Welsh Wolves 1: Let Sleeping Wolves Lie

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Welsh Wolves 1: Let Sleeping Wolves Lie Page 6

by Tielle St Clare

  They stood there for long moments, Maddock's softening cock still inside Dex. Heavy breaths rattled their lungs. Dex used the wall to hold him up while he tried to slow his heart rate.

  They'd fucked. His mate had fucked him.

  He hadn't claimed him. Dex told himself he was okay with that. They’d just met after all. And he wasn't a romantic by any means, but when Maddock finally claimed him, he wanted it to be more than a quick fuck in Micah's office.

  Maddock bent his head, his nose brushing Dex's neck, a tiny caress as he retreated, easing his cock out.

  With just enough space between them, Dex spun around and looked up at his mate. Maddock had his head down. Dex leaned in, wanting a kiss, wanting to maintain the connection for just a few minutes more.

  Maddock reared back, almost jerking away. He turned and grabbed a handful of tissues off the desk, quickly wiping off.

  Dex's heart clenched even as his mind tried to convince him it hadn't been a deliberate motion to avoid kissing him.

  Maybe he’s just one of those guys who doesn’t kiss.

  Or maybe he just doesn’t want to kiss you.

  The pain in his chest expanded when Maddock didn't turn back around.

  “I've got to go.”

  The breath left Dex's chest in a rush as he watched the door close behind his mate.

  Chapter Four

  Maddock stalked through the bar, his eyes focused on the door. He could feel the stares from the guys behind the counter, but he refused to acknowledge them. He had to get the fuck out of there.

  He slammed out the front door, practically ran to his car and climbed in. Maddock glared with unseeing eyes at the dashboard. What the fuck had he been thinking?

  He'd never fucked without a condom. Not even Monica, and he was likely, eventually going to marry her.

  And he'd sure as hell never stuck his bare dick in some guy's ass. Hell, it was the first time since college he'd even fucked another guy.

  He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the sensory memory that made him relive how it felt to slide into that slick, tight hole. His cock swelled and pressed against his fly.

  Fuck. How could he have done that?

  He cranked the car on and hit the gas, tires spitting gravel as he peeled out of the parking lot.

  Within seconds the pub disappeared from his rear-view mirror and the band around his chest relaxed enough that he could breathe.

  Distance helped. He’d go home, shower off the sensations and put it all behind him.

  It was over. One time. He’d fucked Dex, lived out the fantasy that had been haunting him for the past week. It was done.

  He'd call his doctor—well, maybe not his doctor because he played golf with the guy on weekends—and get tested for anything nasty he might have picked up.


  The word rang through his mind, switching from curse word to verb in the blink of an eye. Fucking Dex, that sweet ass, hot and tight, offered to him.

  It sure as hell hadn't been Dex's first time.

  You're no virgin, his sarcastic conscience pointed out.

  He cranked up the radio trying to drown out the voice in his head. He bet Dex and Micah were fuck buddies. The kid had known where to find the lube. His jaw ached at the thought of that big guy fucking Dex’s pretty little ass.

  He gave himself a shake.

  Why do you care?

  He didn’t, he told himself. It was none of his business who Dex fucked. He wasn't ever going back. That was the last he was going to see of Dex and his tight little ass.

  A low growl erupted in the car.

  His hand jerked on the steering wheel and he swung into the oncoming lane. Thankfully, the backcountry road was empty at that hour.

  Still, where had that noise come from? Had an animal gotten into his car?

  Keeping half his attention on the road, he whipped a quick glance into his back seat. Empty. There sure as hell couldn't be anything in his trunk, right?

  His fingers tightened on the wheel and he drilled his focus forward. It was nothing. A strange auditory hallucination.

  He took a breath and forced himself to relax. Whatever it was, it was gone now.

  His throat burned and the sound returned, this time echoing through his brain.

  Fuck. Had the noise come from him?

  * * * * *

  Dex cleaned up in the bathroom, but hadn’t quite found the courage to go back to work. It had been ten minutes since Maddock had left—long past the length of Dex's break—but Dex didn't want to face Reese and Micah.

  He'd done his best to be quiet, but when Maddock really started fucking his ass—those hard, deep strokes that consumed every one of Dex's senses—he'd lost control. He was pretty sure he'd screamed at one point. Maybe twice.

  He stared in the mirror and took a deep breath.

  He couldn’t hide forever. He had to get his ass out there and help out. The crowd would be just starting to arrive. Rhian couldn't be on her feet that much. Micah would be pissed if he had to serve tables and they sure as hell couldn’t have Reese do it.

  Dex pushed his shoulders back and lifted his chin. Hoping his confidence would build, he walked down the short hall and into the bar.

  As soon as he stepped through the doorway, Reese slammed a bottle down and turned to face him.

  “What the fuck was that?”

  “Uhm, sorry, I'll—”

  Before he could get the apology out, Micah was at the front of the bar. His tray hit the counter hard.

  “What the fuck?”

  “I lost track of time.” It happens when you're being fucked into next week. “I'll be right there.”

  He glanced out at the room. It was a little more than half full but there was a strange energy vibrating through the crowd. Half full and they made enough noise for a full house. The jukebox could barely be heard over the voices, but that didn't seem to bother the three couples dancing next to it. “Dancing” being a polite term for the way they were rocking against each other. “Dry humping” would be a better way to say it.

  “Oh, thank God, that's done,” Rhian said as she approached. She looked a little flushed and new guilt swelled in Dex's chest. She kept saying she was fine, that she was pregnant not sick, but obviously she’d been overdoing it. Dex nodded and grabbed an apron and wrapped it around his waist.

  “Wait, before you go out there—” Reese's fingers landed on Dex's elbow. “Seriously, what the fuck was that?”

  All three of his pack mates stared at him, looks ranging from irritation to confusion marking their faces.

  “I said I was sorry. It won't happen again.” Unfortunately. He lowered his voice and leaned in, no need to announce it to the bar if they hadn't already heard. “I didn't know you guys could hear. I'm sorry.” He knew his cheeks had to be bright red. Him, who had given a guy a blowjob in public before, blushing. Made no sense, but this was different. It had been special. At least to him.

  Maddock couldn't wait to get away after it was over. Dex ignored the ache in his chest.

  “Babe, I don't think any of us are talking about the screams,” Rhian said.

  “Though we do need to see about some soundproofing if you guys are going to do that often,” Reese added.

  “Not in my office, they aren't.”

  Dex shook his head. “If you're not talking about the noise, then what is it? It's not like none of you hasn’t ever taken an extra long break.” His voice went up a bit. It was hard not to get defensive when his entire pack was staring at him like he'd betrayed them.

  “So, it wasn't intentional?”

  “What wasn't?” He was moving past defensive through confused and on to pissed off.

  “The waves of sex that moved through the bar.”

  He blinked and stared at Reese. “What?”

  “Seriously, you two started fucking and it was like someone cranked up the hormones in the room.” Reese turned and started mixing drinks again, his hands feeling for bottles. “I'm sort of
surprised there wasn't a mad dash to the bathroom stalls.”

  “I think the desperate ones went to their cars,” Rhian sighed.

  “Wait, you guys felt it?”

  “Like a truck.” And Micah clearly wasn't happy about it.

  “I don't understand. How is this possible?”

  “I've got an idea, but it will take too long to explain and we got people waiting.” Reese placed drinks on the counter. “That's two Sex on the Beach and three Screaming Orgasms.”

  “I wish,” Rhian muttered as she put them on her tray and turned away.

  “Micah, jump back here and help me,” Reese commanded. “Dex, take over your tables. Let's get this horny crowd buzzed and happy.”

  Dex nodded and flipped through his notebook, looking at the orders Micah had written down.

  “I need two more Sex on the Beach and another Screaming Orgasm.” He turned the page. “Make that three more Screaming Orgasms.” He winced and flashed a weak smile across the bar. “I'm sensing a theme.”

  The drinks were made and he delivered them. From that point on, he didn't have time to think—not about Maddock or about why his pack mates seemed to think he was broadcasting sex. The crowd was lively and a definite sensuality hummed beneath the tenor of the room.

  Chairs were pushed closer together, more hands reached across tables and underneath tables and, oh, he was glad they had a cleaning service that came in once a week to give the place a thorough spray down.

  Finally, the last of the crowd was put into a taxi. This far out of town, most people seemed careful enough not to drink too much, but tonight…they'd called more taxis out than ever before. The set rate of forty bucks back to town seemed to work for most people.

  Dex locked the door behind the last couple, making out even as the taxi pulled away.

  Whatever had happened, it hadn't faded much during the course of the evening.

  He joined Rhian in wiping down tables while Reese and Micah cleaned the bar and loaded the dishwasher.

  When everything was finished for the night, they met by silent agreement at the bar.

  A pack meeting.

  Dex knew better than to call it that. Micah didn't appreciate any references to them being a pack.

  He sat down at the barstool and waited along with the others for Reese to speak. He was their “professor,” educated in the strangest areas and probably the most knowledgeable about werewolf history.

  “Well?” Dex finally asked, trying to get the Beta wolf to start.

  “I think you're an Omega wolf.”

  Dex shrugged. This wasn't a surprise to him. He'd always been the smallest in his class and even with Rhian around, it was obvious he was the weakest member of the pack.

  Reese seemed to read his thoughts. “No, I don't mean just you're the lowest- ranking wolf. I think you're a true Omega. A true Omega wolf is often the smallest guy in the pack, but they typically have extra…powers, I guess you would call them. Powers that can aid the pack.”

  “We aren't a pack,” Micah growled, reaching under the bar for his bottle of whiskey. He poured himself a shot and downed it.

  No one bothered to correct him. They were all familiar with Micah's refusal to acknowledge them as a pack and they just worked around it.

  “Joshua was always on the lookout for a true Omega,” Rhian said, referring to her ex-boyfriend. “But most of the other wolves in his pack didn’t really believe they exist. Besides, I thought Omega wolves were supposed to be peacemakers. I don't know what that was with Dex earlier, but it wasn't peaceful.”

  Reese grinned. “No, but a true Omega is supposed to be able to transmit emotions or feelings. I'm guessing that if Dex started to meditate, he might be able to transmit peace.”

  Dex and Micah scoffed at the same time.

  “But, instead of peace, I transmitted sex.”


  “That makes no sense. Why aren't we sensing what he feels all the time?” Micah asked. “I mean, we've all been around when Dex has been fucked before, nothing like that happened.”

  “I'm guessing…” Reese held up his hand as if to ward off questions. “And I'm only guessing that it has something to do with his focus. He was so wrapped up in getting fucked, that he lost all control. Any sort of walls he built up just crumpled.”

  Micah's eyes crinkled down at the corners but he didn't say anything.

  Rhian laughed and slapped Micah on the shoulder. “Guess you're not the stud you thought you were, big guy.”

  Micah growled and turned his gaze to Dex. “I'll just have to try harder the next time.”

  Dex gulped. His mind swirled with thoughts and reactions. He didn't really want to fuck Micah again, not if he could have Maddock. But what if he couldn't? What if his mate was gone for good?

  “Well, right now, we only have to deal with it when Dex is fucking his mate, which, I for one, am happy with.” Rhian shook her head and climbed off the barstool. “I've got to get home and get one of my toys. It's going to be a long night.”

  “I know the feeling,” Reese added.

  “I'd be happy to help you out with that,” Micah said. “Give you a fucking you won't believe.”

  Reese growled. “I don't bottom, asshole. For anyone.”

  “I can make you—”

  The pressure in Dex's head just exploded.

  “Will you all just shut up!” They all looked at him. “My mate walked out. And while I'm sorry you all are a little wound up—”

  “A little?”

  Dex ignored that. “This is a serious problem.”

  “It's not a problem.” Reese shook his head. “I can't imagine that the guy won't be back.”

  “He's got to feel the same pull as you, right?” Rhian asked. “If you're really mates.”

  “But what about what Micah said? That you can ignore the pull of your mate?”

  He looked at his pack mates, desperate for some kind of comfort. His stare finally landed on Micah.

  Micah stood up and placed his hand on Dex's shoulder. “I wouldn't worry, kid. If the mating pull doesn't draw him back, that fucking probably will. Not sure any man would be able to stay away after he's come like that.”

  Dex nodded and took comfort in the squeeze of Micah's hand.

  “Wait.” He looked up. “How do you know how hard he came?”

  “Oh God, we all know.”

  “We definitely need to invest in soundproofing.”

  “Don't worry, pup.” Micah patted his shoulder one more time. “He'll be back.”

  Chapter Five

  Maddock tapped his fingers on the table, silently urging the waiter to return with the check. His knee took up the vibration until Monica’s slim fingers landed on his thigh.

  He snapped his head to the side and had the now familiar urge to peel his lips back from his teeth and snarl at the woman. Instead he pressed his lips together and crushed the violence that pounded his brain. He didn’t want her touching him. Didn’t want anyone touching him. Not that he normally had a lot of people touching him, but even casual bumps with strangers in crowds made him flinch.

  It had started the night he’d stormed out of The Red Dragon—the night he’d fucked Dex—and it had only gotten worse.

  He didn’t feel guilty about fucking Dex. He and Monica hadn’t agreed to be exclusive Maddock suspected she was sleeping with another guy—a wimp from the accounting department. No, it wasn’t guilt that kept him away. The thought of putting his hands on her, and having hers on him, made his stomach roil.

  He and Monica had had their usual Friday night date—a charity event where they’d needed to be seen—but at the end of the night, Maddock hadn’t been able to bring himself to fuck her. He’d left her at the door with the excuse he had to work. That was something Monica always understood. Instead, he’d gone to the gym where he worked out until he was exhausted enough to sleep.

  It hadn’t helped. A few hours later, he was awake and pacing, unable to sit still. That wicked t
ension had taken up permanent residence in his body.

  Energy pulsed through his veins. Constant. Insistent. It made no sense. He’d never fidgeted in his life. Now, he couldn’t sit still.

  Maybe he needed to see his doctor. Again.

  The tests had come back that afternoon and he hadn’t picked up anything nasty from fucking Dex without a condom. Just a lecture from his doctor on safer sex practices.

  He winced at the memory. He’d heard it all in ninth-grade health class. He never imagined he’d be hearing it again when he was thirty-four years old.

  Monica’s fingers gave a warning squeeze and she patted his leg like she was soothing a puppy. Maddock took a breath and willed his muscles to relax. With a serene smile on her lips and irritation in her eyes, she turned to the couple sitting across from them.

  This was ostensibly a social dinner, but they all knew it was a business meeting. Geoffrey Green was looking for a firm to purchase his network of radio stations. Maddock wanted to expand into the broadcasting field and this looked like a good way to get into it. GreenComm was a slowly failing system but with the right management, Maddock knew he could turn it around.

  Still that didn’t mean it would come cheap. Despite his attention on his much younger wife, Green was far from being in his dotage.

  The platinum blonde bimbette raised her eyes and blinked seductively at Maddock. Intelligence glittered behind the wide, too-blue-to-be-real eyes. Maybe she wasn’t the bimbette he’d assumed. Her gaze dropped deliberately to his crotch, the offer clear in her eyes. She even boldly licked her lips.

  He suppressed the urge to grimace and forced himself to seriously think about the offer. Not that he would take her up on it—there was nothing she could do to change his price—but he tried to consider the option. He was a red-blooded male, liked to fuck women. She was gorgeous. Big tits, boldly revealed through a low cut gown. Blonde hair he imagined she would like to have pulled while she sucked him off.

  But even as his cock started to harden, he realized it wasn’t her he pictured kneeling between his legs. Or even Monica—who gave a pretty good blowjob when she wanted to.

  It was Dex. Crystal clear green eyes, chin-length blonde hair that would slide through Maddock’s fingers, give him something to hold onto while he fucked that pretty mouth.


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