Cave of Terror

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Cave of Terror Page 25

by Amber Dawn Bell

  "Why don't you try it and find out? You'll have to kill me first before I allow you to lay a hand on him again.” My breath came out in angry puffs. A haze of red floated in front of my vision. My heart beat hard against my ribs.

  He gestured to the two who had restrained me earlier. My gums burned and itched, but this time I didn't even try to control the change. I allowed my fangs to extend and hissed a warning at the two approaching Liliacs.

  "Stay away from me or I'll rip your heads off."

  They stopped in their tracks and sized me up, then looked to Constantine for guidance.

  He threw his hand in the air and yelled, “Get her off him now, you idiots. Don't tell me you're scared of a little vampire.” He narrowed his eyes.

  They rushed me, pulling me off of Ryan.

  "Now, that's better. I can finish what I started.” He glanced back at me and smiled, revealing red tinged fangs—Ryan's blood.

  I sucked in a breath and struggled against my captors. “Don't you touch him, you bastard."

  Constantine knelt next to Ryan and tore off the remaining portion of his shredded shirt. He raised a sharp pointed fingernail and cut his eyes toward me, making sure I watched his every move. He slid his nail down Ryan's chest, slicing into his skin. Blood pooled around the newly opened wound and trickled down Ryan's sides. He moaned, but was too weak to do anything else.

  "Stop!” I twisted and turned, kicking out toward my restraints.

  "Why should I stop, Cheyenne? Didn't he betray you? Don't you want him punished?” The hopeful expression spreading across his features made me sick. “Or could it be that you care for the young fool?"

  I stopped struggling and stared at Constantine.

  His face soured as he studied my reaction to his dig. “Well, well. I do believe you care for him more than you're even willing to admit.” He pushed the point of his nail straight down above Ryan's heart, leaving a small hole. Ryan moaned again. When he lifted his finger, blood filled the gouge. “Go ahead, Cheyenne, admit your feelings. We won't tell.” He raised his finger again to dig another hole.

  I sobbed as tears streamed down my face. “Yes! I love him. Is that what you want to hear? Does that make you happy?"

  Constantine stood and sauntered over to me. He lifted my chin with his bloodied index finger and stared into my eyes. Anger and ... maybe sadness ... flickered across his face. “Does it make me happy that you love another? No!” His eyes locked with mine. “But, it does make things simpler for me."

  I jerked my chin away from his vile touch. “What do you mean by that?"

  "It means I now have something with which to bargain. You really are naïve. Tsk. Tsk. You handed me what I desired on a silver platter. How cliché."

  "You make no sense.” I scowled.

  "Then let me spell it out. You agree to come to me willingly and accept me as your lifemate or ... “—he flicked his finger in Ryan's direction—"he dies."

  My mouth dropped open before I could catch myself. “You want me to trade my life for his?"

  "Don't be so dramatic.” He rolled his eyes and twirled his hand in the air, the scent of Ryan's blood fresh upon his hand.

  I glanced toward Ryan. He attempted to lift himself into a sitting position, but fell back down onto the floor, too weak to do much else. I grimaced.

  Constantine followed the path of my gaze and strolled back over to Ryan. He stretched out next to him, not caring that he lay in congealing blood. He traced a circle on top of the area where Ryan's heart rested, barely beating. “What's your choice, Cheyenne? You have the power to save him. The fool's life is in your hands. Or should I carve his heart out of his chest and eat it while it still beats in my hand?"

  I stared at him aghast. Was I part of some freaky reality show? Eat a beating heart? It was like some B movie on the SciFi channel—creepy and surreal. I shook my head, hoping to clear the fuzzies that had covered my reality like a wad of lint.

  "I'm losing my patience, Cheyenne. Make ... your ... choice. Besides, I won't have to kill him if you wait much longer. He'll bleed out. Look at him.” He waved his hand above Ryan's body. “He needs blood. All you have to do is say the word. You can save him."

  Left without a choice, I had to save Ryan's life. I'd have to figure out a way to get out of the bargain later. “If I agree, you'll let him live and allow me to give him the needed blood?"

  He hesitated, glancing between me and Ryan. He didn't look happy with the choice, but said, “Yes."

  I searched my mind, trying to find some other way to save Ryan's life.

  Constantine pressed his fingernail into Ryan's chest.

  "Okay. Stop, please. I accept. I'll ... do it,” I murmured.

  "You'll do what, Cheyenne?” A grin spread across his coldly handsome features.

  Ryan lifted his head and said in a whisper, “Cheyenne, don't do it. You must save yourself."

  Constantine forced Ryan's head back down and sliced through Ryan's arm, a ribbon of blood forming along its path. “Why don't you just mind your own business?” he hissed.

  "Stop! I said I'd do it."

  "Do what, Cheyenne? Say it. I dare you."

  "I'll be your stupid lifemate or whatever it is.” I glared at him with all the hate I had in my heart.

  "Now, was that so hard?” He motioned to the two Liliacs holding me. “Release her."

  I pulled out of their grasp and ran to Ryan's side.

  Constantine sat up and watched as I knelt next to Ryan, opposite him.

  Ryan opened his crystal blue eyes. “Don't do this."

  "How sweet. But alas, it's too late. The deal is done,” Constantine stated.

  "Ryan, you need blood. You've lost too much. Tell me what to do,” I pleaded.

  "Tsk. Tsk. See what all that domestication has done for your ... clice? How sad that a Vanator doesn't know how to feed. Once you get used to our ways, you will gain so much more pleasure from feeding.” He smiled, a wicked gleam glittering in his eyes, then proceeded to lick the blood from his fingers. “A bit nouveau, but not bad."

  "You're sick."

  How could such a gorgeous guy be so disgusting and so ... evil? What happened in his life to make him like this? It was hard to believe our clice once lived like the Liliacs. I shuddered at the thought.

  I lifted Ryan's head and cradled it in my lap. Not knowing what else to do, I offered my wrist, placing it against his lips like I had seen in the movies.

  Ryan turned his head, refusing to cooperate.

  "Well, if he doesn't want to drink from you, then I guess that's his choice.” Constantine chuckled to himself and leaned back on his elbows.

  "Ryan, you must drink. You can't heal on your own. You're injuries are severe enough you'll die,” I pleaded. Desperation laced my voice. “What's wrong with you? Just do it.” I pressed my wrist to his mouth once more. Again he refused. “Why won't you save yourself?"

  "Because he knows he will be forever tortured with your memories and experiences once he takes your life force into his body. And once he has a taste of your essence, he'll forever crave it ... as I now crave it.” Desire glazed his eyes. “He would rather die. Weak fool.” Constantine spat next to Ryan, barely missing him.

  Crave? An idea popped into my head. I extended my fangs, then bit into my wrist. Blood filled the holes left from my teeth and flowed onto my skin. I held my arm over Ryan's mouth, allowing blood to drip onto his lips.

  His tongue snaked out and lapped the fluid. His eyes widened and he grasped my wrist, bringing it to his warm lips. As he drank, I felt the energy flow back into his body. A warm electrical field surrounded us, crackling and popping. He'd be okay.

  "Enough!” Constantine bellowed. His eyes glowed yellow and his face colored red.

  I furrowed my brows as I studied him, trying to figure out what had him in such a pissy mood when he now had everything he claimed to want. Jealousy? How gay! He just wanted me for my blood and the lifemate thing. He didn't really care for me. Or did he? The haun
ted look in his eyes seemed to betray his true feelings. No way could a Liliac be capable of love.

  Constantine stood and snapped his fingers. Two beautiful Liliac females appeared within a shimmering mist. One had long blonde hair that reached her lower back, porcelain fair skin, and stark blue eyes. The other was the polar opposite in coloring—black hair, olive skin, and chocolate brown eyes.

  "Prepare her,” Constantine ordered the two women.

  "Yes, my lord,” they answered in unison.

  My lord? What was that about? They moved toward me as if they glided across the cave floor, not walked. Their wispy black gowns floated on their curvy forms. Mesmerized by their ethereal presence, I had all but forgotten about their intentions.

  As one cool hand grasped my upper arm, I jolted. “Don't touch me. I'm not going anywhere."

  "Mmmm. I think you will. Remember our bargain?” He turned his head toward Ryan.

  The two behemoth guards bent over Ryan, forcing him to rise to a standing position.

  "Hey! Where are you taking him? We had a deal. Let him go!” Fury swelled in my chest and shot through my body.

  "Oh, Cheyenne, my little naïve vampire. I said I'd allow him to live. I never said I'd release him. He'd be a danger to us from here on out. Freeing him is not an option. Besides, don't you want your lover boy to be near? Kind of like a special ... pet. Maybe I'll allow you to visit him in his cage every now and then."

  Unable to control the reactions of my body any longer and not sure I even wanted to, my bones began to creak and snap. I cried out as my muscles burned and twisted. Claws sprang from the tips of my fingers. My fangs elongated. Slick, black fur covered every inch of skin. I hunched on the ground as my body finished its transition, my clothes ripping and shredding with the change of form.

  Power surged within me, giving me a freedom I had never quite experienced before. I licked my lips, staring straight into the eyes of my intended prey. A blood curdling scream burst from my lungs.

  Startled, Constantine moved back a few steps. I'd have laughed if I had the ability. Slowly, I stalked closer, enjoying the fear skittering across his face.

  What to do? Rip his throat out or maim him until he bleeds out?

  Horrified, I stopped my approach and sat back on my haunches. Where had those thoughts come from?

  Constantine took advantage of my shock and gathered his wits. “Cheyenne! Stop your nonsense. That is if you want your lover to remain healthy,” he sneered.

  I twisted my neck around to glance at Ryan. A sharp blade poised above his throat glistened in the candlelight. Another shrill scream emerged from my mouth.

  "Ah. Ah. Ah. I know what you're thinking—that I'd break the bargain. Not so. He will remain alive. I'll make sure of it. Tsk. Tsk. Have you forgotten that vampires heal abnormally fast? I don't have to kill him. I can injure him over and over. And as you've found out, we still feel pain. Is that what you want for your precious Ryan?"

  Vibrations of anger rocked me. One swipe of my claws and I could take him down, then rip the smug smile right off his face. I glanced at Ryan again. The blade now pressed into his neck, and a fresh stream of blood oozed from the wound. Growling low in my throat, I fixed my stare back on Constantine.

  "Ah. I see you understand. Good. Let's be done with this foolishness."

  All the fight in me left and I morphed back into my human form. My clothes had all but been ripped apart, so I huddled on the ground, covering as much of my exposed flesh as I could.

  Constantine flicked his wrist toward the two guards. “Take him and see that he's cleaned up. He has a ceremony to attend."

  "Ceremony?” I croaked, my voice raw and strained.

  He unbuttoned his silky black shirt, sauntered over to me, and draped it over my shoulders. “Why, yes, little Vanator, our lifemate bonding ceremony. Don't tell me you've already forgotten? Now off with you. I expect you will act the part of the good little vampire, Right?"

  Unsure of what blew me away the most—his kindness in covering my scantily clad body or his six pack abs and rock hard pecs—I could only stare with my mouth wide open like the gawking teenager I apparently was.

  Why did he care about my modesty anyway? Unless he didn't want any of the other Liliacs to see my so called charms. Not that I had any charms to speak of. And where did he get that body?

  Careful to make sure I held the shirt together with my hands, I stood, his scent wafting into my senses—almonds and fresh earth, a disturbingly comforting blend of smells. Comforting? What was wrong with me?

  The two women approached once more. I moved away from their grasp, but I didn't fight them, knowing Constantine would gain pleasure from inflicting pain upon Ryan at the least provocation. The blonde one led the way while I followed, the other trailing shortly behind.

  "Where are we going?” I asked.

  Neither of the women answered.

  We walked to the Lake of the Moon room. A soft golden glow from the many candles lining the walls of the cave reflected light off the clear water.

  I had thought the room served as a safe haven from the Liliacs. Apparently, my instincts had failed on that account.

  The blonde woman said, “I am Celestina."

  "And I am Stefania,” the black haired one chimed in. “We will be serving you from now on."

  They both bowed.

  "Serve me?"

  "Yes, as the lifemate of our Lord Constantine, we now belong to you,” said Celestina.

  "Nice to meet you.” What else was I supposed to say? “What's with the whole ‘lord’ thing?"

  Stefania looked at me with a puzzled expression etched on her face. “He is the leader of our clice."

  "Oh, right,” I murmured more to myself than anything. “I thought that this room was off limits to the Liliacs ... at least that's what my instincts seemed to tell me."

  "Only to the males of our clice.” Celestina brushed a lock of her long hair from her face and lowered her voice. “The high concentration of minerals found in this one area makes them impotent."

  "Oh, nasty! Like I wanted to know that."

  "Our Lord Constantine did not wish for any other male to see you dress, so he had us make use of the room,” Stefania said.

  Celestina! Stefania! Do you need some time with Dracul? Keep to your task! Constantine's voice rang throughout the open room.

  Both women visibly shook, their eyes wide with fear. Constantine's threat obviously hit home. Who was Dracul? No one I ever wanted to meet based on their reactions.

  "What task is he referring to?"

  "Getting you prepared for the ceremony. There is much to do.” Celestina rushed around the cavern's make-shift dressing room.

  Stefania gestured for me to take a seat on the man-made ledge nearest the shallow pool of water. She pulled out an object from her black cloth bag that looked similar to a brush and began working my hair into some sort of bizarre arrangement. Without a mirror, I couldn't tell what it looked like. It didn't feel like any hairdo I'd ever had. And my mom used to do my hair all kinds of interesting ways for my gymnastics meets.

  Once she finished, Celestina laid out my special outfit. The white airy material appeared to be made of a fabric similar to my clice's ceremonial robes, except it seemed even more delicate and embroidered with gold thread. As I looked closer, I noticed shiny crystals that had somehow been woven into the material. They were part of the outfit, not just a mere adornment. It was breathtaking.

  Celestina and Stefania began to remove my shredded t-shirt and jeans. I backed up, putting my hands in front of me. “I can do it myself."

  I turned my back and peeled off the remnants of my t-shirt. Thank goodness my bra remained in decent enough shape. No way was I taking that off. Not in front of these two Liliacs or anyone else for that matter. I grabbed the dress and slipped it over my head. The cool fabric settled on my body. It seemed to be made just for me. The bell shaped sleeves were loose and flowing, much like the pictures I had seen of medieval clothing. T
he bodice was fitted, but not too snug. At hip level, it flared out into a billowy loose train that trailed behind me.

  Since I still had my ripped jeans on, I reached up underneath, unbuttoned them and slid them off. I had on my boy-cut rainbow-striped undies, but I wasn't taking them off. Too bad, they'd have to show through.

  Stefania lifted a long piece made of a sheer material and draped it over the top of my head, allowing it to come forward and settle over my shoulders and flow down my sides. It reminded me of a wedding veil.

  I gasped and choked on my own spit, throwing myself into a coughing fit. A wedding veil? Was this lifemate ceremony thingie like a wedding? Before I had much of a chance to think about it further, Stefania placed a crystal headpiece over the veil, anchoring it to my head. The crystal dangles tickled the sides of my cheeks and my forehead with every movement I made. I reached my hand up and explored the intricate piece.

  Is she ready? Constantine bellowed.

  Both women jumped. “Yes, my Lord,” they answered.

  Then bring her. We're ready.

  Stefania and Celestina escorted me back to the Crap Room which had been transformed for the ceremony. More candles were added and placed in a circular pattern. Sheer black robes with hoods now covered everyone present. Their clice symbol was embroidered on the backs just like ours. I squinted and tried to make out the design. After glancing at it for a time, I realized it resembled a bat. Figures.

  Constantine approached and held out his hand. I hesitantly placed mine in his, unsure of where Ryan stood among the hooded figures. As Constantine led me toward the lighted circle, the crowd parted and let us through. That's when I noticed Ryan. He wore the robe of the clice, but his hood remained off. His hands were secured above his head. He appeared to be much stronger, but his eyes had a haunted distance as if he had withdrawn into himself.

  "As part of the ceremony, I've prepared a special gift for you.” Constantine was giddy with excitement. “Bring her out."

  Her? Please, God, don't let it be Mandy. I could see Constantine forcing her to attend this ridiculous ceremony.

  Several large Liliacs dragged a female dressed in a shimmering red robe similar to the black one the others wore into the area. Her hood fell back and blonde hair spilled out. A piece of pink duct tape covered her mouth. As her head lifted and she met my gaze, recognition burned into me.


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