Devoted: A Masters and Mercenaries Novella

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Devoted: A Masters and Mercenaries Novella Page 7

by Lexi Blake

  “Yes, Sir.” It was funny how she suddenly felt energized again.

  “Did you not read the portion of your contract that stated when we’re playing you’re not allowed to masturbate unless I specifically ask you to? I seem to remember you had a name for that clause so I think you should recall it.”

  Yep. She’d called it the anti-rubbing-one-out rule. “I thought the play was over.”

  “It isn’t over until I say it’s over or you use your safe word. Now turn around and place your palms on the bench. I want your feet about shoulder width apart.”

  “What?” He was kidding, right? He didn’t look like he was kidding. He looked twelve kinds of serious.

  “Do it now, Amy. I’m planning nothing more right now than a warm-up spanking and for it to serve as a reminder, but if you say another word, it’s going to be a real punishment.”

  He wanted to spank her. She’d thought a whole lot about that spanking. She’d played at it. Role-play was something she’d always loved, and she’d run through some scenarios with past boyfriends. She’d had her ass spanked by a couple of them and she’d enjoyed it. Somehow she thought this would be different from the light, playful smacks she’d had before.

  Flynn would be serious about it.

  Without another thought, she turned and put her hands flat on the tiled bench. Her backside was totally on display.

  “You said you wanted to explore your sexuality, Amy. Is that still true?”

  She’d told him that the first night when he’d asked why she was taking the class. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Even if it means exploring it with me and me alone because for the duration of this class, if we’re involved in a sexual relationship, I want to be the only man. That’s a hard limit for me. You need to understand that.”

  She didn’t understand it. Not entirely, but she’d begun to suspect that he’d been hurt in the past. Not that everyone hadn’t on some level. She kind of thought he’d probably been cheated on. It would explain some of his reaction in the beginning. The good news was she didn’t want to see anyone but him. “I’m fine with that, Sir. I would like to explore together and see where it goes.”

  No real strings. No expectations beyond getting to know one another and having a very nice time. They could relax and know things were somewhat settled for the next month. No sitting around and wondering what was happening or if he would call. He would because they had a contract.

  “Then we should begin as we mean to go,” Flynn said. “No masturbating while we’re playing.”

  The sound rattled her. It was a loud SMACK and then pain flared across her ass. Hot and fast, he kept it up, his big palm raining fire on her skin.

  Tears pierced her eyes and she bit back a groan. The pain sank into her. Those playful taps she’d taken before had nothing on what Flynn was doing to her. She’d giggled through those but this overwhelmed her.

  After ten or twelve, he stopped, his hand still on her cheek. “That clit only gets stroked by me. I would like you to acknowledge that.”

  “Yes.” She just wanted him to touch her again. Somehow he knew exactly how to spank her. When he touched her she practically felt sparks between them. Even now her skin was hot and aching for more. It was pleasure and pain all wrapped up in something that made it more than either experience was singularly. The pleasure was heightened by the pain.

  A crack split the air. “Use your words, pet.”

  He apparently liked to hear her talk dirty. She could give him that. “My clitoris belongs to you. Only you can touch it, stroke it. Only you can make me come.”

  For as long as it lasted, they would play, and part of that play was surrendering control to him and that included her pleasure.

  It was an intoxicating idea. Every day she slogged through, having to make decision after decision. Being in charge of everything, responsible for everything, was tiring. She wouldn’t give up her job for anything in the world, but she needed this. She needed these hours when she had to worry about nothing but pleasing him. When the world narrowed down to something manageable and she knew she could focus on what brought her pleasure.

  She was fairly certain he would bring her an enormous amount of pleasure.

  He spanked her again, slower this time so she felt every single second. A hard smack would be followed by the hot feel of his hand cupping her, holding the heat to her. He struck the under curve of her ass, making her feel needy. She could feel herself softening, getting ripe and ready.

  “You’re beautiful, pet. I knew you would look lovely, but this ass is quite perfect.”

  She bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out. Now that she was here she realized how on the edge she was. She’d held it together through the accident. Not once during the police questioning or the ride to the hospital had she been anything but collected and patient.

  Flynn was sending her somewhere else. He slapped her ass with that big hand of his and she couldn’t be rational about it. The pain made her eyes water, and somehow crying made her look inward. It took her back to that moment when she’d realized the car was out of control and that no one needed her. Not really. Bridget had a family. Frankie would find his perfect lover and be happy. No one would miss her. They would install another CEO and life would go on. No one would mourn her with their whole hearts.

  She found herself hauled up, strong arms coming around her. Flynn balanced her, surrounded her. His arms wound under her breasts and held her tight, her back to his front.

  “Tell me,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I was so scared.”

  “Of course you were.” His voice was soft against her. “You could have been killed. Don’t hold it in. You don’t have to do that. Let it out. You’re safe now. Let it out.”

  Amy never let it out. That wasn’t something they did in her family. Well, Bridget had done it. Bridget had been the rebel. Amy had been the good girl, the controlled one.

  But Flynn was in control now. He wanted her to let go. He wouldn’t judge her for it.

  “I didn’t want to die.” A sob formed in the back of her throat.

  “I know, pet.”

  She shook her head. “Not because my life is so great. I didn’t want to die because no one would miss me.”

  His arms tightened again, a sweet cage. “You are so wrong, but don’t stop. Let it out. Let it all out.”

  She cried for the first time in forever. The pain had made it possible, as though it had been all right to cry over a physical ache, and then Flynn had given her permission to cry over the ache in her soul. She knew that wasn’t right. It was a leftover from her crappy childhood when her father wouldn’t tolerate normal emotions. They were a weakness and he didn’t like weakness.

  She hadn’t even cried with Frankie, who she’d loved. He wouldn’t have minded. God, she hadn’t even cried after she’d signed the divorce papers. She’d loved him but she’d always known it was futile. Like her life. Wasted and impossible and useless.

  It came at her like a tidal wave, and she found herself turned in his arms and crying against his chest. She clutched at him, needing to be so close. Somehow in the warm intimacy of the shower what had started as something sexual had become so much more intimate. No one in the world had seen her like this. Stripped and raw. No one had seen her because she’d been convinced no one could want her like this.

  Flynn’s hand moved on her hair, soothing down her back and up again. She could feel his cock hard against her belly, but he wasn’t going to use it. He wouldn’t. Not until the time was right. He would give her this tenderness, this affection she hadn’t realized she needed so very badly.

  “You’re all right, pet. You’re okay here with me.” He kissed her forehead. “I was scared, too. When you called. I was more scared than I probably should be. I don’t know what’s going on between us, but I don’t want to lose you now. Tell me you’re real.”

  She looked up at him, unsure of what he meant. She was sure she looked real to him now. There was
no way her face wasn’t puffy, her nose red. “I’m very real, Flynn.”

  Something passed over his face, some unnamed emotion, and then he leaned over and kissed her, his lips sweet on her own. “I would have missed you, Amy. I want to be the first person you call. Now tell me how you feel.”

  Lighter than before. Her chest was still hitching from leftover emotion, but she felt happier than she had in a very long time. “I’m good, Sir.”

  He turned her again and there was that monster cock, nestling against the small of her back. “Let me make you feel even better.”

  His hands slid over her breasts. There was still a hard ache in her backside she would likely feel in the morning. It didn’t stop her from wiggling against him, trying to feel him. He caught her nipples and gave them a hard tweak.

  “Stop. This is my time. I want to be the reason you fall asleep tonight and wake up happy and rested in the morning. Let me take care of you. There’ll be plenty of time for fast and hard later. Tonight you take only what I give you.”

  She sighed. He was going to be a hard-ass about this and he’d already given her so much. She couldn’t refuse him now. “Yes, Sir.”

  His left arm snaked around her chest, held her tight against him while his very clever right hand made its way down her torso. “Do you masturbate often?”

  “Apparently not anymore.”

  Her nipple got another tweak that had her yelping. “Don’t be a brat.”

  “I do it to relax. It’s the only sex I’ve had in about eighteen months. Don’t make me out to be some prude though, Flynn. I was married and then I…my job got complex.” She didn’t want to go into it with him.

  “You didn’t have sex while you were married?” The question was whispered against her ear, the heat of his mouth making everything seem so damn erotic.

  How to answer that question without going in to work? Mitch wouldn’t have talked to him about Slaten, but she knew what her family’s reputation was like. She didn’t want him to think poorly of her. Surely that could wait until later. “It was a marriage of convenience. He’s a friend of mine and he needed a wife for business purposes. It’s over now, but no, we didn’t sleep together. It was simpler that way.”

  If they stayed together for any amount of time, he would meet Frankie and then she would have to deal with those explanations, but for now she wanted to revel in Flynn. She didn’t want him in her everyday, crappy world. She wanted to hoard him like her secret stash of happiness. The minute he entered her world, he would be subject to her family’s awfulness.

  “You’re getting tense again.” He nipped at her earlobe. “I’m going to have to do something about that. You see, I’m not opposed to this little button getting pushed. I just want to be the one doing the pushing.”

  His finger slid over her clit and she sighed against him, her body arching into his touch.

  “Relax.” The words were whispered, but she knew an order when she heard one. There was a deep command in his voice even when it was quiet. “Let me take care of you.”

  The words themselves were pure seduction. Take care of her. No one took care of her. She’d been taught to take care of herself, to not trust anyone. To be reliant on someone was weakness and weakness should be ruthlessly purged.

  But that was her father’s world. She didn’t have to live in that world. Not here. Not now. This was why she’d chosen to take the class in the first place. So she could find another world. In Flynn’s world she didn’t have to be strong every minute of the day. She didn’t have to be in control. He wanted the responsibility, craved and needed it. They were giving each other something. She wasn’t simply taking.

  She let her head roll toward his neck. He was so tall. Taller than her. So often she was the tallest woman in the room, but Flynn made her feel delicate and petite. His hand moved in perfect rhythm.

  “What do you think about when you touch yourself?”

  “Lately I think about you.”

  “I want to be the only one you ever think about,” he whispered as his finger pressed down and rotated in a circle. “Let yourself go.”

  The orgasm rushed over her, hitting her hard and making her shake in his arms.

  He held her as she came down from the high. He held her as tenderly as he’d held her when she cried. After a moment, he turned her, the sweetest smile on his face.

  “Now let’s get you cleaned up and ready for dinner.”

  She looked down. His cock was still hard as a rock.

  “Should I take care of you?” Her whole body felt like a limp noodle. Happy. Sated.

  He reached out for the shampoo. Thank god the man had a full lush head of hair and looked like he knew how to take care of it. He actually had conditioner. “There’s time enough for that. Like I said. This is my time. I want to take care of you.”

  As he soaped up her hair, she realized how nice it was to be John Flynn’s sub.

  It was something she could definitely get used to.

  Chapter Four

  Flynn sat back, the arousal he felt oddly comforting. It was anticipation. It was the satisfaction he felt when he knew he’d done something really well.

  Amy was practically asleep in his arms. When he’d shown up at the hospital, she’d been a ball of nerves. Oh, she’d tried to cover it up with polite smiles and that very reasonable tone of hers, but he’d seen past it. When Amy smiled, she lit up the fucking world. He wasn’t sure who he’d been watching in that ER, but it wasn’t his sub. His sub was vibrant and alive and something had shut her down.

  Like he’d shut her down that first night.

  He’d been worried it had been the accident, that she’d been in pain. He’d quickly come to realize that this was the Amy the rest of the world got to see. This was work Amy.

  He’d managed to get her back to the Amy he’d come to know. She was smiling and making jokes about the Kung Pao chicken and cuddling up against him like he was her teddy bear while they watched TV.

  It was so worth the freaking hard-on he’d had for two hours. It was making him the slightest bit dizzy. Probably from all the blood in his dick.

  “I love it when he takes out three people with one dart,” she murmured before sighing and letting her head rest down on his shoulder.

  Once he’d dried her off and gotten some food in her, she’d become a happy little kitten.

  God, he felt fucking good. Having her cry in his arms, having her trust him, it was the ultimate high.

  Now they were sitting on his sofa and watching her favorite show with her favorite actor. He kind of wanted to punch Jared Johns in his perfect abs. He’d never realized how often the dude shed his shirt. He was supposed to be a superhero with a secret identity, but the man liked going shirtless. He’d also noticed how much each episode was devoted to his workouts.

  “You get enough to eat?” He liked the peace he found sitting beside her.

  “It was good. Yes, thank you, Sir.” She yawned. “Were you serious about me staying over tonight?”

  There was zero way he was taking her home. Not now that he had her here. Not now that he’d touched her and held her and knew how sweet she looked when she came. He was going to keep her beside him as long as he possibly could.

  Maybe then he could figure out exactly what she was doing.

  He wanted to believe her. God, he wanted to tell her everything right fucking now and get this all out in the open, but she hadn’t told him the truth. He’d asked about her job and she’d deflected. He still needed more time, but he was starting to suspect that whatever was going on with Amy, he wouldn’t give her up no matter what.

  If she was playing him, he would punish her, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t keep her.

  “I was serious. I don’t suppose I could convince you to stay home with me tomorrow?”

  She went still against him. “I’m all right.”

  “And if I just want you to stay?” If she was who she said she was, taking a sick day wasn’t a big deal. Now the CE
O of a company…that was a different story.

  “I can’t. I…I’ve used up all my sick days. I have to go in, but I would love to stay the night if it’s not a bother.”

  Not the answer he wanted. Still, he tightened his arm around her. “Not a bother. I’m perfectly happy to have you stay here. I told you how this is going to work for a while. At least until you get your car back. Unless you have a backup car.”

  She laughed. “No. Don’t be silly. I was going to rent a car.”

  “I would prefer to drive you.”


  He was either falling deeper into her web or she was getting closer to him. It didn’t matter tonight. Tonight, all that mattered was she was here.

  “So, how are you really feeling? Will told me I should give you something if your muscles start to ache.” It was the only damn reason he hadn’t attacked her in the shower. Sometimes it took a few hours for the pain to set in. He didn’t want to give her more. He could wait.

  Her hand went to his thigh as she moved slightly away from him so she could look at his face. “I feel great. I feel better than great. I am tired though. Long day. Maybe we should turn in.” She frowned. “I don’t have a toothbrush.”

  Oh, she of little faith. “I had one delivered along with the prescriptions Will called in for you if you need them. One’s for pain and the other is an anti-inflammatory.”

  “I don’t need them.” She sat back and it was the first time since the shower that she hadn’t been touching him. “Where do you want me to sleep?”

  “You can take my bedroom.” He probably wouldn’t sleep at all. He would sit out here and work. It was what he usually did at night. He would sit in his perch high above the city and work until it was almost dawn. “The bed is very comfortable.”

  “But you won’t be in it.”

  This was the moment he’d been waiting for, kind of dreading and desperately anticipating all at the same time. “Not if I think I could hurt you.”

  She huffed a little and stood up. “I’ll be back.”

  He reached out and gripped her wrist. “Where do you think you’re going?”


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