UnExpected (The Fighter Series Book 2)

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UnExpected (The Fighter Series Book 2) Page 4

by Matson, TC

  “You mean there are more best parts? Of course! Tell me.”

  “He lives in my apartment complex and walked up and talked to me when I was in my pajamas taking out my trash. Paige, I had no makeup on. I wasn’t all gussied up. I was just me in pathetic clothes.”

  “See!” I squeal. “I told you that you didn’t need all that makeup. You’re so damn pretty without it.”

  She lets out an exhilarated sigh, finally resting against the seat. “He wants to see me tonight.”

  “Yay! Where are you going?”

  She scrunches her face. “I don’t know if I want to go.”

  “What?” I squeak, pulling into a parking spot at a local burger joint.

  She turns facing me, worry drowning her brown eyes. “It’s been years since I’ve been on a date. I don’t know what to do, how to act…” she pauses. “What if it’s awkward? What if I screw it up?”

  I grab her hand. “Holly, stop overthinking this. You have such a great personality. It’s going to be awkward until you get to know each other. And I seriously don’t think you’ll screw it up unless you jump his bones at the restaurant table.” I chuckle. “But I also don’t want you to change who you are for any man.”

  “I’ve heard you for months tell me how much prettier I am without my makeup. For months I’ve ignored you and have been single. Then I step out of my door with absolutely no makeup on and immediately I’m flocked with hotness? Paige, I’m not changing me, I’m changing my appearance.”

  I wrap my arms around her neck and hug her. “I’m so stinking happy for you. I better be the first text after the date. I’ll get it when I get off work.”

  “You just keep your phone close ‘cause if it gets too awkward, you’ll have to call me and get me out of there.”

  I slap her on the arm. “Don’t walk into it like that. Then it will start off bad. You own this shit.”

  “I’m so excited.” She grins.

  “Me too,” I say opening the door and getting out.

  Chapter 6

  My night couldn’t have dragged by any slower. Anticipation has filled me to the brim. I’m dying to know how Holly and her date with Matt went. She texted me about a half hour ago only telling me she was home. No hint if it went well or not and it’s driving me insane.

  I fish my phone out of my purse and call Levi since I know I’ll be tied up with Holly once I get home. It rings several times and ends up going to voicemail. Almost immediately, he’s calling me back.

  “Hey, Sunshine,” he says. “Sorry, my phone was in the other room. How was your night?”

  “The time dragged by but it was a busy night. How was your day?”

  Yep. I haven’t talked to him all day, which is weird for us.

  “Exhausting. Harvey ended up coming right before I finished with Katie, so that meant a marathon training session for me with little sleep. Can’t imagine why,” he teases.

  “I can’t help I love hearing your voice,” I tell him.

  “Feeling is mutual. It was worth the ass kicking I had.”

  “Would you like to hear something awesome?” I ask.

  “Your bags are packed and you’re headed my way?”

  “Nooo,” I draw out. “Holly had a date tonight.”

  “With a real person?” He laughs.

  “Levi!” I try scolding but instead crack up. “Seriously. She was so excited about it. Oh! And she didn’t have her white face on. Her makeup was natural looking as were her clothes. She was so beautiful.”

  “Where’d they meet?”

  “She was in her pajamas taking out the trash and he approached her. He lives in the same apartment complex.”

  “Sure he didn’t think she was a prostitute?” He laughs again.

  “Oh my God, you’re so mean,” I say with a giggle.

  “A garbage bin, Paige. I’ve met some chicks in some weird places but never at the garbage. Did he even have trash to take out or did he stalk her there?”

  I sigh, still laughing. “I retract my statement. You’re such an ass.”

  “Tell it like it is, Sunshine. So what are you doing?”

  “Heading home. Holly wants me to call her when I get there, so I figured I’d call you on my ride home. I don’t know how long she’ll talk my ear off about the date.”

  Suddenly, I hear a girl giggle on the other end of the phone. The sound steals my breath from my lungs and leaves my mind in a hollow blank.

  “Wrong door,” he snaps bitterly. “Bathroom is on the left.”

  The girl drunkenly laughs and apologizes. “Adam’s new flavor,” he says with a sigh. “I’m kind of proud of him though. It’s been two days and he hasn’t moved on.”

  My lungs inflate. My heart drops back to my chest and I blink.


  “Yeah.” I enter the realms of reality again. “I’m here. I was pulling into the driveway,” I lie. In all actuality, I pulled in a few moments ago. “Blain has a few people over.”

  “I wish I was there with you. I’d throw you over my shoulder and take you to bed.”

  I’m still trembling, reeling from the flood of emotions that just slammed me. I’m foggy, unsure what I’m feeling. The instant scare just…well scared the hell out of me.

  “I love you,” I whisper trying to hide the fear.

  “You have my heart, Sunshine. I’m not going anywhere,” he states tenderly.

  “That startled me,” I admit my fear.

  “Scared the shit out of me too. What if I would’ve been rubbing one out watching you love yourself?”

  I roll my eyes. “You’re a mess.”

  “Fuck. Now the naked image of you is…” He groans and takes a deep breath. “Go call Holly and call me back. For some fucked up reason, I’m interested in knowing what happened.”

  “Levi interested in a soap opera? You’re losing your mind.”

  “My sanity has been compromised by a brunette miles away.” He laughs. “Call me back.”

  I hang up, drop my head on the headrest and exhale a long breath. That just screwed me up—a mental slap upside the head. I shake it off, gather my things and head in. You would think from the number of cars parked on the street that my house would be packed, but it isn’t. It’s an illusion. Jason, Brent and Brooke are sitting on the loveseat and Lacy, Mattie, and Blain are on the couch. Poor Blain has Mattie spacing him and Lacy apart. I bet he’s dying to get close and talk to her.

  I wave at everyone and then pad down the hall. My number one priority is to find out about Holly. I flop on the side of the bed and call her without trying my patience any longer.

  “I had the best time ever!” she answers excitedly.

  “Tell me everything!” I’m just as elated.

  “Ok, so he picks me up in his hot ass truck. Wait! Backup! He came to my door with flowers. With flowers! He just moved here from New Hampshire because of a job transfer. He’s a machine operator of some sort. I don’t know. I was too busy nodding and trying not to lick his face. He didn’t know where to go so I suggested Barges. We talked the whole time. No awkwardness. Paige, he wants to see me again!” she yells.

  I’m so full of happiness for her, I could totally jump up and down right now. “Holly, that’s great!”

  “He was such a gentleman. Not only did he walk me to my apartment, he kissed me on the cheek. Which was so weird ‘cause I just knew he was coming in full landing, especially by the way he was staring at my lips like he wanted to eat them. But after he kissed me, he dragged his fingers down my cheek and told me to have a good night and he’d talk to me tomorrow, which is today. It’s after midnight, right? Oh! And he said sweet dreams. With his voice it was a deep, sweet and downright sexy sweet dreams.”

  I snicker listening to her gush.

  “I swear if we would have kissed that would have led straight to love town. He would fall in love and never leave. Move right in.” She snorts.

  I burst out laughing. “Make him work for it.”

�Oh I am. For once I want to. I don’t feel pressured to put it on him to keep him around. But I would have put a kiss on him that would have given him a DUI from lust. And don’t get me wrong, I want to throw him in the bed and ride him until the sun rises, but I also want to wait.”

  “Are you running a fever?” I joke.

  “Right? I should go to the hospital and get checked out.”

  “I’m really happy for you, girl.”

  “Yeah, me too. I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

  “Me either. Maybe soon?” I ask.

  “Yeah, maybe we all could go out one night?”

  “Eh…I’d rather not be the third wheel,” I remind her.

  “We’ll work something out. But for now I want him all to myself. I want to get to know him more. I just said that, right?”

  “You did. All right, try to get some rest. I need to call Levi. I’m so glad it worked out.”

  After we hang up, I bounce to my feet and do a little happy dance for her. She so deserves someone special. I just hope he doesn’t go off and disappoint her.

  Changed into yoga pants and a yellow t-shirt, I slide under my covers and call Levi. This time video chat.

  It’s dark when he answers but seconds later a small light brightens the screen. He’s squinting, shirtless and smiling wide. “Mmmm…” he moans. “Now if only you were here.”

  I smile softly. “Did I wake you?”

  “No, Sunshine. I’m just lying here waiting for your call.”

  He slides his hand under his pillow, lifting his head. He looks exhausted. I’ve never seen him this way. His eyes are weary with dark bags below them, his hair lifeless and lying flat against his head. My heart winces at the sight. “You look so tired, baby. I wish I was there to snuggle into you and let you sleep.”

  The corner of his lips curl. “You think I would be sleeping if you were here?”

  Innocently, I banter back. “I think you might.”

  “Yeah, after I’ve made sure you’re very well taken care of.”

  His words are slurred and he can barely keep his eyes open. “Levi, baby, call me tomorrow. You’re so tired.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks.

  “Of course I’m sure. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “‘Cause if I want to talk to you, I know you’re feeling the same way.”

  I tilt my head tenderly. “I love you. Sleep well.”

  This time I don’t wait for him to hang up. I’m not going to play along with the very game from last night that has him worn out. Neither of us could hang up. Neither of us wanted to give in. Tonight, he needs sleep. His body needs rest. Our teenage spectacle will have to wait for another day.

  I plug my phone in and slide deeper under my covers. I know company is in the living room but honestly, I’m pooped too. I’m going to take full advantage of knocking out early…if you consider three thirty in the morning early.

  Chapter 7

  I’m so fucking ready to see Paige. Every day I’m becoming more and more aggravated. I need her scent. I need to taste her lips and hear her moans.

  Sitting on the bench watching Katie spar with a lady who is keeping her on her toes, I exhale, digging my palms into my forehead to relieve this damn headache. Jonie, I think is the sparring partner’s name, is making Katie work for every punch. She’ll tag her then back away, forcing Katie to chase her around the ring.

  Before they started, I pulled Jonie off to the side and explained that I needed her to piss Katie off. It works her nerves, but she needs to learn how to control her emotions. They only get in the way and take away energy you need, turning your focus on other things instead of determination. Right now, Jonie is doing a damn good job at testing her.

  Someone slaps my shoulder shooting my adrenaline through the roof. I spring to my feet twisting to the perpetrator.

  Confident hazel eyes belonging to Cory dare me to make a move. “Didn’t know training had nap times,” he says.

  I clear my throat and shake his hand. “Why the hell is the rich boy traveling out of California? Miss me that much?”

  He’s shorter than I am, standing at a whopping five-eight, and he’s not nearly as built. He’s definitely nothing spectacular and his ridiculous messy ass hair doesn’t give him the authority he thinks he deserves.

  Wrinkles appear across his forehead as he furrows his brow. “Last time I checked, I make sure you’re well taken care of.”

  “Yeah? I could say the same about you.”

  We have a love-hate relationship. I love to hate his ass, and he hates to love me. I wouldn’t be anywhere without him, and vice versa.

  He nods toward Katie deciding the bitchy banter isn’t worth it. “How’s she doing?”

  “Good. She has a few things she needs to put more focus on, but she’ll get it.”

  He takes a seat on the bench and I follow suit. “Think she’s ready for a real fight?” he asks leaning forward rubbing his hands together.

  This is code for he’s already got a plan in play.

  “Why the fuck are you asking me? Ask her,” I answer him then yell to the women to take a break.

  Katie whips around, drenched in sweat and ready to smart off until she sees whose ass is parked beside me. She leaps out of the ring, grabs her towel and walks our way stopping in front of Cory.

  “What’s up, boss?” she asks him with concern in her eyes. Her hair is slicked back from sweat, her skin is bright from the grappling, and she’s keeping her muscles warm by rocking back and forth.

  Cory leans back, looking up to her, but doesn’t get up. I think he’s a fucking asshole for not standing and shaking her hand. For fuck’s sake, he thinks highly enough to invest money in her. He should at least treat her with a little less attitude.

  “You think you’re ready for a real fight? I can get you on the fight card in Tucson, Arizona, this weekend,” he tells her.

  Katie’s eyes nearly bug out. Her smile is wide and loaded with eagerness. “Are you kidding me? Hell yes! Who against?”

  “Tabitha Nowlin. She’s just starting out, but she’s got a win under her belt.”

  “Add me to it. I’m ready,” Katie belts out.

  Cory turns to me and I already know what the fuck he’s about to say. “You know the ropes. Make sure she does too. Go and show her how it’s done.”

  I grit my teeth. “And you can’t?”

  He chuckles like an asshole and stands, patting me on the shoulder. “That’s why I pay you the big bucks.”

  He nods at Katie and strides out the door like he’s some fucking big shot. Look, I get he’s my manager, but he seriously is an asshole. He’ll devise plans that aren’t for shit and want his fighters to bail him out. That gets old after a while. Granted, he’s got a heart of gold and donates a lot to charity, but I think that’s just to give him a fake persona.

  Just as the tinted glass door shuts behind him, Katie leaps onto me, wrapping her legs around my waist and squeezing my neck.

  “I can’t believe it!” she squeals. “It’s happening. It’s freaking happening!”

  I chuckle, patting her on the back. “Told you hard work pays off.”

  She squeezes again then lands back to her feet.

  “Since your fight is this weekend, you need to work hard today and tomorrow. Then rest your body. Eat right and stay hydrated. If you’re one pound off at weigh-ins, you’ll blow your whole chance. Plus, you don’t want to overwork your muscles now.”

  She scrunches her nose. “You don’t sound as excited as I am.”

  “Oh, I am,” I tell her.

  She rocks back on her left heel. “Weird way to show it.”

  I laugh. “Am I supposed to do the girlie scream and jump around? Sorry, sweetheart, you’re out of luck.”

  “Oh come on.” She slaps my arm. “You’d be cute doing it.”

  “Cute’s for stuffed animals. I’m sexy no matter what I do.”

  I always throw her off when I say shit like that. The deer in the headl
ights look is my winning bell. Her stare lingers for a moment and then she pounds her gloves together.

  “Well, this calls for a night out,” she says, tugging her hands out of the gloves.

  “Do as you please.”

  “Oh no. You’re coming with me.” She jams her finger into my chest. “I can’t celebrate without the trainer who pushed me here.”

  I grab her hand, stopping the boney finger from poking me again. “Celebrate? Have you won yet?”

  She rolls her eyes. “You’re such a downer. Can I not celebrate because I have a kickass opportunity?”

  I point to the ring. “Big event. Hard training. Get back to it.”

  Women, the squeal is just one of the things us men don’t grasp. Grown ass women squealing as if they’re in middle school and just found out Bobby kissed Alice under the bleachers. Overly excited about being presented with an opportunity that hasn’t even happened yet. The high-pitched merriment should come once it has been accomplished. You’re pumping yourself up but it could be for a bad failure. Be happy. Show enthusiasm and determination, but holy shit, chill on the squeal. I need to put that shit on a shirt.

  Katie’s been grappling with Jonie for about forty-five minutes when I step in ready to give her a good romp. She twists around and flashes a weary smile.

  “We done?” she asks with hope in her tone.

  I shake my finger, arching a brow. “Done? Sweetheart, we’ve just started. You’ve got to get through me to have your celebratory night.”

  Jonie dismisses herself, quietly sliding out of the ring, and I zero in on Katie.

  “You’re not padded up,” she frets.

  I put my arms out to the side. “Most women would enjoy the chance to beat the shit out of a man. Take advantage of it and quit worrying about me. Focus on yourself.”

  She’s still fretting but drops her chin, raises her hands and bounces a few times.

  “Ready?” I ask sinisterly.

  She nods and then throws a left punch. I feint, taking one step back keeping my hands on my side. She tries to throw a kick, and again I step back just outside of her reach. Frustration drips from her wrinkled forehead.


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