Alfresco Loving

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Alfresco Loving Page 6

by Miranda Forbes

  I caught the flash of her teeth in the dark. Then she was up against me, pressing her warm, slender body into mine like the other night. She coiled an arm around my neck and pulled my mouth down to hers, kissed me, hot and wet. I was ready for that, too, grabbing her in my arms and kissing her back.

  ‘Now do you know it’s me?’ she finally said, drawing back.

  I swallowed and nodded. ‘But w … what’s the key for – what does it open? They could’ve killed me, you know.’

  She looked at me. Then she took my hand and led me down the sidewalk, into an alley. There was a streetlight yards away on the sidewalk, and I could see her more clearly now.

  She was older than I expected; her face thin but attractive, pale skin stretched tight over high cheekbones. Her eyes were dark, her nose thin and straight, lips full, hair sleek and black. Her slim legs gleamed white beneath the hem of the trench-coat, shiny black three-inch heels on her feet.

  ‘You want a reward for your heroics, is that it?’

  I stared at her, unable to speak, unprepared now. She was out of my league, smooth and cool and experienced, keen as a blade.

  She unfastened the belt on her trench-coat. The coat fell open, and ivory skin and black fur winked in the lamplight, right before my widened eyes. She lifted her right hand up to her shadowed left breast and made a rotating motion with her fingers, heart-level. ‘That’s what the key’s for,’ she breathed.

  I gulped.

  She pulled the trench-coat all the way open and shrugged it off her shoulders. It puddled on the pavement, leaving her naked.

  I gasped.

  Her body was slender and tight, breasts high and firm, nipples dark and pointing, a patch of trimmed black fur between her legs. She slipped into my arms, her body melding to mine. She kissed me. Her tongue shot into my open mouth and up against my tongue, demanding reaction. I clutched her polished dagger of a body and tongued her back.

  It was midnight, the city all around dark and brooding, exuding danger. But the woman and I were conjuring up our own little patch of paradise in the middle of that urban jungle, right out there in the alley.

  Her breath came hot in my face, our tongues entwining, her arms tight around my waist, drawing me in. I ran my hands up and down her curved back, marvelling at the smoothness and tautness of her skin, revelling in the erotic twistings of her tongue, the pulsing heat of her body. I boldly slid my hands down lower, onto the twin swells of her buttocks, and dug my fingers into the firm flesh.

  ‘You’re a real tiger, aren’t you?’ she murmured. ‘But I should have known that from what you did the other night.’

  My face burned redder, my body on fire, as I kneaded the woman’s mounded butt cheeks. She let out a moan and tilted her head back, and I attacked her arched neck, kissing and licking and biting the sensitive skin. I was a tiger, burning bright in that jungle night, inspired to animal impulses by the raw, raunchy woman in front of me.

  She gripped my shoulders and pushed me down with a fearsome strength. ‘Suck my tits! Suck them!’ she hissed.

  I brought my shaking hands up along the contours of her buttocks and onto either side of her narrow waist, over her flat stomach and up under her tits. She shivered when I cupped them, shuddered when I tongued a jutting nipple.

  ‘Yes!’ she rasped, grabbing onto my hair.

  I spun my tongue around one nipple, then the other. The pebbled texture of her areolas tasted delicious. I caught one of her nipples in my mouth and sucked on the rubbery length, thrilling at the aroused rigidness of it.

  She jerked, her tits jumping in my sweaty, grasping hands. I squeezed them tighter, anxiously tugging on her nipple with my mouth, then bouncing my head over and sucking on her other nipple. I pushed her breasts together and wagged my tongue back and forth across both of her straining buds.

  ‘Enough!’ she cried, shoving me back against the wall of the alley. ‘You’re the one to be rewarded.’

  Her tits shone with my spit, nipples wickedly elongated and glistening, her chest heaving. She pushed my windbreaker back off my shoulders and pulled my shirt out of my pants and all the way up my chest. She held it there, and her tongue snaked out, long and silvery, flicked at my nipples.

  I grunted, quivering. She teased my nipples to hard and tingling heights, then painted them with her wet, eager tongue. I gripped the brick behind me, surging with erotic sensation, as she swirled her tongue all over my chest. Then trailed it lower.

  Looking up at me, she dragged her tongue off my chest and down onto my stomach, into my bellybutton. She swirled the slippery appendage around in my navel, deftly unhooking my belt and pulling my fly down at the same time; then my pants and underwear with one powerful yank, my cock springing up hard and yearning in the night.

  ‘Christ!’ I groaned, as her tongue slid down into my pubes and touched the base of my cock.

  She was squatting down at my waist, breathing on my twitching, throbbing erection. I stared desperately down at her, and she ducked her head lower, flicked her tongue against the underside of my prick, hood-level. I smashed up against the alley wall, electrified.

  She grasped my clenched thighs and licked up from my balls all along the pulsating length of my shaft, up to the bloated, bobbing tip. Did it again. And again. My cock towered over her upturned face, jumping at each hot, moist stroke of her tongue. I clawed brick in sexual agony.

  She licked up my shaft one more time, then captured my hood in her mouth. I grabbed onto her silky black hair, her velvety mouth enveloping me. She tugged on my cap with her glossy lips, bit into the meaty hood. And then she moved her head forward, consuming my pulsing appendage.

  I groaned with abandon, riding the woman’s head almost right into my body. She gazed up at me, her nostrils flared and sucking air, her cheeks and throat bulging obscenely with my cock. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before, furnace-hot and molten-wet. I clawed at her scalp, my entire body a live wire, beating cock locked-down inside the woman.

  Finally, she pulled back, and we both gasped for air.

  She slid her lips back over the hood of my dripping dick. Then she bobbed her head back and forth, sucking on my prick, up and down almost full-length. I leaned back against the wall, basking in the wicked sensuousness of the woman’s tugging mouth.

  She sucked quick and hard, slow and long, her lips sealed to my shaft, tongue stroking the underside. She released my boiling cock from the cauldron of her mouth and ducked her head down, sucked my balls into her mouth.

  ‘Fuck!’ I howled.

  It was too much. I was ready to go off, the raven-haired woman sucking my entire sack into her mouth, juggling my balls with her tongue. I pulled her to her feet, just in time.

  She spun us around, putting her own back up against the wall. ‘Fuck me!’ she cried, grabbing onto my bare ass and bringing my cock up against her pussy.

  I gripped my slickened hard-on, clumsily pressed it at her slit. She knocked my hand away and grabbed onto my cock and plunged it into her pussy.

  The steaming heat was incredible. She bit her fingernails into my ass, and I pumped, fucking her.

  It was intoxicating, exhilarating, the heady rush unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I’d smashed through the conforming, complacent side of life over to the wild side – fucking a dangerously beautiful woman in a darkened alley while thugs patrolled the shadowed streets in search of us. I’d been in the wrong place at the right time, and now I was reaping the whirlwind.

  ‘Yes! Fuck me!’ she screamed, wanting it faster and harder, all I had to offer.

  I gave it to her, gripping her tits and driving her slit, rocking her body. She flailed her tongue in my face and I shot out my own tongue. She sunk her teeth into it, sucking on my outstretched tongue in frantic rhythm to my cock churning her pussy. I was trapped in between her legs, caught between her teeth. And I was willing to die a
n ecstatic death there, having finally lived for the moment.

  I exploded inside her.

  She mashed her mouth against mine and devoured my cries of ecstasy, gripping my spasming body tightly to hers. I poured my heart and soul into the woman. Until I was empty, clinging to her.

  ‘The key! The key!’ she breathed in my ear.

  ‘I – I … don’t want to lose you!’ I rasped.

  She shoved me back, letting me dangle. She picked up her trench-coat, pulled a small automatic out of one of the pockets and aimed it at me. ‘You got more than you deserved. Now give me the key.’ Her voice was hard and brittle, the gun steady in her hand.

  Suddenly, I heard feet pounding down the sidewalk. I grabbed up my pants and pulled a small key out of my pocket and tossed it down the alley. It pinged off a grimy wall and onto the greasy pavement. Just as two hulking forms crowded the mouth of the alley.

  The woman swore at me and chased after the key, the two thugs right behind her.

  I ran off in the opposite direction, just as the sound of gunshots exploded in the alley behind me. I glanced back – the night was lit up with gunfire. I ran for the dark.

  Working at a bank, I recognised a safety deposit box key when I saw one. And so I’d gotten an old one from the bank to replace the one the woman had uniquely given me, hoping to keep her coming back for awhile.

  But she won’t be coming back now. Not based on what I read in the newspaper about the bloody gun battle in the alley. I’m hoping they’ll provide more information, about what she and the two goons were up to, which bank was involved. Because I’ve still got the key she gave me that fateful night; the key that unlocked a whole new world to me.

  Also Available from Andrews UK and Xcite Books




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