The Alien's Pet

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The Alien's Pet Page 7

by Loki Renard

  She did not relax, couldn’t with her poor pussy stretched wide around a pulsating probe, her rear dancing back and forth as her turgid little clit hummed with unrealized ecstasy. It was all so embarrassing, her feminine sexuality exploited for medical tests.

  “Humans are extraordinary,” the doctor mused. “Look at these readings.”

  Serena bit back a moan as Zed and the doctor looked at the screen, apparently interested in whatever was there. She couldn’t have cared less. Her attention was entirely captured by the pleasure probes, which were making her entire body hum with a building ecstasy fast becoming hard to contain.

  She began to pant against the medical bed, her face flushing as waves of erotic heat suffused her body. Her pussy was quivering, a slight ache still evident from Zed’s punishment, and her anus was not much better, both tender little holes somehow taking the vibrational stimulation and pushing her toward an almost unavoidable climax.

  Trying to avoid orgasm, Serena tried to think about other things, but her mind was unable to focus on anything besides her embarrassing predicament. Plugged and probed and panting like the pet she insisted she wasn’t, it was all she could do to scrabble back from the peak.

  “I think she needs just a little more,” the doctor mused. A moment later, Serena felt a third humming resonance, a device that cupped her mound and provided stimulation directly to her clit. As soon as it touched her glistening lips and made the little bud at their apex vibrate, she was lost. She bucked and wailed, orgasm crashing through her with a force that would not be denied. Her entire body shook, her legs becoming weak as muscular contractions made every part of her dance.

  She emitted a sound that was not a cry or a word, but something in between, a primal erotic vocalization that lasted as long as the orgasm did.

  “Impressive,” the doctor noted.

  The vibrations cut out with the last contractions of climax and Serena slumped down onto the table, her pussy still cupped and filled, her anus still spread around the alien probe. She was absolutely exhausted.

  “She’s very healthy,” the doctor informed Zed, resting his palm casually on her spanked bottom. “And her orgasm response is one of the highest I’ve seen. She’s perfect pet material. You picked an excellent specimen.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” Zed replied. “Anything you can give her to make her obedient?”

  The doctor chuckled along with Zed’s joke. “In my experience, the most well behaved pets are the ones who are trained frequently, given regular orgasms, and given plenty of attention. Humans revert to a wild state fairly quickly thanks to their highly developed brains. If you do not provide them with an agenda, they will create their own.”

  Serena did not particularly care for being discussed like an animal, but the clinical side of her mind found itself in agreement with the doctor’s comments. She certainly had no agenda of her own in that moment, aside from a need to rest and recover from the punishing orgasms that had left her without a shred of energy.

  Chapter Four

  “Do I really have to?” Serena was whining. She knew she was whining. She didn’t care. Three days on the alien ship and Zed was telling her that she had to make some kind of presentation. He still hadn’t given her so much as a scrap of clothing to wear, but he expected her to go out and meet new people.

  “I would love to let you rest, my pet, but we have some bureaucratic matters to attend to. Don’t worry. All you have to do is be polite, follow my directions, and be nice. You can do that, can’t you?”


  “This a practice run for what you will face at the end of the week,” he said. “Do well here today, and you will be rewarded.”

  “How? More sex? I have to say, the sex is good, but…”

  “You’ll get to see the ship. I know you’re curious about it.”

  Dammit. He had her there. She had been more or less confined to quarters since boarding. She did want to know what the ship looked like. She was pretty sure it didn’t really look like a shiny new Motel 6 room, which was what aliens clearly deemed to be the most comforting of atmospheres for a human.

  “What’s the test, exactly?”

  “It’s a demonstration of your obedience,” Zed said. “You’ll perform a series of tasks and prove to those observing that you are capable of doing as you are told, that you respect authority, and that you are willing to please.”

  Just the description made her frown. He was making her sound like some kind of show poodle again.

  “Maybe you should just take Pogo in there,” she suggested. “He knows how to sit, wait, lie down…”

  “Serena!” Zed snapped her name. “This is not a joking matter.”

  “Yes, master, of course, master,” she replied, swiftly dutiful.

  “Good pet,” he said, running his fingers through her hair in the way she usually liked, but at that moment found nothing more than patronizing.

  “Do I get to wear anything for this?”

  “If you do well at the end of the week, I will reconsider my clothing policy where you are concerned,” Zed said firmly. “As it is, I would spend just as much time taking any coverings off as you do putting them on.”

  She had been in a fair amount of trouble since being beamed aboard, there was no denying that. There were a lot of reasons for it; part of it was cabin fever, which had set in around day two. Getting out of their quarters and going to see some other aliens maybe wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Maybe.

  “Fine,” she sighed, as if she’d ever had a choice.

  “Good girl,” he said, unlocking the door. “Come on, they’re waiting for us.”

  As Serena walked naked beside Zed down a string of halls, none of which she’d remember, she started to feel increasingly nervous and increasingly rebellious. Zed wasn’t being fair to her. He could have whipped up a dress or something in the blink of an eye with his alien technology, but he preferred leaving her naked because he knew it embarrassed her, and he knew she couldn’t forget that she wasn’t his partner, but his pet.

  He eventually led her into what first struck her as being a large office. To her disappointment, there were no windows in there either. There were soft floor coverings and brushed metal walls. It was all very stark and less than comforting.

  Three alien men were seated at a long table at the end of the room. They were all wearing uniforms like Zed’s although theirs did not seem to be as decorated, and they did not look quite as impressive in them as Zed did in his.

  “Come along, Serena,” Zed said, gesturing her closer. She noticed that he was not touching her in any way. Usually his hand rested on her back or shoulder. It seemed as though he was trying to prove something… that he could control her with his voice alone.

  A small smile spread across Serena’s face. She would see about that. As he walked toward what had to be a panel of judges, Serena veered off to the left, approached a wall and stood close enough to lick it, pretending to sniff it.

  “Serena, come this way, please.”

  She could hear the note of tension in his voice. He was already displeased. Well, good. If he wanted to treat her like a dumb animal, she’d behave like one.


  She turned from the wall and looked at him with her best doe-eyed expression.

  “What are you doing, pet?”

  “Smelling the wall,” she said. “As is the way of my species.”

  He shot her a look that would have made her quake if she had been at all sensible.

  “Please retrieve your pet, commander,” the man at the center of the table said. “We’d like to meet her.”

  Zed walked over to Serena, took her by the hand, leaned down and growled in her ear, “Now is not the time for one of your silly rebellions.”

  “No, sir, of course not, sir,” she dutifully replied.

  She allowed herself to be led to stand before the three aliens who sat in judgment of her. None of them were as handsome as Zed. Two of them seem

ed to be older, with graying hair indicating that the process of aging was not as different between their species as the aliens might have liked to imagine. The more she learned about Zed’s species, the more she was beginning to think that their advancement lay mostly in the toys they’d developed and their high opinions of themselves.

  “Shall I sing a little song? I could do a tap dance?”

  “Just stand there and be polite,” Zed muttered.

  “Hello, gentlemen,” Serena said. “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts. Would you like to hear the rest of the… ow!”

  She squealed as Zed’s palm made very sharp contact with her bottom.

  “That’s enough,” he said before turning to the panel. “I apologize. She’s young and high-spirited and very new to this, but as you can see, she’s quite domesticated and rather friendly.”

  “She doesn’t look overly friendly right now,” one of the panel members noted.

  Serena was scowling up at Zed, rubbing her bottom where the slap had landed and was still damn well stinging. He was making her jump through hoops like some kind of circus animal and he had the nerve to punish her for making the smallest, most innocent of jokes.

  “Female humans do tend to scowl and sulk,” Zed replied. “It’s not indicative of any specific ill temperament. One must remember how very driven by their hormonal cycles they are. There’s quite a wide range of behavior even among very tame, highly trained human females.”

  “It’s true, bitches are trouble,” the alien to the left said with a laugh. “Give me a male pet any day.”

  “Did you just call me a bitch?” If Serena had hackles, they would have been raised.

  “It’s a technical term, Serena, do not concern yourself,” Zed said in tones that failed to placate her.

  “Don’t tell me what to concern myself over,” she scowled at Zed. “That’s a very disrespectful term!”

  “It’s purely biological.”

  “Well, in that case,” Serena said, turning to the alien man who had made the offensive observation, “may I say what a huge dick you appear to be. An utter, total cock, if I may say.”

  An uproar followed her statement. The other two aliens on the panel burst out laughing, while the one she had addressed turned a faint shade of purple. Zed was not pleased either, she knew that, because he’d snatched her up off her feet, tossed her over the judging table, and was already spanking her bottom hard.

  Serena didn’t have much to say after that. Most of what came out of her mouth where whines and wails as Zed’s hard palm seared his displeasure against her cheeks. Things were not going well at all, but she didn’t care and she didn’t regret what she’d said either.

  When he was done making her bottom hot enough to fry an egg on, Zed hauled her back to her feet, turned her to face the three uniformed alien men, and instructed her to apologize.

  “I’m terribly sorry,” she said, trying to blink back tears. “What I should have correctly said is that you’re all dicks.”

  “Oh, you think making matters worse is somehow in your best interests?” Zed looked down at her with disappointment in his eyes. “Let’s see how you feel about the rest of your punishment. Comrades, if you wouldn’t mind each taking a few minutes to give my naughty little pet the good thrashing she has earned at each of your hands, I would be in your debt.”

  “What?! No!”

  It was too late for protests. Zed grasped her firmly by the back of the neck and marched her around to the lap of the man she’d first insulted.

  Before he could take her and spank her, Serena twisted so she could reach the strange alien’s hand and bit down—hard.

  “She bites!” The alien squealed like a little Earth girl. “She bit me!”

  Serena laughed as Zed hauled her up over his shoulder, removing her forcibly from the three crewmen, who were looking horrified.

  “You didn’t mention she was a biter,” one of the others said. “Raylor, you will need a vaccination.”

  Raylor didn’t need to be told twice, he was already speeding out of the room.

  “Human mouths are disgusting,” the taller of the two remaining men observed. “You should muzzle her if she bites.”

  “Oh I’ll do more than muzzle her,” Zed said in tones that made Serena’s heart sink. “My deepest apologies, comrades. I assure you, she will be punished for this.”

  With that she was carried from the room. Zed did not say a word to her on the way back to their quarters. She could feel his displeasure emanating from him like a force field. She was in trouble. But she wasn’t sorry. These aliens thought that they could treat her like nothing. They’d soon learn otherwise.

  Zed strode into the bedroom and dropped her on the bed face down.

  “Your big alien friends are scared of me,” she giggled unrepentantly as he towered over her, his large frame casting a shadow over both her and most of the bed.

  He reached down, twisted her to the side, and swatted her bottom hard. “This isn’t funny.”

  “Yes, it is,” she disagreed. “It’s very funny. You all act like you’re so much better than me, but they’re afraid of me. I’m half their size!”

  “Serena…” Zed sighed and ran his hands down his face. “That is not a good thing. I am attempting to convince the captain that you are a safe, submissive pet.”

  “Well, I’m not,” she said, flashing her teeth at him. “I’m a dangerous human beast.”

  “You are a silly, disobedient girl,” he corrected her. “And you are putting yourself deeper in danger with each act of rebellion.”

  Serena shrugged at him. “I’ve been in danger since I met you. I’m not going to roll over and act like some subhuman animal to stay alive. I have my pride.”

  “You have a great deal of pride,” Zed agreed. “Far too much.”

  He stood over her, loomed really. Serena knew she was in trouble, but she was feeling quite giddy with a sense of almost victory. Three tall, powerful aliens had all but run from her. For the first time since meeting Zed, she was getting a sense of her own power back—and she liked it.

  “You were rude, you were aggressive, you were unapologetic,” he said. “Any one of those things alone would displease me. Together they…”

  “Displease you greatly?” She finished his sentence for him.

  “And still you are flippant,” Zed observed darkly. “Even though you know you’re going to be punished for what you just did. You attacked one of the crew here. There will be serious consequences for that. I am sure the captain has already been notified. He was not keen to take you on board, Serena. He is not rated for alien transport…”

  They were back to the initial argument, his expectation for her to thank him for having ripped her away from everything she had ever known, everything she had ever been made for.

  “You shouldn’t have thought you could march me in there and make a spectacle of me,” she said, eyes narrowed at him. “You’ve not asked me for my permission on any of this, Zed, not even once. You think you can spank me into submission. You think you can make me submit to your other little blue friends; well, you can’t. I’d rather die than live like that.”

  He looked at her with an expression that was more sad than annoyed. “You very well might.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means that you’re a danger to yourself,” Zed said. “It means that I’m trying to keep you safe, and you keep making it very difficult. The captain has the right to remove you from the ship.”

  “So I’m going to end up, what, marooned on an asteroid? Or will they put me in a canoe and push me out into space?”

  “This is not something to be glib over,” he lectured sharply. “Are you incapable of recognizing danger, Serena? Is your amygdala somehow defective?”

  “You can’t just push me into things,” she repeated. “You wanted to parade me around like some…”

  “I wanted to prove that you were not a problem and that we could be given safe
passage without potentially bringing trouble to the captain and his crew,” Zed interrupted. “I have explained this to you, Serena. This is not merely about your moods.”

  “It’s about my freedom, as a human. You might not understand that, but it’s important to me.”

  Zed took a deep breath and seemed to compose himself. He sat down on the bed next to her and instead of grabbing her and smacking her ass, talked instead.

  “This is something we both have to overcome,” he told her. “I know you lived as a single woman. I know subordinating yourself is not something that comes naturally to your temperament, or your genetics. I know you like to fight.”

  “I don’t like to fight.”

  He cast a sidelong golden look at her, brow raised. “Serena, you are never wetter than when I have chased you around and pinned you down. You don’t like to submit. You like to be made to submit.”

  There was a tension between them as, in a brief instant, the mood changed. A spark of recognition passed between them and then Zed stood up and was gone, striding out of the bedroom.

  Serena had no idea what was about to happen, but she felt somewhat good about the fact Zed had actually talked to her for once. Maybe things were starting to become more egalitarian. Maybe…

  The door opened and Zed strode into the bedroom, a black replicator box in his hand. He set it down next to the bed and reached for her.

  “Zed… what are you doing?”

  “You like to be made to submit.” He reached out and grasped a handful of her hair, drawing her so close their noses touched. “Well, my sweet little human girl, you’re about to be made to submit.”

  “Wha? Mpphhh!” Serena did not finish her sentence thanks to the thick rubber bit pressed into her mouth.

  It shouldn’t have surprised her that he’d replicated a gag. Of course he had. What did surprise her was how perfectly suited it was to the task. Zed fastened two horizontal straps behind her head, then connected twin vertical leather lengths that rose from either side of her mouth and came to a point above her nose, then became a single strap going over the top of her head. She had not just been gagged. She had been muzzled and harnessed besides. The triple leather bonds made her feel quite vulnerable and simultaneously contained. The soft rubber bit was comfortable to bite down on, just as well given that she was angrily grinding her teeth at the indignity of it all.


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