The Abduction

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The Abduction Page 24

by Nichole Allen

  When Alex called her a little while later, she put on her sheer cover-up and glanced at her reflection again- she had kept the dress on because it was far too beautiful to not wear, but she decided to make it clear to Alex that they were just going out as acquaintances. When she answered the door, however, her heart skipped a beat. Alex was wearing a well-fitting charcoal suit and he was holding a large bouquet of flowers; he looked drop-dead gorgeous, and Chloe forgot all about keeping things professional. “Hi,” she said, fluttering her eyelashes coquettishly. She thanked him for the flowers, looking quickly at the note- the handwriting was very different from the one she received earlier. She closed the door behind her as she walked with Ale to his car.

  Alex had remembered his brother’s liking for the elaborate, and to one-up him before he even had the chance, Alex decided to wow Chloe with the most expensive and luxurious date he could think of. He had dipped into the Bennett trust fund and Met museum for the night- they would dine surrounded by famous artwork and then he would give her a private tour of the place. He was proud of himself for thinking that up- he would show Chloe that Dan was wrong about him, he wasn’t always boring and stiff, he could do grand gestures just as well as anyone else, if not better. As he walked Chloe to the car, he said, “You look breathtaking, truly.” Chloe smiled and said, “You don’t look so bad yourself.” He grinned at her in the moonlight and said, “I just- there’s something about you, it’s almost like you glow, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to stay away.”

  Chloe looked away and bit her lip. “What is it?” Alex asked gently. Chloe shook her head and climbed into the car. Alex followed her in and said, No really, tell me- is everything alright?” Chloe smiled and said, “OF course- I was just wondering where we’re going tonight.” Alex sat back in his seat with a smug look on his face and he said, “It’s a surprise- you’ll see.” He ran his fingers through his wavy hair, pushing them off his face and Chloe felt torn between him and Dan. She also knew that there never be anything serious between her and either of them- she was pregnant with another man’s child, for God’s sake. She kept forgetting that after nine months, the pregnancy would be over but she would have a child.

  As the car pulled to a stop, Chloe glanced out of the window and turned to Alex, confused, “The Met?” she said, “I thought we were going to dinner?” Alex smiled at her, his eyes twinkling as he helped her out of the car. “I wanted to do something for you- something special.” He led her in and she gasped as she saw the lights strung up across the ceiling and the little table in the middle of the great hall. A uniformed waiter smiled at them and ushered them to the table, where Chloe looked around wide-eyes before she sat down. “Are you serious?” She whispered to Alex, and he smiled as he said, “Would you like some wine?” Chloe sat up and shook her head, becoming quiet suddenly, “I don’t drink,” she said slowly, and Alex shook his head, “Of course- I forgot.” The waiter handed her a menu and even as Chloe read through it, she didn’t register any of the words, since her mind was still on the pregnancy and all the lies she had to constantly tell.


  The date went well; Alex was terribly nice throughout it and the food was delicious. After dinner they went exploring the museum and try as she did, Chloe just couldn’t get excited about it. She kept thinking about the wine, and she knew that Alex really didn’t care that she wasn’t drinking, but she felt horrible about lying to him about it. She was tricking him into liking her, just like she had tricked Janine into giving her the dress. Suddenly, Chloe wanted nothing more than to go home and cry her eyes out. She fought the urge, pasting a large, fake smile onto her face and acting like nothing was wrong- but it was taking an emotional toll on her. As Alex was showing her his favorite painting in the whole world, Chloe smiled and said, “It’s beautiful, Alex- but isn’t it getting a little late? I have work tomorrow.” Alex nodded, “Of course- shall we?” He offered her his arm and she took it absently, glad that the date was nearly over.

  As they were sitting in the car, and the chauffeur drove them towards Chloe’s apartment, Alex reached out and held her hand. “Are you sure you’re alright- you seem really distracted.” Chloe smiled slightly and said, “I think I’m just tired- my sleep schedule is really messed up and I’ve been a little under the weather.” Another lie- she looked out of the window and felt the tears coming. She held them back and said, “I’m sorry I haven’t been very good company this evening- the museum and the dinner, it was all so lovely.” Alex smiled and said, “It was my pleasure- and don’t worry, you’re always good company.” Chloe smiled, feeling incredibly sad but hiding it as the car pulled over outside her building. “Thank you, Alex- I know I seemed far away but I truly had a wonderful time.” Alex opened his mouth but Chloe had already the car and shut the door behind her as she walked away. He wasn’t sure if he ought to follow her, but as he saw her disappearing up the stairwell he knew she didn’t want him to come upstairs. He told the driver to drive him home.

  As soon as Chloe unlocked the door to her apartment, it was as though a dam had burst and all the tears she had been holding back started streaming down her face. Soon, she was leaning against the door, crying uncontrollably. She dragged herself to her couch, falling onto it and her dress spilled out all around her like sea-foam. She was crying desperately when a sudden pain shot through her abdomen. Surprised, she stopped crying for a second and held her stomach, groaning out loud with pain. Her first thought was to make sure she wasn’t miscarrying, but she didn’t know how to do that. She picked up the phone and called Maria, but the call went straight to voicemail. Chloe started to panic- she knew she should call an ambulance or something but she had no insurance plan.

  She tried dialing Maria again, but as it went through to voicemail once more, she started to cry again, panicking as she thought of who else she could call. She saw Dan’s number in her log, and without thinking, she called him. As it started to ring, she panicked and nearly hung up, but before she could she heard him answer, “Hello?” Choking back the tears she groggily said, “Hey Dan.” She wiped away her tears wondering what she could say to him as he worriedly asked, “Chloe- is everything alright? What happened?” Another wave of pain swept over Chloe and she bit back a groan as she said, “Dan can you come over?” She heard keys jangling on his end as he said, “Send me your location- I’ll be right there. Stay with me on the phone.”

  Chloe shook her head, crying silently as she hung up, feeling terrible for making Dan come all the way for her, especially after she had just been on a date with his brother. She considered calling him again and telling him that he didn’t need to drop by, but she knew it was too late now. The pain subsided, but she continued sitting on the couch miserably until there was a knock on the door. “Chloe?” Dan’s voice called out, and Chloe sat on the couch, not wanting to get up. She staggered slowly onto her feet and shuffled over to the door, opening it to reveal Dan standing there in his pajamas and a jacket thrown on.

  He stared at Chloe and she realized that she probably had mascara running down her face as her hair fell down her back and shoulders messily. “Sorry,” she said thickly, “I look like a mess.” Dan stared at her for a second before he smiled and said, “You look like a mermaid.” Chloe smiled too- despite everything, she felt really glad that he was there. She moved aside to let him in and said, “You actually just left and came over when I asked you to?” pointing at his pajamas. Dan nodded and said, “You sounded like you were crying, so I mean I had to- what happened?” Chloe sighed and said, “You want some coffee or something? I’m going to make myself some.” Dan blocked her path and said, “Let me make it- you look you could use some rest.” Chloe smiled gratefully- he was being so nice to her and suddenly, she was crying again. “Hey,” Dan said softly, cupping her chin while wiping away the tears with his other hand. Chloe just sobbed harder and buried her face in his chest as he held her.


  Eventually, Dan calmed her down and made her sit on
the couch as he looked around. “You know what- forget coffee, have you got anything stronger? Oh wait- just remembered that you don’t drink.” Chloe shook her head and hiccupped as she said, “There’s some whiskey in the kitchen, and I do drink actually- I’m just not drinking these days.” Dan went for the whiskey and called out, “How come?” Chloe took a deep breath as Dan returned with the bottle and looking at her, he said, “Sorry- you don’t have to tell me. But I’m going to have a drink if you don’t mind.” Chloe squared her shoulders and said, “Actually, I do want to tell you,” as she said the words she realized they were completely true- she wanted to tell Dan her terrible secret. “I’m pregnant.”

  Dan fell into the chair opposite her and stared at her open-mouthed before he slowly asked, “Are you sure- I mean, sorry but whose is it?” Chloe shrugged and felt herself come dangerously close to crying again as she said, “It was some guy I met at a bar- I slept with him one time and he was gone in the morning. It really wasn’t a big deal until this happened, and I don’t know, I haven’t told anyone. I’m scared I’ll lose my job.” Her shoulders started to shake and Dan quickly got up from his chair and moved closer to her, putting his arm around her shoulders as he said, “No, Chloe- I can’t believe you’re doing this alone. You won’t lose your job; nothing will happen. It will all be alright, I promise you.” Chloe looked up at him through her tears and said, “Really?” Dan nodded and then suddenly, without warning, Chloe kissed him.

  She was scared but she knew that this felt right- her lips on Dan’s. His hands tightened around her and then he pulled away, “Chloe- I- you’re upset and I-” but Chloe looked at him, tears clinging to her eyelashes as she said “I really want to kiss you.” Dan couldn’t resist anymore- she looked so beautiful and she was right there in his arms. He leaned in and kissed her back, softly at first but pulling her in closer as they kissed harder. She reached out and tangled her fingers in his hair while held her waist tightly. Suddenly, she pulled away and turned around, gasping, “Unzip my dress.” Dan was caught off-guard and he blinked stupidly as he stared at her back narrowing into her tiny waist. “Chloe,” he started to say, but she clicked her tongue impatiently and said, “Just so it.” He licked his lips and slowly unzipped the back of her dress.

  She stood up and turned to face him, letting the dress fall to the floor. She stood there, in a strapless bra and her panties, and she held her hand out to him. He took it, and she pulled him up so that he was standing right in front of her, unable to take his eyes off her body. He was uncomfortably aware of the activity in his pants as she put her arms around his neck and stepped closer, lightly pressing her mouth against his. Dan placed his hands on her waist and slid them to her back, slowly working his way to the clasp of her bra. He looked at her with his fingers on the clasp, and she nodded. He unhooked it and it fell to the floor, revealing her beautiful full breasts. Chloe slipped Dan’s jacket off his shoulders and pulled the t-shirt off over his head. They stood there, staring at each other- him in just his pajamas and she in only a pair of panties.

  She turned and led him by the hand to her bedroom, and he let his eyes travel from her delicate back to her large bottom and he felt his erection straining hard against the fabric of his pajamas. When they walked through the doorway, she turned to face him and immediately began to kiss him. His hands roamed across her body more freely now- they squeezed her ass, and cupped her breasts. She slid her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slipped them off, kicking them away before she lay down on her bed and spread her legs wide open. He stared at her- she was so beautiful in the soft lamplight as she lay naked before him, and he quickly pulled off his pajamas as he stepped close. She sat up and looked at his penis, slowly inching forward and holding it in her hands. She looked up at him and then lowered her mouth onto it. Dan closed his eyes and put his hands on her shoulders.

  As she began to suck on him, moving her mouth up and down his shaft, he opened his eyes again and watched her- her large breasts swung forward every time she bobbed her head, and her blonde waves hung about loosely. He swept her hair away so he could see her face better and she turned her eyes towards him as she took him deeper into her mouth. She suddenly stopped and popped it out of her mouth, sitting up on her knees and throwing her arms around his neck as she whispered in his ear, “Fuck me.” He pushed her onto the bed and she fell back with a giggle. He climbed onto the bed and straddled her as he leaned forwards and kissed her fiercely, moving down slowly to kiss her neck, her breasts, her stomach… Then he straightened up and positioned himself between her legs. She locked her fingers through his as he started to push his way into her. As he entered into her, she gasped and closed her eyes, taking him in deeper and deeper.


  The sunlight filtered in through the window as Dan woke up, finding a naked Chloe in his arms. He kissed her forehead gently and she stirred, looking at him through sleepy eyes and smiling. “Morning,” he whispered, and she yawned, “Good morning,” before her eyes flew open and she sat up. “Oh God, what time is it? Am I late for work?” He shook his head and said, “No, relax, you have an hour.” She sighed with relief and then looked at him and said, “So- now what?” Dan shrugged and said, “Well, I can think of one thing we can do.” He tossed back the covers and revealed his massive hard-on and Chloe laughed but she shook her head and said “No, I mean what should we do about all of this? The pregnancy, your brother, my job?” Dan chewed on his lip thoughtfully before he said, “Well- we should be honest with each other first.”

  Chloe looked at him and said, “I understand- I initiated this last night and you have no responsibility, trust me.” Dan shook his head quickly and said, “No- that’s not at all where I was going. I was gonna tell you that I really like you- I mean I really like you and I want to- I want to be with you, if you’ll have me.” Chloe’s mouth fell open and she said, “What about the baby? I mean, I’m keeping it.” Dan shrugged and said, “It’s your body, your baby- that’s entirely up to you, but I want to stay with you through it. Even if it doesn’t work out the way we want it to, you can rely on me to be there with you, even if it’s as a friend,” he paused and added, “I would like it to as more than friends, though.”

  Chloe started to cry again, and Dan quickly held her as he said, “Did I say something wrong?” Chloe shook her head and said, “You’re so sweet- I feel awful. I knew both you and your brother were interested in me, and I was playing you both. But I do really like you, Dan.” Dan suddenly looked embarrassed as he said, “Well- I have to tell you something as well. Alex and I, we’re really competitive, and we were treating this as a sort of game, like let’s see who gets the girl first. And it wasn’t until last night when you told me about the- the baby- that’s when I realized I didn’t care about any of it, except you.” Chloe held onto him and wept a little before she straightened up and said, “I’ll tell Stephen and Janine about the baby, but you have to tell Alex about us.” Dan nodded, and then Chloe went for a shower.

  After the two of them had breakfast and Chloe went to work, Dan headed back home where he found Alex lying on the deck by the pool. Dan squinted against the sunlight and said, “Al, there’s something I need to talk to you about.” Alex didn’t move from his pot, he didn’t even open his eyes as he said, “Where were you, little brother?” Dan licked his lips nervously and said, “I was- I was with Chloe.” Alex suddenly got up and walked away. Dan followed him quickly and said, “Alex- wait, please.” Suddenly, Alex rounded on Dan, his face an unpleasant shade of purple as he said, “That’s it- you won. Are you happy? Is that why you came here- to rub it in my face?” Dan blinked at him, and said, “Won? Won what? Alex, I have to tell you something.”

  “The bet- that’s what,” Alex yelled “The stupid bet you forced me into when I was drunk out of my mind. You get the girl and the company, happy? I’ll just wait around and watch as you sink Bennett Industries into the ground.” He started to walk away again but Dan grabbed his shoulder and whirled him ar
ound. “This isn’t about the bet, alright-” he started to say but Alex shrugged him off and continued to walk away. He reached the foot of the stairs when Dan yelled out “She’s pregnant, alright?” Alex stopped and turned- “What?” Dan nodded and ran his fingers through his hair as he said, “Chloe- she’s pregnant, and she’s really scared. That’s why she called me last night- she was in pain or something, but it turned out to be just cramps. Look, I just wanna be there for her, okay? And I really like her.”

  Alex walked back towards his brother and said, “IS she okay? Whose is it?” Dan shook his head and said, “Some random guy she met at a bar- it was a one-time thing, but now she’s stuck in this situation, and I don’t want her to be alone. I want to be there for her, and her baby.” Alex nodded and said, “That’s a really brave thing you’re doing, man- and her too, I don’t know if I could handle that.” Dan looked at his brother and clapped him on the shoulder as he said, “But there is one thing I know you can handle- the company.” Alex stared at Dan as his mouth fell open. “The company?”

  Dan nodded and said, “I know you deserve it more than me- I’ve always known that. I just hated that Dad was pitting us against each other. Look, you’ll do a great job as CEO, and you said it yourself- I would have sunk it into the ground.” Alex looked sheepish as he said, “No, I didn’t mean that-” but Dan interrupted him and said, “It’s okay- even I know it’s true.” Alex looked at his brother and then said, “I’m sorry I was such a dick- you’re a good man, Daniel.” They embraced and when they broke apart, they grinned at each other. For once, they saw each other as family and not rivals.


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