Divine's Justice

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Divine's Justice Page 9

by Shameeka Williams

  “Dear Jb,

  if you are reading this letter than I know that I am in trouble. I should have sat you down, talked to you, and told you everything. I was afraid that you would judge me; my intentions when I came to New York were not to be a mother to you. I came for all the wrong reasons. a while back when you guys were out I went into Quan’s room and I was wrong to do so and I have paid for it ever since that day. I found some coke in his room, I got high, and it started becoming a habit. The

  second time I did it, he caught me in his room. He was upset

  and he raped me and made me leave the apartment. He told me to go back home. I didn’t I went to a hotel and he found me he raped me over and over and then he put me on a bus and watched me leave but I got off a few stops and came back to get even with him but if your reading this letter I guess I was successful. I love you and I’m sorry love always Charlene.”

  Jb crumbled the letter as tears rolled down his face he couldn’t believe what he just read. The thought that “Quan” his nigga from way back did what he did to his mother was straight grimy. Jb couldn’t even think straight he wanted to get at Quan in the worst way but Quan was still in Philly. He called Divine to put him on. “Yo D what up, I need to meet with you ASAP we have a problem, Meet me at the restaurant by the bridge nigga and don’t mention anything to that nigga Quan if you talk to him” Divine grabbed his heat and an extra clip. He could tell by Jb‘s tone that he was in war mode. “It’s like that? Divine asked as he headed out the door. Jb replied, “It’s like that nigga” and hung up the phone. Divine didn’t take long to meet up with Jb. Once he pulled up, he knew by the look on Jb face that some shit was bout to go down. “What’s up? Divine asked as he got in the car. “Read this fucking letter than ask me that again” Jb said as he passed Divine the letter. Divine began reading the letter and couldn’t believe it. “That nigga Quan couldn’t have done that shit” Divine said as he gave the letter back to Jb. “why the fuck would she lie D? Jb said as he pulled his gun from his holster. He was convinced

  Quan had something to do with Charlene’s disappearance. Divine could tell he was pissed and tried to get him to think everything over. “I’m saying Quan is a fucked up nigga at times. I just can’t see him doing no wild shit like that to your mom’s. Let’s ride back over to the hotel and ask the housekeeper to describe the car she saw your mom get in”. Jb put his gun away and drove over to the hotel. When they pulled up to the telly, the housekeeper was busy cleaning rooms. Jb waited til she was finished and asked her if she remembered the color of the car. She told him the car was green. That right there was exactly what Jb and Divine didn’t want to hear because Quan’s car was green. Everybody in the hood called it the making money monster. Divine wanted to double check on the info he had got from Ace, he called him up and asked him to with his girls about the color of the car. “Yo Ace ask your girls if they remember the color of that car? Ace called out to one of his girls and one of them told him the car was green. Divine hung up the phone and looked at Jb knowing that it was no way that two different people would give the same color of the car. Divine told Jb what Ace had told him, the colors of the car were a match. Divine looked at Jb and said, “So what’s up you want to go at this nigga with this info we got and check his story or you want to wait? Jb cocked his gun back and said, “right now I want to take it to this nigga but I want to know where she is and what’s up first before I do anything” Divine and Jb decided they both would keep what they found out on the hush until the time was right to confront Quan. Quan was still in Philly but he called to let them know he would be back on the weekend. The next day Jb checked his messages, still no word from Charlene he was starting to realize he wasn’t going to hear from her at all.

  He sat on the couch and began flicking through the channels. He stopped on the local news channel. The story caught his attention.

  “Police in upstate New York have found a woman’s body floating in a stream. The woman has yet to be identified but police have reported that she is African American.” Jb didn’t really think anything of it as he turned away from the channel. Divine was awakened by his cellphone ringing, it was business as usual, he told Jb they needed to go pick up some work. Divine and Jb headed to meet with the connect to pick up some work, even though it was drama within the team that didn’t stop them from making money.

  ****************************************************************** A few weeks had past and the body of the woman found in upstate New York was still unidentified. Detective Bryant had heard about the story and decided to take a ride upstate to see if the woman was Charlene. he didn’t want to contact Jb until he knew for sure. After speaking with local authorities and feeling like he had a lead, he decided to go ahead and contact Jb to have him come up and view the body. Jb got the call from Detective Bryant and directions, and then he and Divine got on the road to go view the body. While they were driving, Jb hoped and prayed it wasn’t his mother. After a few hours of driving, they finally arrived at the morgue. Jb took a deep breath, and then walked in to meet Detective Bryant. Divine decided to stay in the lobby while Jb and Detective Bryant walked into the morgue to view the body. The coroner unzipped the body bag and Jb broke down as he looked at the lifeless body on the table. He identified the woman as his mother Charlene Jenkins. Tears filled his eyes as he stormed out of the morgue. Divine was outside when

  he saw Jb walking out. He knew by Jb’s face that it had to be Charlene. “Damn J it was your mom’s? Divine asked as he tried to console Jb.

  Wiping his face Jb replied. “Why the fuck did that nigga do that shit? Detective Bryant walked out and overheard Jb and Divine talking. He walked over and asked, “Do you know who did this Jb? Jb didn’t play the snitch game and he wanted to handle Quan himself. He decided not to tell detective Bryant anything about Quan or the letter that Charlene had wrote him. He replied firmly. “No I don’t know who did this but I wish I did.” Detective Bryant looked at Jb and said, “Well son that’s my job, just let us handle this and we will find the bastard that did this. It will be an autopsy done to determine the exact cause of death and I will contact you with the results.” Jb walked to the car with his mind set on dealing with Quan. on the drive back to the city neither Jb or Divine spoke a word. Divine knew that Jb wanted to get at Quan and he wasn’t going to stop him neither but he never thought in a million years the empire they worked so hard to build would crumble on the count of a nigga in their crew. Meanwhile up in Philly Quan was unaware of what Jb had just found out he was getting himself together to get ready for the drive back. Once back in the hood Jb went to the crib to focus on his plan to deal with Quan. He told Divine that when Quan got back he was going to kill him, Divine wasn’t going to stop Quan at all but he advised him to make sure when he made his move he made it right.

  ****************************************************************** Up in Philly Quan had told Raymond what he did, and how he was planning on dealing with Jb. Raymond knew that if Quan succeeded that he would be getting way more paper than what he was getting doing the

  kick in the door bullshit. He offered to go back to New York with Quan to handle the situation, but Quan told him he could handle himself.

  He was planning on dealing with Jb before the shit hit the fan; little did he know it already had. Raymond wasn’t worried about Quan but he wanted to know what was going to do about Divine, since it seemed him and Jb was on some batman and robin shit. Quan looked at his cousin and said; “ oh I got some shit planned for him as if one go down they both going down” Raymond gave Quan a pound and replied “ I feel you on that nigga” Quan told Raymond he would get in touch with him after he dealt with the situation. Quan hopped in his car and headed back to the city, he was dead set on getting at Jb. Meanwhile back at the crib Jb was trying to think back to every time Charlene was at the crib to see if he missed any signs, wondering if he could have prevented what happened. Divine went back over to Ace’s crib to let him know what happened. As he walke
d in, he asked Ace had he been watching the news. Ace didn’t really watch the news. Divine sat down and told him that Jb’s mother body was found floating in a stream. Ace couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Ace asked how Jb was holding up and Divine told him that Jb was feeling fucked up. “Any word on who did it? Ace asked, Divine looked at Ace with a serious face and said, “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you man” Ace eyes widened as he said “hell no not a nigga y’all knew! Divine shook his head and said, “Our right hand nigga! “Damn” Ace said as he shook his head in disbelief. “What was her name again? Ace asked. “Charlene Jenkins” Divine replied. Ace wanted to know where she was from. Divine explained how she had lived in New York when she was younger and then moved down south. A few years after

  she moved she sent Jb to live with his grandmother. Ace listened closely as Divine spoke about Charlene. Her name kept ringing bells in his head.

  Divine noticed Ace had a weird look on his face. Ace told him he had a weird feeling but he had to make a few calls first. Divine decided to head back to the crib to check on Jb. Ace sat on the couch wondering if Charlene Jenkins was the same Charlene he had knew. He pulled out one of his old photo albums and found a picture of the Charlene that he had been in love with a long time ago. He decided to make a few calls to some old friends that he dealt with around that time to see if anyone of them remembered Charlene.

  *****************************************************************Divine pulled up to the crib and noticed Quan was arriving at the same time. He kept his cool as he walked over to Quan’s car. As bad as he wanted to call Jb and tell him Quan was on his upstairs, he knew it would look suspicious. As they walked, Divine signaled Jb to keep his cool. Jb held in his anger as he gave Quan and Divine a pound. Quan sat back on the couch and rolled a blunt and asked Jb if he wanted to smoke. Jb told Quan he would smoke a little later. He decided to fuck with Quan’s head a little bit to see what kind of reaction he could get from him. “ this broad I was fucking with just wrote me talking bout she pregnant and shit” Quan looked up from rolling his blunt “better get that a-1 special nigga” Jb replied, “Naw shorty talking bout she like 7 months” Quan laughed and said; “well nigga looks like you going to be a fucking daddy”. Jb pulled his gun out, put in on the counter, and said, “Fuck that I’m going to kill that bitch! Quan put the blunt down and looked at Jb

  thinking to himself why did he just say that shit. Wondering if Jb knew what he had done. “No fucking way” he thought to himself. He knew Jb would have shot him as soon as he walked in the door. Quan busted out laughing as he sparked his blunt. “You crazy as hell Jb”. Divine really couldn’t tell what direction the night was going was go to go in. Jb didn’t give him any sign that he wanted to take care of Quan right then and there, so he sat back on the couch and dozed off. Quan and Jb sat up smoking. Quan was high and wanted to go to a strip club; he asked Jb if he wanted to go, Jb wasn’t sure if Quan was trying to get him out the house on some sneaky shit or if he really wanted to go to a strip club. He told Quan he was going to the store then heading to bed. Quan went in his room to get right for the club while Jb went to the store, he wanted to get at Quan badly but he needed the right moment and he wanted Divine to be close by. Once back upstairs Jb noticed that Quan was gone, and Divine was awake. “Yo what the fuck happened? Divine as he wondered what he had missed while he was sleep. “That nigga went to the tittie club and I went to the store.” Jb said as he showed Jb his bag of goodies. “I know you wasn’t going to handle that shit tonight” Divine said as he got up from the couch. Jb pulled his gun out and said, “ trust me, I’m going to get at that nigga but I gotta do that shit away from the crib, it’s burning me up to even be around this nigga”. Divine looked at Jb’s face and knew he was dead set on dealing with Quan. “I thought you were going to beat the nigga ass when we walked in the crib.” Divine and Jb sat up getting the plan right while Quan was enjoying himself at the club. After a few hours, Quan finally made it back to the crib. Jb and Divine were sleep went he got in; he was so drunk he didn’t even realize he

  could have popped Divine and Jb right then and there. The next morning Jb received a call from Detective Bryant asking him to come to the station. Once he arrived at the station; Detective Bryant told him the exact cause of Charlene’s death and that he was still looking for the suspect. Jb called Divine to let him know what he had found out, while he was on the phone with Jb Quan walked in. Divine quickly changed the subject to give him a clue that Quan was listening. “I guess you better take her to handle that real soon.” As Divine was hanging up the phone, Quan asked him what was going on with Jb. “that nigga said shorty wilding talking bout she keeping the baby.” Quan still didn’t have a clue that Divine and Jb were on to his ass, either way he was still planning to deal with Jb real soon. Divine told Quan it was work that needed to be picked up. Quan decided he would make the trip and asked if Jb or Divine would be coming with him, Divine told him that he would check with Jb to see what he wanted to do. Quan was hoping that Divine would stay at the crib and Jb would go with him that would allow him to get the work and handle Jb. Divine called Jb on the phone to see where he was. “Yo Jb, where you at? Jb answered in an upset tone; “man I’m at the fucking shop, I was driving back to the crib and my shit just started smoking.” Divine grabbed his keys and told Jb he would come pick him up. “Damn” said Divine and he started to walk out the door. Before he could leave Quan asked him what happened he told Quan that he had to go pick Jb up from the car shop. Divine headed out the door to get Jb. On the way, back to the crib Divine told Jb they needed to go make a pick up later and that Quan was going. Jb told Divine that he would handle Quan later on that night. Divine respected Jb’s decision but

  advised him that they would handle business first. Later on that night Divine, Jb and Quan were getting ready to go take care of business, when Divine got a call unexpected call from Ace. Divine could tell by the tone of Ace’s voice that something was bothering him. Ace told Divine that he needed him to get over to his crib as soon as possible and what he had to tell him he needed to tell him in person. Divine wasn’t sure what Ace needed to talk to him about, he just knew it was important. Divine told Ace he would be there after he handled his business but Ace insisted he come now because it was about Jb’s mother. Divine told Jb and Quan to go ahead without him, and he would meet up with them later. he didn’t really feel comfortable sending Jb alone with Quan because he knew he wasn’t sure if Jb was going to deal with Quan before he met up with them. Divine gave Jb a signal to wait for him before he did anything, Quan was too busy with his own plotting to even notice. Divine drove off in one direction to go see Ace, while Quan and Jb headed in the opposite direction to go to the pick-up location.

  There can only be one chapter 6

  On the way to the pick-up location Jb really didn’t speak much he was focused on dealing with Quan. He tried to block Charlene out his mind because he didn’t want to get emotional in front of Quan. Quan was blasting his radio acting as if nothing was wrong. Each of them knew the other one was strapped. Number one rule in the hood never handle business without your heat. Before they arrived at the pick-up location, Quan told Jb he had to make a stop. Jb wasn’t feeling the detour but he didn’t have any choice he wasn’t in his car. Quan pulled his car over on the side of the road claiming he had to piss. Jb told him to make it quick because they couldn’t afford to be a minute late, Jb didn’t suspect anything as he waited for Quan to return to the car. Jb he called Divine to let him know what was up, Divine told him to keep his cool until he was able to get there, Jb agreed and hung up the phone. Quan walked back to the car and was ready to go. They made it to the pick-up location, handled business and everything went smooth. As they were headed to meet up with Divine, Quan slowed down the car claiming something was wrong and he needed to check under the hood to make sure everything was ok. Quan got out of the car, and popped the hood and begin to check under it. Jb sat in the car for a few minutes then rolled
down the window to ask Quan if everything was good. Quan told him that the oil was low, and asked Jb to look in the trunk to see if he saw a container of oil. Quan knew exactly what he was doing, he checked to make sure no cars were passing by, pulled his gun from the holster, and took the safety off. Jb walked to the back of the car to check for the oil. All he saw in

  the trunk was the work they picked up and some empty sneaker boxes and a gas can. He yelled to the front of the car, “I don’t see any oil back here, so I guess you outta luck nigga” Still bent down looking in the trunk he didn’t even see Quan creeping on the other side of the car. Quan placed the gun to Jb’s side and said. “no nigga I think you’re outta luck.” Jb was caught totally off guard before he could reach for his gun; Quan shot him in his side. Jb took off running through the woods he could not believe Quan just shot him. Quan ran after him trying to get a few more shots in but kept missing. Quan turned around and ran back to his car. Jb knew it wasn’t over; he grabbed his phone from his pocket and called Divine. “Yo D, this nigga just shot me, this nigga just fucking shot me! Divine could barely hear him from all the static in the phone. Divine kept yelling though the phone as Jb tried to get a better reception, it wasn’t working and his cell battery was dying. Jb yelled through the phone “Quan nigga” Then his phone went dead. He tried to look for a pay phone or someone driving by. He was on a dark as road and there was no cars driving by. Jb figured he could make it up the road he might find a gas station as he was walking; a car came speeding up the road. The fog lights were on so he couldn’t see the driver of the car. Quan sped up alongside Jb and started shooting at him, Jb pulled his gun out and tried to shoot back but Quan shot him in his head. Once he saw Jb’s body hit the ground, Quan put the car in park and quickly went into the trunk and pulled the gas can. He poured the gas on Jb’s body and lit a match before he set Jb’s body on fire he stood over him and said, “Now you can join that hoe ass mother of yours.” Quan dropped the match, returned to his car, and drove off.


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