The Abduction

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The Abduction Page 31

by Nichole Allen

  “The horse is saddled and ready for you,” George said as she walked out of the main door to the front of the house.

  “Thank you, George,” she said walking towards her adorable horse, May Flower.

  She patted the horse on the mane for a minute, before she hooked her foot into the saddle and climbed onto the horse. She galloped off the ranch, taking the main road into town. The sun had come up pretty hot and so she pulled her Stetson low over her eyes, shading them from the glaring rays. Twenty minutes later, she rode into town, heading straight to the sheriff’s office so that she could report the incidence that had happened at her ranch. This time she was definitely going to have to do something about it, since she knew that there was nothing much that Sheriff Murphy would do about it.

  “Hello, Ms. Wild,” the sheriff said as she walked into his office.

  Clara had never really liked the sheriff because he had the sort of notion that a woman was not supposed to run a ranch. He was the old school type of guy who believed that ranching was a man’s job, while the woman belonged in the kitchen.

  “Sheriff,” she said, holding the brim of her hat.

  “What brings you by my office, is everything okay at the ranch?” he asked, waving her to a seat that was before his desk.

  “I got another raid last night, and several hundred cattle were stolen, Sheriff,” she said to the balding man.

  “I always tell you that running a ranch is not a woman’s place. You should get yourself a husband so that he can run it for you, Ms. Wild. I'm pretty sure that you could do much better with a man, because men are the ones that know how to handle such matters,” the sheriff said, sounding rudder than he ever had before.

  “Sheriff, I don’t mean to be rude, but that is a very obnoxious thing to say. When my grandfather left the ranch in my hands, he knew very well that I am capable of running it just as well as any other person out there. It is very chauvinistic of you to say something like that,” she said to the sheriff. “Anyway, I just came by to let you know what happened although I know that there is hardly anything that you, a man, can do about it. This is just a formality, Sheriff.”

  “I'm really sorry, Ms. Wild, I did not mean to sound so rude, but alright, I'll just take down your details and find out if there is anyone that knows anything about the animals,” his cheeks had turned red as he talked, and Clara could tell that he had not expected her to be so direct with him.

  “I'm going to prove to you and all the other men that think that women cannot run a ranch, wrong, Sheriff,” she said as he reached into his drawer for the reports folder.


  “Are you sure that we are headed in the right direction, I mean, we have been riding for hours and there is still nothing in sight,” she said to the guide that she had hired in town to lead her to where Lowry Cruise was. He was the one that was going to help her get rid of the robberies so that she could redeem her ranch.

  “Yes, he is usually camped by the river beyond the fork,” he said, pointing in the direction in which they were heading.

  “Okay, but if he is not there, I'm going back to Houston. I wouldn’t want the dark to get me this far away from home,” she said to the guide.

  “Believe me, he will be there, I have known him a long time,” the man said, and she was glad that she had made some of her ranch hands come along, since she would not have risked going this far with a total stranger.

  “Okay, if you say so,” she said, feeling a little more relaxed now.

  As soon as she had left Sheriff Murphy’s office, she had sought more information on Lowry before she had enlisted the help of the guide that claimed to know him well enough, to help her get to him. Now all that she could do was hope that the bad boy would agree to come and help with the theft that kept on happening on her spread. She knew that he would probably demand a whole lot of cash, but she could sacrifice that for the long term of the ranch.

  The guide suddenly galloped fast, away from the group, and Clara knew that they were almost there, also kicking May Flower in the sides, urging her to move faster. The horse kicked into motion, adding her speed as the rest of the group raced after the guide. Every cowboy was on their own horse, and as they rode around a clearing, they saw a white horse tethered on the river bank it was grazing, but there did not seem to be anyone in sight. It was then that Clara spotted the solitary shack right on the edge of the river, partly hidden by bushes and trees. The guide led them towards the shack, getting off his horse as they got there. On one side of the shack, there were many wild horses in an enclosed paddock. Whoever this Lowry Cruise guy was, he had to be very good with horses, because it was hard to find people that still tamed wild horses.

  “Lowry,” the guide shouted as he walked towards the entrance of the shack. “I have brought someone who would like to see you.”

  Clara just sat on her horse as she watched the guide enter the house. Before the guide came out of the shack, a movement near the water caught her eye. She turned to look at what it was, and there was a bare chested man walking out of the water. He was wearing a pair of shorts and it was as if he had been swimming. He began walking towards them and Clara found that she could not stop looking at him. He had short sandy hair and the sexiest physique that she had ever seen. One could tell that he took care of his body because he was muscular and even had a six pack. As he came closer, she realized that he had the sexiest green eyes that she had ever seen, the sort of eyes that one could not seem to tire looking into to. He stared right back at her the whole time, until Clara realized that she was actually staring back at him, turning away from him as a pink blush covered her cheeks.

  “Ah, there you are,” the guide said, walking out of the shack and stealing away everyone’s attention. “I brought someone to see you. She figures that you can help her out with something.”

  “I can already see that,” he said, never taking his eyes away from Clara.

  She was shocked at the way that her body was reacting to this man, because it was something that had never happened to her before. She felt attracted to him in the worst of ways, and as she looked at him, she realized that goose bumps had formed on her forearms.

  “How are ya, ma'am, I'm assuming that you are the one that would like to see me, basing on the fact that you are the only woman in the group,” he said, walking up to her horse.

  “Yes,” she said, not sure if she would find her tongue.

  “Excellent, why don’t you come in with me, I'm sorry that you found me half clothed. I usually take a swim when the sun’s too hot. You can call me Lowry, Lowry Cruise,” he said, extending his hand to her.

  “Clara Wild is the name,” she said, swinging off the horse as he gave her a firm handshake.

  Clara felt intoxicated as she followed him into the shack. She was still trying to understand what exactly was making her body to react the way that it was, because this was not something that happened to her. She was not the sort of women that felt this madly attracted towards men, and least of all, Lowry Cruise. She had heard of his history with women in town and beyond and she could not afford to be attracted to such a man, and probably become just another statistic in his life if she gave in to him.


  Lowry had never seen such a sexy looking woman. Even though she was dressed in pants and a suede half coat, he could tell that beneath she had one of the shapeliest bodies that he had ever laid his eyes on, and it made him wonder how she would look like without her clothes on. As he walked with her to the house, he checked her out through the corner of his eyes. She was slightly shorter than he was and of medium build. She gave him the impression that she was a strong and independent woman, the sort of woman that did the things that men did.

  “Why don’t you make yourself comfortable on the couch, while I get dressed,” he said, waving her to the couch as she looked around his small house.

  Thank you,” she said, settling onto the couch as Lowry hurried into his bedroom to get dressed, coming out a mo
ment later dressed in his cowboy outfit.

  He noted the way that her eyes widened as she turned to look at him. He could tell that she was sizing him up the way that most women did, but the only problem was that Clara Wild was not just any other woman. She was the hottest woman that he had set his eyes on and not just the other girl that he wanted to fuck and forget.

  “Would you like anything to drink, coffee, whiskey?” he asked her as she shifted around on her seat.

  “I normally don’t drink, but I think a double shot of whiskey will do,” she said to him, the sexy dimples on her cheeks not missing his eyes.

  “What makes you want to drink today if you don’t usually drink?” he said to her as he walked over to the liquor cabinet to pour them both some whiskey.

  “I don’t really know,” she said after a moment of thought. “I guess it’s because there is just so much going on in my life right now.”

  “Well, if you want to talk about it, you can always tell me about it,” he said, walking back to the couch and handing her a glass of whiskey as he sat down next to her, turning to face her. “So, tell me, what brings you to my humble abode?”

  “I need some help on my ranch and word has it that you are the best that there are out here. There have been continuous cattle rustling incidences every single week and it seems as if they are just becoming worse. I really don’t know what to do, Lowry,” she said, and he could feel the desperation in her voice.

  “I think that I can relate to what you are going through,” he said to her, her eyes brightening up with hope.

  “All you have to do is to just name your price and I will gladly write you a check right away,” she said to him, but before she could reach into her pocket for the checkbook, he shook his head.

  “I don’t work for money, ma'am, I work because I want to,” he said, taking a sip of his drink and then setting the glass onto the table before him as he studied the beauty before him.

  “I really need you to come and save me from this menace,” she said to him, her voice filled with desperation. “But there is something that I must tell you before you decide whether you want to come to the ranch.”

  “And what is that?” he couldn’t stop his eyes from roving over her cleavage that showed where the button of her blouse began, and he noted the way that she blushed deeply when she caught him.

  “I have heard a lot about you, and despite the fact that I would like you to come and help me. I need to let you know that I do not approve of the way that you treat women, you know, like sex toys,” she said as a huge grin broke out on his face.

  “Well, I don’t know what to say about that. I've had my fair share of women and seeing you here with me, I'm not proud at all. Why don’t you just go and look for someone else to get the job done for you, because I am not sure if I'll be able to hold back from seducing the prettiest woman that I've ever seen,” he said to her as he leaned back on the couch, her eyes arching to look at him as he smiled.

  “Lowry, I'm not joking here,” she had the sexiest brown eyes that he had ever seen, and they went well with her blonde locks that peeped out from under the Stetson she was wearing.

  “Alright, I was just kidding. When would you like me to come down so that we can figure out what to do?” he said to her, although he knew that the only reason that he was going was because he was madly attracted to this woman that looked like she had never been touched by a man before. Just the thought made his manhood shift around in his pants.


  Clara could not imagine the surge of emotions that had been passing through her body the past couple of days. Ever since Lowry had moved onto the ranch with her, even moving into the spare bedroom in the ranch house, she felt as if she was constantly turned on in the strangest of ways. She also felt the need to look neat and sexy, even wearing dresses and other feminine clothes more often. So far, Lowry had acted like a gentleman and the thefts on the ranch even seemed to have stopped. It was almost hard to believe that he was the same man that was known for sleeping with a different woman every single time that he was in town. Clara was scared to admit it, but she was now slowly falling in love with him, and it scared the shit out of her.

  “Is this how you spend every Sunday afternoon, sitting out in the back going through the paperwork of the ranch?” he interrupted her thoughts as he walked up behind her on the porch.

  “Yes, why, is there anything wrong with that?” she looked up to see him standing there looking more handsome than ever in brown jeans, a matching shirt and a cowhide half coat.

  “No, but I think that it is healthy to take a break away from the ranch, even if it is just for a couple of hours. I'm going out, how about you come and take a ride with me down to see how my horses are doing. We could then fish and swim in the river. I'm pretty sure that you're going to enjoy it,” he said temptingly as she considered his idea.

  It sounded fun enough, but she was scared of going out with him alone. Not that he would harm her or anything like that, she was scared of what her body might lead her to do, based on the emotions that it had been showing her the past few days.

  “Come on, there is nothing to think about here, it is just an innocent ride out of the area for a couple of hours, and we will be back before nightfall,” he said to her, closing the folder that was lying before her, and she had the feeling that Lowry was not going to take no for an answer.

  “Okay, but only because I feel like taking a ride,” she said, although she knew that all that she wanted was to be next to him the whole time.

  “Perfect, meet me down by the stables, I'm going to saddle up the horses,” the cowboy said, winking at her.

  It was probably just an innocent wink, but Clara found herself finding it absolutely sexy as she got up to go upstairs to her bedroom to change into riding attire, and also pack up something that she would change into during swimming. She was out of the bedroom and down by the stables even before Lowry had finished saddling up the horses. She couldn’t believe how her heart was thumping with excitement, probably because this felt like the first ever date of her life if she thought about it that way.

  “That was fast,” he said as Clara looked at him, for some reason unable to take her eyes off him.

  “It was just a quick change of clothes,” she said as he finished saddling the last horse.

  “Okay, I guess that we can get going now that I'm done with the saddles,” he said, handing her the saddles for May Flower.

  He held her horse for her as she climbed onto it and then he got onto his white stallion. Within a short while, they were on their way, riding through the prairie on the ranch. It was the quickest way to get to Lowry's place and Clara could remember the place vividly as if she had been there just yesterday and yet it was almost two weeks ago.

  “You seem to be one hell of a good rider,” he said to her.

  “I started riding when I was a little child. My dad taught me everything that there was to know about horses, and ranching,” she said to him.

  “And what happened to him?”

  “He died a couple of years ago, cancer,” she said to him sadly, remembering the man who had meant everything to her.

  “I'm sorry, I did not know that he passed away, but the good thing is that he raised a very strong woman here,” he said to her and she felt her heart skipping a beat.

  “Thank you, most men here think that women are just items that are meant for the kitchen.”

  “I think that men and women alike are supposed to be equal in all that they do, and anyone that thinks otherwise should stop being so chauvinistic and wise up,” he said, looking at her.

  “I'm glad that there is at least one person that does not think that I'm insane,” she said to him, genuinely glad. “You know what, I did not know that you are such a reasonable person. The impression that I first got of you was rude, stubborn and a sex maniac, at least that is what the general impression in town is.”

  “Well, like they say, don’t believe everything th
at you hear,” he said to her as they rode the rest of the way in silence.

  The day turned out to be one of the most fun filled days of her life. When they got to his place, Lowry had gotten out some fishing rods and they had gone to the stream to fish. She had never fished before and it had been extremely fun, especially when she had managed to catch a monster trout, the biggest catch of the day.

  “I think I have caught something here,” she shouted as she saw the floater of her fishing rod sinking into the water.

  “Yeah, that there has got to be one of the biggest fishes out here, judging from the way that it is tugging,” Lowry said, joining her and taking a hold of her fishing rod with her.

  His hand covered hers as they began reeling in the fish. When the cord came to an end, she and Lowry pulled the fish out of the water, the chord flying right over them as the fish landed on the bank behind them.

  “That is one hell of a fish that you caught here. In all of my years here, I have never caught such a big fish,” Lowry commented as they both dashed to get a hold of the fish so that he could remove the hook.

  When they had finally unhooked the fish and put it into a fish basket, they collapsed into a heap on each other. She was on top of Lowry and as she looked into his eyes, she realized just how close their faces were. Her eyes moved to his lips and Clara realized that she actually wanted to feel them against hers. Without realizing it, she found her lips moving towards his slowly, and before she knew it, their lips had touched. Her lips parted willingly, letting his tongue into her mouth as it began exploring her in the most pleasurable way. She felt as if she had melted as he turned her around, such that he was the one on top of her. Clara felt a searing heat burning through her body right to the very core of her pussy. She had never felt anything like this before, and she could not believe just how much she wanted this cowboy to take her virginity tight away. She wreathed beneath him, every nerve within her body alive with desire.


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