Get a little something to help them stay up all night.” Jeremiah knew Divine was talking about cocaine and cocaine was a very popular drug at the parties he attended. Divine explained to him, that all he needed was to set up a few parties, give him a call and he would cut him in on the profits. Jeremiah made it clear money wasn’t necessary but he did want a little coke for himself. “Well I’m down, as long as I can keep my father from finding out,” he let Divine know his father was taking a business trip next week. “So if you guys are going to be ready by then just let me know”. Divine didn’t need to get ready. He already had access to large amounts of coke. He just needed more customers. Heading back to the party room, Quan and Jb caught their attention they were talking with the females that were interested in the white boy with the B.M.W. As the ladies got their flirt on “hey Mr. B.M.W, we have something we want to give you”. Divine laughed and pointed in the direction of the back room. “Don’t hurt him girls, he might not be able to handle all that”. Jeremiah smacked one of the females on her ass and said excitingly “oh I’m going to handle it and handle it well” the two thick females escorted Jeremiah

  into the room, where they were planning to give him a night he would never forget. Quan wanted to know what Divine and Jeremiah were talking about in the room. He knew it had something to do with money and he wasn’t intrigued at the thought of having a white boy in the crew. He looked at Divine with a smirk. “I know you’re planning something and from the look on your face it’s something big. I’m just trying to figure out what this white boy’s being here has to do with it”. It was obvious to Divine, that Quan had a problem with the white boy. If only Quan would just trust him and stop worrying so damn much things would go smoothly. Not in the mood to talk business, Divine answered Quan in a nonchalant demeanor. “I got something in the works with this dude and I need you to cut him some slack. He’s not a bad person, but then again I forgot if it ain’t the crew you don’t fuck with anyone like that except the bitches”. Quan disagreed. “Naw not all of them, some of them hoes is trifling”. Divine shook his head and let his team know they were about to make some major moves. He told them about the party and mentally prepared them. Eager to get back to the party he made a gesture to his team the business part of the night was done. The party was popping, the honeys were looking right. The Get Money Crew’s hood recognition grew. The party ended a little after 6 a.m. Jeremiah ended up crashing at the crib because he was too bent to drive. Divine paid one of the local dudes in the area to watch the car, no one asked questions at all, Meanwhile Jb didn’t have any clue that his mother was on her way to the apartment. Quan was the first one up awakened by the knocking on the door as he walked over and looked into the peephole he saw it was an older woman knocking on the door. “Yo, Jb you got a

  visitor at the door” Quan called out to Jb, walking from the bedroom assuming Quan was setting him up for the door to door solicitors he said jokingly. “Nigga stop playing I’m not expecting anybody”. Knowing that Jb wasn’t taking him serious he looked at him with a seri
ous look on his face. “well maybe you should because it’s a woman and she look like a younger version of your grandmother’. Jb looked through the peephole in total disbelief. no way in the world did he believe his mother.(Charlene Jenkins, looking half her age, only 4 ft. tall, if you didn’t know her personally you wouldn’t believe she had children.) the same woman who left him with his grandmother years ago was now knocking on his door, without further hesitation Jb opens the door with a attitude. “What are you doing here?” he asked his mother as she passed him her bags. “Well hello to you too” she said as she just walked right in the house as if her name was on the lease. Looking around and displeased by what she saw she asked, “What the hell did you do to my mother’s apartment, and who the hell are all these people up in here? Jb stood in the doorway staring at his mother in disgust as he listened to her bickering finally he interrupted her. “first of all they live here, something you haven’t done since you were about 16 years old, and I’m not no little ass boy. So I don’t know where you get off coming up in here trying to scream on anyone you better take that shit back down south with your husband”. Just then, Jb’s mother walked over to him gesturing her hands as if she was going to slap him in his face but he caught her just in time. “Who in the hell do you think you’re talking to Joseph Benjamin?” she asked raising her voice. Divine and Quan looked on in shock they couldn’t believe that was his name or that his mother just called him out like that. Deciding to


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