Dark Wish (The Starlight Gods Series Book 1)

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Dark Wish (The Starlight Gods Series Book 1) Page 25

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “Only Mako can ruin a moment with human slang. I’m going to bed. Let’s go Daniel. No sleeping in the bathtub tonight.” Elias said, pulling away from our hug and tugging Daniel.

  “It wasn’t my fault. I thought I made it to my room this time.” He complained as he followed him, disappearing down the hall.

  “Don’t stay up too late, and there’s a new carton of milk in the fridge.” Ryder said softly, kissing my cheek before waving goodbye, walking towards his room, leaving me and Marcus alone. I reached out and grabbed his hand, looking up at my dragon shifter.

  “I did good, right?” I asked softly. He smiled, stepping towards me to press his forehead against mine.

  “You always do good Makoto. You’re the reason were all together. I wouldn’t want it any other way.” He replied, his eyes looking relieved.



  It was now Wednesday night and written exams were over and done with. Those bundles of paper were such a waste of trees. If they really expected those questions to be considered challenging than they were putting the be the best of the best, bar quite low.

  Earlier that day, I sat in the auditorium waiting for them to announce the start of the exam; my eyes scanned the first set of questions, and I literally laughed. Which, of course, got me a few glares from the surrounding students. Seriously, it was a joke.

  Within fifteen minutes, I was casually walking to the front desk, which I was greeted with multiple stunned expressions from all the professors but Matthew of course. He was smiling from ear to ear.

  The results of the exams were posted on a massive board, our names ranked from perfect score down to the lowest scored shifter in Knightwood. Anything lower than thirty got you a one-way ticket out of the Academy. As I searched for my name, going from lowest to highest, I frowned as Leonardo’s score came up; forty-five next to his rank colour in the form of a red dot.

  I grimaced as I continued my quest in finding my name, reaching the nineties scores with no luck. There’s no way I could score poorly on that piece of cake exam. If only I could spot my name on this ginormous board.

  Elias had come next to me, picking me up in Eli’s place since she had some type of training to attend. I complained about how I couldn’t find my name, looking up to stare at his glittering emerald eyes, the sun making them bright and shiny.

  “It hurts my heart to say this but you beat me.” He whispered, pointing at the top of the board.

  My eyes followed the direction his finger was pointing at, growing wide as my jaw dropped in shock. Top of the list in pink bold lettering, MAKOTO HEART, 100 (TOP 10).

  Elias, Ryder and EliaseAnne names followed, being second, third and forth. I continued to scroll down, Daniel ranked sixth and Marcus seventh. All of us making it into the top ten listings. I turned back to face him eagerly, jumping on my feet.

  “Do I get a prize? I DID beat you after all. Proving what I already knew, I’m smarter than you.” I questioned with a devilish smirk on my lips. I stepped closer to him, my hands sliding up his chest, locking around his neck as I beamed at him mischievously. I watched his calm expression be replaced with desire as his eyes stared down at my lips before glancing back up, locking onto mine.

  “What do you want?” He whispered, his voice low.

  “When the exams are over…if it’s possible – well, we may not be able to till I return home and get all that sorted.” I started but trailed off as I looked down to his chest, pondering about my current circumstances. His hands tightened around my waist, pressing me against him; the action bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “What do you want Mako?” He repeated.

  “Can we visit Realm Six one day, Earthala? I’m really interested in seeing humans and their weird culture. Plus, Marcus promised I could have a strawberry, double chocolate sundae with whipped cream and cherries!” I explained happily.

  “Realm Six, huh…well, you did get a perfect score. I’ll tell Ryder and the others. We can go there after exams. Marcus has a good friend down there. He can hook us up.” Elias nodded, approving of my request.

  I squealed, tightening my arms around his neck, his rich minty scent making me happier as I inhaled. He groaned, but pressed his lips against my neck.

  “I have to get approval first, don’t get all excited!” He pointed out.

  “Thank you, Elias! It’s my first time ever getting something for doing good! It makes me really happy.” I admitted, pulling my head back to stare up at him.

  At the facility, it didn’t matter if I scored well or scored the highest kills in all my training sessions. There were no rewards or special privileges given for such accomplishments. Your reward was living another day and that was enough to be grateful for. To be praised and possibly allowed a reward to visit another realm was a new and exciting feeling.

  “Anything for our smarty pants Princess.” He whispered, giving me a quick hug that lifted my body up, before dropping me.

  I had forgotten we were still outside, groups of students staring at our exchange. Elias ruffled his blonde hair before turning around, grabbing hold of my hand.

  “Let’s go tell the others of our scores. We can celebrate tonight during dinner.” He said, tugging me forward as he started walking away, heading down the road towards the path that lead home.

  We had a little celebration, the house decked out with balloons and various decorations. Leonardo wasn’t invited at Ryder’s request, seeing as his score was horrid. At least he wouldn’t be kicked out of school…yet. Matthew and Karen joined us, congratulating us on our scores.

  We had everything from ribs, rice, noodles and mixed vegetables. The desserts were my favourite, Elias taking it upon himself to create a sundae just for me. We didn’t have chocolate syrup so he replaced it with strawberry syrup, lathering the three scoops of vanilla ice cream with strawberries and nuts.

  Marcus complained to Elias how he never made any of them sundaes, trying six times to take a spoonful of mine, failing each time as I slapped his spoon away. Elias shrugged, giving the excuse that I’m the one who got the perfect score and Marcus was last in the ranking within our group.

  Now, I stood at the bottom of a tree looking for Nighty. It was late and Nightmare took the opportunity to sneak out of the house to run through the forest. I followed the little ball of white fur as she bounced from tree to tree. She was climbing higher and higher up a large oak tree.

  “Nightmare! Ugh, why are you climbing so high? I’m not coming up there to save you.” I let my hands rest on my hips as I stared up at the gigantic tree before me.

  I knew the higher she climbed, the harder it would be for her to come back down. She clearly had an issue with heights. She was barely visible, the multiple branches blocking my view of the starry night sky.

  “Nighty?” I called out. I stood there waiting for her to come back down.

  “Mew Mew.” She whimpered softly, her cries so soft it would be difficult for the average hearing shifter to pick up. I sighed, slapping my hand on my face. I knew it.

  I took a deep breathe, allowing my magic to flow through me, heading down to my feet. I tapped each foot once, before squatting down, centering my magic beneath me.

  I was thankful our magic wasn’t solely based on our spirits. Anyone with magic calibre could learn and use the power of the elements around us. It was strenuous and took cycles of practice, but once you got the mechanics of it, summoning any element was easy as using our spirits powers. Having been trained by Elaine, during her happier days, had shown its benefits now that I was older and more knowledgeable.

  “Air, grant me strength. Revoke such shackles that prevent me from flight. Support thy body as I soar through the sky.” I ordered, the magic flashing a green tone around my feet, the hidden markings on my lower half of my legs coming to life, emitting a turquoise green undertone.

  I pushed up, my legs, leaving the ground as I jumped, soaring into the air. The wind flowed beneath me as I spread
my arms out, allowing its gentle waves to push me upward. I moved my body, dodging the multiple branches blocking my path upward. I caught a glance of my furry familiar, cuddled against a branch, whimpering. I moved towards the branch, reaching out and grabbing it before calling off the magic, the wave of power dispersing around me, small sparkles falling to the ground below. Thank you, dear Starlight. I always took the opportunity to thank the gods for my ability to use nature’s elements.

  I pulled myself up on the thin branch, hoping it would hold our weight. I reached out to the bundled of fur. Her mismatched eyes peaked out before she rushed over to me, racing up my arm and perching herself on my shoulder, huddling against my neck as she whimpered softly.

  “Honestly, you always do this to yourse – EEP.” I started before a screech escaped me as the branch broke under me, my body falling. My hand automatically, pressed against Nighty protectively. Shit, Shit, Shit!

  My body crashed into something warm, stopping me from descending into oblivion. I let out the breath I was holding, opening my eyes as the smell of mint entered my nose.

  “Elias!” I shouted, looking up to a pair of emerald eyes.

  “Hello to you too Miss Adventure. You never told me you could climb trees. What you doing all the way up here? Falling to your demise as usual?” He commented and questioned.

  He was wearing a blue shirt and brown shorts, his blonde hair styled neatly to one side. The gold spectacles on his face caused me to give him a confused look.

  “Why are you wearing Daniel’s glasses?” I accused.

  “You never answered my question.” He retorted. His hand was holding the bark, emitting a lime green light, a magic circle underneath his hand. That clearly was the reason why he could hold my weight with one arm, his feet resting on the branch below, the same green magic circles beneath his feet, but bigger.

  “It’s this one’s fault.” I said, lifting my protective hand off my familiar. She poked her head out from beneath her tail, staring at Elias before jumping onto his shoulder, rubbing against him as she purred in delight. Traitor.

  “You’re just like your owner. Always getting into trouble. At least you’re not as clumsy as her.” He cooed, wrapping his arm around my waist, rotating me to press my body against his chest.

  “I’m not clumsy!” I argued.

  “Sure. Now hold on, I’m jumping off.” He ordered, letting go of the bark to wrap his other arm around me. He made sure I was secured in his embrace, my legs off the ground before he jumped off, sailing down with ease as power surged around him. The wind circled us, the branches moving out of our way as we dropped at a slower pace to the soft green grass below. He landed lightly, barely able to hear his feet touch the soft surface before he lowered me to the ground. Nighty jumped off his shoulder, circling around us in glee.

  “She wants to go again.” Elias stated, staring at my familiar’s excitement.

  “No. Enough climbing adventures for one night. Let Elias save you tomorrow.” I said with authority and annoyance.

  “Mewwwwww.” She purred, brushing herself against my leg, sitting down to stare up at me. Her mismatched blue and grey eyes doubled in size as she peered up at me, looking sad. I groaned.

  “Fine, fine. I’ll rescue you next time, but don’t make it a habit! Elias isn’t always going to show up and save us if we fall.” I pointed out, kneeling to pet her head. She continued to purr, her triple tails waving wildly. I couldn’t ignore her cuteness. I looked back up to face Elias.

  “So, why are you wearing Daniel’s glasses. Doesn’t he need those to see?” I questioned. He shrugged his shoulders, his expressing giving off the I don’t care mode.

  “He’s asleep, sitting on his stool in the kitchen. Not my fault if he can’t find his glasses.” He replied, smirking proudly. Elias doesn’t show it, but he has a mischievous side to him.

  “Let’s go home now.” He stated, reaching out for my hand. I placed mine in his, scooping Nighty as I stood up.

  “Okay!” I replied, stepping forward. We made our way back to the house, enjoying each other’s company, our hands joined together.

  “You have to be fucking kidding me! It’s OUR exam! You know that the decision is random! I didn’t expect to be matched with you guys. You’re seriously going to allow me to fail over that girl!”

  A voiced soared through the air as Elias opened the door, startling us. We glanced at one another before kicking off our shoes, heading straight to the kitchen to see what the problem was. Ryder and Leonardo were facing one another, Leo’s face red while Ryder’s face was calm, though his eyes were dark and scary looking. I noticed them flicker from purple to black; his right hand trembled noticeable. Stryker was not happy with whatever they were discussing.

  “Not THAT girl! Her name is Makoto and hell to the fucking no are we going to Realm One for this stupid practical exam. Who the fuck assigned us! Out of ten realms, we get that specific one!” Ryder shouted, pointing at Leo’s chest. I gulped at the power surging out of him, hitting all of us. He was mad. Out of my whole time here, I’d never seen him so upset.

  “Professor Sepherant assigned us! We can’t change our assigned realm! It's not my damn fault were going back to that hellhole! We’re not going to be anywhere near that secluded building in the dark, foggy forest! Dammit Ryder, why don’t you get it!” Leo yelled back.

  Leonardo had been with them during their raid of Realm One. They hadn’t given him the details; forging a story with the help of Matthew that it was a practice exercise and they needed some extra help to look out for suspicious activity above ground. Ryder explained the less he knew, the easier it would be to stay hidden as students here at Knightwood. Leo had a tendency to talk a lot and none of the boys needed their business to be spread all over the school.

  Elias’ hand tightened around me, causing me to glance at him. His body was rigid and trembling in anger. I could see his eyes glowing lightly through the gold rimmed spectacles, looking like he would shift to whatever spirit he possessed at any minute. He was the only one I hadn’t figured out yet, his spirit still a question mark.

  “She’s not agreeing to it and neither are we! We’re not going back to that realm. I don’t care if it’s for this exam!” Marcus roared, slamming his hand against the kitchen island. I could see his eyes flickering from their usual sapphire colour to a light blue colour, struggling to keep his spirit at bay.

  Daniel was sitting quietly on his stool, facing the confrontation, his usual calm, collective appearance was tensed, glaring as his hands rubbed against his dark brown pants.

  “We’re not going. I’m not risking it. We don’t even need to take this bloody exam.” Daniel snarled quietly.

  “I can’t believe what I’m hearing! Over that sleep walking, stuck up nuisance! Maybe, what they say is true, she’s fucking all four –” His yelling was cut short as a fist smashed into his face.

  I gasped as he went flying into the black sofa, knocking it over. My eyes trailed back to the culprit, Ryder’s right fist still out as he gritted his teeth, his body shaking with anger.

  “Get the fuck out Leonardo! If you can’t respect and apologize to our Mako for your rude behaviour than don’t fucking come back!” He snapped, the lights flickering on and off from the power surging through the house. Elias gently shoved me behind him, hiding my presence.

  Leo jumped up, wiping the blood off his nose as he glared at Ryder.

  “You’ll choose her over our friendship! After we’ve been friends for all these cycles versus her whom you’ve known for a month and a half! I thought you were better than that Ryder. I thought you were all better. Guess your dicks control your minds, huh.” He snapped, stomping towards the door. He abruptly stopped, turning his head over his shoulder.

  “I’m going to the exam! If you don’t show up, it's not my fault you fail. But I’ll tell Professor Sepherant you don’t want to attend. Failure to show up means permanent removal of your ranks and privileges. Good luck being homeless.” He anno
unced, walking towards the door.

  I pressed myself against Elias’ back, hoping he wouldn’t see my small frame. He passed us without a glance, grabbing his shoes and walking out the door, slamming it behind him causing the walls to vibrate. I allowed the tension to leave my shoulders as I stared at the door with a frown. It was because of me they were arguing. If I hadn’t shown up they would still be friends. It’s my fault.

  “Mako babe, it’s not your fault?” Marcus’ soft voice whispered next to me. I glanced to my side to see him facing me, his sad expression making me feel even worse.

  “We were assigned to Realm One by Professor Sepherant; I figured he hated my guts for no reason. We can’t just drop out! We might as well get it –” I explained before getting cut off.

  “NO!” They all replied in unison. I rolled my eyes, moving around Marcus and Elias to walk towards Ryder, who was standing in the same spot, his hands in his pockets.

  I pulled his right hand out gently, inspecting the red, bruised knuckles from the impact. I frowned at the sight. It had to be painful.

  I took a deep breath, summon Hope’s power. My hands lit up, the golden yellow glow wrapping around his hand, the redness slowly dimming as the bruises eased out. Once the glow dispersed, his hand was perfectly normal, returning to his white complexion. Good as new. He whispered thank you before closing his eyes for a moment.

  “Mako babe, no. We can’t afford to risk it. You’re too precious.” Ryder whispered, pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing my hand soothingly against his back.

  “Ryder. I’m precious because I’m some Princess of some far away land.” I acknowledged.

  “No. It’s more than that; you’re more than that. If something were to happen to you – ” He was unable to finish, his hands tightening around me. I could sense the pain in his voice, the fear of losing someone close to him again influencing his actions.

  “Nothing is going to happen. We’ll take the exam, pass and be on our way. By then, the agent will be back and I get to go home…together with you guys…if you want to come.” I replied, mumbling the last part. I couldn’t confirm if they would come with me. They had their own duties as Knights. Maybe they would have another mission to rescue some other lost princess.


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