
Home > Paranormal > Dreamwalker > Page 11
Dreamwalker Page 11

by Heltsley, Andrea

  “Hmm, I think I have a sleep bomb also. The only problem with that is that we can’t inhale it. Maybe I can roll it upstairs and we can make a run for the door holding our breath.”

  Once again, Boone spoke up. “That is our best option, this basement is sealed shut and I doubt they will be quick to move. They look like they haven’t left their chairs in thirty years.”

  “Ok, that is good, but what about transportation?” I asked.

  Autumn lifted a key ring and shook it smugly. She was also swift to answer. “The potion and lipstick lasts for two hours, so we can take his car and ditch it once we have made our way far enough out of town. We should be able to go west and make it to Columbia before they wake up and realize it is even gone. By then we will be back to ourselves and out of these disguises. We will be untraceable to this.”

  The thought of being on the run was overwhelming, but Boone sensed my inner turmoil and once again gently squeezed my hand. It was so strange having him know what I was feeling. If only all boys had that talent, they would be irresistible.

  “Ok, but I want to sit in the back seat; there is something I will need to do on our way out of town.”

  Autumn looked shocked, and then got it. “Ok Nells, but the only way that is going happen is if I kiss you. We won’t have time let alone how frayed your nerves must be to do it any other way. It will wear off in two hours, giving you plenty of time. We will deal with it when we need to make a move.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I said resolutely.

  Boone just sat there, impassive except for the storm brewing in his moody teen eyes. Reminded of Jared, I quickly removed my hand and stood up.

  Autumn turned to Boone, “you in?”

  He just nodded and held out his hand for the bomb. Once it was safely in his hands, we crept up behind him as we made our way up the stairs.

  We crouched there, hearts pounding as we watched Boone unpin the tiny handmade grenade. He promptly opened the door and released it. We heard it roll across the linoleum in the kitchen and stop at the carpet.

  He signaled us to wait as cries of “what the hell?” escaped the older couple until things fell silent. Then everything moved so fast. Instantly, Boone was up and shouting to hold our breath as he swung the basement door open.

  We followed him as we made our way past the couple and out the front door. We stumbled into the front yard, lungs burning for air and didn’t stop even when we reached the car.

  Boone slid into the front driver’s seat and swung the passenger door open for us. I flipped the handle to the front seat and careened into the back as gracefully as possible. Autumn wasted no time flipping it back into position and shutting the door. In a matter of seconds, the engine thrummed to life and we were off.

  No one visibly un-tensed themselves until we turned off the street. Then we were headed for I-70. An enormous crashing sounded all around. Thunder shook through us as it reverberated through the sky. The lightning struck somewhere nearby.

  A bright angry bolt shot quickly towards the earth. We had been heading into the midst of a storm, but the real storm was right here with us. Boone and I were the epitome of storms right now.

  It was Autumn who broke the silence we were all entranced in.

  “That went smooth, now we have wheels. I was curious; do you still have that coin of Jared’s? Can I see it?”

  My cheeks flush and I nodded. In my teenage disguise, I slid my hands into my small bra and produced the coin. Boone was glued to the rearview mirror the entire time, not even bothering to look away.

  “This coin may save you one day soon. I would tuck it back away in a place that you can keep it close. Your bra was a good idea,” Autumn said.

  She handed it back to me and still Boone said nothing. I met his eyes as I placed the coin back. I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me. I hated how much of an effect he had on me. Damn. I was in trouble.

  “Nells honey, are you ready for your goodnight kiss?” Autumn said making an exaggerated show of puckering her pink glossy lips.

  “Yes, I need to be. It’s just a little weird,” I replied. I noted that there was now a permanent smirk on Boones face. I just shook my head knowing what kind of perverse thoughts were running through his head.

  The actual kiss itself only lasted a mere few seconds. Her lips were soft and soon, the darkness began to envelop me. I slid back in the seat and drifted off into my dreams.

  Chapter 11: Amnesia No More

  When my eyes opened and adjusted on my surroundings, I was curious and a little surprised. I was in the forest at twilight. The twinkle of stars and the crescent moon glistened through the sway of the tall sycamore trees all around me.

  The calming cadence of crickets blanketed the night and was filtered as if in surround sound. I was barefoot and the Kelley green fronds of ivy and moss were thick and shag-like beneath my feet.

  Just a look at my apparel made me feel vulnerable. A flitter of excitement passed through me in anticipation. I was wearing a modern day gothic dress adorned with rubies.

  The strapless corset was black and laced up with a maroon silky ribbon. The skirt was knee length and was a soft satin in a glistening maroon tone. I moved slightly back and forth and watched it swish around me, soft against my bare skin. I checked my hair and it was in an up-do held in place by chopsticks encrusted with jewels at the ends.

  Then I noticed the coolness in the air and ran my jet black painted fingers across my chilled bare arms. I took a step forward over a fallen tree and slowly made my way to the creek ahead. When I reached it, I crouched down and ran my fingers across the surface. I was not sure why I was so startled when a figure other than my own filled up my view in the water.

  Excited, I whirled around and flung my arms around Jared. A warm smile filled my face and I never wanted to let go of him. The scent of the forest radiated off him and I saw the irony in the dreamscape. I craved that taste of citrus on my lips and the feel of his arms around me.

  I wished I could take a freeze frame of this moment and keep it forever. Unfortunately I couldn’t, and he finally broke away. The look on his face was part longing and part serious. I spoke first, trying to lighten the mood.

  “This look is much more becoming on me than the one I am currently wearing. I almost forgot I had boobs. Sixteen is not the sexiest age.”

  Instead of lightening the mood though, this just seemed to upset him. “How are you sixteen? Shit, is Autumn with you? I should have known you couldn’t get rid of her that easy, my mistake.”

  “It’s ok, I’m ok. Boone and Autumn got us out of the safe house. We are currently borrowing a car and getting the hell out of town. I did just as you asked and Boone understood.”

  “Ok, but how are you sleeping right now? With that kind of adrenaline coursing through your system, you should be wired.”

  A bright blush rose in my pale cheeks as I confessed. “It is actually a sleeping potion of sorts…”

  “Damn, Autumn’s lipstick, so not good. I told you not to trust her,” he said with an edge of panic in his voice.

  “What’s wrong, it should wear off in a few hours. I am with Boone so I should be safe. Besides, it was my idea anyways.”

  He pulled me in before responding. “This is so out of your league, Noel. These are dangerous people, more dangerous than you can ever imagine. They will kill anyone in their way without batting an eye. Even this type of communication is dangerous. They can intercept us at any time. This is so very, very bad.”

  This got my attention and it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. “What? You mean someone else can join these?” I panicked as I mentally ran through all of our past encounters and how um personal they were.

  “It is like a radio. Most of the channels are nothing but static. Some have strong signals and others are just fuzzy. It would take a lot for someone to mentally channel surf like that, let alone someone with that specific power. It is unlikely; however, these people are the epitome of unlikely.”r />
  My eyes grew wide as I looked into his steely grey ones. He was dead serious and I felt my intentions fall to the pit of my stomach. If he was worried, then I was ten times more worried. I had no clue what I was doing and he did. I still couldn’t believe Autumn did this on purpose though.

  “It is not Autumn. The mole, I mean. She couldn’t be. Why would she risk so much to help us escape. She threw a mean left hook at Clark just to get us out of there.”

  “Well, she could have been getting you away from all those you could trust. If she is the mole, she could have been separating you. It is genius actually.”

  He contemplated before continuing. “Now, she just has to take care of Boone and she can get you to Wren. Bringing you in would no doubt give Autumn a place on the court, pretty high up in the organization.”

  I took a moment to digest this. It was genius, I had to agree, but I still was not convinced.

  “Ok, so say you are right and Autumn is vying for a spot in PLI. How is she going to take down Boone? You said he was an empath right? Can’t he sense her betrayal?”

  This earned me a look of interest.

  “Technically yes, I would have to say so. The only problem with that is she could be using a spell. She is an extremely gifted witch. Then again, the power drain would be substantial. She would have a hard time doing a large amount of spells. I am 50/50 based on that logic.”

  I knew this discussion was important, but I needed to kiss him. The increasing tension with Boone had me second guessing everything and I just needed that reassurance that Jared was the right one. The lines were getting fuzzy and I was feeling more than I should.

  As I knew it would, our kiss was perfection. The gentle and demanding nature of it was seductive. It was so real, even in dreams. I momentarily looked up to see the ebb and flow of our auras of silver and crystal blue twining together. It was so beautiful, that I shut my eyes and sank back into the kiss.

  Just then, a swarm of beautiful incandescent butterflies were flourishing beneath the moonlight, all around us. Each one was exquisite and unique in its own way. Colors of teal, magenta, sky blue, canary yellow and tangerine were all around us. It was so extraordinary; I had never even imagined the vivid colors or the soft kisses against my skin from the butterflies. I was about to say something to that effect, when it happened again.

  Pixilated fragments of the forest swirled around me and settle to the ground like dust in a mere matter of seconds. This time, however, I did not wake up. I felt the ice running through my veins as I realized what was really happening.

  I was being placed into a new dream, and not Jared’s. I was not sure how to protect myself against this kind of warfare. This was a whole other level of fighting and torture. It was scary as hell that was for sure.

  It was not Wren who entered my dream though, as I expected. I let out a strangled gasp of surprise as I recognized the man standing in front of me, Augustine Jordan.

  My mind flipped back to the last encounter and the air suddenly turned stale. That same anger was flaring in his molten brown eyes and I wished I was anywhere but here.

  In an attempt at a submissive move once again, I stepped back away with my head down. My feet were stopped suddenly as I lost my balance and female hands pushed a chair under me.

  I couldn’t even think before I was firmly planted and my wrists were being tied behind me and to the chair. They were being tied with some kind of rope that bound and made me wince as the undisclosed female bound it even tighter.

  Looking around frantically, I tried to see the other figure but couldn’t. “Please, don’t do this to me. I will tell you whatever you want.”

  Tears were streaming now, and I made no show of heroics. Images were starting to appear now, being built just for us. Bile rose as I recognized the setting and I squirmed in my chair.

  “I know; you love what I’ve done to the place. How have you been Noel? It hasn’t been that long, but I wasn’t sure when I would catch you again. It seems very fortuitous for me to find you here. Jared led us right to you once again.”

  I heard the unmistakable grunting of Ferrell creatures and looked up to see those red eyes peering at me in the darkness. I flinched and August just laughed.

  “You’re not a fan of my pets I gather. They really can be bad when not fed properly. I am hoping you won’t be their next meal. Let’s chat, you and I.”

  I just nodded like a scared child with wide and tearful emerald eyes, not sure what else to do. He pulled up a chair and sat backwards up in front of me. He was so close; I could smell the stench of his breath. I was not sure how on earth Autumn could have ever been with him. Then again, I still didn’t know what side Autumn was on anymore.

  “Everyone is looking for you. Finally, I find the infamous missing child of Jason and Rita Maristolla. For someone so green, you sure are hard to catch.”

  I blanched at the mention of the oddly familiar name, but couldn’t quite place it. “How do you know they are my parents? My name is Noel Kennedy not Maristolla.”

  “It seems you have been left out of the loop. Oh Noel, I am the one who killed your parents Jason and Rita all those years ago. Not a hit and run from a drunk driver. Surprise!” he explained in feigned enthusiasm.

  I was sobbing uncontrollably at this confession. How could he just toss it out like that? He ruined my whole life and it was nothing to him. All these years were so empty without them.

  My thoughts continued. I always wanted to catch the bastard, not get caught by him. Scared didn’t even begin to describe what I was feeling now. It was more like shear panic.

  “What do you want from me?” I spat out.

  “We want you of course, isn’t it obvious? We bring you in, and you reach immortality. The untapped power you have would be incredibly prestigious to PLI and we are officially recruiting you.”

  He had to be joking. It was a wonder they got any recruits with these tactics. At least this was something I could work with. It was a lot better than death.

  “We would have recruited you like normal if not for the rise of the new anti-PLI movement. They are proving to be quite troublesome. You see, I couldn’t take the chance you wouldn’t agree. I need you so this is more of a draft than a real recruitment.”

  Knowing that I might just have a little leverage, I grew a little more confident.

  “Jared and Boone are no match for the superb Augustine Jordan? Tell me August, what is your ability? What have you sacrificed for a chance at immortality?

  He seemed slightly taken aback by my new bravado. Good. If I could stall long enough, maybe I would wake up from this nightmare. That was the fleeting thought I had before my concern was renewed and the vile creatures hedged forward, grunting and licking their razor sharp teeth.

  “Hmm, it seems you don’t know too much. That is a pity, really. I expected the noble boy band would have told you more. I am in line to inherit the throne to these lovely goblins. I am sure if you know your lore, you are aware of the fey. I am one of said fey.”

  He actually had the gall to look humble and cocky at the same time. What a jackass. I was also growing more confident now. What he didn’t know, is that I was obsessed with most things fey. I was well aware of the lore but didn’t intend on telling him that, so I just played the newbie on the block.

  “It rings a bell, vaguely. I wasn’t aware you could come out into the human world. Can’t you only come out at night? Oh wait, that is vampires. Howl by the moon? No, that is werewolves. Oh yeah, now I remember. Translucent and hates iron I think.”

  Unfortunately, the witty banter was cut short by a new arrival. Wren stepped in front of me and the world froze. It was as if sheer heat was blazing through me, igniting a fire. It wasn’t the good kind either.

  Wren turned her lecherous gaze on me and I cringed internally. The metallic taste of my sweat as it dripped was the least of my worries at the moment. I was about to beg for mercy when she turns her attention to August and the fire dissipated as quickly
as it came.

  After the initial relief, I strained to hear the conversation between them. I couldn’t make out words, but the tone was definitely heated. She looked frustrated with him and her hands were talking louder than her words. She has had enough of his play time. It was all business now.

  The realization that this could get more serious sent me into a sheer panic attack. I went into rapid gasping and my vision turned into tiny black pinpricks. The all out panic finally won and everything turned to all black. Still, I could feel the scene swirl to dust as I exited it.

  My vision didn’t return, yet I was definitely in a new dream. I know because sobbing was audible and coming from somewhere nearby. I blinked and tried to wipe away the blackness, but the inky dark remained.


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