Dark Wish (The Starlight Gods Series Book 1)

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Dark Wish (The Starlight Gods Series Book 1) Page 8

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “Hey…headache gone?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded, slowly.

  “Besides the fact I feel like I got tackled by a bear shifter, my head feels wonderful. Thank you.” I replied, causing him to laugh, the sound so rich with affection, it made my ears crave for more.

  “I better tell the others you’re awake before they plan my execution. I really don’t want to deal with Ryder’s demon. I think we’ve had enough surprises for today. I’ll be right back.” Daniel reassured me. He gave me a gentle pat on my head before turning around, walking out of the room.

  This gave me a moment alone, to look around my new environment. It looked similar to the health centre back at the facility; same white curtains, monitors, equipment and machinery. Beside the black table at the end of my bed, the computer chair with a white lab coat neatly placed on top, and the white board against the wall, everything was the same, just in a different arrangement.

  I decided to continue taking advantage of my alone time to ponder about the revelation that I had just received before passing out. I’m a princess; a stolen princess may I remind you, of some Realm called Heila and now have four loyal star knights who will protect and serve me while we’re guided by the Starlight gods to fight this darkness and retrieve salvation for all shifters. Anything else I’m missing?

  “You being a princess also means we’re not orphans anymore.” Rose hinted.

  “Well, technically speaking, we weren’t orphans to begin with.” Hope pointed out.

  “I’m curious as to what your siblings are like.” Lily wondered.

  “If this Goddess of Destruction, Nightmare blessed us and said she would guide our path, why have we been held captive with that sinister jerk for all these cycles?” Lexi explained, anger seeping through her calm toned voice.

  I sighed, taking their comments into consideration. Now that I had family, would they even like me and Lexi had a point. Nightmare did say she would guide me, but I’ve never met her. Maybe I wasn’t to her liking and she decided to abandon me? That’s depressing; being rejected by a Goddess.

  I allowed my eyes to wander around the room, anything to distract me from my inner thoughts. The room was small, just enough to fit two beds, curtains dividing the space. In front of my bed was a black table, a stack of folders on one end, a computer on the other.

  I lifted my left hand, noticing the probe on my index finger. I had a general idea of what was considered normal vital signs from the numerous experiments I was forced to indulge in back at the facility. They always had to make sure we were ranked healthy before they tortured us with their various methods of testing.

  Oxygen saturation-100%, heart rate-103bpm, blood pressure- 86/60. Damn, my blood pressure was low! No wonder I felt dizzy and had fainted, ignoring the fact I got bombarded with the shocking truth of my birthright and have been blessed with four sexy men. Yup, no biggie.

  I noticed a small mirror on the desk on my right. I sat up slowly, knowing from experience sitting straight up after being unconscious for a while wouldn’t do me any favours, and I would likely find myself falling back into the darkness of unconsciousness, especially with how low my blood pressure was. I reached out and grabbed it, taking the chance to see the collateral damage.

  Geez, I looked horrendous. My hair was a tangled fiasco, like it just survived a tornado. My skin was paler than my norm, even for my usual colourless like complexion. My blue eyes usual vibrant glow was now dulled from exhaustion, and my lips were dry and severely cracked. Overall, I seriously looked like shit. I frowned as a sigh escaped me, allowing myself to lay back down.

  I really need a long bath…in luxurious hot water…and bubbles. I like bubbles.

  “That can be arranged once we get back if you’re not exhausted.” A voice announced.

  I turned my head to the doorway on my right to see Daniel had returned with the others, as well as the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I felt my jaw drop as my eyes descended, taking as much time to look at the glorious being before me.

  She had bountiful gold hair, curls that were full and bounced as she walked. She was six-foot tall, her green heels contributing to her glorious height. She was slim with a small chest, and a nice hourglass figure. She had brilliant emerald eyes, wearing gold rimmed glasses that sat perfectly on her long-pointed nose, complimenting her rosy pink cheeks.

  Her legs were covered in amazing Celtic markings, from her thigh to ankle, making her intentions in displaying her power and knowledge, clear. The more markings you had on your body, the stronger you were.

  Markings were like tattoos. They appeared on your body for a number of reasons. Some appeared right at birth, becoming the shifters birthmark and can reveal a shifter’s main attributes or elements. Others receive markings during their lifespan, through training or enhancing one’s abilities in both physical and mental growth.

  What in Starlight’s grace is she? Is she an angel? She must be an angel…if I’m wrong, I’ll take another first-class tick –

  “No more first-class tickets to hell! Just because someone is utterly gorgeous, doesn’t mean they’re an angel. As much as I hate your moments of stupidity, I wouldn’t wish you to rot in those endless flames due to your cluelessness on other races besides from the four you know.” Rose huffed, angrily.

  “But…what other race could she possibly be looking like a runway model that descended from Starlight heaven to grace us with her appearance?” I blurted out, followed by slamming my hand over my mouth, as I realized I said my remark out loud, again.

  The woman laughed, and even that was an amazingly beautiful sound. She approached my bed.

  “The boys gave me a brief understanding of what you are like and they warned me you had the tendency to talk out loud. I have to admit, it's adorable.” She beamed. Maybe I should pray for that death inducing headache so I can avoid this moment of embarrassment. I felt my cheeks flush as I put my head in my hands.

  “Kill me now.” I groaned.

  “Don’t be silly. I think that’s a simple coping mechanism for your brain. I only assume it can be very crowded with four different spirits. I’m impressed by your level of stability. Many succumb to their spirit’s dissimilarities, resulting in serious mental trauma and disorders. Your spirits must love you immensely to coexist with one another.” She explained as she smiled innocently.

  Thus, I’m not a crazy lunatic and wow you guys love me? Aw, you should say it more often.

  “This fairy shouldn’t sputter nonsense. I don’t care if they can read emotions. Such a hindrance.” Rose muttered, returning to her designated space in my mind with a huff.

  “Oh C’mon. The truth shall set you free.” I poked at Rose.

  “Oh, Rose doesn’t agree with you.” I exclaimed to the newcomer. Wait a minute…

  “YOU’RE A FAIRY! Like…those mythical creatures with transparent glittering wings!” I beamed, sitting straight up, which was a stupid move on my part as the blood rushed to my head, making everything spin. A pair of hands pressed against my arms, steadying me.

  “Easy there, Firefly. I swear, where does all that energy come from? You’re not in any position to be so enthusiastic.” Marcus emphasized, lowering me back down on the bed. Firefly…I like it.

  “But…she’s a fairy…a pretty one.” I complained. I wonder if Unicorn shifters exist.

  “Yes, I’m a fairy shifter. We’re extremely rare race, so you have every right to get excited. We usually have green eyes, but others can have pink.” She gestured, her finger pointing to her green eyes as an example.

  I turned my head to Elias, who was leaning against the white board. He sure loves to lean on everything…

  He noticed my stare, rolling his eyes.

  “Just because I have green eyes, doesn’t mean shit. Don’t listen to her.” He muttered. I frowned.

  “You're too grumpy to be a fairy. What fairy mopes all the time? You’re like the Grinch from that storybook during Christmas… but you’re a Grinch all cycle
on.” I uttered, side glancing to look at the floor.

  Marcus smiled, walking over to Elias and patting his shoulder lightly.

  “Our princess has appointed you as too inadequate to be a fairy! In all my cycles, I’ve never enjoyed such female company. Are all girls like this?” He inquired.

  I smiled triumphantly, feeling overjoyed. It had been so long since anyone had been so complimentary to me, and when I say anyone, I mean the Owner, that I was enjoying being complimented by these men.

  “Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but, I’m one of a kind.” I gleamed.

  The others groaned, Marcus unable to stop himself from laughing.

  “Now, I should introduce myself. My name is Karen Knightly. I’m the daughter of the headmaster of Knightwood. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Rosalina.” She bowed deeply.

  “Who’s Rosalina?” I asked, confused.

  “Ah, we didn’t get to tell her.” Daniel confessed to Karen.

  “Your real name isn’t Makoto. I honestly don’t know how you got that name. Your real birth name is Rosalina Makenzie Heart. Maybe King Aspen decided Makoto would be close to your middle name or something.” Ryder offered, allowing his hand to brush through his messy hair.

  I took a minute to contemplate the new information, frowning at the thought of changing my name. Sure, Rosalina was indeed nice, but I liked Makoto better, at least for now. I felt a hand caress my cheek, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “You don’t need to change your name if you don’t want to. We’ll call you whatever name you like. I also think it would be good to keep your Royal status on the down low here. Not everyone has good intentions when it comes to us.” Ryder insisted. I felt my body relax at his touch, soothing my anxiety instantly. He must have some type of magic that does that.

  “I think that’s enough information for one day, don’t you all agree? I best believe Makoto should get some rest. I’ve already informed the headmaster of her enrollment here at Knightwood, and Professor Oxwell will contact Heila and inform them of your successful mission. He insisted we take the slower route for insurance of secrecy, so one of our agents will head to Heila and inform Kai to tell the King and Queen.” Karen revealed, clapping her hands together.

  “Enrollment…enroll in what?” I asked, fighting a yawn.

  “Knightwood – Minato’s unrivaled Knight Academy, top ranked in all the realms. We were established to train the best of the best, morphing average qualifying shifters into elite Knights across the realms, to protect and serve. Seeing as the boys are already enrolled and it’s the middle of the semester, you might as well join them. You’d be a good attribute with your knowledge and magic skills. I personally think it’s better than staying home all day long, waiting for our messenger to return, which could take weeks.” Karen elaborated, calmly.

  “Well then…guess I’m going to school.” I concluded.

  Now this should be interesting.


  I tightened my grip around the firm pillow, its wondrous scent provoked me to snuggle closer. The pillow was heavenly, the best pillow I had ever laid my head upon in my entire existence. Even Ryder’s pillow didn’t beat this, though the smell had been just as intoxicating; the cinnamon, rose aroma I’d come to love so much.

  Back at the facility when I first arrived, I had been given my own room. I sometimes sleepwalked to Lily’s bed, my subconscious mission to wet her bed instead of my own, but eighty percent of the time I stayed in my own room. My sleep walking didn’t get worse until later, after Lily’s passing.

  Interesting how during the day I’d despise the Owner, the one who stole Lily away from me, but at night, I’d subconsciously slip into his bed craving for comfort. The bed of a murder.

  My room was simple; housing a decent sized bed which held a single pink pillow with a small light blanket that matched the black sheets. Though the bed looked inviting, it wasn’t very comfortable.

  As I got older, the experiments increased in frequency, the Owner’s sudden change in behaviour contributing to the change in protocol. I had my guesses about why he went from a genuinely nice individual to the cynical man he became; Elaine being a huge contribution to such a shift.

  When Elaine suddenly stops visiting the facility, I overheard the rumours the guards were spreading. She and the Owner became very close, but then she disappeared without a trace. A few shifters said she died or was murdered for vouching for some king in the past. I didn’t understand much of their bickering, but all I knew was Elaine wasn’t coming back. Her absence triggering the Owner’s merciless behaviour.

  Regardless of the change that occurred, my preferences diminished significantly. When you’re barely able to keep your eyes open, the floor becomes your new best friend.

  The guards gave up on providing us basic hygienic privileges. Aside from the daily shower and change of blankets once a week, we were on our own in the cleanliness department. If your attire had blood stains all over it, you better wash it yourself because no one would do it for you.

  I was privileged to have my own bathroom equipped with a toothbrush and other essentials but the other experiments weren’t so lucky.

  I’m thankful to the Starlight gods that female shifters didn’t need to deal with those things called menstrual cycles. I’d read a story that mentioned it and couldn’t help but address my curiosity with research. Let’s just say it’s a bloody subject.

  I continued to breathe deeply, enjoying each inhale.

  “You do realize that’s not a pillow, right?” Rose pointed out, her voice flowed with irritation but I sensed a hint of confusion. I rubbed my face against it, the smooth texture was warm and inviting.

  “Nonsense. This is the best pillow in all of Starlight. You just want to take it away from me. Leave me and my pillow alone.” I mumbled. I claimed it now, so it’s mine.

  I heard a deep chuckle, the vibration of sound rocking my head slightly. Hmm, that doesn’t sound like Rose.

  “I have to confess, you’re the first female to rank my chest as the best pillow in Starlight. Guess I’ll take it as a compliment. Though, I’m quite curious as to how you got into my room Mako.”

  Aw shit…

  “Told you.” Rose sighed.

  I lifted my head to see Ryder smiling down, amusement plastered all over his face. His hair was messy, but instead of being unappealing it had the opposite effect, making him look even more handsome and dangerous.

  My eyes lowered to his exposed chest, lingering on the large tribal marking located on his left shoulder. They continued their slow descent, assessing the plains of his chest; it rose and fell at a leveled pace and was smooth beneath my hand that lingered there, not a hair in sight.

  My eyes trailed lower, skimming over his tanned skin that lead to his flat stomach. When my eyes reached his well-defined abs, I came to a quick conclusion: The only way I could get such a first class viewing of his body was because I was currently plastered on top of him.

  I felt the blood rush to my face, my clouded mind clearing. WHY ME!

  I pushed myself off him before quickly jumping out of bed, scanning the dark room for the exit. I still felt disorientated, confused as to where I was, but I was one-hundred percent positive I shouldn’t have been in Ryder’s room. I had fallen asleep in the boy’s guest room, located in the basement.

  Since our class for tomorrow didn’t start till the evening, I didn’t know my sleeping placement. Plus, the boys were still antsy over me being a ten-minute drive away if I slept in the female dorms, so they insisted I sleep over tonight.

  I fell asleep the moment Marcus strapped me in with something called a seat belt and woke up briefly when Ryder carried me into the room. All I can recall is quickly washing up, throwing on whatever was on the end of the bed and slipping right into those silky black sheets.

  “Um, I’ll just go away. You saw nothing, go back to sleep. I’m merely a figment of your imagination.” I cooed, waving my hand slowly.

/>   Maybe if I pretended to sprinkle some sleep dust on him, he would think it was all a dream. I watch as he smiled, putting his hands behind his head, his biceps constricting ever so slightly, making me want to stroke my hands all over them.

  “My imagination is doing a fine job then if I get to see such perfection before me.” He replied, his voice raspy, a clear indication he just woke up.

  I shivered, wrapping my arms around my body. Why is it so cold or is his tingle inducing voice doing that?

  “If you were wearing clothes, maybe you would feel, you know, less chilly?” Rose suggested, sounding uninterested in my current dilemma.

  I panicked, glancing down to see myself wearing only a pink laced bra and matching panties. Karen had given me a spare set of clothes to change into that were more feminine, reassuring me I’d have a better selection and school uniform by tomorrow. I swear to Starlight, I put something on before I slept.

  “If you're referring to the sheet that you grabbed off the end of the bed, wrapping yourself up like a caterpillar, cocooning itself for hibernation, and face planting into the bed, then yes. You essentially put something on.” Lexi mused, enjoyment oozing off her usual mellow voice.

  I groaned, putting my head in my hands. If I could die from embarrassment, this would be the moment. First night sleeping in a house filled with boys and I’d miraculously broke into one of the rooms, snuck myself into an occupied bed, and now was on full display like an underwear model. Talk about first impressions.

  I continued to hide my face, which probably was red like a tomato as I fidgeted in place, the cold seeping from the small crack in the window on my right. The soft wind drifting by contributing to my shivering body. There’s absolutely no way I can face him now.

  I felt something warm wrap around my body, before I was pulled against something hard. My eyes snapped open, the rose, cinnamon scent surrounding me as the arms tightening. I was frozen in place as my heart began to accelerate, my emotions rattling within me. I could hear his frantic heart beat slamming against his chest, his breath caressing my neck as we stood in place. I wanted to fight myself from leaning into his embrace, but my resolve seemed to dissolve. I allowed my arms to wrap around him, returning the embrace.


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