UnExpected (The Fighter Series Book 2)

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UnExpected (The Fighter Series Book 2) Page 1

by Matson, TC


  (The Fighter Series #2)

  By TC Matson


  To all my amazing readers: Thank you! Without you I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’m forever grateful for you. XoXo

  Teabag, I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again—I love you! Your never ending support and your perfect timing nudges…You’re the best!

  Harper Bentley, I can’t express the appreciation I have for you. Your friendship is a gift that I cherish. You make me smile even when you don’t try to. And your support is fan-freaking-tastic. But what I enjoy the most are our “date nights” confused about what the girly screams and nerdy nasal laughs are all about and the absolute randomness we chat about. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. #truefriend I lobe you gobs!

  I have many people behind the scenes—beta readers, book pimpers, several authors, bloggers, etc—that I want to thank as well. You all help mold and shape me. Your support never goes unnoticed. It really means the world to me.

  Copyright © 2016 TC Matson

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permissions of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at [email protected].

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people, whether living or deceased is purely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are figments of the author’s imagination, or, if real, used fictitiously. The author recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products and works mentioned within this work.

  Table of Contents





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40


  About Author


  This book contains graphic sexually explicit content and intense violence that could be disagreeable or distressing to readers. The content is intended for mature readers only.


  Our relationship started on the side of a rocky cliff. It’s been a roller coaster full of emotions, sending us through many ups and downs, twists and turns, emotionally depleting us.

  But how we grow from it is what matters. It can rip us apart or pull us together, even drown us in between. Your strength can, and normally does, determine where your relationship goes. You can’t always jump to conclusions because of the bumps. You shouldn’t take anything for granted because sometimes the most unexpected things can tear you apart while secretly mending you back into being one. A strong “one.”

  Love isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s the hardest part.

  Chapter 1

  Levi: Miss you already.

  He hasn’t been gone ten minutes and he’s already melting my heart. I did great keeping my tears at bay, offering a fake smile as he walked out the door for another unknown amount of time. I didn’t want to make him feel worse by bawling into his chest, begging him not to leave. Though Lord knows I wanted to. I hadn’t realized exactly how badly I missed him until he flew in to spend the weekend with me after being gone for two weeks. The two and a half days he was here wasn’t enough time to catch up.

  Levi ended up leaving a few days after Cory, his manager, offered him a coaching job in Florida. Now, he’s gone more than not, and it breaks my heart to have so much distance between us. Levi told me Cory was right to have an interest in Katie. He said that she’s very promising and with some professional training, he thinks she’ll make it far in the female division of the MMAT and possibly go pro. It makes me happy hearing the excitement in his voice and knowing that he’s helping make a dream possible for someone else.

  Does it bother me that my boyfriend who doesn’t have a great track record is spending a ton of time with a female? I’d be lying if I said no, but I’m not going to dwell on it. He tells me he loves me, and those words push me to have faith. He’s not given me a reason to doubt, so I’m going to stay positive through the ache of missing him.

  “You good?” Blain pops his head around the corner of my door.

  I’ve been staring at the text for…hell I don’t know how long it’s been when I look up to his loving brown eyes. “Yeah.”

  He chuckles. “That didn’t sound optimistic. You sure?”

  I blow out a laugh. “Yeah, it just sucks he’s always gone.”

  “You knew that when you started dating him. You’ll figure out a way to make it work. I’m assuming since your phone stays glued to your ear, you talk to each other all the time?”

  “As much as possible, but I still miss him.”

  “What’s that saying…distance makes the heart grow fonder?”

  I laugh, tossing my phone onto the bed. “Makes the mind go crazy is more like it.”

  “Were you anything else before Levi?” Blain quips and I glare at him playfully. He chuckles again at my less-than-intimidating stare. “Well, I’m heading out with Jason for a bit. You need anything?”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m good.”

  He winks then steps out, quietly shutting the door behind him. I fall back on my bed and instantly I’m flooded with the scent of Levi’s cologne blanketing my covers. It’s a smell I’ve loved since the first time we met—a mix between ocean and woods, reminding me he’s a perfect blend of mystery and adventure. We spent most of the two days tangled in the sheets, wrapped in each other’s arms, and trying to stay awake as long as possible to soak in all the time we could.

  I pull the covers close and inhale deeply. My throat tightens and my heart aches. I have no clue when I’ll see him again. Grabbing my phone, I look at the text one last time before my eyes fall heavy and sleep yanks me into a pleasant darkness.


  My eyes peek open and I scramble for my phone.

  Levi: I’m at the hotel.

  Not even one minute later, another response.

  Levi: Told you you’d be asleep within moments after I left. I have that effect after giving you hours of orgasms.

  Six minutes later…

  Levi: Satisfaction guaranteed. Ha! Text me when you wake up.

  That was thirty minutes ago meaning I’ve slept through six five-minute reminders. I smile at the screen and hit reply.

  Me: I went for a run after you left. It wore me out. ;)

  Levi: You always fail miserably at lies. What are you doing?

  Me: Laying in the bed.

  Seconds later—an incoming video chat.

  He’s in a plain white t-shirt, his black hair flat, not in his usual faux hawk. His royal blue eyes are tired, but his smile lights up my soul.

  “Ahh, my sunshine,” he croons.

  I bite my lip hiding my excitement, trying to hold my damn phone still as I sit up. “Hey, baby. How was your flight?”

  “Good. Hotel’s empty. You’re not here.” He licks his lips giving me that lethal smile of his and unveiling the panty soaking dimples. “It should be illegal for you to be away from me.”

  I giggle. “Reminder, you left me for work.”

  He raises his left eyebrow. “Reminder, you can come with me,” he says pointing to the camera.

  “You know I can’t. I have to work,” I say.

  “I’ve told you, I’d pay your bills.”

  “That makes you my pimp.”

  “Oh, you’re not getting pimped out. I’m keeping that sexy ass to myself,” he says possessively.

  I frown. “I miss you. This weekend went by too fast.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll be back up there soon.”

  “I know.” The last two weeks of waiting was torture. Does it get better? Easier? I hope so.

  “I’m gonna hop off here and hit the sack. Had some hot brunette have her way with me all weekend. I’m spent,” he chuckles. “I love you, Sunshine.”

  “I love you,” I tell him then blow a kiss.

  The last image of him is the smile he started off with before my screen dissipates to blackness with a “Call Ended” message. It’s a depressing message, reminding me just how far away he is.

  He tells me he’s just a call away, and he is, but if I need him right now, I’m on my own. I have no arms wrapping around me, none of his fabulous kisses, or his hard chest to fall into.

  Chapter 2

  My week has gone by so slowly. Levi, of course, engulfs my thoughts every moment of the day. Every time I hear a noise, I get a rush of adrenaline hoping it’s him showing up to surprise me. Unfortunately, each time is just a letdown.

  The highlights of my days are when I get to talk to him or get a random text just to say he’s thinking of me. I’m elated when we get to video chat. Being able to see him does sensational things to my soul. Tingles and butterflies bombard my body, inside and out, and a rush of love threatens to rupture my heart. The love I feel for him is truly ripped from a page of a fairy tale.

  Thankfully, Holly has been here to keep me pretty occupied, whether it’s at the restaurant working or outside of it. She doesn’t allow me to mope and refuses to let me walk around in a zombiefied routine. She forces me to get out of my funk and try to have fun.

  “Question,” she says zipping past me with a tray full of dirty dishes.


  She doesn’t immediately respond, dumping the remnants of food on the plate in the trash with a bit of frustration. Then she looks up and wipes her forehead with the back of her hand. “Tell me again why you haven’t talked me into being a stripper?”

  I can’t help but choke from my laughter. “You won’t mop off the pale makeup from your face. You do that, bam! Stripper material.”

  Although she’s a little on the heavier side, she’s beautiful. She has these mystical brown eyes that stun you, brown hair that does whatever she wants it to, and a smile that I swear can radiate its own sunshine. Sadly, all that beauty is hidden under a very peculiar gothic fashion.

  “I’ll put a makeover on my to-do list,” she says drying her hands off.

  “I think you’d make a hot ass stripper,” I tell her. “You’d have only one problem though.”

  Her brows furrow. “Like what?”

  “You’d be fired for extracurricular activities with every hot man that walks in,” I snort.

  She jerks her head back and presses her hand against her chest. “You mean the VIP rooms aren’t for that? Paige, I think you’ve just crushed my dreams.”

  I titter at her dramatic act. “I’m confused. You did say stripper, right?”

  She shakes her head giggling then purposefully saunters out to the front of the restaurant like she’s on a high profile model catwalk.

  See what I mean? How can I keep Levi on my mind when I have a personality like hers keeping me on my toes? The rest of the day at the restaurant was steady—not too busy and not too slow, but Tonic, my bartending job, is a completely different beast. It’s Friday night, which means a crowded dance floor, full bar, and good music. Tonic is an entire contrast to the restaurant. The atmosphere is extraordinary, entertaining, and the pace is speedy. Your thoughts can’t creep in. You are constantly moving, chatting with the customers, and mixing or grabbing drinks. It can be exhausting, but at the end of the night it’s a refreshing fatigue.

  “I love nights like these,” I yell over the music to Mason, my co-worker.

  He’s bobbing his head to the music, his shaggy brown bangs bouncing as he empties the shaker in a glass. “Yeah,” he says sliding a lady her drink. “I’m glad Jim got a new DJ. I was sick of hearing the same shit.”

  I couldn’t agree with him more. The last DJ seemed to have twenty-five songs he kept on repeat unless someone requested differently. This DJ plays from one end of the spectrum to the other and they all have excellent beats. He played one song earlier that had ZZ Top lyrics with a rap beat, and strangely, it was awesome! Everyone was digging it, including Mason and me.

  “Hey, girl,” Lacy says stepping up to the bar.

  She’s a stunning girl, completely model material with a sweet personality. She’s genuine, intelligent, and super kindhearted. She’s Blain biggest crush and also his best friend’s sister.

  “Hey,” I smile at her. “How are you?”

  She tucks a long strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, her hazel eyes scan the surroundings. “I’m good.”

  I scrunch my face. “Something tells me you’re lying.”

  “Eh.” She shrugs, “I called things off with Conner.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say grabbing a shot glass and pouring tequila in it. “Here. This one’s on me. You wanna talk about it?”

  Her smile is warm as she pulls the glass to her, but doesn’t pick it up, and drags her finger over the rim. “You think they’re all the same?”

  “I used to think that, but I’ve been convinced otherwise by Levi,” I say tittering.

  “How’d you do it? You know, cave in and give him a chance?”

  The remark sets off alarms, suggesting I know exactly who she’s talking about—Blain. He’s been after her for years, but he doesn’t have a good track record just like Levi. He’s definitely been around too many blocks if you know what I mean.

  “I fought it for a long time. He was used to getting what he wanted, and I figured I would be just another number. But he was so unrelenting. I kept him at arm’s length for a long time and we became friends doing friend things together. He left and was gone for a while and I missed him so badly that I decided the pain wasn’t worth it. What was the worst that would happen? Just sex and an empty heart? I didn’t want to wonder any longer so I gave it a shot. And now look at us. After a rocky start, I know where I stand with him.”

  She takes the shot and slams it back. “Yeah,” she hisses from the burning alcohol. “Maybe one day I’ll give it a try. I’ve got to go.” She throws her thumb over her shoulder. “A few girlfriends are waiting on me.”

  “You’ll figure it out. Listen to your gut.”

  “Thanks,” she says then leaves, zigzagging through the crowd.

  I empathize with her. It wasn’t long ago I was torn with confusion. Levi had pursued me so much that he made his way into my every thought. I couldn’t go an hour without him crossing my mind. I fought against him with every ounce of strength, scared I’d be just another night of fun for him. Then there came a time when I didn’t care any longer, and I had to know.

  He was in Texas and I flew down there to surprise him. Aft
er leaving the gym where he was training and getting back to his hotel, I took a shower. That was the longest talk I’ve ever had with myself. I was so nervous and fearful that everything I was seeing from him were all illusions. Mixed signals just to get what he wanted. But after a spectacular night, my heart wasn’t broken. He wanted the same as I did.

  But getting to that point played hell with my mind. I just hope she doesn’t fight it so much that she ends up torturing herself as I did.

  Levi: You home yet?

  It’s the same text I get every night I work the bar. I can narrow it down to the minute he sends it. Even miles away, he still makes sure I’m okay.

  Me: Just walked in the door.

  My phone makes the distinct ring for video chat and I’m laughing when I answer. “Impatient, are you?”

  “I was hoping to see you undress,” he says. “You’re fucking sexy as hell.”

  I know I’m blushing.

  “Paperweight!” I hear Adam yell somewhere in the background.

  I narrow my eyes, tilting my head toward the camera. “Now that would have been interesting if I was stripping down.”

  Levi huffs then walks down what appears to be a hallway and shuts a door. “He can’t see shit now. I’m alone. So, you gonna get naked for me?”

  “Levi!” I squeal.

  “I wish you’d scream my name.”

  “Have you been drinking?” I snort.

  He shakes his head. “No. What’s wrong with wanting to see my girl’s banging fucking body?”

  “You know where I am. I’ll just lay under the covers naked and waiting,” I tease.

  “You’re wicked. You know that?” He moves his camera to his shorts and rubs against the bulge. “I’m sick of imagining you while I take a shower. Look what you do to me.”

  I drag my teeth over my bottom lip. “Save that for when you see me. Then you can show me just how badly you’ve wanted me.”

  “I’ll be a damn two-second bomb. I’ll fucking explode with you just touching me.”


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