The Abduction

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The Abduction Page 66

by Nichole Allen

  Through the corners of his eyes, Cyrus watched as Olivia's hand slowly snaked its way up Jerry's thigh to his crotch. There was a huge erection in the pants, and he watched as Olivia began massaging the dick through the pants, trying to conceal her actions with her other hand unsuccessfully. Cyrus could see that Jerry was having a very hard time concentrating on the track, the expression on his face making all sorts of faces. Cyrus felt as if his dick was going to explode in his pants, and he could feel the fur on his legs and arms becoming longer as his body began to transform partially. He was glad that the parts of his body that were transforming were covered with clothing, or else he did not want to imagine the look on Jerry and Olivia's faces when they realized that he was growing fur.

  “Jerry, I'm feeling kind of hungry, isn't there somewhere where we can stop and have a bite?” Olivia asked after they had been going in relative silence for almost an hour.

  “Yes, there is a nice spot by the river not very far from here, I think the bank would be a great place for us to eat and relax for a while,” he replied.

  “Perfect, I really feel like a swim because the heat is killing me,” he said as the other’s turned to look at him, Olivia's eyes widening when they looked at the erection in his eyes.

  “Yeah, you are definitely very hot and need that dip in the cool water,” she said, reaching her hand out to his crotch and brushing her hand over his crotch.

  Cyrus held his breath and closed his mouth when he felt his fangs stretching out of his teeth. It was not a part of his rule to have sex with human beings, but at the rate that things were going, it looked very probable that he was going to share Jerry's girlfriend with him, and he wondered if she would be able to take it. He felt his shaft growing even bigger and harder as the blood shot through his veins. Olivia seemed to get excited, sitting upright with her hands on both of the men’s crotches.

  “You are both very hot, from what I can see,” she said as she rubbed both of the dicks through their pants. “And this is making me very excited indeed.”

  The scent of her pussy cream became even stronger, and Cyrus couldn’t hold it any more. He moved his hand over her thighs and the pressed it in between them, pushing his hand under her dress. Olivia did not resist, but instead parted her thighs a little wider to give him access to her heat. Cyrus felt his heart skip a beat when he touched her bare pussy lips, a finger sliding in between them to begin rubbing over her clit in circular motions. He felt his claws coming out and he began rubbing the tip over her clit.

  “Oh fuck, that feels good,” she said, parting her thighs even wider to give him better access to her cunt.

  Jerry finally brought the buggy to a stop right next to a river, and just like he had said, it was the perfect place. The bank of the river was grassy and there were several trees to provide shade for them.

  “Well, here we are, I almost thought that we would never arrive,” Jerry said, turning Olivia's head to face him as he sealed his lips onto hers.

  They kissed passionately and deeply, and Cyrus could feel the effect of the kiss as Olivia's pussy creamed up even more. Cyrus pulled his wet finger out of her pussy and brought it to his mouth, licking off her tasty juices as he stood up.

  “I hope that you carried a sheet or something,” he said as he felt the fur on his back beginning to form.

  The two lover’s kissed for a while before Jerry finally tore his lips away from Olivia's. “There should be a sheet in the food basket.”

  They all climbed off the buggy in silence and as Jerry and Olivia looked for the sheet, Cyrus tore off his clothes and dived into the river, the cool water making him feel better and reducing his need to shift. His dick had grown huge, much bigger than the normal human being manhood, and he wondered if it would fit inside Olivia's cunt. As he had touched her, he had noticed how tight she was, and it was clear that she had gone for quite some time without having a good bang. The thought excited him, but not as much as the thought that he was going to share her with her boyfriend.


  Olivia was bursting with lust. In the beginning she had only been thinking of having sex with Jerry, but after seeing just how huge Cyrus's dick was, she now wanted him too. She did not know what had come over her, since it was never in her nature to crave for cock this much, to the point where she wanted to be fucked by two men at the same time. As soon as she and Jerry had spread the sheet over the grass, she quickly peeled off her dress and dashed after Cyrus in the river. He seemed to be having a good time in the water and since she was also feeling hot and sweaty, she figured that it would not harm at all. She dived under the water, coming to a stop right before Cyrus and she was shocked at the amount of hair that he had on his chest. It was almost as if he was some sort of animal or something of the sort.

  “You are so hairy,” she managed to say as she heard Jerry diving into the water behind her.

  “And that is probably the reason why I get very hot quickly,” he said, and as she looked further down his body, she saw the huge head of his dick poking out of the water way above his waist.

  She couldn’t believe that a man could have such a huge dick, because not even on the Internet had she come across a cock half as big as the one that she was now staring at. As she was still marveling at the size of the dick in front of her, Jerry swum up behind her, putting his hands around her belly possessively. She knew that she belonged to Jerry, but just for today she was going to share him with Cyrus. She felt Jerry's other hand under the water, pushing in between her thighs. She parted her thighs a little wider, and she felt him driving a finger into her pussy, driving it all the way in. she held her breath as he hooked the finger while pulling it out, making it brush over her sensitive G spot.

  “Oh yes, Jerry, that feels very good, how did you even know where it was?” she asked, leaning her head back on Jerry shoulder.

  “What are you talking about?” she almost died when she felt him pulling his finger out of her pussy, pressing his body into hers.

  “M-my G spot, silly, not even I knew where it is,” she said to him.

  “I didn’t even know that I had touched it,” he said, and she could feel his hand getting a hold of his dick, which was pressed into her back.

  She held her breath when she felt him moving backwards, his dick pushing in between her thighs. She leaned forward, her hand going to Cyrus's dick as her fingers tried to wrap around the thickness of the dick. Her fingers could barely wrap around the whole girth of the shaft as she began jerking it up and down, her mouth moving closer to the tip as her lips wrapped around the tip of the head. She ran her tongue over the tip of the dick, getting a taste of the salty precum that had pooled at the tip of the shaft. As she sucked on the head of the dick, urging more precum to come out of the long slit on the tip, she felt the tip of Jerry's shaft slicing through her pussy and running up and down her inner pussy lips and over her clit.

  Olivia could not believe that she was actually making love in the river as she felt the dick beginning to push deeper and deeper into her cunt. She loved the way that it filled her just right, the friction giving her a pleasant feeling that she was sure she would never get used to. She moved her hips from side to side as the shaft drove in and out of her love slit. She moaned onto the dick that was now in her mouth, pleasure rippling through every nerve within her body. This was something that she had been longing for since yesterday when she first met Jerry, and she was glad that he was the one that was the first to take her. She could feel every vein of his shaft as he pounded her, his movements becoming faster and harder. She sucked on the cock harder as she was drilled harder and it was not long before she felt the heat within her folds beginning to rise to uncontrollable heights.

  “Oh fuck, Jerry, you are going to kill me with pleasure,” she said, pulling her lips off the cock head that she was sucking on and turning to look back at the way that he was shagging her as water splashed over her back.

  Under the water, Olivia felt Jerry's hand moving over her butt
cheeks and sliding into the butt crack. Jerry moved the finger lower and lower, bringing it to a stop right above her butt hole. As he began easing the tip of the finger into her butt hole, she couldn’t hold it any more. She felt herself shuddering hard, pleasure watering through the whole of her body as her cunt contracted over the dick within. Jerry's dick stiffened within her as he too exploded into an orgasm. Through the pleasure that she felt, she was not sure if it was her eyes playing tricks on her, or the pleasure clouding her mind, but it seemed as if Cyrus's body had all turned hairy and his face had turned into some sort of beast. Her fingers gripped the base of his dick as she sucked on the head, and soon she felt his dick also stiffening in her mouth, just before a hot load of cum came shooting into her mouth.


  The ride to the end of the ranch had been in silence as everyone seemed to think of how the love making had been. Cyrus wondered if the two lovers had noticed that he had actually transformed into a werewolf as they made love. He could not quite tell, but judging from the fact that they were still here with him, he assumed that they must have been in Utopia at the time that his body had shifted. He had quickly shifted back to his human form as soon as he had climaxed, the release making him feel much better.

  “Well, here is where the rustlers stole our cattle through,” Jerry finally said as Cyrus jumped off the buggy, walking around as he sniffed the area.

  “This should not be a problem again, I'm going to take care of this end of your ranch for you,” he said to Jerry, deciding that he was going to ask some of his pack mates to come and scare the rustlers that disturbed this area.

  “And how do you intend to do that?” Olivia seemed to have recovered from the pleasure that she had been given.

  “That will remain my secret, you should just worry about keeping your boyfriend happy,” he winked at her.


  See the next bonus story at the next page!

  22 of 25 Bonus Stories

  The Firefighter’s Secret

  When Angela’s parents left to go back to their retirement villa in Europe, they left something to remind her of them. It wasn’t the usual gift of a snow globe or other cute useless ornament. No, this one was living and breathing and it required maintenance. She should have taken the fur ball straight back to the shelter but she liked the way it purred and always greeted her from work.

  Her parents had made no secret about their worries. They couldn’t understand why she was single, why she lived alone, or why she appeared to be happy with her lot. She’d had her heart broken and wanted to take things slowly. She’d tried to tell them but they didn’t get it because they were so happy together; they had gone away and arrived back on her doorstep two hours later with a loudly protesting gray fluff ball.

  Angela had promptly named the kitty Lucy, after her great grandmother, and then was informed by her neighbor that Lucy was actually a boy. She had stubbornly kept the name and now joked about Lucy being short for Lucifer. He was a really pretty cat with lots of long fur and a curly tail but he was mischievous beyond reason and was now starting to really live up to his name.

  “I don’t know why I put up with you, Lucy,” Angela moaned, dropping her bag by the front door.

  Lucy ran up to her looking innocent and sweet as he purred around her legs. He didn’t do guilt. She picked him up, kissed the top of his head because it felt good and then put him on the sofa. The cat might live like a king but she lived like a servant. Her money plant was on the floor showing its roots and the vase, the one that she’d searched for weeks on-line to find just because the color matched her living room, was shattered into unfixable pieces. This wasn’t the first plant to be targeted and she had no idea why Lucy didn’t like them.

  “Damn it, Lucy, why?” She said and the cat just flicked his tail at her.

  She couldn’t be angry with him because he was just too cute. Her parents had known she would love him but did they have to choose the naughtiest feline in the shelter? He nudged his wet nose against her arm and she let him rub his scent on her. She would make a really bad parent, she thought; she was far too indulgent.

  She’d had a cat flap installed so she could get rid of his stinky kitty litter and she was glad that she lived in a relatively safe place. Most of her neighbors had pets and there was plenty of grass and trees for him to play in while she was at work. She just worried that he’d try to cross the road at the end of the lane into the heavy traffic there but so far he hadn’t shown any interest in it. She filled his food bowl and he trotted back out into the shadows beyond her house.

  Pouring a large glass of wine, she heated yesterday’s curry and then went for a shower. Her job wasn’t exactly taxing but at the end of the day she just wanted to wash it off her and feel clean. Hearing other people’s problems could leave an unseen residue on a person and it could weigh you down if you didn’t dislodge it. Two glasses of wine and some mundane TV later and she was ready for bed but she liked to check on Lucy first and the furball wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

  Pulling a hoodie over her head and slipping on her flip-flops she stepped out onto the path and whistled. He always came running when she whistled but this time he was a no-show. She grabbed the packet of treats and shook them. She was sure she could hear the little bell that sat on his collar but she couldn’t see him. She didn’t like going outside in her pajamas but she was scared her cat was in trouble so she stepped onto the damp grass and shook the treats again.

  “Lucy!” she hissed, feeling way too conspicuous for her liking.

  A high-pitched meow rang through the trees and she looked up. In what was left of the canopy of golden leaves sat a gray shape that looked very much like her cat. When his eyes reflected the lights of a car as it parked in the small car park, she groaned. Lucifer was up in the tree. The lights on the car went out and the cat became almost invisible once more. He mewed softly several times to let her know that he wasn’t happy.

  “Are you stuck? You’re kidding me,” she moaned and hoped that none of her neighbors could see her.

  Not having a ladder or superhuman climbing abilities, she tried shaking the treats for half an hour before she finally conceded that she couldn’t get the cat down. It also looked like he wasn’t able to come down by himself. After making a fool of herself in front of any neighbor that answered their door she gave up and called the fire station, knowing full well that she would get charged for a call out.

  The woman manning the switchboard told her not to worry, that these things happen, but Angela was now biting her nails and Lucy’s pitiful cries were unsettling everyone in earshot. She was informed that they would send someone when they could but the cat would probably climb down of its own accord. When she shone her flashlight up at Lucy, he didn’t look like he was making his way down. In fact, she was pretty sure he’d climbed higher since she last looked.

  “I knew you were trouble the minute I saw you, furball,” she said softly but she would forgive him if he would just climb down.


  After an hour of listening to Lucy make kitty whimpering noises, a car turned into the road and parked in the parking lot. There was a ladder strapped to the roof and pretty soon she was hopping from one foot to the other while the man got out of his car and slowly walked over to her. With the cold, her nerves, and extreme tiredness she suddenly got the urge to run, but she stood firm anyway.

  “Hi, is that the little fella?” the man asked, shining a torch into the branches.

  “Yes, his name is Lucy,” she replied.

  As the man turned to frown at her, she once again wondered why she hadn’t changed his name. The man was steeped in darkness and she could barely see him but she was pretty sure he wasn’t wearing firefighting gear. She desperately wanted her cat back but not if the man was just anyone off the street trying his luck and ready to rob her.

  “I went off duty about twenty minutes ago and said I’d drop by and see if I could help save them from bringing the truck and
waking your neighbors up,” he said.

  “Oh right, good thinking. So, can you help?” she asked, wondering if he could see her expression better than she could see his.

  “Sure, I’ll get the ladder,” he said and walked back slowly.

  Lucy had gone quiet and was now even higher in the branches. The man came back with a lightweight ladder and slid it against the tree trunk, switching on a head torch which momentarily blinded her. As he began to climb, she found she was at eye-level with a perfect jean-clad behind and she continued to stare at it as it advanced to the top of the ladder which was nowhere near her cat.

  “Oh no, the ladder isn’t long enough,” she said.

  “I can climb trees, Miss,” he replied, blinding her once again with his head torch as he looked down.

  “Oh,” she replied.

  She saw his light move around in the branches and then heard him talking softly to Lucy. He sounded so calm that she relaxed. She didn’t know many calm people; at work they were all about speed, efficiency, and numbers. The clients were people in desperate need of money and tended to resort to crying, shouting, and other highly emotional responses.

  She soon found herself staring at the jean-clad behind once more as he found his footing onto the ladder and carefully climbed back down. There was a moving, meowing bundle inside his shirt and she was so relieved that tears slid down her cheeks.

  “Lucy,” she said as the man pulled him from his shirt and handed her the fur ball. “You silly cat.”

  “He’s a friendly cat; he started purring as soon as I grabbed him but he might have left his mark on my chest. Would I be able to come in and wash the scratches before I leave?”

  “Of course,” she grinned, holding Lucy tight.


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