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Daisy (Archer's Creek Book 2)

Page 25

by Gemma Weir

  “Daisy.” Angel admonishes.

  My smile fades when I stop staring at her ass, and see the full extent of the yellowing bruises, scabbed over cuts and faded scars from the punishments she’s endured in the past. Old silvering scars are mixed with fresh pale pink ones that scatter from her thighs all the way up to the base of her spine. He did this to her, he marked her, and these scars won’t ever go away. He did this, but she’ll have to live with them for the rest of her life.

  Guiding her forward a step, I sink to the floor at her feet. Starting at the lowest scar, I kiss each one in turn. I can’t take them away or make her forget the anger and pain that she felt while they were made, but I can love them because they’re a part of her.

  When I’ve finished, she turns to face me, tears running down her cheeks. Wrapping my arms around her waist I bury my face against her stomach, and her arms hold me to her. Neither of us say anything, we don’t need to.

  Both of us were broken, but piece by piece we’re putting each other back together, that’s all that matters.

  Angel pushes away from my chest and wipes the tears from her cheeks. “God, I’m sorry. I’ve cried more in the last couple of days than I have in years.”

  “You can cry as much as you want, baby. Hopefully once all this shit with your dad is over you won’t have any reason for tears.”

  She stares up at me and I want to carry her to the bed and stay locked in our bubble for the rest of the night. I don’t want to share her with anyone else, she’s too special. She’s my Angel, and she makes all kinds of possessive feelings swell up within me.

  “Do you just want to stay holed up in here tonight, I don’t feel like sharing you,” I say, taking a step toward her.

  Smiling indulgently at me she shakes her head. “We can’t hide in here forever. You need to get back to your normal life and that’d be you spending time with your friends. I don’t want to be the reason you don’t see them.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about them. Why would I want to be out there with a bunch of hairy bikers when I could be in here with you. Naked.”

  I try to step closer to her, but she lifts her hand and places her palm against my chest, halting me. “Daisy, let’s go spend time with your friends, then we can come back and hide in our bubble for the rest of the night.”

  “Naked.” I say.

  “Naked,” she agrees, her cheeks flushing pink.

  Begrudgingly, I get dressed, then sit on the bed and watch her. She slides on her shorts, then turns her back to me before she pulls my shirt over her head, replacing it with a white Sinners tank.

  Walking back over to the closet, she roots around then pulls out a black pair of cowboy boots and slides them on. When she turns to face me, I almost swallow my tongue. The shorts are short, the boots make her legs look fucking amazing and even though the tank she’s wearing is fairly modest, knowing that she’s not wearing a bra underneath makes it seem indecent. Her hair is loose and flowing down her back and I want to throw her on the bed and bury my cock in her.

  “Do I need to wear my ‘I belong to Daisy’ vest?”

  “It’s a property cut, Angel, and hell fucking yes. I want every single one of those fuckers to know you’re not available. I don’t care if I sound like a caveman, you look fucking gorgeous and if I didn’t already have you, I’d be panting for you.”

  She scoffs at me but retrieves her cut and slides it on. I groan. “Baby, let’s just stay in here.”

  Her eyes dim, and she scans her appearance. “Do I look stupid? Because Grits picked out these clothes for me. I don’t know how to dress to fit in with your friends, I thought this would be okay, but I can change.”

  “Angel,” I say interrupting her. “You look hot as fuck, I already told you that. I’m being a jealous idiot and I don’t want all my brothers checking you out. Just ignore me. Come on, let’s go play some pool.”

  I take her hand and open the door, pulling her behind me as I move into the corridor. “Just do one thing for me, okay?”


  “I need you to sit on my lap.”

  “Okay, but why?” She asks, her brow wrinkled in confusion.

  “Because I’ve got such a hard on looking at you dressed like that. I need you sit on my lap, so my brothers don’t see.”

  “Daisy,” she cries, laughing loudly.

  As we enter the bar I’m surprised at the number of people that are here. Nearly every table is full, with more standing in groups around the bar and pool table. Daisy drapes his arms over my shoulder and leads us across the room, to a group of sofas that are filled with people, some I recognize some I don’t.

  Spotting us, the people move around to make space and Daisy sits, pulling me into his lap.

  Echo’s wife, Liv, smiles warmly at me and waves. “Hi, Daisy. Nice to see you again, Dove.”

  I smile back and offer her a small wave. For the first time I notice that she’s wearing a leather cut like mine, I’m assuming hers says ‘Property of Echo’ on it and like me she’s sat in her husband’s lap.

  “What do you want to drink?” Daisy asks.

  “Erm, I don’t know. What are you having?”

  He shrugs. “A beer. You want one?”

  “I’ve never tried a beer,” I admit.

  “Then let’s get you a beer. After all today’s the day for doing new things,” he says with a wink.

  Blushing, I fight the urge to cover my face with my hands. Daisy asks the rest of the group if anyone needs a drink and a few of the guys stand to go to the bar.

  Daisy lifts me from his lap. “Go sit with Liv until I get back.”

  Nodding, I shuffle to the end of the sofa where Liv is sat with another woman wearing a property cut.

  “Hey, Dove,” Liv calls. “Have you met Brandi yet?” she asks pointing to the other woman.

  I shake my head.

  “Brandi, this is Dove. She’s Daisy’s old lady,” Liv says to the woman. “Dove, this is Brandi. She’s Sleaze’s old lady, but I’m not sure if you’ve met him yet either.”

  Brandi waves at me. “Well, hello, sweetie, I’d heard a rumor that Daisy had found himself a keeper, but I didn’t know if it was true or not. Hell, girl, you’re gorgeous and that boy’s not stupid, no wonder he got you in that patch so fast.”

  I don’t really know what to say. I take a moment to think of a response, but Brandi starts talking again, before I even get a chance to speak. “Wait, have we met before? Do you live in town, you seem really familiar?”

  Do I admit who I am? I don’t suppose it really matters who knows now, especially seeing that my father knows I’m here after today’s showdown with him at the gates. “Err. I’ve lived in Archer’s Creek for a few years now. I don’t think we’ve met before though.”

  She looks at me quizzically for a moment, then she snaps her fingers. “You’ve been on the TV. You’re the mayor’s daughter.”

  I force a smile and nod slowly. “Yeah that’s me. My father didn’t appreciate me moving out.”

  Brandi’s eyes narrow in suspicion. “On the TV it said you were missing.”

  “Not missing. I’ve been here with Daisy the whole time,” I say.

  The suspicion dissolves from Brandi and she wiggles her eyebrows at me and laughs. “Oh, I know how it is, girl.”

  Liv shakes her head good naturedly at Brandi, then leans into me. “Ignore her, she’s only teasing. I don’t want to pry but is everything okay with your dad now?”

  How the hell do I answer that? I can’t tell a complete stranger that my father tried to sell me, so I ran away. She’d think I was insane. So instead I shrug and say. “I don’t have a good relationship with my father. Moving out was the best thing for me to do. He’s not a nice person.”

  The sofa bounces when someone sits next to me and a soft arm curls around me. “Hey, baby girl, how you doing?” Grits asks.

  Exhaling in relief, I melt against her. “Hi, Grits. I’m good thanks.”

  Grits glanc
es at Liv and Brandi, who have started chatting quietly to each other, then she turns back to me. “I’ve been so worried about you. Last time I saw you, you were catatonic in a ball and Daisy was running off with you in his arms. What happened?”

  “I’m so sorry.” I say, looking around me hoping no one can hear our conversation.

  “You don’t need to be sorry, I was just worried. I wanted to come see you, but Anders wouldn’t let me. He said Daisy would look after you. Did he? Are you okay?”

  “I saw Daisy hitting my father and, well, sometimes it’s just safer to stay inside my head. But I’m fine and yes Daisy looked after me, you don’t need to worry. I’m fine now, I promise.”

  Her arms wrap around me and she pulls me into a tight hug. “Dove, your daddy is an asshole.”

  I burst out in laughter. Grits gapes at me for a moment, then starts to laugh too. “God, he really is,” I say.

  “Anders thinks that Daisy giving your dad a beating will make him back off. So maybe we could go shopping and have some lunch tomorrow?” Grits says.

  Daisy appears in front of me, hands me two beers then lifts me into the air and sits back down, settling me into his lap. Taking one of the beers back from me, he leans across to Grits and kisses her on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Grits,” Daisy says with a smirk.

  “What for?” She asks smiling at him.

  “G-Strings.” Daisy says smugly.

  My face burns with embarrassment and I cover my cheeks with my hands as Daisy and Grits laugh at me teasingly.

  “Tell Dove that she needs to come shopping and to lunch with me tomorrow,” Grits says to Daisy.

  “Hell no. Not until after the deadline date. She’s not safe until Jefferies has paid up,” he scowls at her.

  She glares at him, annoyed, but Daisy talks before she gets a chance to respond. “It’s only a couple more days, then you can have all the girly lunch dates you want. Until then she stays in the compound where we can keep her safe.”

  Grits reluctantly agrees, kisses me on the cheek and leaves.

  Warm lips hit the back of my neck and I smile. Daisy’s arm is wrapped around my waist and the other rests on the arm of the sofa holding his beer. Relaxed against his chest I sip at my drink, wrinkling my nose at the bitter taste.

  “Do you want me to get you something else?” He asks, amused.

  Turning to him, I shake my head. “No, it’s fine, it’s just not what I was expecting it to taste like. I thought it would be sweeter.”

  “Do you want to play pool?” He asks.

  “I’ve never played before.”

  His eyes twinkle mischievously. “I’ll teach you.”

  Daisy boosts me up from his lap, then takes my hand and leads me across to the pool table. A couple of guys are just finishing a game and when they see us approach, they greet Daisy and tell us the table is ours.

  Handing me a pool cue, he walks around the table and sets the balls into a triangle shape. Rolling a white ball across the red fabric, he carefully lines it up with a spot that’s directly opposite from the triangle of balls at the other end. “Come here, Angel, I’ll teach you how to break.”

  I walk over to him and he reaches out and pulls me into his body. His lips crash down onto mine and he kisses me until I’m breathless and panting. Ignoring the soreness I’m feeling, I push myself closer into him. “Daisy,” I whisper.

  “Baby, don’t get me started. You’re sore and no matter how much I want you, I’m not gonna take you again tonight. So be a good girl and spin around so I can teach you how to break. Okay?”

  Reluctantly, I spin around, ultra-aware of Daisy’s hard cock pressing up against my butt, as he positions me bent over the pool table.

  “Here, like this,” he says and moves my hands to create a rest for the cue to sit on.

  “Now pull back your arm and hit the white ball, right here.” He points to a spot in the center of the ball and I pull back the cue and then push it forward. The white ball rolls forward six inches, then stops.

  Daisy’s body vibrates with laughter behind me and I spin round scowling and point my finger at him. “Don’t laugh at me.”

  “I’m not, baby,” he says trying to stifle his chuckles. “Just try again, okay, and this time hit the ball a bit harder.”

  Nodding, I turn around and place the white ball back onto the spot. Repositioning the cue on my hand where Daisy had shown me, I pull back my arm and push it forward harder. The ball rolls forward quickly, hitting the triangle of balls at the other end of the table with a satisfying thwack.

  Spinning round I smile brightly at Daisy, who grins back at me. “I did it,” I cry.

  “Good job, baby. Now it’s my turn.”

  He walks to the table and proceeds to get ball after ball into the pockets. I stare at him in shock as the last ball with a circle on it disappears, and he turns, his gaze locking with mine, and winks. “Black ball, top right-hand pocket.” Then he spins around, leans over the table, giving me the perfect view of his butt in his jeans and pots the black ball.

  “I win,” he drawls.

  “I think you might have had an unfair advantage.”

  He feigns outrage. “I won fair and square baby, now I want my prize.”

  My heart races, as his eyes darken. “Come here, Angel.”

  I take a step towards him and he hauls me into his arms and kisses me. His tongue invades my mouth. He tastes like beer and Daisy. A moan escapes me, and his arms wrap around me tighter pressing his hard cock into my stomach.

  Pulling away, he moves his lips to my neck and I tip my head back to give him better access. Butterflies dance in my stomach and my eyes fall closed. I feel his hot breath on my ear a second before he speaks.

  “I want you so much, Angel. I can’t fuck you with my cock, but I want to taste your pussy again and watch you come. Will you let me play with you? I need to touch you.”

  “Yes,” I rush out with a gasp.

  Instantly I’m airborne and I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist while he carries me to our room. Kicking the door open, his lips find mine the moment we step over the threshold of the bedroom.

  The door shuts and I hear the lock turning, all while his lips devour mine. I feel the movement as he walks us across the room and the soft quilt beneath me, as he lowers me to the bed.

  Our kisses become frantic as his hands fumble to unbutton my shorts and push them down my legs. Daisy pulls away from me, so he can remove my boots and slide my shorts and panties off my feet.

  “Shirt off, baby, I want to see all of you,” he orders. I comply quickly and seconds later I’m completely naked and Daisy’s head is between my legs.

  His tongue, lips, and fingers tease, stroke and caress me, until my breathing turns ragged and a mind-blowing orgasm explodes within me.

  Lying on the bed, my chest pounds as I drag in gulps of air and my skin vibrates with sensation. A smug looking Daisy appears above me and I try to pull him to me, but my muscles are so languid I can’t muster the energy.

  Daisy chuckles softly. “Angel, you look fucking perfect. All soft and sleepy from the orgasm I just gave you.”

  I try to smile but I’m too tired to move, my eyes fall closed and I try to force them open. The bed moves behind me and Daisy’s warm body wraps around me, pulling me against his hard chest and his harder cock.

  My eyes snap open when his cock prods me in the back. “Daisy?” I ask uncertainly.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Do you? Are you? You’re…” I say, struggling to find the words.

  “Spit it out, Angel.”

  “Your penis is poking me in the back,” I rush out.

  Daisy’s body vibrates with laughter behind me. “Fuck baby, call it my cock. I just licked your pussy and watched you come, of course I’m fucking hard. My cock just hasn’t got the memo that I’m not fucking you again tonight, baby, that’s all. Go to sleep, it’ll get on board with the plan soon, don’t worry about it.”

  I should help him with that right? He’s given me so many orgasms today and he only got one, so the polite thing to do would be to offer to give him something in return. Wouldn’t it? I squeeze my eyes shut and then force them open again. “Do you want…? I mean, do you need me to…? Err, shall I help?”

  “How you planning on helping me?” He rasps into my neck.

  “I don’t know. I could maybe touch you, like you did to me.”

  I’m rolled to my back, Daisy above me a second later. “You want to suck my cock?” He asks, shocked.

  “What! No.” I shout. Then I pause, did I want to do that? No, I didn’t. But the idea of seeing what the hard, smooth skin tasted like intrigued me. “Maybe,” I say, my voice small.

  Daisy’s eyes go wide, and he disappears from above me. The bed beside me bounces as he collapses next to me. Sitting up I turn to look at Daisy. His hands are over his face and his voice is low and chanting. “Mrs. Myers naked, lady boys, genital warts, Anders naked.”

  “I don’t understand what’s happening,” I say confused.

  The chanting stops, and Daisy drops his hands. “I want you to suck my cock, so fucking bad. But after I see your lips spread around my dick, I’m gonna want to fuck you. Scratch that I’m going to fuck you. But you’re sore and you were a virgin until a few hours ago and I don’t want to scare the shit out of you on the first day you decide to have sex.”

  I stare at him, stunned and unsure what to say. The butterflies in my stomach have started dancing and my overused vagina is eagerly pulsing and clenching. I open my mouth intending to speak but Daisy stops me.

  Leaning over the side of the bed he grabs his shirt and shakes it at me. “Put this on and get over here, Angel. We’re gonna go to sleep, so my dick can realize that your pussy is a no-go zone until tomorrow.”

  Silently, I pull the shirt over my head and Daisy hauls me into his arms, pulling the covers over us. His dick is still hard and pushing against my back, but as he doesn’t say anything neither do I.

  Sleep finds me quickly and before I know it my eyes are fluttering open and the room is full of cheerful daylight. At some point during the night, Daisy rolled onto his back and I’m using his arm as a pillow. The sheets have fallen to his waist and my eyes rake over his exposed chest. His face is peaceful in sleep and he looks young and innocent. Trying not to move, I enjoy the quiet moment to take everything in.


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