Alora's Choice (The Complex Book 0)

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Alora's Choice (The Complex Book 0) Page 2

by Grace White

  "Marcus, take five," the overseer barked but I ignored him. I didn't take five, he knew that. I didn't stop until my body crumpled with exhaustion. And then I either headed straight for a cold shower or splurged what was left of my meagre earnings at Uni Ice Spa.

  Just the thought of that place had me remembering the feel of her hands running over my knotted muscles. How good it had felt. I shook my head clear of her and her magical hands. She was a means to an end. Nothing more. For a second, I'd wondered if she was Human with her simple beauty and lack of distinguishing characteristics, but then she'd touched me and I'd known that she was a Meta. No way a Human could be that good with their hands. Not even with the lotions and potions and mind fuckery available at the Ice Spa.

  "Do you ever stop?" Kyan appeared in front of me eating a handful of berries.

  "Do you ever stop stuffing your face?"

  He grinned, a trickle of red juice running down his chin. "What they don't know, won't hurt them."

  "Don't let Gardener catch you. I heard he threw someone to the Intra last month for pocketing some of the harvest."

  "He's an uptight bastard." Kyan wiped his mouth and glanced back at the overseer's station. "Fancy hitting a club tonight? I really need to find me some pussy or my dick's going to fall off."

  She flashed into my mind again and I shifted to ease the throb in places I didn’t need to feel it. Shit. The girl with the ice hands had ruined me. I needed to call up Madam Dubraire and cancel my next appointment or request a different girl. I couldn’t have someone getting underneath my skin, especially not a Meta.

  “Sure, I’ll be there.” Maybe if I drank enough, I wouldn’t dream. Wouldn’t wake in a ball of sweat, clutching the thin sheets around my trembling body.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.” Kyan clapped me on the back and returned to his area, and I grabbed another two buckets.


  Looking around at the sea of writhing bodies, I’d forgotten how much I hated the Complex’s nightclubs until now. Humans and Metas blended together in a drunken sexual hot pot of debauchery, and it made me sick to my stomach. Or maybe it was jealousy that oozed through my veins. Because I knew I would never feel even an ounce of what they felt. I couldn’t. My innocence had been long stolen from me in the depths of war. When I’d finally returned to Wreston, a man, I had been unable to slip back into normal life, quickly falling into the welcoming arms of the underbelly of a planet torn to shreds by war.

  “Ease up, will you?” Kyan shouldered me. “You’re supposed to be my wingman, but you’ve scared off every chick to even look in my direction.”

  “What can I say, I’m a real charmer.” I flashed him a wry smile. “The redhead over there keeps giving you the eye. Go talk to her. I’ll hang at the bar, get drunk.” And drink away my sorry existence.

  “You sure? She has a friend, look.” He nudged me. “Real cute thing, too.”

  “Go, go.” I waved him off, heading for the bar and more beer.

  An hour later, I was still sitting in the same place, only now the room was spinning slightly. “Another,” I grumbled at the bartender. He looked Human until he turned and a long thin tail swished behind him. Sketchy fucker. At least in the war, you knew who was the enemy; here it was impossible to tell. It was the reason I kept myself to myself and, aside from Kyan, kept people at arm’s length. Well, one of the reasons.

  Truth was, there was no point in making friends or forging relationships when I knew that as soon as the breech doors opened in eighteen months, I’d be returning to Wreston to pay my dues and, when that was done, there was only one place I was going.


  But I’d made my bed, and I didn’t have a problem lying in it. In fact, I welcomed it. There was nothing left for me in this life—nothing but pain, heartache, and a bucket load of regret I no longer wanted to live with.

  Chugging down the rest of the bottle in my hand, I slammed it down and stood. My legs quivered for second, but I inhaled a sharp breath trying to center myself.

  “You okay there?” The bartender asked over the music.

  “Fine, I’m fine.” I staggered away, pushing through the crowd.

  “Watch it, Human scum,” a voice hissed and I came face to face with eyes so blue I could see my own reflection.

  “Allegra, please, don’t start something. He’s drunk,” another voice said and my head snapped over in her direction, my eyes landing on her face.

  It was Alora, the girl from the Ice Spa. I blinked, unsure if I was seeing double, they looked so similar. Long dark waves framed their faces, resting on angular shoulders, giving way to perfect curves.

  “Don’t look at her like that.” The slightly taller one snapped her fingers in front of my face and I blinked again. “Eyes on me, Human.”

  “Allegra, please,” the woman said again in a hushed tone, catching my eye. Did she recognize me? My hair was usually a dead giveaway, but under the fluorescent lights of the nightclub, I knew there was a chance it looked neon green or blue.

  The other sister snapped her mouth shut, turning her attention onto Alora, and I used the moment to my advantage, slipping away. I didn’t have time for girl-drama, or any drama for that matter. All I needed was a bottle of something strong from the Uni General Store, and my sorry excuse for a bed.


  "This food gets worse," Allegra complained. She was always complaining about something or other. The lack of refined food. The state of our living quarters. The fact that we had to work while in the Complex.

  "So, don't eat it, it's not like we need it," Allendra said, popping another reconstituted corn stick into her mouth. "I can't get enough of these things."

  "And where were you today, dear sister?" Allegra shoved her plate forward and folded her arms across her chest.

  "I was exploring. Did you know that there is a whole tunnel system underneath the dome?"

  Allegra let out a groan of disapproval. "Please tell me you weren't down there, poking around with the vermin?"

  "Clint showed me."


  "He works maintenance for the AS."

  "And is this Clint, Human or Meta? Because if he's Human, Father will not—"

  "Allegra, I am not completely stupid. He's a Salamander."

  Our elder rose from the table and moved to the door. "Well, that's something, I guess. Just stay out of trouble, Len, Father’s already breathing down my back over his baby." She shot me a derisive glare.

  I flinched at her words, wondering how he even managed to contact Allegra. Communication with the outside solar system was supposed to be forbidden, and yet Father made sure he kept tabs on us—specifically me—while we were in here.

  "Me?” I said with a hint of irritation. “I'm doing nothing wrong."

  She released a sigh. "Whatever. I have work at the Spa. I'll see you both tomorrow."

  As soon as she disappeared, Allendra let out an exasperated breath. "When did she get so uptight?"

  "She's always been..." I searched for the right word. "Difficult." That was an understatement. As the eldest Undaniosis daughter, she felt it her moral duty to ride us about anything and everything. Especially since we were here all in the name of duty.

  "So, what's going on with you? Allegra said you've become even more fascinated with the Humans of late?"

  I pressed my lips together. I wasn't fascinated with Humans plural, I was fascinated with one particular Human. And Allendra, even with her lust for adventure, wouldn't understand.

  "What else is there to do around here except watch them work? They're like little ants, scurrying around." I kept my voice indifferent.

  She laid her hand on my arm. "It's okay to be intrigued. That is, after all, the point of this great experiment, is it not? But they are mortal, sister. They were never supposed to walk in our world."

  "Do you ever..." my voice trailed off, but it was too late. My sister had heard the words.

  "Do I ever what?"

bsp; She wouldn't let it go until I asked, so, drawing a deep breath into my lungs, I finished. "Do you ever imagine what it's like to be mortal?"

  "Mortal?" The corners of her mouth lifted in a sneer. "Why on earth would I want to imagine that?"

  "It doesn't matter."

  "Alora, talk to me. What has gotten into you? Aren't you happy? Is something wrong? Did Allegra do something?"

  "No, no," I said my voice barely a whisper. "It's just..."

  I was restless.

  Lately, something felt different in me. A stirring that I couldn’t quite pinpoint. Maybe it was coming here, into the Complex, but for the first time in my long life, I felt lost. I had always considered my position, as daughter of Elemental royalty, a gift. It wasn’t something to be squandered or abused. Back in our homeland of the Seas of Sequoia, I had used it to help the less fortunate. But when Vaimm was lost to nature’s destruction, so too was the peace that had existed between Metas. Everyone was out for themselves and species I’d once called my friends, became enemies. Until the war with Humans, of course, but even then, species fought for power and control over the new planets they inhabited.

  "What? What is it, sister?" Concern shone in Allendra's eyes and I turned my arm, sliding my palm into hers.

  "It's nothing. I'm just tired of this place. I'll be fine."

  I couldn't tell her the truth. She wouldn't understand.


  When I arrived at work the following day, I didn't know what to expect. Would he show up again? Madam Dubraire told me to expect him, but did she mean today or Thursday? And after the incident at the nightclub, and my sister's inexcusable rudeness towards him, would he even want to see me again?

  He was drunk. I'd realized that the second I laid eyes on him, but something about him called to me—it had right from the first time I saw him out on the farm all those months ago.

  I was playing a dangerous game, I knew that. Father requested we come into the Complex to raise funds for his campaign to secure a new Kingdom for us on Creda, our chosen planet in the Seldova solar system. If we successfully completed the experiment, we would return to our home planet ambassadors of Ama Seldova, and three-hundred-thousand Seldova coin (S-Co) richer, which would give Father more power over the other Metas fighting for dominance on Creda.

  He didn't expect us to veer outside the realms of his goals, and he certainly didn't want us interacting with Humans. The strange feelings I had for the silver-haired guy that drank too much and requested his massages with a pinch of pain, would not be welcomed.

  In fact, they were forbidden.

  I was Elemental royalty and it was unbecoming of someone in my position to fraternise with someone below my status, let alone a lowly Human.

  "Oh, good," Madam Dubraire lifted her head from the desk she sat behind. "You're here. Get changed. Your first appointment is already here."

  I nodded dutifully and hurried to get washed and changed. Nervous anticipation coiled tightly in my stomach as I opened the door, only to sink away when I realised my first client was not Mr Denegred.

  But maybe it was for the best.


  My communication device vibrated but since I was busy, it went straight to voice messaging.

  "Your last client cancelled," Madam Dubraire’s voice filled my head. “You can finish up and then head home for the evening…” Her voice trailed off and my mind went silent. “Alora, just a moment, please.”

  I waited, wondering what was happening. When Madam Dubraire spoke again, there was a strange inflection there. “Alora, please prepare for Mr Denegred."

  I rubbed my hands down my trousers, suddenly feeling very warm. He was here. He came after all. When the door swung open and he padded into the room, I avoided making eye contact. "Hello, I'm Alora, I'll be your therapist this evening. Please get situated on the bed and I'll be right with you," I said.

  His heated stare burned holes in the back of my head, but I waited until his shuffles and grunts informed me he was in position. My gaze slid over his back and shoulders, and I envied the towel draped around his hips. Oh, for the love of the gods, you’re jealous of a towel.

  "What will it be this evening, Sir?" I kept my voice light, hoping he didn’t catch the lilt in my words.

  "Like last time, cold and hard."

  I nodded, aware that he couldn't see me, but my throat was too dry to form words. If he noticed me from the club, he’d obviously decided not to bring it up. So, I buried the seed of disappointment and set about massaging him.

  This time I focused on his arms and neck, applying equals amounts of ice and pressure. His groans of approval filled the room, drowning out the background music. I worked meticulously, kneading and rubbing. Long hard strokes followed by feather light touches. I hadn’t noticed before, too enamored with the sight of him probably, but his skin was marred with hundreds of tiny, faded scars. My fingers danced over them, exploring and feeling. I hadn’t realized what I was doing until his body tensed.

  “Stop.” His voice cut through the room, colder than any ice I could create.

  “I’m… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...” I snatched my hands away, unsure of how to proceed. He shifted on the bed, pushing off the frame and twisting his body. I had overstepped some invisible line and he was going to leave.

  Mr Denegred held the towel firm while he rolled onto his back and lay flat. “Don’t touch my face.” His eyes bore into mine and I nodded, licking my lips to try to moisten them.

  “And stop doing that,” he barked and my body jerked into action. A small puff of relief escaped my mouth as his eyes shut I couldn’t work with him watching me—looking at me like he wanted to murder me where I stood…or devour me.

  Rubbing my hands together, I drew them apart slowly, a ball of malleable ice forming. It grew as I pulled further, stretching until it was a thin sheet. I turned my palms down, pushing the ice toward his skin. He jolted, groaning in pain as it connected with his chest. With firm, measured movements, I smoothed over his pectoral muscles and up to his shoulders. I repeated this several times, and then skated my hands down his obliques, kneading my fingers against the rippled muscles. All that was left were his abs. My eyes flickered to the delicious V disappearing underneath the towel and my hands hovered tentatively over the taut skin of his stomach.

  “Colder.” His voice startled me and I complied, forming a new layer of ice between my palms, but even with the friction between me and his body, I could still feel every dip and ridge.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he ground out and my lips lifted in a small smirk at the knowledge that my touch held so much power over him.

  The alarm blared and I wiped my hands down my scrubs. “We’re all done.” I stepped back giving him some space. Mr Denegred swung his legs over the table, just as he had done before. But he didn’t move. His heated gaze swept over my form and back up, lingering on my mouth.

  “What are you?”

  “Excuse me?” I choked out.

  “You’re a Meta.” It wasn’t a question. “What kind?”

  His face screwed up as he said the word. The small action affected me more than it should. I rolled back my shoulders and said, “I am Undine.”

  “A water spirit, right?”

  I nodded, my lips pressed together. He tilted his head to one side, eyes still set firmly on my face. The seconds stretched out before us until Madam Dubraire’s voice cut through my mind. “Is everything okay, Alora?”

  “Yes, yes,” I replied watching as Mr Denegred stood, tipped his chin a fraction, and left.

  “Good, you are free to get cleaned and leave for the evening. Thank you.” I heard her voice, but didn’t really listen, too busy wondering what in the gods had just happened.


  I was in deep shit and obviously losing my fucking mind.

  I’d cancelled my appointment with Alora, but my resolve was weak, and I’d ended up there anyway. Now, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. About the way she touched me, with just
the right amount of pressure. About the look in her eyes when I’d turned over on the table. If I didn’t know better, I’d say I affected her as much as she affected me. I hadn’t been attracted to a woman in over six years, back when I’d had a brief fling with a female soldier during the war. And now, I was attracted to a Meta! A fucking water spirit, nonetheless.

  I walked out of Madam Dubraire’s knowing I couldn’t risk going back. It was a pity; nothing worked out my frustrations like an ice massage. It was just the right amount of pleasure and pain. Yet apparently, even after everything I’d done, I was still a man, and my dick wanted Alora. Getting involved with a Meta was bad news, not to mention frowned upon by Humans and Metas alike. I’d seen more than one mixed-species relationship end up badly…or worse. Just last month, a Strigoi, a vampire-type creature, mauled his Human partner to death after he caught her talking to another guy. I didn’t need—or want—that kind of drama.

  Fucking traitorous body.

  As I entered my dorm room, my communication device announced an incoming call from Kyan. I pressed the small chip underneath my skin, and his hologram appeared in front of me. “Been to work out those kinks again?” His eyebrow quirked up to match the mocking tone in his voice.

  “Fuck off,” I growled.

  “Someone’s touchy. You should get yourself over to the Uni Strip Club. I heard they’re doing extras for the right amount of S-Co.”

  “Did you want something?”

  “Did Gardener call you yet? Something about tomorrow and the delivery of more sand for the sea. He needs extra hands to help move it.”

  “I’m in.” There was always a bonus for people willing to do the dangerous work, and I needed all the extra coin I could get.


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