Devil May Care (The Grizzly MC Book 12)

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Devil May Care (The Grizzly MC Book 12) Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  Kirk didn’t answer.

  “And if I’m also understanding this, you knocked this female”—Jakob glanced at Saya, and then back at Kirk—“against the side of the car, and were about to destroy her property?”

  Again Kirk didn’t say anything.

  “Come out here,” Jakob said gently, addressing the woman in the car.

  A second later the passenger side door opened, the woman climbed out, and she shut the door, clearly afraid of what was happening and of what had already happened.

  “This motherfucker hit you?” Jakob asked it in question form, but Saya could tell it wasn’t like he didn’t already know the answer.

  “It’s fine. Everything is fine,” the woman said softly, timidly.

  Jakob turned his focus to the woman. “I can tell you’re afraid, and you don’t have to worry about that anymore.” Jakob looked at Kirk again. He leaned in and inhaled deeply. “You like hitting her, don’t you?”

  Kirk started struggling. It was so clear by the way Kirk acted, that even though Saya wasn’t a shifter and had no heightened senses, she could tell the asshole was afraid.

  Good, he should be given who he’s up against.

  “We have arguments, that’s all.”

  Jakob made a low, threatening sound in his throat.

  “He hit you a lot?” Jakob asked the woman while still staring at Kirk.

  “He…” She paused, her fear clear on her face.

  “It’s okay. I’ll make sure he never hurts you again,” Jakob said.

  “We have misunderstandings. He loses his temper. Everything is okay.”

  “Shut the fuck up—”

  Jakob slammed the guy against the hood of the car with enough force Kirk stopped speaking. Jakob was over him, inhaling again, and letting out the most animalistic sound she’d ever heard. Saya’s head hurt, her palms were sweating, and she thought this was one hell of a memorable first date.

  Jakob lifted his hand, and in disbelief she watched his nail turn into a claw. He brought that razor sharp edge across Kirk’s cheek, opening his flesh up slightly. He then inhaled again.

  “I have the scent of your blood engrained in my head. I can find you no matter what, and no matter how far you go.”

  “Get the hell away from me.”

  Jakob slapped Kirk right across the face, silencing him.

  “You shut the fuck up and listen to what I’m saying, or I’ll break your legs and watch you crawl out of here.”

  The guy clamped his mouth shut, the sweat on his forehead clear under the streetlamp.

  “You’re not going to touch her again or I’ll hunt you down and cut your hands off before shoving them up your ass.” Jakob leaned in another inch. He was so close now he and Kirk were almost nose-to-nose. “I should kill you for hurting my female, but I’ll let you walk around in your own piss, and remember that I can find you at any given time.”

  His female?

  Saya knew it was probably just a term he was using to make his point clear, but she also couldn’t help the little tingle that moved through her at hearing Jakob say that about her.

  Jakob took a step back, and when Kirk straightened Jakob punched him right in the face. Kirk spun around and fell to the ground, and Jakob looked at the other woman.

  “If you were smart you’d leave him and get far away from his abusive ass.”

  The woman nodded, but she didn’t move.

  “You need a ride home?”

  The woman shook her head. “I’ll be fine. Thank you.”

  Jakob nodded and gave a grunt of acknowledgment.

  Jakob moved up to where Saya was standing, and all she could do was stand there. She had no clue what to say or do, but she pushed past her surprise of the situation.

  “I don’t really feel like dinner. Maybe we can just go and talk?” She needed somewhere quiet, without all the drama around.

  Jakob’s jaw hardened, but he gave a sharp nod in response.

  “I’ll drive.”

  She followed him to his SUV, and once inside and moving away from Kirk and the scene, Saya breathed out, not realizing she’d been holding her breath.


  He’d stopped at a gas station and grabbed a six-pack of beer before heading up the mountain. He didn’t know where to take her at first, but he figured going to the spot where he’d seen her after the fight seemed like a neutral, if not familiar place.

  They’d been here for the last twenty minutes, drinking beer, looking at the town of Steel Corner, and having a comfortable, if not safe conversation. Now the silence moved between them, but it was nice, easy.

  He couldn’t help but keep his focus on Saya. With the moonlight washing over her, she looked ethereal, and not quite real.

  Maybe you just don’t realize what a lucky bastard are that she’s here with you right now?

  No, he knew how lucky he was. Being with her made that darkness in him subside, and even when she wasn’t around if he just thought about her it made him calmer, feel not so volatile. Since meeting her, which wasn’t even that long ago, he hadn’t felt the urge to find that rush, to get that kick of adrenaline. He’d just been in this foggy acceptance that he’d found “the one”.

  “Jakob?” she said his name softly, and everything in him came alert.

  “Yeah?” He turned and faced her, breathing in her scent, seeing that she had her focus on him, too. The wind moved by, brushing the strands of her hair across her cheek. He resisted the urge to move it away, and instead grew hard, fucking ached in his cock and balls as he watched her do the act he’d wanted to.

  She lifted her hand and tucked her hair behind her ear. Her gaze was on the ground, and when she brought it up to his, the sight of her blue eyes struck him hard like a damn anvil to the gut.

  “Would it be weird, or really damn forward, if I asked to see your…”

  Shit, if she says my cock I’m going to come right in my fucking jeans.


  His heart was thundering, and the knowledge this female, his female, which he’d already decided she was without a doubt, wanted to see his animal, made him hotter than fuck.

  “You want to see my beast?”

  She licked her lips and nodded.

  He stood, not about to pussyfoot around it, because truth was his fucking bear wanted out, wanted to show her how powerful he was, how dangerous he could be. His animal wanted her to see that he could protect her at all costs. It was an alpha move for sure, but he was one, after all, and having her be witness to what he really was, had this surge of energy moving through him.

  His animal rose up, anxious to show her exactly what he was made of, exactly what kind of beast he was. He wanted to let her touch him and stroke him. Jakob wanted to look in her eyes and see the realization that she was his, and his bear wouldn’t let her go. He may not have made any declaration about it, never admitted to wanting her as only his, but she’d find out soon enough.

  “Are you sure you want to see my animal, Saya?”

  She didn’t speak for a second, but finally nodded. “Aside from the fight I saw you in, I’ve never seen a shifter in his animal form before, never witnessed them actually turning. It was exciting then, and I think it’ll be like the first time all over again, Jakob.”

  He thought her talking about “the first time”, and his mind went right in the damn gutter. Fuck, I want her.

  He was anticipating this.

  “Will you be able to control yourself when you turn?”

  He sensed the nervousness in her voice, knew she was anxious, as well. “Will you be able to control yourself and not revert to your animal?”

  She was afraid he’d hurt her. He could sense it in the air.

  Jakob couldn’t stop himself from growling low at the thought of hurting her. He moved closer and stared at her right in the eyes. “He’d never hurt you. We’re one and the same, and I am right here with him when I turn.”

  She slowly rose, and for a suspended second they j

ust stood there, neither speaking, both breathing heavily.

  “Then I want to see him, Jakob,” she said softly.

  This female made everything in him come alive to the nth degree, and he’d never deny her. They might have just met, and this was their first “date” or whatever the fuck someone would call it, but he’d give her the moon if she kept making him feel like this.

  He moved back, breathing in and out as he felt his bear overtake him. He took off his clothes so he wouldn’t have to take her back home naked. For a second he just stood there, and let her look her fill, which she was doing to his pleasure. She moved her gaze up and down his form, her eyes widening slightly when he saw his cock, which was getting hard from just being around her.

  He closed his eyes and just let the familiar power move through him. Skin tore, muscles stretched and expanded, and he felt his beast rise to the surface. Fur replaced flesh, he grew to his massive height of ten feet tall when on his hind legs, and his hands and feet became paws tipped with massive, deadly claws. When he was before her as a grizzly, he inhaled deeply, and sensed her wonder, but also her fear. She examined him, but took a step back, as if on instinct. Her fear still lightly coated the air. He didn’t want her to be afraid of him.

  Fuck, that’s the last thing I want.

  He dropped to his front legs so he wasn’t so tall standing over her, hoping that might alleviate some of her worry. But she still moved back another step, and the low sound that left him was unavoidable. His bear didn’t like her afraid of them. He huffed out again and moved closer to her. Butting his head up against her hand, he made another low sound when she finally ran her fingers through his fur.

  Her fear slowly started to fade, and he loved that, grew pleased about her accepting him. “Your fur is so soft, and you’re so big I can’t even comprehend it.”

  He rubbed his head against her again, and if he were a feline he would have been purring at how good it felt for her to be touching him right now.

  She speared her hand in his neck fur. “Does your human side understand what’s happening right now?”

  He made another low sound as his answer. Lifting his massive head and looking into her eyes, he saw her smile, and his pleasure grew. He knew this woman would be it for him, that she would be the light he’d been searching for, that brightness to wash away the depressing, soul sucking darkness inside of him.

  She was theirs whether she knew it or not.

  He closed his eyes, just reveling in the feel of her running her hands through his fur. For several minutes all they did was stay like that, with her breathing steadily, the sweet scent of her acceptance filling him. She finally rested her face against his neck, the scent of her contentment, of her pleasure consuming him. She felt safe with him right now, and that’s what he’d wanted her to know.

  “As strange as this sound, I could stay like this, Jakob.” Her voice was soft, relaxed. “You make me feel like nothing can hurt me.” She looked up at him, and for just a second they were locked in this kind of trance. He wanted to kiss her, but he didn’t want to push anything.

  And that’s what I want you to know, Saya. Nothing will hurt you, because I’d rather slit my own throat than let you go, or let someone fuck this up … myself included.

  She’d already seen him and his aggressive bear side, but he supposed she needed to see that side of him to know who and what he was really like.

  He closed his eyes and let the shift overtake him, transforming back into his human form. After getting dressed so as not to make her uncomfortable, he went back over to her.

  “Jakob?” she said his name softly.

  “Yeah, Saya?”

  “Tell me I’m not the only one feeling … this.”

  He was silent for a second, and then exhaled. “No, you’re definitely not the only one.”

  Another moment of silence passed.

  And then, surprising the hell of out him, she leaned forward and kissed him.

  It was as if the fucking world stopped, just ended right there for him, and it was all because this female had her lips pressed to his.

  Yeah, this female was it for him, and he knew that without a damn doubt.

  Chapter Nine

  “So?” Bodhi asked, his expression hopeful and nosy as fuck.

  “So what?” Jakob responded, looking at his brother across their parents’ dining room table.

  Bodhi shoved a forkful of pie in his mouth, and when he had it swallowed and washed it down with a beer, he smiled. “So, what’s up with you and the girl? I haven’t heard anything, and you seem in a better mood.”

  Jakob leaned back in the chair and pushed his plate away. “It’s none of your business,” Jakob said but grinned, too. He was feeling good, really fucking good, in fact.

  “Bro, you had no problem before telling me about the chicks you fucked.”

  “That was a long time ago, Bodhi.”

  “Boys, watch your fucking language,” their father Diesel said, coming into the room with three beers in his hands, and a grin on his face.

  “Mom swears just as much as we do,” Bodhi said, and grabbed one of the beers from their dad.

  Jakob took the other beer just as his mom, Maggie, came in. “We should watch our mouths,” Jakob said, but he was smiling.

  “You guys act like I wasn’t just as wild as you back in the day,” Maggie said, her grin wide, the mixed drink she had in her hand filled. She sat down, looking at the three of them. “Well, don’t stop talking on my account.” She took a drink and grimaced. “Dammit, Diesel, this is the last time I let you make my drinks. You make them too strong.”

  Their father laughed and reached over to take his old lady’s hand. “Baby, you know why I like to get you liquored up.”

  “Okay, that’s enough of that,” Bodhi said, and Jakob couldn’t help laughing.

  “How do you think you two came into this world?” Diesel asked.

  “Don’t wanna hear any of that,” Bodhi said and drank half of his beer.

  All of them were laughing.

  Hell, he didn’t like hearing that his parents had sex, but it was part of life. Besides, Jakob had his fair share of fucks in this very house.

  “Hey, remember when you snuck that club whore through your bedroom window when you were seventeen?” Jakob asked and loved when Bodhi’s eyes got big as he glanced at their mom.

  “What?” Maggie all but shrieked.

  “Jakob, shut the hell up. That was a long damn time ago.”

  Jakob was full on belly laughing now. “Oh yeah, Mom. Bodhi wanted this club whore real bad. She was what, thirty or something?”

  Diesel choked on his beer as he laughed.

  “And you were only seventeen?”

  “No, I had just turned eighteen,” Bodhi said in response, but he was glaring at Jakob. “Jakob, why don’t you tell Mom and Dad about the woman you want, the one you’re chasing like a lost puppy.”

  Jakob tensed. It wasn’t that he was trying to hide anything from his parents. They were all pretty open about things … well, most things. But he’d just started getting to know Saya, and before he could tell them things were getting serious he needed to really know her. He needed to spend time with her, and make sure being with him was what she wanted. If and when that time came he’d tell everyone. Or at least that had been his plan until Bodhi opened his fucking mouth.

  “You met a girl?” His mom sounded so hopeful and excited.

  “The keyword is just met her, Mom.”

  His mom was still smiling.

  His father was looking at him.


  Diesel shrugged. “Nothing.”

  Jakob didn’t believe him. “No, just say it.”

  His father set the bottle down. “Well, I’ve never known you to actively want a female, Jakob. Your body language when Bodhi opened his mouth and told us something you clearly weren’t ready to be revealed, tells me this female isn’t like anything you’ve ever encountered.”

  His father was pretty smart when it came to … just about everything.

  There was a moment of silence before Jakob finally responded. “Yeah, she’s something special.” And she was. He just hoped she saw him in the same light, as well.


  One week later

  The window was down, the night air chilled, and Saya’s thoughts cloudy. They’d just gotten finished eating dinner and were on their way to meet her father’s club. It was a good distance away, but it was early enough, and she was anxious for Jakob to meet her other family.

  The music was low, and the wind whipped her hair around her face. Grabbing a hair tie, she twisted the strands into a messy bun and tied it up. They came to a stop at an intersection, and the tingling on the back of her neck intensified. She felt Jakob’s gaze on her, and glanced over at him. He was staring at her neck, and then slowly lifted his gaze to her face. They were stopped at a light, the redness of it shining through the windshield and making things a little unrealistic, but hazy and erotic at the same time.

  “What?” she asked softly, everything inside of her heating. Her pussy became wet at the look he gave her, and her nipples beaded up. Blood rushed below the surface of her flesh, and she wondered if he could sense her, tell she was aroused.

  Of course he can. He’s a bear shifter.

  She didn’t know much about shifters, though, didn’t know how “superior” they were to humans. But the way he inhaled deeply, the slight flare of his nostrils, and the fact he made a low growl, told Saya he knew she wanted him.

  They’d only been really seeing each other for a week, but everything felt so right with him. He’d also been a gentleman, not pressing her for sex, even though she knew he wanted it as much as she did. It wasn’t like she was blind to the erections she’d seen him sport, and she sure as hell had a feeling he could see the physical reactions he brought out in her, too.

  He cleared his throat, and the red glow from the light turned green. He was still staring at her when the car behind them blared its horn. She saw the way his jaw clenched and heard the sound of his hands tightening on the steering wheel. The car behind them honked again and again despite the fact they’d only been sitting at the light for a few seconds.


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